lEasímt (Ciarkamas Nm s Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County ESTACADA, OREGON, VOLUME XVIII No. 49 VISITORS ECSTATIC ABOUT ESTACADA E stacada is growing in grace as it w ere in the mind of the overworked professional man and woman. D uring the , past week "M r. and Mrs. C. E. Becker, San F rancisco," as the Hotel Estacada reveals, were visitors during Thursday, Friday, S aturday and Sunday, Mine Host Moore delivering them at a Portland hotel during the evening of Sunday, I t so happens th a t Mrs. Becker is recovering from a serious surgical operation, and th a t her husband is superintendent of the southern divi­ sion of the A merican Red Cross society. W orn out with professional duties and g rie f sustained in w atch­ ing our shell shocked and gassed soldiers fighting— and losing— their battle for life, he and Mrs. Becker sought quiet. By mere accident E s­ tacada was learned of and they came here. "In all our travels, and we have journeyed many thousands of miles," this couple tells The News, “ we have never found a spot to com pare with your beautiful little city? We" have, as a m atter of course, had more elab­ orate hotél apartm ents, more mod­ ern conveniences, if you will, but never has such rare hospitality, such bounteous good wilf, such a home, been our good fortu n e. N or have we ever been closer to n atu re than in the wild canyons of your neighbor­ ing m ountains where, as Mine Host Moore says: ‘T h’ river runs sta n d ­ ing on edge.” Dr. Becker assures The News “ We are Coming again, and oúr friends are coming. Also, I shall suggest to the United States governm ent th a t some of Ahe nA ney being w asted on undesirable hospital sites should be diverted to E stacada, w here we can have dear old N ature as an ally in behalf of the poor fellows who gave th e ir all fo r us and who are spending th eir last few days at sanitarium s w here medicines have no ally and where, as a m atter of cold fact, the doctor him self cannot hope.” WILL LOCATE HERE A nother move forw ard in our civic ffairs was made when Dr. W. G. lurbuchen of Portland, a chiroprac- or, was induced to establish a p a rt­ irne office in our city. He plans on locating his head- luarters a t L inn’s Inn, w here he will e a t your service T hursday and Fri- ay evenings fo r the tim e being. Dr. Zurbuchen is on the staff of he Beneficial association of the », E. P. Co. and is considered to be com petent and conscientious prac- itioner. ATTENTION ODD FELLOWS Every m em ber of Estacada lodge O. F. is expected to rep o rt a t the dga room Saturday evening of this eek and be ready to take p a rt in ,e drill squad which is to put Esta- ida lodge on the map at the grand dge sessions in Portland. T w enty-four men are required for ie exhibition and as thè tim e for •ill is short— the squad not yet as- mbled— it is earnestly requested lat Saturday night will find the dge room filled with willing workers P. E. P. excursionists, eight trains 'em, had a delightful day last Sun- y. The w eather was ideal and at st a dozen missed the last train d were compelled to rem ain over fht a t Ssfacada. GARFIELD ITEMS L. J. P alm ateer le ft Tuesday fo r Dee, Oregon, to be absent fo r sev­ eral months. Mrs. L. J. P alm ateer was hostess to the Skip-a-Week club Tuesday. Mrs. H. H. A nders will en tertain Septem ber 15. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. W eatherby attended the Sunday School rally at Colton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. W elty of Idaho visited Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Robert­ son Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moreland were Portland visitors taking in the circus Friday. Miss Dwyer of Minnesota hag been the house guest of Mrs. W. R. Reid. Mrs. Reid and her guest en­ joyed a trip around the Mt. Hood loop Tuesday. E lizabeth and H arry Reid spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Reid. Miss Elizabeth is to leave for a m onth’s visit in San Francisco this week. Seventy-eight G rangers and their friends sa t down to a picnic table groaning with gpod things to eat last Saturday when Garfield Grange held a picnic at Dinty Moore’s park. Over 100 w ere present and during the day M ayor H. C. Step- phens of E stacada spoke on “ F arm ­ ing and Business.” Seyeral musical num bers and excellent music by the E stacada band furnished the pro­ gram. Garfield G range will m eet S atu r­ day night, Septem ber 5, a t 8:00. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cole of Cen- tralia visited Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Brown Sunday. Mrs. A. Smith, Mrs. Lem on’s m other, retu rn ed to Cen- tralia with them. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. D uncan en­ joyed a visit from Mr. D uncan’s m other and sister Isabelle Sunday. Mrs.» Anna Louden of Portland visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. A n ita Swanson of P ortland visited her sister, Mrs. R. G. Palm ­ ateer Sunday. F ran k T aylor enjoyed a trip to Portland and the circus Thursday and Friday. In behalf of Garfield G range No. 317 the en tertain m en t com mittee extends to Dinty Moore a most hearty vote of thanks and appreci­ ation fo r his hospitality and kind thoughtfulness fo r our every need at our picnic Saturday. We also extend thanks to the band. BETTY I. W EATHERBY, Sec’y. BOOB SPOBTS PROGRAM SET The com m ittees in charge of the Labor day celebration plans have been hard a t work com pleting the last m inute detfails of the eclebra- tion to be held in E stacada Monday, Septem ber 7. The program fo r the day is a r­ ranged as follows: 9:45 a.m.— Crowning of our queen. 10:00 a. m.— Com petitive drills on Broadway. 11:00 a. m.— Musical program in the park, under the direction of David H orner, Sr. Address ........ Congressman Hawley 12:00 m............................... Lunch hour 1:00 p. m.— Boxing contest in the P ark pavilion. 2:00 p. m.— D ancing in the Park pavilion. 2:00 p. m.— Races and sports in the park. 8:00 p. m.— Dance in Park pavilion Flower exhibit will be held during entire day a t Estacada Pharmacy. Music furnished throughout the day by the Estacada band. BARTON hibition of Tuckerhill dahlias, blue Hbbon w inners at Oregon S tate Fair, at W ooster’s office Labor Day, Sept. 7.. O rder your bulbs for spring delivery. V era L. Tucker, grower, Gresham, Oregon. Phone 42X2. BOOT and SHOE REPAIR SHOP >4 BLOCK SOUTH OF P.O. ESTACADA. OREGON Neat, Durable work Guaranteed Have the »oles »ewed on your areas shoes with a HOT W AX M A C H I N E i R. D AHLKE. Estacada Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stone and granddaughter, Miss Thelma Schank of Portland, were visitors at the G. A .'S to n e home Sunday. Quite a num ber of people from here are picking hops fo r W. G. Glover of Eagle Creek. Visitors at the W. P. F errel home Sunday were John Rowe, an old friend from California, W. O. Echols and Ira Reynolds of Currinsville and th eir daughter, Miss Edith, of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. F rank Guffnet and fam ily have gone to W ashington to pick prunes. Mrs. George Fontian and children and Verl Stone were E stacada shop­ pers one day last week. Visitors at the T. H. Adell home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Elingham and Mrs. Godfery, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Stone of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Odell and fam ily of THURSDAY, SEPT. 3, 1925 CALIFORNIA BUYER CONTEST FUR QUEEN CONTRACTS LOCAL CROP LABOR DAY CELEBRATION The official count of ballots cast fo r the candidate fo r queen of the Labor day celebration showed the standing of contestants to be as follows: Wilma H itching ............................. 193 Edna Bates .....................•’................ 235 Edith Howell ................................. 96 Edna C a rter .................................... 5 The ballot boxes fo r the contest will be closed a t 9:00 p. m. S atu r­ day, Septem ber 5. At 12 M. on Labor day a picnic dinner will be served in the E staca­ da parle fo r the queen, her atten d ­ ants and the members qf the chorus by the com m ittee in charge. An autom obile will be placed a t the dis­ posal of the queen and her atten d ­ ants on Labor day. Considerable preparation is being- made to en tertain “ the lucky lady” and her retinue. Have you voted fo r your choice yet? The contest closes Saturday, Septem ber 5, at 9:00 p. m, S P R IN G W A T E R N E W S Sunday guests at the George P er­ ry home were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith of P ortland and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Benham and children from Lents. The Benham children Jean, Frances and V irginia, rem ained for a week’s visit. • Mr. and Mrs. Hallie McMurphy and son of Los Angeles and Mr. and Mrs. Smiley Lovelace of Estacada w ere M onday callers at the J. F. Moger home. The McMurphyr will be rem em bered as having lived here a few years ago on the Gable place. Those from here atten d in g the Clackamas county Sunday School rally a t Colton Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Shearer and G ilbert, Wil­ liam and Edward, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peterson and Clara and Ev­ erett, Elva Shibley and A rt Morrow. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkwood had a: th eir guest fo r a few days last week an old friend, Mr. Moorhouse, Mrs. Annie Hull was visiting for a few days last week a t the home of her son Clarence. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. McDonald the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Me Pherson and daughter of Los A n­ geles. Mrs. M cPherson is a sister of Mr. McDonald. Included in the num ber of huckle­ berry pickers going from here re ­ cently were Mr. and Mrs. Carl W ard, Mr. and Mrs. Harold H om el­ and Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Hansen. All rep o rt plenty of berries. George and A ugust Genserowski le ft Sunday fo r Sheridan, Oregon, to help in the hop harvest at the home of th eir b ro th er Ernest. CAN WE GIVE THEM UP George Fairchild, publisher and close friend of G eneral Leonard Wood, advances the interesting th e ­ ory th a t the United States would have no rig h t to cut loose from the Philippines, even if it desired to do so. Mr. Fairchild aired his views in the form of a statem en t issued at W hite Court, where he had gone tc deliver a personal message of g reet­ ing from G neral Wood to President Coolidge. “ I do not believe th a t under the constitution congress would have th< right to relinquish te rrito ry once ac­ quired,” Mr. Fairchild said. “ The islands have been taken over by the United S tates and we have no right to alienate them unless it were done in w ar tim e.” Mr. F airchild's statem en t was pro­ voked by a r inquiry as to w hether he agreed with Representative Chas. Underhill (Rep., Mass.) who recently- called at W hite C ourt a fte r touring the Philippines and declared th at the country would n ot be ready fo r inde­ pendence fo r m any year* to come. Here is som ething interesting to think about. Ju st w here in the con­ stitution can you find any provision fo r giving up te rrito ry belonging to America and abandoning citizens of the United S tates? ONE THING WE DO NOT NEED When a spokesman for th e presi­ dent declares th a t He sees no reason why a special session of congress should be held in the fall he has the j agreem ent of ju st about everybody except those who have an ax or two to grind in a special session. We are all doing quite well w ithout congress and doubtless can stagger along at D e t J a l V o il Mrs. Earl Odell and her brother. the present rate until it cornea time William Ferrel, drove to PorilaiU fo r a reg u lar congressional session. — Springfield Union. last Thursday. The News is newsy. Yov want News! CLACKAMAS NEWS fl.5 0 YR. $1.50 PER YEAR VIOLA ÌRT OF ÂI Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Jubb are the proud parents of a baby boy, who has been named Tommie Ken­ neth. W ith all her boastful advertising Mrs. Griffith and her son Bearl of the excellency of California le ft for th eir home in Californio, prunes, our neighboring sta te has no a fte r spending two months with According to the rep o rt of the hesitancy about coming to Clacka­ her parents, ¡Mr. and Mrs. Elm er ; S pringw ater F air board an added mas county, Oregon, for a supply. Lankins, and oth er relatives. attractio n has been secured for th a t A C alifornia buyer last week p u r­ Mr. and Mrs. F rank Gibb of Cali­ I enterprising com munity this year in chased the Springw ater crop of fornia and Mrs. Gibb’s brother, Mr. the form of horse racing. Consider­ prunes a t an average price of $30. Hall, and fam ily of P ortland were able excitem ent prevails, as seven out here Sunday. They still own horr.es have already been promised th eir farm here. Elm er Lankin ha^ and seven or eight more are expect­ GEORGE ITEMS it rented at the present time. ed to en ter as the contest draws School began Monday, A ugust 31, Mr. Beech and B rother E v erett nearer. with 21 pupils present, and some of P atton of Oak Grove were out this At a well attended m eeting held the parents were there too. There way calling on old friends last Sun last Saturday at the G range hall are seven beginners this year and in day. Rev. J. J. P atton, th e ir fath er, plans fo r the coming Springw ater all nearly double the num ber of pu­ had charge of the church here for fair were discussed and com m ittees pils attending la st year. Mrs. Elsie three years some years ago. were appointed to carry out the pro­ Dew is again teacher. Mrs. Theforf Olson and little son gram as outlined in the various de­ Q uite a num ber of people from of P ortland were visiting a t the partm ents. this neighborhood were in the moun­ Randolph home and Miss Bookout, Keen in terest was m anifest in the tains last week a fte r huckleberries. a friend of Miss Randolph, was also discussion relative to the livestock, Mrs. Harold Joyr.er and children a guest a t the same time. Miss agricultural, culinary, fancy work visited in P ortland last week with Bookout is a teacher in an Eastern and juvenile exhibits; but when it her sister, Mrs. R. Maxwell. was proposed to put on a horse race Oregon school. The C hristian Endeavors will C. Lynde and son M illard are enthusiasm was unbounded. P ete r m eet a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. moving on to the old Morgan place Erickson and Ed Shearer, the only Gus Zwirman on F rid ay evening. at Redland, which they have iccent- two surviving members of the Old Topic fo r the m eeting: “ The H ar­ ly rented. Dobbin class, with th eir faith fu l vest of O ur Lives— W hat Shall It friends and allies tied alongside the B e?”—-Gal. 6:17-10; Prov. 11:17 - ill-smelling tin buggies of today, or UPPER EAGLE CREEK munching the newmown hay out of 20; II Cor. 5:10. Mr. and Mrs. P eter Paulsen and the G range stable mangers, felt ju st L ast Tuesday Mrs. S. J. Eddy, son d au ghter Emma and son Otto were a little bit too stiff to challenge the and daughter ar.d Mr. and Mrs. J. guests of Mrs. Marie K linker and boys to a horseback race, but felt M. L ightfoot apd daughter, motored fam ily on Sunday. that they might be able to make it a out from Portland, being the din Miss Emma Paulsen of P ortland is bit in terestin g fo r them in handling spending her vacation with h er p a r­ ner guest of Mrs. B. Gibson. the ribbons in a driving contest. Orville Douglass, sow of Bert ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Paulsen. The races will be held in the a f­ Mrs. Louis Weisenfluh has gone Douglass, is the guest of his uncle ternoon, a fte r the governor’s ad­ and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Will Doug­ hop-picking. , dress, in one of Mr. G u ttrid g e’s Mr. and M i - b . J. Paulsen and boys, lass. He had the m isfortune to stubble field;. The track will be George W alling and Donald Car- break an arm some two weeks ago staked off and p ut in shape before­ ruth, spent Sunday' in Estacada at and he was brought to Portland to hand. the home of Mr. and Mrs. H arken- have it set. A fter staying a t the Right now I ■ tho tim e for all to hospital fo r a few days he came out rid er and family. get th eir hoi ea in shape for this to make his relatives a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sr. and son, event. An en try fee of $1.00 will On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mr. and Mrs. Will Ross and family, be charged each horse entered. The Douglass en tertain ed a t dinner Mr. Mrs. Bateson and daughter Marian, money derived from en trance fees and Miss Dora V oderberg, all of and Mrs. Will Bell and Mr. and Mrs. will go to the winners. Jim Denning. Portland, were guests of Mr. and Remember the date, Friday, Sep­ Several from this neighborhood Mrs. H enry Johnson Sunday. tem ber 18. A basket dinner will be went to the m ountains Sunday to the order fos the noon hour. Sand­ pick huckleberries. wiches will be sold during the day LOCAL ITEMS Virgil and Glenn Douglass, of by tho Ladies Aid of the Springwn- ?.Iontgomery, Alabama, surprised Mr. a n d #Mrs. Hallie MacMurphy th eir folks Sunday evening by com­ ter church, in addition to the reg u ­ and little son were visitors at the ing to seo them. They motored lar ice cream stand. Coffee will he furnished free to all desiring it. home of Mr. and Mrs. Smiley Love­ from M ontgom ery to Eagle Creek. Make your plans now to spend lace Monday, retu rn in g to Portland Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rehbcg have the day at Springw ater. Monday evening to visit with rela­ moved to lower Eagle Creek. tives before retu rn in g to th eir own Roy Douglass purchased a new CLEVER CARTOON home in Los Angeles. They were drill recently. form er residents of Springw ater, Mrs. R. B. Gibson attended M aster Robert Ocrke, aged 12, is having rsided on the John Reid church a t Dover Sunday afternoon. the guest of the Fred Wilhelm fam ­ place. About fo u r years ago they ily a t Dinty Moore’s park, has pre­ le ft fo r Los Angeles, where they sented the popular proprietor of this have since resided. y newest to u rist camp with a rem ark ­ Irr a le tte r to th eir parents, Mr. ably clever draw ing depicting Jiggs The E stacada schools will open at a phone with Dinty listening at and Mrs. Sagncr, Max and Erven rep o rt th a t they are very well Monday, Septem ber 14, one week the opposite end of the wire. The pleased with the com m unity of Flor- earlier than last year. In the high colloquy: istan, California, and are hard a; school five of last y ea r’s teachers "Is this Dinty Moore’s.” work. Mr. and Mrs. Max Sagnei are retu rn in g . They are O. T. Ol- “ You tedd ’em! Stop! and fam ily arrived there a fte r a de­ son, principal; Miss Lillie Homedew, Master B >b’s family will do well lightful trip overland. home economies; Miss A lta Kersh- to keep tab ou the youngster or one ner, English; Paul C. Giddings, man­ of those Portland dailies will have George P o in ter has improved th( ual train in g and ath letics; Charles the lad on the staff of illustrators. appearance of his building a t the Wilson, m athem atics. T hree new corner of Second and Zobrist by­ teachers have been elected: Miss SANDY-ESTACADA CAME giving it a new coat of paint. The Belva Beebe of Dallas, commerce; signs on The New\s office are a ttr a c t­ Miss Claudia Plank of Portland, his The Estacada baseball team will ing considerable attention and he if .:>ry and languages; Ralph Baker of meet the Sandy nine on tho local at work on a new sign for the F u r­ Gaston, science. These three in­ n itu re Exchange. stru cto rs were g raduated from the diamond Monday, Septem ber 7, ut Oregon A gricultural college last 3 :00 p. m. Sandy is planning on a large dele­ The vacation Bible school which June. gation in attendance. Your home has been m eeting each Tuesday a f­ In the grades three of last y ear’s ternoon throughout the sum m er at teachers were retained, (icing Miss team needs your support. the M ethodist church under the di­ Lillian Schmidt, Miss Lyla McKen- rection of Mrs. Rankin, closed their ney and Aliss Maude Sherm an. The Mrs. Hnrry Smith and dau g h ter work with a lively picnic a t the Es­ other grade teachers will he Mrs. and a nephew le ft last Friday m orn­ tacada park last Tuesday afternoon. Nellie G ardner of Portland, who has ing for n visit with relatives and tau g h t in the schools of W est P o rt­ friends at Bellingham, W ashington. George 'Geil, propriétor of the De­ land; Miss Rowenn H erm ann of Al­ pendable auto rep air shop, has just bany, who has been teaching in equipped his shop for reboring, Shedd, Oregon, and Miss Thelma grinding, acetylene welding and Sunderland of P ortland, who ha: electric drilling, and is prepared to tau g h t in Hood River county. handle any and all work along these lines. FINED FOR LEAVING FIRE Mrs. E. Steiner, m other of A. Sag- Mrs. Tuckta, Warm Springs In­ ner, is reported to be seriously ill at dian woman about 70 years old, wa: the home of a daughter in Yakima, W ashington. Mrs. S teiner was a brought before Ju stice of the-P eace resident of E stacada for a number •>. E. W ooster last Tuesday night, of year* and has a large num ber of charged with leaving a fire burnifig friends who re g re t to learn of her near Squaw m ountain. She wa: fined $5.00 and costs b ut the fir\e illness. wa* rem itted. A gent Mooreoff of the Warm Mr. anff Mrs. S. E. W ooster had a b eautiful display of choice dahlias Spring reservation brought the aged in th eir office window T uesday of woman to Estacada following her this week. The blooms are excep­ arrest on the reservation. tionally large and of a wide variety of color. They were grown in the j FLORAL EX HIBIT MONDAY m a ra ifn c d c c u k W ooster yard on the bouievarde. The floral exhibí? planned fop AT E rn est Rynning is enjoying a Labor day will be held in the E sta­ short vacation in southern Oregon cada Pharm acy and all persons ex-: ED ’ S SERVICE STATION with a p arty of friends. They plan- j hibiting flowers are urged to bring ESTACADA, OREGON ned on angling fo r some of the fine containers. tro u t reported to be in the Rogue j M. J. Kerkes, m anager of the In ­ Clean Power river. dex Produce Co. of P ortland, and Pull Mileage Anyone w anting radio parts in ­ Jas. Smith of O akgrove were in Es­ quire at the E lectric Store. adv tacada last S atu rd ay on business. ■ ESTACADA SCHOOLS TO OPEN