EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS THURSDAY, SEPT. 3, 1925 L EG AL NOTICE UiAMT ilin CflD C A I C Rnt* nn™ I nllLI rUfl DHL L HuJ I In i SCHOOL BOOKS AND SCHOOL SU PPLY Exhibition o f Tuckerhill dahlias, blue ribbon winners at Oregon State Fair, at W ooster’s office Labor day, Sept. 7. Order your bulbs for a t t l spring delivery. Vera L. Tucker, grower, Gresham, Oregon, phone 42X2 - ■ - ..... .................................................. HEA DQ UA RTER S Text Books, Fountain Pens. Note Rooks. Pads, Mechanical Pencils, Pencil Boxes, Blanks, Drawing Pads, Pens, Pencils, Etc. CUTS MORE I l " *bc County Court o f the State of Oregon for the County o f Clackamaa the Matter o f the Estate Frank Hoinay, Deceased. of \ SLICES ^ ’ "' no *0 3J43*',0r* Notice is hereby given that the un- dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of-the State o f Oregon, for the County o f Clackamas, admin- istrator uf the estate o f Frank Boi- nay, deceased, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present To The Loaf A n ideal slice-size for toasting, sandwiches and children’s between-meal snacks. Economical for Large Families T he same Holsum quality that won the Harry M . Freer Trophy the second in two years. time The same price as the regu­ lar large loaf. A T YOUR « G RO CERY and Pointer’s Furniture Exchange, the place to get what you want and sell what you don’t want. 6-8-tf LOANS on farms 6 per cent. No commission City loans monthly plan. Oregon City Abstract Co. Estacada; 8 acres in cultivation o f which 2 are bearing prunes; good family orchard, all kinds o f grapes and small fruits, good 6- room house, fair barn, several out­ buildings. For price and partic­ ulars write owner, N. P. Nelson, Newberg, Oregon. 7-30-tf You already know that Electric Service is the most useful and economic servant in the home. Why not start now and let Elec tricity do all your household drudgery for you? MONEY TO LOAN. We have,plenty of money to loan on farms at 6 per cent— from one to twenty years. No commission on large loans. See S. E. Wooster, Estaca­ da, Oregon. 6-19-tf WANTED----- Plain sewing, prices reasonable Mrs. R. W. Lemon, Estacada, Oregon adv 9-3 FOR— SALE— At a bargain- room house and three lots or inquire at News office rifice high-grade piano in storage near here for immediate sale. Will give terms to an established * ,« a . home. For full particulars and We have an excellent stock select from. LOST— Man's coat, small brown and black checked material; addresses carried in pocket; somewhere be­ tween Kendall station and Garver last Tuesday afternoon. Notify F. Madden & Co., Springwater; address Estacada, Oregon, Route 3. 8-27 PORTLAND, OREGON BOB’S UNION BARBER SHOP and M A R C E L S A L O N S A N IT A R Y SA TISFA C TIO N GUARANTEED HOURS— 9:00 A. M. TO 8:00 P. M S A T U R D A Y — 9:00 A. M. TO 10:00 P. M. MASONIC BLDG. ESTACADA r- A R T. SMITH, Propr. ■ .... ................ — — .... ! SURE EV ERG REEN BLACK BER RIES On account o f the holidays no fruit will be received Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Sept. 5, 6, 7. ' 9-3 . J. G. Hayman LMdldlld r w u j i u r e Notice is hereby given thet the undersigned hes been duly appointed administrator o f the estate of Elli­ ott Stewart, deceased, and any and all nersons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to present said claims, duly verified as •jr law required, at the office o f my attorney, Earle C. Latourette, with­ in six months fram the date of this notice. Dated August 20, 1928. Date o f first publication August 20. 1925 Date o f last publication September 15, 1926. W. A. HEYLMAN Administrator o f the estate o f Elliott Stewart, deceased. Earle C. Latourette. Oregon City, ANYONE— Wishing good home­ made cake or bread, cali Mrs. O. W. Guttridge, Estacada. Phone 11-12. 9-3tf OF FARM PRODUCE - --------- ■------------------------ ---------------------- Netiee Te Creditors FOR SALE ■Horse, wt. over 1300. Sound, fat; works single or double, is gentle . Good open buggy, near­ ly new buggy harness; good one- horse heavy spring w-agon and harness. Time given— six months on bankable note. A. H. Fraley, one-half mile east o f P. O., Esta­ cada, Oregon. 9-3 Any girl in trouble may communi­ cate with Ensign Lee o f the Salva­ tion Armj\ at the White Shield Home, 665 Mayfair Ave.. Portland, Oregon. 9-20-tf LABOR DAY Store Closed All Day ESTACADA, OREGON „ A L S i l M m imm mm im -m m m * m LONGLOAF EVERYTHING C A LLED PRODUCE VEAL, HOGS, LAMBS, EGGS, POTATOES, ETC NOTICE FOR PUBLIC ATION Department o f the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, August 28, 1925. NOTICE is hereby given that Lewis W. Elliott, of Box 873, Port­ land, Oregon, who on September 1, 1920, made Homestead Entry No. 06945 for Lots 1 and 2, Section 1, Township 3.S., Range 4 E., Wiliam ette Meridian, has filed notice of in­ tention to make final proof to estab­ lish claim to the land above described before the Register of the U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, on th 13th day o f October, 1925. Claimant names as witnesses: Jo- ' sePh ° « S,haze':; °* Ef gle ? T k> ° r*- gon; Victor W . Bodley, John Affol- ter> Joseph D. Danenberger, all of WE REMIT BY RETURN M AIL M. J. K ERKES, Manager. Near Morrison. INDEX PRODUCE COMPANY 151 Froi INDEX PRODUCE COMPANY -< P, M. » FARM REMINDERS The season for fall planting of vegetables for fall, winter and the spring marketing in Western Ore­ gon is the fourth regular planting time listed by the experiment sta­ tion. The first is for planting the seed o f early, mardy vegetables, the second o f tender vegetables after the disappearance o f frost, and the third o f vegetables in late summer for fall and winter use. In late cabbage production the seed strain, soil fertility, good mois­ ture-bolding capacity o f soil, and protection from injurious insects are listed by tho experiment station aa factors determining the aualitv and FOR SALE— Rye. Peter Erickson, Route 2, Estacada, Oregon, Tal. 2:1-1 9-3-10 FOR RENT— Furnished room In­ quire Mrs. Wm. Fink, north I. O. O. F. Hall, Estacada. 9-10 FOR RENT CHEAP— Small house, partly furnished. Inquire of Mr«. Will Ritchev. 9-10 Stncholdert Meeting The rtorkholders o f the Estacada Publishing company will hold an Im­ portant meeting Friday. September t, 1925. at 8:00 p. m. at the office o f the company in Estacada. All arc urged to attend. Mussolini’s statement that Julius Caesar was the greatest man who ever lived won't make much o f a hit with the ardent follower« o f Al P. M. • A. M. m .:P.M. P.M P.M v. Portland 10:00 2:00 6:20 Lv. Estacada 8:00 12:00 4:30 8:30 Clackamas 10:30 2:30 6:B0 Eagle Creek 8:15 12:15 4:45 8:45 Carver 10:40 2:40 7:00 Barton 8:25 12:25 4:65 8:55 Barton 11:05 3:06 7:25 Carver 8;45 12:45 5:15 9:15 PLENTY OF C O AL Eagle Creek 11:15 3:15 7:85 Clackamas 8:55 12:55 5:25 9:26 Ar. Estacada 11:30 3:30 7:50 Ar, Portland 9:30 1:30 6:00 10:00 There is said to be coal enough in * Daily except Sunday (A ) Saturday only. China to heat the world for a cen­ tury, but little o f it is being mined or marketed. It is well to realize, however, that there will never be any genuine coal famine. We may have strikes in this country and the mines may close down, but coal is A. 9AGNER, Proprietor. spread fairly thick all over the Electrical Goods of All Kinds— Paints, Varnish and Enam- world, and it can always be had when •Is.— Two coll Flashlights 80«. Electric Vacuum Sweeper needed. The hardship may be acute for the moment, but it cannot long for Rent by Dajn PHONE x78-2 endure,— Los Angeles Times. ELECTRIC STORE C O N S TR U C TIV E POLIC Y M EANS C O N S ERV ATIO N Crei, th« Rod Crown Mileage Card at any MR«dCrown'*putnp. Use H and aoe your EVERGREEN BLACKBERRIES— The berries are at their best right now', and they are coming in quite frealy, Deliver only on the same day as picked, and* do not pick when the fruit is wet. Will receive every day but Saturday. 8-27 J. G. HAYMAN, ESTACADA E v e ry b o d y will be at Estacada W E BUY MOST KIND« U. 3. MORGAN M Municipal Terminal, Sixth and Salmon Sts.— Phone Main 7733. LINN’S INN, Estacada, Oregon. WILL EXCHANGE—-Large, young sound horse for cows. J. O. Smith, 21k miles west o f Barton. 8-27-9-3 S T RICTLY " Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, IAN TS IN E S T A C A - August 28, 1925. \ AND VIC IN IT Y . TUmttm*ntaof tA$Hotiumfamli} NOTICE is hereby given that Da­ vid W. Jones o f Route 4, Estacada, * Oregon, who on September 16, 1922, made Homestead Entry No. 07310 ---------------------------- — — for N E 1/« SW ‘ i : S% SW*/i Section 23, Township 3 S., Range 5 E., Wil­ > INDEX PRODUCE COMPANY INDEX PRODUCE COMNANY lamette Meridian, has filed notice of ISE------------ — ................ 5 intention to make final proof to es­ tablish claim to the land above de­ scribed before the Register of the U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, on the 9th day o f October, 1925. Claimant names as witnesses: Adolph Wiederhold, Sr., o f Route 4, Estacada, Oregon; Joseph W iejer- PORTLAND, OREGON hold, George W. Wilson and Julius Paulson, ail of Route 4, Estacada, Wholesale Distributors o f Oregon. WALTER L. TOOZE, SR., Register A ct 6-9-16: 120 acres Clackamas County. Notice will be published five con­ BEST PRICES PAID FOR secutive weeks in the Eastern Clack­ amas News, Estacada, Oregon. 9-3-10-1 A. M. ELECTRIC BUILDING, » res * The Red Crown Mileage Card sure saves money!” The Red Crown Mileage Card ia more than a card for recording mileage—it’s ■ help to you to get the oxtrm 15 to 30 miles that are always in a tankful of Red Crown gasoline. Here's what one motor* ist found out: “ Conservation o f our oil re­ sources” has become a popular slo­ gan. Our leading oil companies are as much in favor o f honest conserv­ ation which eliminates waste as any­ body, but policies which prevent de­ velopment are not conservation in the true sense o f the word, A prominent oil man recently said that if the Oil Conservation Commis­ sion would see that United States cit­ izens are allowed to acquire and de­ velop oil properties in foreign coun­ tries and also see that oil companies receive simple justice at home, true conservation o f oil supplies could be brought about In a business-like manner. This would be a definite and con­ structive policy which would benefit not the oil companies alone, but the whole nation and the world, through bringing about scientific exploration and development o f petroleum re­ sources. The Rod Crown Milo*go Card eure «ave« ntonoyl M y bua consumes only 10 gMlona of Red Crown' now on a 200 mil« run that used to taka 13 gallona of f u and rvun more. I figure HI aare enough in e year on Red Crown gas­ oline to pay «or one tire at leaat-" Red Crown Mileage Card records prove daily the extra mileage in Red Crown gasoline. Use "R ed C row n" al­ ways and profit by its extra mileage. miles while they raise the crops they have to depend on someone else to raise the price.— Albany Democrat. THE PRODUCERS GOT IT A third payment o f $20.000.000 has been made by the Western Wheal Pool on account of last year’s crop on the prairiee. But for the pool that twenty million dollars would have gone, not to the pro­ ducer o f wheat, but to those who handle grain after Ita p redact! m .— :