£ m t Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County . ’’ % VOLUME xvril N o.RI ESTACADA, OREGON, THURSDAY, OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. The annual Mood River county school fair was held at the Hood River high school Saturday. Most of the lookouts and patrolmen in the Siusiaw national forest have been laid off for the season. Albert Blggerstaff, 60, was killed when his body was cut in two by the saw in the Herman Bros.’ sawmill at Dryden, With his light automobile turned over on his chest, Orvnl Davis, 20, was found dead about six miles south of Madras. The Oregon Pure bred Livestock as sociation will hold its annual meeting on the state fair grounds at Salem September 30. SPRINGWATER SEPTEMBER ?4 1925 B iH li M e t h o d 's t C h . p .c ’ j 51.50 PER Y EAR GEORGI' ITEMS In spite of the inclement weather The weather, is beautiful afte on Friday a large crowd attended the ■ The Friendly Cliurch on the Hill" the flue rain. Estacada, Oregon Spriugwater fair. The following parties spent a IRA F. RANKIN, Pastor. The Ladies' Aid cleared *15 at the up on Wild Cat mountain: d iri noi fair of. which we are all very proud. Sunday School . . $0:00 Notwithstanding the lnclemancy of Henry Klinker, lato::.' John. -, Mrs. George Perry has as her gue ts Morning Worshp—Judge B. F. the weather the fair was a dccidf • Dory land at ,1 Mr. I! .tier from C this week her father, Mr. Pcpka, of Lindas, who is a local preach- am. In all they brought out V. I success iu* every point 01 view. T Canby, and her cousin and family of in the Oregon City Methodist Ions of hucklcberrf - 3 . I exhibits even up to the usual standard. Tacoma, "Washington. church, will preach at 11:00 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Warwick 1. Boys' and Girls’ club work was better Mr. and Mrs. Madden were surprised Afternoon Services Dickie, an i Mrs. Sitment of committees; the governor. GUEST SUCCESS c. CREOGN NEWS ITEM'S CF SPECIAL INTEREST Resun'c of ilappeaings of Collected for Our Readers Grief the Week Work on :i , build in;: at Cns at once. •! *20,000 school Locks will start A total of 132 fires lias been re­ ported in the Whitman national forest this season. A span and .hree-lourths are now in place at the bridge across the Wil­ lamette river at Harrisburg. During the month of July the Coos county court expended S7i.007.80. Of this sum, *60,128.iil was used In road work. Resumption of mining activity In Baker county on a large scale is in­ dicated 1-'- re]or of rich strikes by several prospectors. Mrs. F. A. Wb.it-'. Si, of Hermiston, who creased the plains in the first wagon 1 rain to co’i to Oregon, died at her home In that city.* John Havaln, fi herman. aged 50, Department heads of Multnomah was drowned In Y- • ; bay et Astor­ county governmental agencies have ia wh n a klff in v. lilch he was rid­ this year asked for budget allowances ing struck u log and overturned. amounting to $3,486,766.87. Widonln;: of the Coos harbor chan­ The Booth-Kelly Lumber company nel f i.-.n .20 1 r to a uniform breadth has started clearing ground for a new- of 1 00 feet in favored by Major Coin­ logging camp four miles northeast of er, war (’ npc:tiucut engineer in Port­ Camp No, 34, above Wendling. land. Brownsville was permitted to name Fairly i tv;.- sales of Wasco couhty the queen for the Linn county fair wheat hav been made duriti ; the past this season and selected Miss Betty few days, : ltl ongh most of the farm­ Coshow, a Brownsville high school ers pro hcldln their grain for better Estacada schools at the high school j coUrtesy' Mesdanles Strohmeyr, Wil- j girl, prices. • auditorium last Friday evening, spon­ cox and Roland; resolutions, Mae- p rjZes A w a rd e d A t S llrin g w a ter V IO L A Sportsmen of the Deschutes valley Petitions asking for a mile and one- ! sored by the P.-T. A., the school board, dames Eisert, Colcord, Smith and | favor a reduction of the bag limit on Childs. j C om m u n ity F air half of pavement, connecting east ap­ the M. E. and Christian churches and Mr. and Mrs. Powers and two chil­ proaches to Bend with the business fish, the consensus of opinion being In the evening Governor Pierce gave HORTICULTURE the Community club, was very well at­ dren of Redland have moved Into section, w re presented to the Bend that the present limit should be cut Fall apples, 1st W. T. Smith. 2d W tended, notwithstanding the incle­ an address on the lines of Law En Mrs. Wm. Hicinbottom's house. in half, city council. . ____________________ A. Bard; Winter Apples. 1st Petei ment weather. All of the teachers forerment, Temperance and Jazz. This Mr. Powers is working for Mr. C :r- ( A contract for purchase of an in­ were present with the exception Two of the Banks gold mills, r. ncu- cf art,lress ^'as preceded by short talks Erickson ; Pears, 1st Fred Horner •-or on the Carver railroad line. terest in Warm Springs reservoir as Mr. Wilson and Miss McKenny. A. G. ° " t,lc ( onstftution,* led by Senator 2d Peter Erick-on; Peaches, L t Pt t ly Invented centrifugal amalgamator, Those who were lucky enough to - a part of the Vale irrigation project Vmes, president of the Community ' ‘ 1,ton -,>,|ller. h at- he -n inst.-’ loe at the Little mine Erickson; Prunes, 1st Walter Str\tnl> has been approved by Secretary of In­ club and chairman of the school 1 The program Friday was vary inter#! Quinces, 1st Carl Peterson, 2d Ed tend the Springwater fair on Friday , east of Damien and wlfl he in opera­ -njoyed a big treat. The banquet at | terior Work. tion within the coming week. soard, welcomed the teachers in be- Cbtillg and was followed by election of ward Shearer: Grapes, 1st W. A noon, then the speeches from prolu' Bids for the construction of approxi­ half of the community and Prin. O. T. ” fflcer8' as follows: president. Mrs. Bard, 2d John Hamilton. Forty thr. e duel , passed the ex­ nent men and then the speech from mately 15 miles of road will be con­ Olson responded. Dr. Charles John- ( E' B' AnllrM' ! ; vfce President, Mrs. E. AGRICULTURE our worthy governor, Hon, Walter M. amination conducted hy the Oregon sidered by the state highway commis­ son and J. G. Hayman the other two E' Hannah: recording and corres- Corn, 1st Ray & Valeen Julian, 2d Pierce, were listened to with great at­ state hoard of medical examiners held sion at a meeting to be held in Port­ members of the school board, were ponding secretary, Mrs. George Ebcr- Walter Strunk. In July, according to the report of U. tention. land September 29. C. Coo. secretary of ihe hoard. called upon to make themselves iey; treasurer. Mrs. Fannie Smith. Sunflower, 1st R. Perry. Mrs. Martin Tollifson, our worthy i The following resolutions were A cougar, measuring 8^ feet and known to the teachers, which they did Mangicwurtzel, 1st* J. A. Sliililej school teacher, commenced t idiln- ! A party of etigin is from the Ken- adopted: weighing 156 pounds, was killed by E. in a few well chosen remarks. After and son; Carrot, 1st R. M. Miller; 2i hero again for the next year. Kclioo necolt mines In Ala ka, one of the Be it resolved that we in convention M. Condlt, Tillamook garageman. t short talk by Mr. Ames, Mrs. W. F. J. A. Sliihley & Son. properties of the American Smelling was opened on the eighth of Septem­ | assembled work with renewed efforts whHe hunting in the southern part Oary, president of the Parent-Teacher Clover, I t John Sto mer, Vetch, 1st ber with a good attendance. Some & li iining ci upany, is in Baker 1 his lor God and home and every land. of Tillamook county. issociation, took charge of the meet­ week inspecting the copper belt. I. A. Shibley & Son; Alfalfa, 1st Peter lew scholars are presc-it. Be It Resolved that we use every As a result of the short prune crop ing and introduced some games in effort to safeguard the purity of the Erickson; Millet, 1st Peter Erick The fishing season in Columbia riv­ er waters closed Thursday. Most of in the Willamette valley this season which everybody would meet every­ childhood of the nations by raising the on; Squash, W. T. Smith; Pumpkin der 2 years, 1st J. A. Shibley & Soi a number of Marion and Polk county body, and which proved very enter- standard of books, magazines, moving 1st John Stromor; 2d S. E. Woo3ter; Dulls, under 1 year 1st J. A. Shib- the fish« rmsn report unusually good spring ami ..umtnor catches. The full growers have been offered as much as ainin'g. After a social hour the com- i pictures and music, and we hereby Fall Wheat, 1st Carl Peterson, 2d Wm ’ey & Ron. >any was Invited to the dining hall in Williamson; Spring Wheat, 1st L. S. season will opsn September 10. 10 cents a pound for their yields. DOMESTIC SCIENCE protest against 1. Suggestive songs All organizations of a secert or Can nod Vogotnb'er, 1st Mrs. VI ley ft. H. Weatherspoon, Elgin fruit he school where punch and cookies and stories being broadcast over the Tenny, 2d Peter Erickson; Gray Oats. 1st Robt. Guttridge; Field Peas, 1st Howell, 2d Mrs. .1. A. .mill sm ,i‘t n iture within the senior grower, has returned from New York, were served by Mesdames G. E. Law- radio. 2. The so-called funny pic Shibley, 3d Mrn I. A. Shibley & Son: Flax, 1st Fred W. A. Bard: Canned w here he disposed of 25 carloads 'o f ence, A. G. Ames and H. C, Stephens. tures which lower cur Ideals of love Fruit. I t Mrs. or Junior hi; Ii schools of Salem were Greer; Rye, 1st John Myers; Sweet Perry 2-1 Mrs. Pete Quite a number from Barton were -I 11 der a ban a* the result of 3d 1! early apples, representing about two- ■ Ericksi and marriage, 3. The obscene maga r’orn, 1st J. A. Shibley & Son; Pop Mrs. present and gave Estacada a very cor- 1. A. MeComb; Jelly 1st Mis« an order Issued by the school board. fiths of his crop, which is valued at zines that appear on our newstands Jorn, 2d R. M. Miller; Leans. 1st 1 lial invitatlrm to attend the reception M-ud Madden, 2d Mrs. P. Eric kson. *75.000. Herbert Goffier died at McMinnville 4. Those moving pictures which gi\- Kiggins, 2d J. A. Shibley & Son; 'd Mir a El va Shibley; o their teachers, which was given the Canned Ylesta. from injuries received when the truck Insidious suggestions to. sanctity o: A monster sturgeon for western Ore­ next evening at Barton. Beets, 2d Eva Kiggins; Rnta Bagas, 1st M P. Erickson, ?d Mrs. AV\ A In which ho was riding rolled down a the marriage state. gon waters was caught in the lower 1 et Edward Shearer, 2d Eva Kiggins; Hard ; Pickles, l.°t Miss Mme! Mad 30-foot embankment on 8t. Joseph Be it further resolved that we de­ Umpqua river by Charles Tilton, a Turnip, 1st Lester Colson; Parsnips, »p« pf1 Mrs. J. A. McC omb; Cnk 1st bridge, lty miles north of McMinn­ plore the growing habit of smoking BARTON fisherman from Coos bay. The stur­ at Eva Kiggins; Canteloupe, 1st G. ville. among women and girls and protest T. Baker; Cabbage, 1st Ed. Shearer, Hr«. W. A. Bard; Che ese, 2d Mr; . Ed. geon was one of the white variety and Mrs. George Forman and son Til against private smoking rooms for id Ed.'Closner; Rhubarb, 1st Peter Hlosnt r; Butter, 2d 1rs. J. A. Shth- Sevan Swanson, lumber work r, was w-efghed 250 pounds. ley. instantly killed when a load of lum­ Products of Lane county will be made a trip to Gresham one day last women in our public buildings. Erickson, 2d J. A. Shibley & Son; Wa- ber fell on him as lie was at work in Be it further resolved that we give ermelon, 1st G. T. Baker; Cow Kale, FANCY WORK sent to Omaha. Neb., for the annual week. greater publicity t* our work through Fmbroidcry, 1st Mrs. Hon­ tho yard of the Shaw-flertram Lum­ Portland visitors thi3 week were convention of the American Legion 1st Ed Shearer, 2d W. A. Bard; Errly ber company at Klamath Falls. His October 5 to 9, according to E. Eugene William Nortis, Fred McCracken, M. the press and any other means of Potatoes, 1st W. H. Holder, 2d Jo< ing, 1st Mrs. F. Millard. 2d " rs. II Chadwick, secretary of the Eugene A. Nelson, L. M. Peterson and Mr. bringing our work before the publli MeComb; Late Potatoes, 1st W. H. non; Crochet, 1st Mrs. F. Millard; I skull was crushed. Be it further resolved that we give Holder, 2d John Jarvis; Celery, 1st Tatting, 1st Mrs. F. Millard; Quilt Swanson. chamber of commerce. Estacada visitors last Friday were a rising vote of thanks to our joint Mrs. Geo. Perry; Cucumbers, Lit G. T. d Mrs. J. F. Moger. Neill)d as fr o ¡1 O k -cr.r:-. John Berg. 44, a member Of the Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Stone and family hostesses, the Oak Grove and Ever­ Baker, 2d Eva Kiggins; Tomatoes. JUVENILE DEPT., tup to II Knights of Pythias of Nehalem hanged Embroidery, 1st Evelyn Ay green Unions for theif royal enter­ 1st R. M. Miller, 2d Mrs. J. A. Ran­ and Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ferrel. Appointment of Gcorge If. Brown . Of himself by a rope fastened to a clothes Edith Howell, 3d Maxine W •d. tainment. dolph; Summer Squash, 1st Lester hook in a hotel room in Seward, Alas­ Oregon City, pnd l ;. G. R .uda.il. of Machine Sewing, 1st Evelyn .V, We also thank the Oak Groje M. E. Williamson, 2d L. S. Tenny; Peppers. ka. He had just completed • road REW ARD Oregon City, i op observer iu JUVENILE DEPT , 14 to 17 year church for the generous use of their 1st W. H. Holder, 2d J. A. Shibley contract near Seward. Embroidery, 1st Dr'en perry, Clackamas county Ior Ur ; 3e.ir. -R >c- For two Jersey heifers, ato it church building. Son; String Beans, 1st G. T. Baker Thomas B. Kay. state treasurer, told Be it further resolved that we thank 2d Erma Tenny; Filbert», 1st L. S. Alberta Cromer; Crochet, I t H buck Agricultural 1 lu 5 months old. which disappeared 100 Eugene citizens at a luncheon oi ail those who have contributed o Fenny; Walnuts, 1st J. A. Shibley & Perry. is annoue< >il Iron) Chicago hy P. y t the chamber of commerce that the from mv place about Saturday, their time or talents to m:ik<* this co 1- JUVENILE DEPT., Garden Produ r-ts Son. Ewing, director oi research for Wiiiamett* valley is destined to be Sept. 12, One red, w h t 1 sta" vention a success. Field Corn, 1st L<-st"r MeComb POULTRY fnme the linen manufacturing c e n t« jn forehead, the other a mouse llnton Smith, 3d Mfldded and Ger-1 Foundation and edi or of the I ¡id f»X. MILDRED ESERT, Chairman. Best Cockerel (any breed! 1st. W. H trade Marshall; Pop Corn. 1st Edward They will form a ii il< in the nati of the United State*. colored Jersey Finder please on« IVA M. COLCORD 1 Holder; Best Pullett (any breed) 1st Shearer, Jr.; Sweet Corn, 1st Forrest All water masters in the state have n.-tifv Guy Wilcox, Ea^le Creek. wide chain of e'lhnt.f agricultural ob- FANNY L. SMITH W. H. Holder. f'lirlstoreon; Carrots, 1st Donald Per­ been requested by State Engineet MRS. S. A. CHILDS. servers elected been of their ft. t- 9-24 FLOWERS ry, 2d Liiclie Guttridge; Squash, 1st Rhea Luper to be in attendance at the 'Jrepon hand knowiodgf of 1ìrm ’ng conditic ms Best Flowering Plant. 1st Mrs. Geo. Donald Perry, 2d Ronald and Lucile annual session of the Oregon irriga- __ and thetr ability Perry, 2d Mr. Bauchspies; Best bou- Guttridge; Pumpkin, 1st Vincent t on congress, which meets in Granti ■ ■ — ; , quet (1 variety) 1st W. D. McClellan: 1 Byers, 2d Mary Lou end nd Ruth Gutt- Intelligently Intc et thi Pass on October 5. 8 and 7. Cost Bouquet (mixed variety) 1st 8. ju d ge; Beets. 1st Ronah lid and Lucile The Index, ta Acceptance of the proposal of the F Wooster; Best collection Flowers, ! Guttridge, Cabbage. 1st Edith How from this county , Is a Portland Union Stockyard* company j j 1st S. E. Wooster, 2d W. D. McClellan. 1 2d Raymond Perry V. irly Pota > of for a lease of the present North Port­ 1st Rex Kiggins; - Potatoei LIVESTOCK oh: land postofftce. quarters In the live­ 3wine— Best Boar (any kind) 1st * * Raymond Perry, 2d Donald Pyrry ' isiiitry and unii: ng I -Id- stock exchange building for a term oi I Perry; Tomatoes, ed to stead! 1 A. Shibicy 8on; Best Sow (any I I Celery, 1st D Al era. are five years, was announced by the post- 1st Ronald and L id le Guttridge; (*u- 1 practical, thl S 'llO O L r o o i c s AND SCHOOL SUPPLY HEADQUARTERS s-cd) 1st J. A. Shibley & Son. fn -d men. office department pep--Beat Ewe (any kin ill. 1St ■ J fl cumbers. 1st Don; id Perry, 2d Wilbur each cbdscn bet ansi Fishermen trolling outside Coo* bay L I V , 1 ey Ac Son ; Best Ram a n Howell, 3d Jame I Tenny; Parsnips, tiek he has to obs< A. f Text Book», Foun-ain Fens. Note Books. Pad«. Mechanical Pencil», lie •ed* of ' 00k a large salmon with a BritUh Co- 1st Edward Shcai er. Jr.; Onions, 1st agriculture in his Pencil Boxes, Blar.ki-, Drawing Pads, Pens, Pencils, Etc. I krrfd 1. Ist j . A. 8 b:hi nr a So n. ty .nini lumbia tag in It* tall. The tag was -i- row . o\ er 1 yt*ars. ii j Donald Perry; Bean: I, 1st Donald for his ability to api i<*rr c min- *av»d and will be forwarded to the Perry, 2d Mary Lou n nd Ruth Outt- ciples to currant fe (J 0. La*Tence & 8011; Calf ,uuder government fisheries department for rings; Canned Fruit t nd Vegetables, a group, they repri vt.tr let 0 <»0 . bawr enee St Son records they are keeping between the 1st Helen P-rry, 2d E« ith Howell. Edw ard 5he irer. tlon o f the thought thai m m in United State* and Canada. HORSE RAf INO lia, r 1 year 1st O f 0 I aw the furrow is thinking, md thHr ji»iirt o m I y Is a n PIT*- pi ♦ nalysis of existing n* ¡cultural Con« I * 9o- . tinder 1 y** r. let Brt v a « th Nelly ", owned bji Gi Sh**ai' r, 2d E-i ward 81icare d it l o l l s , a « e x p i c S H c d i the index, it Mr. and Mr*. George Fonn»n made second prise wa* woi crn$ ;-y.--—Cows, cver 2 y part. 1* considered a forward 1 • p in helping » butine** trip to Oregon City on Sun* J. A. tihibie/ « bon, over 1 year, UA L. » e ll , t . U » z* J. F. Young, 28, of Salem, coughed up an old-fashioned gold pen point which his mother said he swallowed more than 20 years ago. , . PREPARE for on r HOOL f» c J IH E ESTACADA PH AM Sioz» The agriculture help lt*«l(.