EASTERN CLACKAMAS NTWS CH R ISTIA N CHURCH SE RVICES E L W O O D ITEM S Bible School ................. 10:00 a. m. j Morning worship .......................lpOO* Mi's Stanley Turel had as Sunday Evening services have been discon- j guests several relatives from near tinued until further announcement. Woodburnj We cordially invite all to attend Miss Mabel Cadonau, a nurse of these services. San Francisqo, spent two days of THE M ETH ODIS T EPIS COPAL her vacation at the hpme o f her sis­ ter, Mrs. Lilly Park. She was ac­ CHURCH.... companied as far as Portland by her "The Friendly Cnurch on the Hill.” mother, Mrs. M. Gossett, who has Ira F. Rankin, Pastor. Sunday School at..................... 10:00 been at the home o f Mrs. Park the Sunday School at Mt. Zion........2:00 past few months. Mrs. Gossett has Preaching at Mt. Zion................. 3:00 been in very poor health but is now Evening worship ..........................8:00 slightly improved. Miss Nellie Vallen has gone to Cottage prayer meet’g .Friday 8:00 Idaho, where she has been engaged A cordial welcome is extended to all “ I will sing o f loving1 kindness to teach a nine months term of, school. Micajah Vallen is going to and justice; unto Thee,. O, Jehovah! stay with his brother Otis. will I sing praises.” — Psalm 10:1. Daniel Stahlnecker and family L. D. S. SE RVICES left today for Wilsonville to pick The Reorganized Church o f Je­ hops. sus Christ o f Latter Day Saints holds Sunday school at I. O. O. F. Printer’s ink makes millions thiiëc hall at 10 A. M. THURSDAY. 3 , 1023 SEPT. \ S T A T E M E N T OF INTENT LOOK OUT FOR PROFESSIONAL CARDS. There has been so much misunder­ standing and misintrepretation of the purpose o f the several organiza­ tions which have recently presented resolutions to the City Council re­ r \ i;. W. W. RHODES lative to certain classes o f Sunday 1-7 O i-T E O iP A T K J C entertainments that a statement of PH YSiriA N AND SURGEON the intent o f these resolutions may­ Neglect o f the liver results in be helpful. self poisoning! Not so quickly, Office in Lichthorn Bldg., Estacada, The public dance held Sunday perhaps, but just as surely as if night, July 5, aroused considerable you drank poison out of a bottle. comment because it showed that the If your liver is not doing its work Q K . G. F. MID FORD City had no means of shutting out of helping digestion, eliminating ^ P H Y S I C I A N AND S U R G E O N . objectionable activities, should any­ waste front the bowels anil purify­ 'C R a y E q u ip m e n t — G l a s s e s f it t e d one wish to bring them in. When ing the blood, you will' always be , lMtd.no« S«eond and Mtln Strsets this dance was lullowed within the troubled with sick headaches, nau­ Esraiidl. Oregon—Teiarh.i:-.« Connections month by two others, it was felt by sea, biliousness, bad breath, gas, many people o f the community thut sour stomach, or constipation. some action should be taken to se­ ClOanse and tone your liver! put n i t OH AS. P. JOHNSON cure our City against a continuance your system in condition so you D E N T IS T o f such affairs. The two churches feel your very bes. again! Try just E V E N IN G W O R K BY A P P O IN T M E N T and the other two organizations par­ a spoonful o f Dr. H. S. Thacher’s ticipating, representing a consider­ excellent Liver and Blood Syrup af­ Phones: Office, 315; Residence 3051 able body of people interested in the ter the next few meals anil notice ♦ Fstaeatia Oregon. moral welfare o f the community, the quick improvement in the way" ielt that they might bring the mat- you cat, sleep, look and feel—-the .er more forcibly to the attention return o f health, vigor and energy. V V . A . H E Y L M A N it the City Council by uniting in re­ You will be completely satisfied: solutions to that effect. otherwise there will be no cost. ATTORNEY AT LAW There seems to be no reasonable insurance * * * Collections defense for the Sunday night public Thi. Coupon i* Good for Hral Estate— Loan. dance. Outlawed in nearly ail cit­ Sample Bottle. See Heylman About Insurance ies o f any standing, it attracts from Dr. Thacher’a Liver & Blood other communities to the pile which permits it, a rough element injur­ Syrup if presented before the sup­ D. EBY, ious both to the young people ip ply for free distribution is already attendance and to the reputation of given away.- Read the full detail's ATTO RN EY AT LAW . the city where the dance is held. It above, then act at once, as this o f­ Confidential Ad­ ’.tfords opportunity for exploiting fer is limited. Get a trial size now General Practice. presenting this coupon to viser. Oregon City. Oregon. Ae people by outsiders indifferent to py he welfare o f the community or THE ‘ E S T A C A D A PH ARM ACY. ossibly those at home who allow W I L t lA M WALLACE SMITH .leniselves to bo blinded by person- 1 gain to tne best interests of their Liorals, and that “an ou” ce of pre­ ATTORNEY AT LAW lome town. The Sunday dance vention is worth a pound of cure.” aeets no need in Estacada. Its And we feel that if rightly under- M a so n ic B ldg . E s t a c a d a , O re . irohibition is not depriving the : food, the measure which \vc are ,oung people of any amusement to presenting should have the support vhich they are accustomed. The iclf-respccting citizen of the ‘com- ogical time to put a stop to it is in r,unity. he beginning» and before it becomes 'Signed) i habit which would lead not only to OFFICIAL BOARD M. E. CHURCH J. G. Hayman, Chmn ittendance here, but also, on Sun- • Mrs. O. E. Smith, Sec’y. lay nights when there was not a London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. iance here, to going away from BIR T H D A Y P A R T Y lome to seek it elsewhere in the Keep your policy in our Fire ew places it is permitted. Proof Vault, tree of charge. A great deal has been said tending Last Thursday afternoon Miss ,o make it appear that the resolu- ions offered apply to amusements in Eugenia DuBois entertained a group H. C. S TE P H E N S general and particularly to all Sun- o f friends in honor of her 15th lay amusements. A reading of The time was spent in A gent . he resolutions themselvs will show birthday. hat this is not the case. There has playing games and refreshments >een no intention in presenting this A number o f hand- [uestion to prohibit or restrict the were served. stablished Sunday amusements o f tome gifts were brought by the he community, and any such dis- ussion at this time is entirely for- guests, who were as follows: Bessie ign to the issue. The Sunday rodeo Huxley, Ruby Bates, Erma Wilcox, .vas mentioned with the dance, be- ause, one having been held just at Lucile Saunders, Ethel Hayman, j this time, it appeared to be a possible Cecilia Lingiebach, Ora McKenney, ource of danger on account of the Charlotta Brown, Golda Whitehead, character o f the crowd likely to Mrs. George Howell and Mrs. Dry-Cleaning and Dyeing ittend such an event on Sunday. It Penner and children, s, however, relatively unimportant. Family Wash a Specialty As it is not our purpose to withold heir accustomed pleasures, much Prompt Service at Right Price less is it our thought td malign the g E. WOOSTER GIVE US A TRIAL ,roung people o f our community. We Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Satisfaction Guaranteed have a fine lot o f young people and ,ve want to keep them so. We be­ We have no Agents. Phone 70-1 Rentals, lieve that a city cannot afford to do anything else than to safeguard it* ['arm Loans a Specially. SELF POISONING BARb. * BATH £ j L a d ie s ’ and Childi Cutting a Spec < •{• ^hop on Broadway, i : j— I PIPE and FITTING. Get our prices before you buy Dryer Pipes Made to Order For Sheet Iron work, repairs, soldering and plumbing, call at the , AME S SHOP MAIN STREET. FREE! F r o m t h e N o r t h w e s t 's Finest Bakery THE BREAD SUPREME Delivered Fresh Every Day by Our Ow n Fast “W H I T E " A uto Truck to Estacada Retail Stores. A s k Y o u r G r o c e r f o r it “ TH E NORTHWEST’S F IN E S T B A K E R Y ” When in need o f Job P rin tin g , ca ll The News. Phone 9X3 TIRE AND TUBE R E P A IR IN G B roadw ay G arage HENRY BOHN. Estacada « y - J « - ; . * : - ».j i** t l.O. O F . FIRE INSURANCE. LAUNDPr ESTACADA Telephone Estacada, Ore. for Economical T?rantportat\on GATES’ FUNERAL HOME I Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hall, Props. Ï X SUNDAY SPECIA L CHICKEN DINNER GRESHAM, OREGON Phone 2471 CHARLEY LINN, Agehl. .. I. O. O. F. BLDG., 4 Meets every Saturday evening.in 4 their lodge room, corner-of Biuad- + '1, way and Third streets. Visiting t brothers are always welcome. t t . | A. G Ames, N. G. J. K. Ely, Secretary, The New# is only $1.50 per year. AMERICAN M i legion a n d AMERICAN LT j ION AUXILIARY Meets First £t Third Mondays 1. O. O. F. HALL . Third Street and Broadway Estacada, Oregon, S. .E. L A W R E N C E, P. C Hall’s Catarrh Y»edicine Thoflo who arc In a "run down" condi­ tion will notice that Catarrh both*ers them much more than when tlioy are in good health. This fact proves that wjjile Catarrh is a local disease, It la greatly Influenced by constitutional conditional H ALL’S CAT A HUH MEDICINE con­ sists of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves by local application, and tjie Internal Medicine, a Tonic, whk^i assists In improving the General Health. Sold by druggists for over 40‘Tear F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. German capitalists are selling -¡fill tiieir investments in the Riff arid!, it must be admitted that this looks like a good time to get aut. Few of Our Grocery Specials Del Monte 2 1-2 Size Can Solid Pack Tomatoes Del Monte Crosby'* Sweet Corn. P e r Can $ $ id * ¡9 9 Tie Public A c c la im s th is the finest Low Priced Coach Built on the new Chevrolet chassis with construction typical of the highest priced cars— powerful m otor; a new disc clutch, the easiest- acting you have ever han­ dled; extra strong rear axle; long semi-elliptic springs— this car p rovid es a re­ markable com bination o f strength, power and c o mf o r t . Touring Roadster But in addition it is a beau­ tiful car. Its fine Fisher body meets your ideals of fine appearance and com­ fort. It is finished in sage- green and black D u c o whose lustre and color last for vears. For such a coach to be priced so low (s truly an achievement in motor car manufacture. See this car today. *673 SESr“1 *425 *525 550 525 Sedan • 775 f r r i w AU . PRICES P. O. B. PEINT. MICHIGAN CASCADE MOTOR COMPANY WILCOX BROS., PROP’ S ESTACADA, OREGON ' I ES TA C A D A . ORE., Phone S43 Open from 6:30 a. m. to 8:00 p. m. Just a Estacada Lod*>( No. 175. •; Del Monte Pork and Beans T w o cans fo r Choice Chinook Salmon 15 1-2 ounce can We Are Closing Out the Following Ladies’ 1-strap cushion sole house slippers, $1.90 One lot “growing girls” school shoes, $2.90 One lot boys’ school shoes, $1.90 One lot curtain scrim, 121 -2c yard One lot flowered ere tons, 19c a y 'a r d One lot scout percales, 19 cents a yard JOIN THE CROW D A T THE PEOPLE'S STORE OUR MOTTO-SERVICE H. B. S N Y D E R , - . C. A. D Y K E M A N .