Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, September 10, 1925, Image 1

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    U of O Library.
íEaaímt Ollarkamas Nnita
Eugene Or
Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County
\ * (V
, There is a well-defined and quite
general opinion among men and
women o f a thoughtful nature that
the World war and its consequent
degenerating influences had much to
do with the apparent lowering o f
our morality and the abundance of
crime all about us. Indeed, this
opinion was so deep-seated for a
time that it was feared all society
would go to smash and we were
about to experience what befell
Happily, however, this lat
ter danger seems now less threaten-
inng and a better order o f things
may be expected as passing time
puts more space between us and the
days when hate filled so m any hearts
and men went forth to seek the
others’ life upon the field o f battle
W ars were always demoralizing, not
only to those who had an active part,
but to those who looked on passively
and took them as a matter o f course;
and all great conflicts have left on
the human mind a scar and in a state
that it was long in recovering from.
The last war was no exception to
all this. The excitement o f prepar­
ation, the awakening o f patriotism,
the marching away amid all the blare
o f music and display, the sudden
abundance o f money put into circula
tion— breeding the desire to spend
freely, to enter into many forbidden
pleasures that we otherwise would
not, in fa ct filling the minds o f all
except the most staid and circum­
spect with a spirit of abandon hard
to curb. And that the aftermath has
produced in us a lessening and fo r­
getfulness o f the code o f morality
and righteousness is scarcely to be
wondered at. Along with this came
prohibition, so drastic a measure that
it was like applying the brake to a
speeding automobile suddenly and
pitching the occupants out through
the windshield. This to people who
had come to think it a personal right
through a mistaken understanding
o f freedom to do as they pleased and
none might say them nay, naturally
caused a feeling o f resentment, the
law was ignored and the bootlegger
and rumrunner became one o f our
most serious problems. Breaking of
one law tended to cause all other
laws to be ignored, and from this to
the nonobservance o f moral laws was
but a short step.
Combined, all
this has blackened our history and
us how woefully lacking
is our civilization.
However, hope has not quite aban­
doned us, and there are many signs
in every direction that we are recov­
ering our senses again. There is ev­
idence o f this on all sides. As the
days o f prohibition are added to an
intelligent people are beginning to
reconcile themselves to the fact of
its wisdom and good influnce on the
race, and determined that, never
again will it be possible for John
Barleycorn to ascend the throne and
hold power over us. As this feeling
more abundantly enters into our
hearts we shall settle down to a bet­
ter code o f morals, our crimes will
decrease with a elcarer understand­
ing o f the right, we will more close­
ly apply ourselves to the principles
o f the Golden Rule and move off­
ward, looking upward for that in»
spiration that can never make aught
else o f us but the most enlightened,
most prosperous and consequently
happy a people o f any nation gone
before.— Charles W . Angel, Seattle.
In retiring from
the Eastern
ackamas News, a step taken only
ter mature deliberation and due
msideration o f all the issues in-
dved, I wish to thank the business
en o f Estacada for their hearty
i-operation in my efforts to produce
paper worthy o f their support.
To the splendid corps o f corres-
mdents let me say you have done
uch to make the paper a success,
id I sincerely thank you.
W ith best wishes for the future of
ho News and the friends whom I
n leaving with sincere regret, I am
L C. H O W E .
Prof. Olson, principal o f the Es­
tacada schools, very kindly hands The
News an article on the question of
school books as follow s:
Confusion in regard to text books
is more in evidence than usual this
year. In the list o f texts finally de­
cided upon by the state text book
commission fully one-half are new
adoptions. The new prices as agreed
upon by the commission and the pub­
lishers are from 10 to 60 per cent
higher than the former prices.
list o f books retained will be given
below, but the prices on these are
higher than last year. The teachers
will be glad to do what they can to
help dispose o f any old books the
pupils have, providing these are to
be used this year. The parent or pu­
pil should see that such books have
the name o f pupil as well as selling
price in each book. Have the pupils
bring these books Monday, September
Old books which have been re­
placed this year may be turned in
at the drug store, and a small amount
allowed on the price of a new book
which replaces the old one. The ex­
change prices are uniform through­
out the state, having been set by the
book companies. For exam ple: To
receive a small amount on the geog­
raphy used in the seventh grade last
year it will be necessary to buy a
new seventh grade geography using
allowance on the old book as a part
The following books are retained
■n the grades: New W orld Speller,
first, second and third books; W ins­
low Healthy Living books I and I I ;
Hamilton Essentials o f Arithmetic
first and second books; Davis’ Pro­
ductive Farming, Oral and W ritten
English books I and I I ; Palmer
writing lessons for primary grades,
Gordy Stories o f American History.
In the High school old books are
retained in the following subjects:
Algebra, geometry, English, chemis­
try, bookkeeping, Latin, domestic
physics. In the other subjects new
books have been adopted.
..I wish to thank my many friends
who to kindly helped in making me
the queen at the Labor Day celebra­
tion at Estacada, and most especially
Mr. Morrow, who worked so hard in
my behalf.— Edith Howell.
The Christian Endeavor social at
the W iley Howell home Wednesday
evening was much enjoyed by the
many present. Next social meeting
at the George Perry home Sept. 16.
The regular meeting of Spring-
water Grange will be held Sept. 12.
All members are urged to be present
The Ladies Aid at a special meet-
ng last Wednesday decided to have
a booth, a grab bag and lunch coun­
ter at the Springwater fair Sept. 18.
They also elected a new presidnt,
Mrs. Kirkwood.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A . Shibley made
business trip to Oregon City Sat­
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Erickson
spent a few days last week in Port-
Miss Madden, who has been visit-
ng relatives and friends in Wash-
ngton for the past few weeks, re-
:urned to her home Sunday evening.
Alberta Cromer spent the past
week in Oregon City as the guest o f
her grandmother, Mrs. Sarah Lewel-
Mrs. George Perry made a business
trip to Portland Monday, returning
Lucille Guttridge went to Portland
with her cousins, Marion and Elenor
Rainey, Monday for a visit.
Gilbert Lewellen, who has been
spending the summer vacation with
his father here, returned to his home
Aberdeen Sunday.
W alter Christensen o f Portland
was a guest at the Dr. Wallens home
last Tuesday.
The W iley Howell family w«r Sun­
day guests at the Carl Ward home.
The Hansen family entrtained a
number o f relatives from Portland
Sunday and Monday.
School starts here next Monday,
September 14. Mrs. Erickson is the
primary teacher and Mrs. Schwartz
to teach the upper grades.
Mr. and Mr*. J. A . Shibley enter­
tained a number o f friends Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bard entertained vis­
Heorafter The News will go out in itors from Forest Grove over the
hursday's mall.
This means that week-end.
I copy o f whatsoever nature must
Mr*. Earl Shibley and children,who
! in type by Wednesday noon at have been vititing fo r the part week
te latest.
Our advertisers are co­ at the J. A. Shibley home, left on
nerating with us in an effort to give Sunday for thir home in Portland.
le country subscribers their paper |
n day o f publication and it is there-
In the good old U . S. A. we will ;
>re necessary that country c o rres-,
serve home-made ice CTeam and
»ndents have their copy in this o f - ,
ct by Tuesday night
i cak#.
Queen Edith and Her Retinue In Gorgeously
Decorated Car Enter Triumphantly and
Review Parades-Estacada Wins at Ball
$1.50 PER YEAR
Hiring help is easier than keeping
it to the end o f harvest! Breaking in
a new worker takes the time of the
foreman and usually involves ex­
pense for transportation from the
railway. It slows down the output
Oregon farmers and tourists now
and often costs the loss o f a part of
enjoy 139 miles more o f federal-aid
the acreage.
The State Board o f Health send, highways than they did a year ago,
the following suggestions with the according to the Sears-Roebuck Ag­
hope that Oregon’s farmers maj ricultural Foundation. This mileage,
keep their harvesters at 100 per cent completed in the year ending June
efficiency, and that they may save 30, cost a total o f $2,305,315, of
the state the expense o f stamping which the federal government furn­
Highway con­
out epidemics which
frequently ished $1,323,270.
now under
arise in temporary camps. The Board
will issue a bulletin soon with sug­ way in the state totals 136 miles,
gestions for the workers themselves while the total mileage completed
previous to last year was 655 miles.
Which may be posted in camps.
This additional mileage, while a
Location of camps— should be on
to the tourist in the
well-drained ground, and should be
chosen after consultation with your state, is a godsend to the farmer,
according to the Foundation. It is
county health officer.
Pure Water Supply— Before any estimated that each and every farm­
er in this section o f the country av
water is to be used for drinking pur­
poses it should be analyzed to deter­ ■'rages 69 tons o f farm products
mine its freedom from disease-pro­ hauled to market and 13 tons of
ducing germs.
Upon request the feed, fuel, fertilizer, machinery, sup­
laboratory o f the State Board of plies, etc., from town. When good
Health will send a sterile bottle and roads make trucks feasible this is not
full directions for the collection and very burdensome, but it represents
shipment o f the water sample. There ■i good many hours’ labor where
is no charge attached to this service; horses and poor roads must be used.
the only requirement being that the And so, while the tourist finds inter­
bottle must be obtained from the city roads mighty comfortable, to the
State laboratory. Address all in­ farmer a good serviceable road from
quiries regarding the examination his farm to the nearest market is
of water to the Director of the Lab­ a downright necessity.
The expansion of hard road sys­
oratory, State Board o f Health, 301
both in this and other states
Fitzpatrick Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
If the water comes from a well, be in recent years has given the farm­
lire that there is no drainage back er an added inducement for going
into the well from water used in into business for himself, the Foun­
washing hands, dishes and similar dation states. That he has been slow
purposes. Drinking water should be to take advantage o f the opportu­
supplied within 300 feet o f each nity is testific d in the increasing
All privy vaults and cess­ number o f roadside markets on the
pools should be at least 200 feet more frequented highways. Figures
from the water supply and so lo­ show that each o f these markets
takes in 15 to 30 dollars up to sev­
oted that pollution is impossible.
eral hundred dollars a day, varying
Cleanliness— Make i t
easy for the workers to wash their with the locality, the preponderance
hands often, and always before eat­ o f buyers being tourists driving
A washbasin chained to the through the vicinity. Some of these
wall near a faucet, and the provision are nothing more than stands o f sim­
of soap, will encourage cleanliness ple board construction, while the
and may prevent the loss ot many more pretentious are housed in build­
workers through illness. A camp ings which may be locked after the
sanitation expert says: “ The chief day’s or the season’s business. The
cause o f disease in camp is eating most successful of the markets are
o placed as to have convenient park-
with unwashed hands.”
Waste Disposal— Garbage or food ng facilities where prospective buy­
leftovers should be placed in tightly ers may examine the articles or
covered receptacles and removed goods, which should he o f good qual­
daily, and either buried or burned ity yet moderately priced and at­
Fly-tight privies or water-flushed, tractively displayed.
Altho’ somewhat cloudy and to j justice. He said: “ No man has a
a slight degree threatening early in i right to live at the expense o f an-
the morning o f Labor day at Estaea- | other without making just returns,
da, no storm materialized and those In proof whereof the speaker cited
timid ones who remained away u n -! the downfall o f nations which prae
der the impression that they would tised the opposite. To aid in any
be drenched missed a celebration it manner one who will not work is
would have been worth a drenching but to increase crime, he said.
to see.
At the close o f Congressman Haw­
The Estacada band in spotless ley's address the crowd dispersed for
white formed in a hollow square on luncheon, some o f them having
the pavement made as clean as the brought baskets from home, others
floor o f a New England dining room patronizing the Daughters o f Re-
by Marshal Norris and played its bekah booth in the park.
prettiest as Roy W ilcox at the wheel
A fter luncheon Bob Cooke intro­
o f a 1926 Buick coach drove into the duced his defenders o f the manly
city and to the grand stand with art and with the tid o f Herman Wal
Queen Edith Howell o f Springwater !ace as referee. Bob himself acting
and her princesses, Wilma Kitching ; is timekeeper, put on three interst
o f Currinsville and Edna Bates of j ing bouts. First o f these was a three
j round go between Cadneau and
Mayor Stephens introduced the Scott, local boys, at 125 pounds, to
queen, placed her crown upon the a draw;
shapely head and handed her the
Second o f these events was a sur-
keys o f the city.
prise to the audience, Jim Flynn,
During the remainder o f the fore­ P. N. A. champ at 147 pounds, and
noon, at least until after 11:00, the Louis Ruethe o f Portland put on an
Estacada band and the Garfleld Ju­ exhibition sparring match o f more
venile Grange gave marching exhibi­ than ordinary merit.
tions and participated in drill work.
Jess Denny and Emery Closner,
While we are always proud o f our local lads, closed the entertainment
band, the Gafield youngsters carried ! with a fast four-round bout to a
off the honors o f the forenoon. It ' close decision in favor o f Closner.
is the one organization o f its class in ; Adjournment was taken to the ball
the county able to do the team work park where Sandy and Estacada
o f the order and reflect great credit j crossed bats in one o f the snappiest
on Mesdames M. G. Weatherby and j games ever.
Estacada won in a
Minnie Ash in their almost perfect score o f 5 to 4, but for a time it
seemed as if the local team was
Eight boys and eight girls com­ doomed to defeat. Sandy, bear in
posed the drill team, with little Helen mind, has an almost invincible team,
Ballou as flag bearer.. Four o f them this being the first game in nine
wore red sashes and caps, four white starts in which she has lost.
and four blue, symbolizing the na­
A fter trailing along behind for a
tional colors, and performed most in­ time the home boys put over a splen-
tricate marching figures with a preci- did ninth inning rally and pulled the
sion. Cheer after cheer was given game, out of the fire. The fastest
the little band and hereafter it will played game on the local field this
not seem like Labor day in Estacada season, is the verdict o f the crowd
unless the Juveniles are here.
that watched with wild interest each
A t the close o f the work o f the and every play. Great credit is due
drill teams the crowd which lined our young pitcher, 'who performed
the streets fell in behind the band like a veteran on the hill. T he two
which led them to the park.
teams are very evenly matched, the
David Horner o f Dodge scored a deciding factor being the slight edge
big hit with his choral society. A We had in pitching.
Saidy has a toilets should be maintained in n
number o f songs were faultlessly ran- clean, snappy team and their support lean and sanitary condition. Toilets
dered by the organization, after in the grandstand was splendid,
Judge S. E. Wooster was occupied
which Mayor Stephens in a few well
Even though rain fell in torrents the ’ fields. At least one caretaker with fire cases last week, the follow ­
chosen words introduced Congress- at intervals during the night there should be employed by the manage­ ing drawing fines ranging from $5
man W. G. Hawley, who for a score was a good attendance at the dance ment to keep the camp grounds ir to $25:
o f years has rendered faithful «ervice jn the park pavilion and those who sanitary condition.
H. H. Huxley, R F D 1, Estacada,
First Aid Supplies— Increase the
at Washington and who may serve participated are unanimous in praise,
■ntered a plea o f guilty to the charge
another term o f equal length should
All in all, it was a most successful
of leaving his campfire burning. E.
he so desire, if one may judge by Labor day celebration and Estacada harvesters by getting from your local W. Koch nnd Arthur Wilson of Au­
the reception he was given and by js justly proud o f the various com
rora plended guilty to the same
the rapt attention o f the throng.
mittees. Much credit is due the band irnple remedies which he will sug charge. They were arrested in the
Congressman Hawley greeted his boys, for they seemed never to tire,
Cascade mountains by Forest Ran­
audience as personal friends,as many Whenever there was a lull “ th’ band
o f his hearers really were, and spoke playd on ," and the boys are coming
entered a plea of
tellingly upon the subject o f social to the musical front.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hoffmeister guilty to burning slashing without
arc receiving congratulations over first securing a permit, Deputy Fire
arrival o f a husky 10 3-4 pound Warden Ray Wilcox making the ar­
boy at their home, born Friday even- rest.
Judge Wooster has been rather
When the balloting closed at 10
As may be seen in the State Bank
and Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister, are lenient but it is said he is “ getting
p. m. last Saturday the contestants advertisement this week, that insti­
his neck bowed” and it may be that
for queen o f Labor day festivities in tution will install a safety deposit proud o f their young grandson.
in the future the fines#will be nearer
Estacada stood as follow s:
Mrs. Iva Parks is staying with
system. President Stephens informs
the maximum in such ease mad«
Edith Howell ........................................ 886 The News there will be eight tons of Mrs. Ernest Hoffmeister.
provided. It might be said in
Edna Bates ......................................... .730 steel in the walls o f the vault and
The farmers in this neighborhood
W ilm a Kitching ............................... 646 that the door alone will weigh three are now through threshing, having passing that there’s no use getting
riled and making threat* when haled
Edna Carter ....................................
5 tons. “ Not so worse” for a city of finished up last Thursday.
into a justice court. Justices o f th*
While the contest was spirited, we Estacada’s size— yet the business of
Edna Evans has been the guest of peace are but human and if, after
have failed to learn o f any “ sore" this community warrants such expen­
her sister, Mrs. Perry Murphy, for a giving a man charged with a misde­
spots. This is as it should be. Not diture.
few days.
meanor a little the best o f it he gets
all contestants for any honor may
up on his high horse he may draw a
be successful and at the close o f each
of study at the Polytechnic school maximum fine if apprehended again.
the contestants should shake hands
this winter, going to Portland Tues­ Then, too, it is up to the wardens
and lend their best efforts to aid the
The market looks good for profit­ day to enroll as a student o f that whether you got a license to build a
able prices for the coming year. The institution.
He will live with hie fire o f any kind in the forest, so it
estimate for this year's crop in this aunt, Mr*. Myrtle Morgan, during is just as well to make haste slowly
country is 105,000,000 bushels be­ the winter.
as it weie, on the road to revenge.
Tuckerhill dahlias drew admiring low the production o f last year and
Florice Douglass made the home
throngs all day Monday and the con­ 68,000,000 below the five-year aver­ folks a visit Sunday.
test showed loving painstaking in the age.
It is probable, from the esti­
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Denning and
Rev. Upton Gibbs, rector o f St
production o f these beautiful flowers. mates, that the United States will Kelly Douglass were calling on Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. S . E. W ooster o f Esta­ have to import some stock.
and Mrs. Walter Douglass Sunday John's Episcopal church at Milwau-
kie, Or., and a newspaper man of
cada were winners in the best yards
section, with Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Mrs. Hammond and grandson, Estacada. Or., is seriously ill.—
Clarence Sherod, Mrs. E. F. Heck, Portland Oregonian.
A* Mark Twain remarked on read­
Smith and Lena Underwood were
So many o f our friends and neigh­ two sons, Claude and Earl, and a
ing a notice of his death, the report
awarded third prize.
In the cut
bors have been away or too busy to
is much exaggerated.
We have
flowers display Mrs. Irving Smith
furnish news item* of interest to guests o f Mr. and Mr*. Wm. Ast on
been considerably bunged up for the
won first prize and Mrs. H. A . La
the reader* o f The New* that we j Sunday.
last six or seven weeks, and are still
Barre second.
Mrs. B. 0 . Sarver
have to announce only the meeting
•'*r- an'* M rt. Roy Douglas mo-
I lame, but the experience, while
won third.
o f the Nora Memorial Sunday School tored to Troutdale Sunday,
painful, was not alarming. Also, we
Hal and Henan Gibson and Guy
at 2 :00 p. m. and extend a cordial
are now located at Washougal,
Wilcox made a trip to the mountain*
invitation to you.
Wash., and not at Estacada.— The
Sunday, returning Monday. During
I. O. O. F. No. 91. Patriarchs
| Record.
take n otice:! On Tuesday evening.
compelled to sit up by a fire, and
September 15, we want all Patri­
“ A little nonsense now and then is
arch* to be present. A supper will
The department o f agriculture even then could not keep dry.
relished by the best o f men.” bu*
Ed Douglass mane a trip to Scap- when a fellah persists in making a
be served.
states there were 30.000 less farms
in the United State!« last year than poose the latter part o f last week blooming awse o f himself all the
A t Hawaii let the hula girl « r i t ¡ j| „¡ year before, and the crop reduc-
Hiram Johnson is working for time, in seasan and out, that's altc
I Roy Douglass.
' gether different.
you their favorite fruit salad.
adv tion wa» 1,200,000 a tm .