Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, September 17, 1925, Image 1

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    tuüímt (ülarkamaa N nm
Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County
6 0
$1.50 P E R YEAR
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph K elley w ere
Bob Cooke Motor Co. announc- School comm enced Monday
week-ond visitors of Mr. and Mrs. H. e8 t h e o p e n in ir 0 f t h e i r o ffic ia | many new faces in the faculty.
The C hevrolet M otor com pany has
announced a co-operative a d v e rtis­
ing cam paign in co n nection w ith its
M rs.''A nders en tertain ed th e sk ip -.- Headlight*Adjurtin* Station,
The races at the county fair th is larg e d e a le r o rg an izatio n .
year w ill be w orth seeing. Sept. 23.
Brief Resume of Happenings o week club m ost enjoyably Tuesday.
This cam paign is a f u r th e r move
John Laurs, of the Oregon 24, 25 and 26, at Canby.—Adv.
R uth A yers moved to E stacada Sun-
by th e C hevrolet M otor com pany in
The C lackam as county fa ir which
the Week Collected for
day so as to atten d high school, Anis City Enterprise,made up and run
its effo rt to o b tain th e m ost econom ­
opens W ednesday, Septem ber 2Kd, will
Our Readers.
Jic one of the g reat events in the h is­
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Young left for sy Of the Enterprise. '
; portion of last week at Seaside.
is p robably th e m ost com prehensive
to ry of this county. T here w ill be a fea­
Ppr.Uand last week for th e w inter,
_ _____ .■*.
and efficient o f the g re a t ad v ertisin g
The N orth M orrow county fair w ai having ren ted th eir farm .
! Mr’ a,ld M rs' Ted H ardess *»ont cam paigns in the au to m o tiv e indus tu re of some kind for every class of
citizenship, possibly we m ight except
held Friday and S atu rd ay a t Board
Mrs. M. O. W eatherhy was in P ort- M r - a n d M r s - Emery
Ctosner several days last week a t Newport.
try .
A p p ro x im ately 4,000 new spa­
the bootlegger or m oonshiner, not be­
land on business u . t T uesday and are receivinR congratulations on
Po8tmaster Jo h ~
wag In P o rt_ pers a re being used.
ing Interested In the success of that
Two first prizes w ere won by Wedne8day'
t h e Visit o f t h e s t o r k , Sept. 10, ■ !and on business T hursday of last
U nder th is plan the C hevrolet Mo­ c ’ass we w ill not m ake any com m ent.
dahlias en tered by Dan P. Sm ythe ot
Mr. and Mrs. .O tis W agner of Ban l i v i n g a fin e l i t t l e Jtjrl.
to r com pany in re a lity has become
E verybody is Interested In progress
Diego w ith th e ir tw o ch ild ren a re vis-
_ _ _ _
Pendleton a t th e Spokane fair.
the ad v e rtisin g d e p a rtm e n t o f each of our boys and girls, and th e club
I 0
Mrs. E. D. Allen from M armot w as of its dealers, whom it provides w ork of these young folks w ill be a
T h ere are now 936 m iles of Im Ring Mr. and Mrs. P. H. W agner.
Mrs. w . r . Reid left last week for a
C o n jr r a r u la tio n s a r e b e in g r e - ............
a caller at the office of the News last w ith a highly efficient and consistent featu re w orthw hile your atten tio n .
proved highw ay in Marlon county, ao
m o n th ’s v isit In the E ast w ith hey I reived by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest w e e k ,
a d v ertisin g cam paign.
cording to J. T. H unt, county judge.
You w ill find som e one of th ese young
j Amacher on the arrival of a nine
In addition, it becom es possible to people represented in some line of
M oehnke Bros.’ saw m ill a t Beavet
Mrs. H ylm an retu rn ed S aturday a f­ key local ad v e rtisin g w ith n atio n al
Mrs. Anna Louden of P o rtla n d and ! pound boy on Saturday, at 11
hum an endeavor.
creek, n e a r Oregon City, w as d estroy­ nephew, H ow ard Jacobs, visited rela-1
ter a trip to Spokane, W inlock and ad v ertisin g and th u s b ro ad cast a
The horse racing w ill be u feature
ed by fire w ith a loss of a b o u t $12.000 lives over th e week-end.
single ad v e rtisin g m essage a t one for tho stock m an, sportsm an, in fact,
T he h ard w are sto re owned by C. V
T here w ill be Sunday school in the
tim e in both n atio n al and local pub­ “veryone who loves a lino anim al.
Mr. and Mrs. George Harken- Like to dance? Enjoy the good tim es lications.
C arm ichael a t M onitor, 12 mile* south Nora M emorial c h u rch Sunday at 2
W hether you believe in horse racing
of Canby, w as d estroyed by fire with o'clock.
rider of Hermanston, are here
The co-operative fe a tu re o f the >r not, it is m ost in terestin g to w atch
by, Sept. 23, 24, 25 and 26.—Adv,
a loss of $10,000,
plan does n o t apply in a fu n d a m e n ta l the anim al w ork. If you w ill w atch
for a few days, visiting with his
U PP E R EAGLE CREEK parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Har- Mr. T. B. Young and fam ily of G ar­ way to the n a tio n al a d v e rtisin g used the horse when he comes up to the
An Increase o t a t le a st 20 per cent
In th e en terin g class la .Indicated by
field, R. F. D. 1, moved to P ortland on by th e C hevrolet M otor com pany in sta rtin g line, and you say the anim al
Leslie W oodle, who is attending kenrider.
the p rin cip al m agazines o f th e coun­ Iocs not think, your own head needs
records a t the re g is tra r’s office of O re
school In P o rtla n d , sp en t th e w eek­
try ,
T his ad v ertisin g is paid fo r fixing. Y' oh will see that horse a t the
gon A gricultural college.
end at home. He likes going to school
Repair work on the Spring- f . C. Bartholomew~moved Rev. T. B. from the g e n e ra l ad v e rtisin g a p p ro ­ Clac kam as C ounty fair.
The Portlan d Community chest cam
in P o rtlan d but he thinks it quite water bridge is progressing rap- ! Young's household goods to P ortland p riation of th e 'c o m p a n y w ith o u t ex ­
You should not m iss Septem ber 25
palgn th is year will open Monday
pense to th e dealers. T he dealers it th e fair as on th a t day th e re will
idly, under the direction of E n- 1 on Monday,
N ovem ber 16, and Is scheduled tc
Mr. and Mrs.' Dock H annah w ere the
gineer C. E. Hively. The work W. F. C ary m otored to Portland on co n tin u e to receive g ra tis the sales be m ore to be seen than at any other
close T uesday, N ovem ber 24.
fu ests of Mr. and Mrs. W alter Dong-
r a tu re and th e effective window time. The m any m oving p ictu re m a­
will be advanced near enough business In connection w ith the new lite
T hresh in g was delayed in Oregon by lass on Sunday.
display service o f the com pany. chines thnt w ill film some of th e most
rain, but In many localities Is practl
Mr. and Mrs. F red H offm eister were this week to accomodate all traf- t'ostofflee building.
T hese displays su p p lep ien t th e uni­ im p o rtan t featu res of this g re a t show
cally com plete, «ays th e w eekly crop Oregon City visitors.
fied a d v ertisin g plan.
surely should in terest you.
sum m ary of th e w e ath er bureau.
Mr. and Mrs. C harlie U pdegrave
In b rief, th e plan is th is:
E a stern C lackam as should tu rn out
The C h ev ro let M otor com pany and help to m ake the g ath erin g a
One thousand ninety-six new stu w ere calling on Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Ernest Mass, the big and get* Jacob Moss last week.
ch arg es a sm all am o u n t fo r each car m a tte r of history for this county and
d en ts h a re applied for adm ission tc D ouglass Sunday- afternoon.
ial sheriff of Clackamas county,
shipped to deale rs and c re d its it to
th e U niversity of O regon for th e far
paid the N ews ioipce a very F our big days of education and en ­ the C hevrolet D ealers’ A d v ertisin g of in terest fo:- those th a t come after-
term , 144 m ore th a n applied a yeat
we have quit the stage of action.
Under the auspices of the P. T. A., i pleasant visit on Wednesday.
fu n d .
To th is fu n d th e com pany
chool board, M. E. and C hristian La- Public officials of the Mass type C lackam as county fair, bigger and i th e n adds a su b s ta n tia l co n trib u tio n
R oger D. Pinneo, traffic ntanagei
better th an ever,—Adv.
lies’ Aid and th e Comm unity club, a
from its own a d v ertisin g b udget.
are an honorable addition to the
for the port of A storia tot th e Iasi
eceptlon to th e teac h ers of th e E sta ­
The com pany plans the d e a le r a d ­
George A. Dunham, of Irw ln-H od-
five years, has w ritten to the pori
“Tho Friendly ( hurch on the H ill."
cada schools w ill be given on Friday personal of public servants.
cOn & Co., P ortland, called on Mrs. v ertisin g cam paigns, buys new spaper
com m ission ex pressing his desire tc
. E stacada, Oregon.
evening, Sept. 18, a t 8 o'clock, a t the
space, pu rch ases and p re p a re s a rt
T h ere will be a m eeting of th e E a s t­ Seymour. They Were friends In the
IUA F. RANKIN, Pastor.
high school auditorium . Everybody
The larg est salm on h a tc h e ry In the invited.
ern C lackam as Rod and Gun club at East.
S c h o o l.................................. 10:00
th e new spapers, directs th e p rin tin g Sunday
M orning W orship ............................11:00
southw estern p a rt of th e sta te Is tc
H. H. S m ith's H ard w are S aturday a f­
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. P e rry ot T a­ a n d display o f o u td o o r advertising^
A fternoon S e n io r s
be established on a trib u ta ry of S otth
ternoon, Septem ber 19th, at 3 o’clock, coma visited the home ot Mr. and Mrs.
h andles invoices and pays bills. The Sunday School, Mt. Zion C hurch, 2.00
Coquille riv er, about
m iles from
for the purpose of com pleting the o r­ J. Moss, also th a t of Mrs. L. C.
d eale rs th u s a re relieved o f a vast Mrs. R ankin will preach at
Pow ers,
Mt. Zion c h u r c h ........................... 3:00
Not Be A ll Routine ganization. T his is an open m eeting. T hornton,
am o u n t o f d etail,
Sunday School, Garfield C hurch 2:00
F. 8. H inkle of C orvallis w as "shot
Life consists ot days, not years.
A desirable angle of th e p lan is a The P asto r w ill preach at G ar­
and killed on th e Y achats river, II Days are all th a t we’re sure of. Too asked to atten d to r th e - purpose of
Mr. Cary Is ru sh in g w ork on the g u a ra n te e to each d ealer th a t every
field C hurch ................................. 3:00
was stated th a t H inkle w as moving lr many of us drift along and forget the
E vening tier vices
n?w tile building on Second street, d o llar w hich he pays into th e fund
the brush and was shot w hen mis approach of th a t fTnnl event called its protection in th is locality.
which is to be accepted as the new w ill be sp e n t in his d is tric t f o r new s­ E pw orth League ............................. 7:00
Evening W orship ........................... 8:00
Death. Time is everlasting, bu t yotl
tak en for a deer.
q u a rte rs of the postoffice.
p a p e r o r o u td o o r display space, all
Notices fo r the Week
tn d I have only a tiny bit of It, H er­
Ray Myers of th e tra n sp o rta tio n
o f the costs o f p re p a rin g and placing
. F o rest fire danger Is not yet ovei
T he F o u rth Q u arterly C onference
bert N. Casson w rites, In Forbes Mag­ d ep artm en t of P. E. P. Co., called at
Rev. Mr. Clay is on a visit for a few th e ad v e rtisin g m a tte r b eing m ore w ill he hold at the church T uesday
In w estern Oregon notw ith stan d in g azine. W hat we would do, we must
the News office F rid ay of la st Week. days to see his son Sam ’l H. Clay at th a n covered by the C h ev ro let M otor
the re cen t heavy rain fall, according do quickly. Time Is the stuff th a t Life
afternoon at 2:00.
to N elson F. Macduff, su p erv iso r ol Is mnde of. T here Is nothing in the Ray alw ays has a good sto ry to tell. A storia, Mrs. Clay who Is there now com pany’s co n trib u tio n to th e fund.
An im portant m ooting of the S un­
Have never h eard of his picking a w ill re tu rn home w ith him.
In fu rth e ra n c e o f the plan the day School B oard will he held a t tbi*
th e C ascade forest.
world so precious and so scarce as
C anipbell-E w ald
com pany,
which ch u rch Im m ediately follow ing the
T he E ugene F a rm e rs’ cream ery ol time. We have no days to waste. We
C hester Dykeman of the People serves th e C h ev ro let M otor com pany
Q u arterly C onference T uesday a fte r­
E ugene has been aw arded first prize
Hon. W alter M. Pierce, governor, sto re re tu rn e d S aturday from a two-
in the cream ery b u tte r com petition at lives with. No one, ever, has too many will speak F rid ay at 2:30 at Spring- w eeks’ vacation and is again behind as a d v ertisin g ag en ts, and is one of noon The Sunday School officers will
days when he conies to the end of his
th e five la rg e st ad v e rtisin g com pa be elected at th a t tim e for the ensuing
th e C alifornia sta te fa ir a t Sacram en
life. T hat Is why we should not allow w ater fair. He will have much of in ­ the co u n ter to w ait on his m any c u s­ nics in th e U n ited S tates, has sent
to, according to word received.
a day to Ue nil routine. T hat Is why te re st to say to th e people of th is lo­ tom ers.
o u t fro m its own o rg a n izatio n 14
C hoir practice T h u rsd ay evening
O ffers of 23 cen ts have been made we should alw ays put to a good use the cality. You should h ear him. H orso
field men w ho a re located a t s t r a t ­ prom ptly at 7:30 a t the Church.
Geo. K elly of the P. E. P. Co. land
for new crop Oregon hops, and a limit two or three hours before bedtime races w ill follow his address,
egic points th ro u g h o u t th e co u n try .
C ottage p ray er m eeting at the home
d ep artm en t w as an E stacada visitor
ed am ount of business has been done T hat Is why we should end every day
T hese men b rin g th e d eale rs into of Mr. Baughm an Friday evening at
la st week. Mr. Kelly alw ays has a
in c lu sters a t th a t price, but grower»
close personal c o n ta c t w ith th e main 8 o’clock.
Testing Gold
sm ile for his many friends when he
as a rule a re holding out for 25 cents study, or fun, or family sentim ent.
o rg a n izatio n in w orking o u t a d v e r­
Never a day w ithout a laugh, except
Now th a t school is in progress
R ailroads o p eratin g betw een Salem when sorrow cosies. Never a day w ith­ knife Into It, and If it powders It is
tisin g problem s and assist in indi­ again, lei us also boost for a larg er
and P ortland filed w ith th e public out a book. Never a day w ithout a ant gold. Gold is richly yellow, but
Miss R eliance Moore left W ednes­ v idualizing th e d e a le rs’ a d v ertisin g and b e tte r Sunday School. E very one
service com m ission new ta riffs re friend. T hat Is the way to he sure, to tell It from p y rite s when in very
m orning for R oseburg w here she co n siste n t w ith th e p rogram of a can help. Every one la welcome at all
duclng m aterially th e ra te s on canned every evening, th at you have come to minute flecks, turn It so thnt the light
u n ite d appeal.
catches It from various directions. Is em ployed as a teach er In the public
goods in carload lots betw een th e twe the end o f a perfect day.
The individual re q u ire m e n ts of
“Show me thy w ays, O Jeh o v ah ;
Gold will not alte r In shad". Imt py-
each d eale r a re analyzed and he is T each me tlyy paths. Guide me in thv
rlte does. A drop of nitric a d d will success.
consulted in th e choice of m edia in tru th , and teach m e; for thou a rt the
W ilbur Burgeis, 41, one of th e own
British Bird Sanctuaries
cause a fuming on pyrites, but does
God of my salv atio n ."—P salm 25:4-5.
era of the B urgeis-Evans saw m ill neat
F arne Islands, off the N orthum brian not affect gold.
C onstruction w ork on t h e . new his te rrito ry . The dealers a rc kept
Ngtl, 20 m iles west of E ugene, was (E ngland) coast, have been handed
You n iii't pan creek sands and gritve- bnflding a t co rn er of B roadw ay and
killed when he fell upon th e male over to the national tru st for p reser­ »1 to find gold. It may be near the su r­ Second is progressing nicely. T his Is in g plans an d a re given advance
drive belt and was throw n ag ain st « vation as a bird sanctuary. The is­ face, but generally th e heaviest de­ to be the new home of the E stacada p ro o fs of all n ew sp ap er advertise-
T he w ork of ro u n d in g up th e cay-
lands number 15, and have nn area of posits of placer gold are on and close S tate hank.
r.e n ts.
pile of tim ber.
uses ru n n in g w ild o v er the plains has
HO acres. The regular breeding pop­ to bed rock, which may he a few feet
“ The g u a ra n te e to th e d e a le rs th a t I co n tin u ed into th e sum m er an d , ar-
An Indictm ent charging m u rd er ir ulation Includes gulls of th ree spe­
Mrs. Chas. Bronson is g reatly im ­ th e ir e n tire co n trib u tio n will be co rd in g to local railw ay m en, the
the first degree was re tu rp ed by the cies, terns of four, auks of three, vf many feet deep. Gold pincers are
te s t found in a big bend in a creek, proved from her Injuries and is able sp e n t f o r ad v e rtisin g space in th e ir
nu m b er alre a d y shipped to the m eat
Polk county grand ju ry ag a in st W. R corraorsnts of two, w aders of two,
A'hlrh allows It to l>e deposited, or on
Lloyd, who is alleged to have shot and one species of duck. The Islands the upper side of a reef or ledge I t get around on crutches. It is hoped d is tric ts I re g a rd as second in im- can n e ry a t R ockford, III., c a n n o t be
and killed C linton I. Baun of Independ form one of th e moat southerly sta ­ ;rnsslng the stream . Sometimes It Is she w ill soon be able to cast her p ro tan ce o n ly to th e fe a tu re of e stim ated . T housands, how ever, a re
unified ao p p eal," said J. E. Grimm know n to have gone o u t o f single
tions In the breeding range of the I dry deposit, up w here the stream cru tch es aside.
ence S eptem b er 1.
J r ., ad v e rtisin g m a n ag e r o f the counties.
formerly flowed, and Is cnlled a |
U nder supervision of Tom Craig, as
F irew orks! See th e g ran d display C hevrolet M otor com pany .“ It should |
species, perhaps, Is th a t of th e ro­ "bench" placer.—Victor Shaw, In Ad'
A re c e n t survey in P ark and S w eet
slsta n t to M att R yckm an. acting super
t the county fair S aturday night. A be u n d rsto o d th a t th is is n o t n a tio n ­ g ra ss cou n ties by F. M. N elson, d ep ­
seate tern, now found only In n few ren tu re Magazine.
Intendent of h atch e ries, 1.817,000 trout British localities. As a treed ln g plnce
al ad v e rtisin g used locally; it is local u ty s ta te v e te rin a ria n , disclosed th a t
real tre a t fo r everyone.— Adv.
w ere planted last week In the Me for sea fowl the F a m e islands have
a d v e rtisin g n a tio n a lly d ire c te d .’’
th e re a re a b o u t 4,000 unow ned
K anzie river, creeks flowing into it no equal around the B ritish coasts,
Jack Fox of G resham is finishing
horses in these tw o co u n ties alone
and n earb y lakes.
M ercury Is a metallic element exist­ the concrete w ork on th e new post- 1 M ary had a n a n n y g o at—
and even th e g reet bird stations
th a t they a re consum ing a b o u t
F ran k Way. w ealthy ce n tra l O regor among the Scottish Isles lack one or ing In a liquid form except when ex­ office building, which is expected to be
A te denim fro m th e w alls—
$200,000 w orth of g razin g Innd. A
ready for occupancy October 1st.
sheep ow ner, was found guilty of man
A nd when th e little lam bkins cam e m ovem ent is soon to be launched
cotnm ly called quicksilver. It Is a
slau g h ter by a jury at K lam ath FaUt
T hey all w ore overalls.
m etallic element. Just na iron or gold
th e re , railw ay officials say, to rid th a t
Dr. W. W. Rhodes and fam ily, who ;
— Selah
following h is tria l on an indictm ent
The uniform ed b ra ss band of E sta- Is an element, th at Is It curtnot be sub­
region o f the pests.
charging him w ith th e m u rd er ot •ada will fu rn ish m usic at the Spring- divided Into anything else: hut there have been on a vacation for about j
T he law which legalizes the ro u n d ­
Tim othy M urphy, K lam ath sheepm an v ste r fair. T his band la less th an are many compounds of mercury, that th ree w eeks tak in g places of in te re st j I t ap p ears th e Riffians ean c a rry ,
ing up and shipping of th e cayuses
on a successful w ar w ith o u t piling! was passed a t th e la s t s ta te leg isla­
W h eth er th e so-called loopvenl wo y ears old and h a s tw enty-six per- li. m em iry In chemical coiuMfintlon
with other things such as compounds have* retu rn ed . The doctor can be up a d ebt o f billions.— St. Louis
plum bing system perm itted by the 'o rm ers. Few cities th e size of E sta
tu re . I t is outlined as an a c t d e c la r­
n t mercury and oxygen, mercury and found a t his office by his m any p atro n s G lobe-D em ocrat.
Portland plum bing code Is of suffi cada can boast of such an organize
ing abandoned h o rses ru n n in g a t
■ttrogen. etc. A large p art of the reg u larly hereafter.
ciently high sta n d a rd to com ply with ;on of m usical talent.
larg e upon the open ra n g e o f the
world's supply of m ercury Is obtained
T am m an y se4m s inclined to rc- \ s ta te o f M ontana a public n u isan ce;
the sta te plum bing code is to be de
In California where ores are found
Be th ere F riday! W here? County
e n a c t th e 1924 d em ocratic ru..tonal and it provides fo r th e ro u n d u p and
Mr. and Mrs. M. B a rte r 's little boy containing mercury In combination
• ertuined by a com m ittee of th re e eem
r a lr at C anby! W hy? To get into
vho has been sick w ith in testin al Hu With o th er mutter, separated by vari­ ti e m ovies! P ictu res w ill be made on convention in its m a y o ralty .ght,
Patent plum bers.
sale o f such horses. T he law re q u ire s
ous chemical processes. Gold dust th r grounds.—Adv.
th a t b efo re a ro u n d u p can be held
E vidence of what is th o u g h t to havs (or a sh o rt tim e died on Monday.
readily unites with mercury forming
by th e co u n ty com m issioners a p e ti­
been a m urder, p erh ap s com m itted
an amalgam. The mercury la a fter­
H enry B ayer, who has supervision
tion m ust be signed by a t le a s t 10
within th e p ast year, was unearthgd
w ards removed by distillation.
There will be a meeting of the responsible p ro p e rty ow ners an d filed
the telephone lines trib u ta ry to Es-
by road lab o rers on the M cKenzie pas*
Sch »l 1 hilrt *en will, ba *iven
jtr e a d a for th e Pacific S tates T. A T stockholders of the Estacada f’ub- and b efo re a sale m ay be held a 10-
highw ay n e a r L ost lake, when ths
a led pencil free with each tab­ Shows, gam es, am usem ents, en ter- Co., is at w ork a t present rep airin g Co., Tuesday, September 22, 1925 day period m ust elapse in w hich the
skull of a m an and a p air of overalls
let bought at the Model Fupp y
at 2 o’clock in tne afternoon for ow ners can claim th e ir horses.— A n­
were dog up by th e w orkers.
Come every day to the «>"»* *«>«»>« Hood lines.
lair.m cnt!
taking care of same matters of aco n d a fM ont.) S ta n d a rd .
B usiness of m ills of th e W est Coast Co., near depot. We a so have county tn\r i t Canby
W ednesday,
Otis W sgner and fam ily arrived laat finance and such other matters
L um berm en's association w as not s<
Thursday. Friday and S aturday.—Adv week from C alifornia to visit his p a r­ as may come before the meeting.
Boys and girls, atten tio n 1 Re su re
Try our Proskist
active in the week ending Septem bet reasonable.
to see the ( luh work display* at the
ents, Mr. and Mrs. P M W agner.
4 ae for th e p receding week, 1*7 mills Ice Cream — -The Cream Su
Mr*. Nina B locker is in th e offic
county fair this year.
W ednesday,
J. C. M oreland has been very busy be held at The News office.
reporting sale s amnimHng to 100.4IL
We buy t f t g t , cash o r l ( the
thl# week attending the lately planting fish in the stream s
T hursday, Friday aud S aturday, th is
$14 feet, m an u factu re of ldt.134.74f
tributary to the Clackamas river.
I want» ot tha patrons that call.
Pre*. w««k.—Adv.
foot and shipm ent of 17.158.424 test.
w ith