EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, SEPT. 21 1925 PAGE TWO Eastern Clackamas News w: O ttered a t the postoffice in Estacada. Oregon, as second-class mail. £.fy!l9) >.V; Published every Thursday at Estacada. Oregon by the m -i E TACADA PUBLISHING COMPANY, or A CORPORATION. S ubscription R ates One year m i* S'x months FIRST M TV TO OBEYING THE LAWS. Obedience to the Constitution an laws of the country are the first dut of an American, says George B. Lock wood, editorially In the National R t public, quoting Stephen A. Douglas to t'.a t effect. Mr. Lockwood continues We hear more about the duty of of f . i a l s to enforce the law th an of the duty of the citizen to observe the law If law breaking w ere confined to those recognized as lawless, the ne e-sslty of stressing the Im portance of law observance would not be so g reat P u t what more th an all else weakens the cause of law enforcem ent Is the disposition of literally millions A m ericans to disregard those laws th ey consider unjust or unwise. Disbelief in law is not unusual among those who disregard law. The b urg lar and the m u r d e re r often be lieve themselves justified; the one ar gulng th a t he Is only taking a direct method of effecting th a t which many others accomplish by Indirection, and the other th a t he h as th e rig h t to avenge a wrong. Disbelief in a given law fu rnishes no justification for breaking It The fabric of law, which protects the citi zen In his rig h t to life, liberty and the p ursu it of happiness, cannot be torn In one spot without affecting the firm ness of the whole m an tle of defense of individual rights. To leave to every Individual the right to determ ine what laws he shall and w hat he shall no* respect and obey would be to destroy all law. No citizen who d isreg ard s and de fles any law has m orally the rig h t to complain because other citizens dlsre gard o th er laws, even laws necessary to his own protection. T h ere m u st be respect for law because it Is law. Every in fraction of law, by whom soever committed, is a blow at the foundation of all law and order. If the example of law lessness is given by the sub stan tial citizen of resp ect­ able reputation, it Is an invitation to disorderly elements, with less at stake in the preservation of law and order to im itate that example. In a republic like ours the law rep resen ts the will of the people In action. If It does not rep resen t the preponderance of public opinion, the m eans of repeal a re provided under j w r system of government. The genuinedly and intelligent pa trlotlc citizens of this republic will not be found crying out ag ain st the laws of the land or engaged In break ing them, either privately or publicly. The late President H arriso n refused to follow a companion In his home city of Indianapolis who walked over a g ra s s plot as a short cut to the street He knew th at one crossing of that bit of g ras s would not h a rm it. He knew, however, th at If o th ers did the ■ante, a place of beauty would become nn eye-sore, his deep-seated sense of Justice, and his habit of m easuring the re s u lts of his own actions It Imitated by others, prevented him from doing even so sm all an anti-social act. He was concerned with the principle In­ volved in such action. The nation is the sum of th e units which go to make It up. It is upon the behavior and the thin kin g of the Individual th at the stability and qua! Ity of government depends. Keep In mind your own responsibility. If every w ell-intentioned citizen of the republic did this, good government would be a much more easily attained objective. M m T H E E S T A C A D A HO TEL Dinner in our large, well ventilated dining room. Atmosphere about right and well cooked meals, properly served. Where everybody wears a smile, where you feel the welcome awaiting you—and the price of the meal is reasonable— does this not make you realize that Esta­ cada needs just such a home hotel as On VETCH You can save m oney by giving y ou r o r d e r fo r V E T C H now. Wa have order» for several tons and by ordering we know juet what to buy and can Sell for Less 60-1 BARTHOLOM EW and LAWRENCE PKon« 601 E ita c a d a , Or«. 2-Door Sedan JERSEY MILK AND CREAM GEORGE LAW RENCE & SON. Phone No. 37-3 The only milk sold in Estacada from Federal accredited Tuberculin free cows. ac $ 1 4 - 2 . 5 here Almost UnbelievectbU «absolutely, this low price am­ azes you! But all BUICK prices are low--so extremely low as to make BUICK the outstanding motor car "buy’* on the Row. THE ESTACADA MEAT CO. H. C. GOHRING Prop. CASCADE M OTOR CO. 1926 Improvements Latest Fisher Bodies. Approved 4-Wheel Brakes, Duotonc Du* co Colors, Gas and Oil Filters. 75 Horse Power. Motor, A*f Cleaner. - WILCOX BROS. Estacada, Oregon ☆ Beef, Mutton, Veal and Hogs Bought ☆ Open from 7 a, m. to 6 p. m. Saturdays, open to 8 p. jn Estacada : : Oregon LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORI». No. 3389, fa r Economical Transportation 1 / CHEVROLET Chassis Only f. o. b. Film, Mich. C hevrolet introduces a new o n e -to n truck, b u ilt according to th e fu n d a m e n tal policy o f this com ­ pany to provide “Q u ality at Low C o at”. The new postoffice building in expected to be ready the fiist. You Can Save Buick T H E E ST A C A D A H O TEL T h e C hevrolet chassis m ay be fitted w ith a w ide variety o f bodies, Suitable tor anv indus­ tr y , i n c l u d i n g s u c h sty les o f bodies as P anel Delivery, Stake, O pen Express, C anopv Ex­ es, Bus, D um p and T ank. Large 30* x 5* fires on front wheels only *33 extra. Sec us t o d a y re­ garding a style o f truck to fit your particular needs. It has a fine appearan ce a n d is specially designed an d constructed for com m ercial service. Its deep 6-inch ch an n el steel fram e, h u n g low to th e ground o n long sem i-elliptic springs, allows th e platform s to be placed at the right height for easy loading a n d unloading. T h e pow erful C h evrolet m o to r is fam ous for its abil­ ity to stand u p u n d e r heavy service. It has well balanced cranksh aft th o ro u g h ly lubricated, stan d ard 3-speed transm ission, fully enclosed d ry-plate disc clutch, extra heavy rear axle w ith large spiral bevel driving gears a n d rigid one-piece pressed steel h o u s­ ing, heavy truck-type w heels an d large tires, full ru n n in g hoards and fenders, R em v generator, starter and distributor ignition, and o th er quality features. T his truck is no t only w ell ad apted to city w ork but also for use In hilly co u n try an d over difficult roads. For lighter toads th ere is a C hevrolet com m ercia' ton chastia possessing th e sam e q uality feature.-, price $423 f. o. b. Flint, M ichigan. Cascade Motor Co. Wilcox Bros., Estacada, Oregon DUALITY AT LOW CO®'** 1926, MRS. DORA HIRTBJ, Administratrix. W, 8MITH, In the County Court of the State of • W. Attorney for Administratrix. Oregon for the County of Clackamas. In the Matter of the Estate of Van Farm Reminders. Woodard, Deceased, Notice Is hereby glveh that the un­ dersigned has been appointed by the Three conditions are necessary for ! County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, admin­ successful wintering of bees in any lo­ is tra trix of the estate of Van Woodard, cality, says H, A. Scullen Of the ex­ deceased and has qualified. All per- periment station. The first Is that j eons having claims against sqld estate there be a liberal supply of young are hereby notified to present the i same, duly verified as by law re­ workers produced during late August quired, at the office of my attorney, and September; second, that there be William Wallace Smith, Masonic ample stores of honey in the hives Bldg., Estacada, Oregon, within six during winter months, and early months from the date hereof. Bated and first published, 8ept, 24, spring; third, that ample protection 1925. for the colony la given against winter Date of last publication, Oct. 22, cold and moisture. Our New Building Is Progressing Nicely'. When It Is Completed We Will Have a Modern Safe Deposit Vault We Are Now Taking Reservations for boxes at $3.00 Per Year