PAGE FOUR EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS G-isterr Clackamas News U P PE R KAU LE < P LK K Entered at the postotfice in Estacada, Oregon, as second-class mail. Several from ibis' neighborhood were up to Wild Cat the latter part o f last week to pick huckleberries. Published every Thursday at Ed and Roy Douglass went up and Estacada, Oregon back on Saturday and got about four by the e s t a c a d a p u b l is h in g c o m p a n y , gallons upiece. Will and Walter A CORPOIiATION. Douglass went up Friday evening and returned Sunday evening, each get- S u b s c rip tio n R a t e s One year $1.50 ring seven gallons. Win, Asp and .75 H. S. Gibson made the trip up and Si* months back Saturday. A . " 77 v ^ ^ Mrs. McKay was calling on Mrs. ★ BIBLE THOUGHT — FOR TODAY— Bible Thought* mamorfeed, will provo n [ft priceleafl heritage in after yearn. P EAR THE LORD and serve Him in truth with all your heart; for consid­ er how great things He hath done fo r you.— I Samuel 12:24. S P ItlftG W A T E R iNEVMS Threshing is now in full swing in this community. Mr. Hansen received a letter re­ cently from the tenant on his farm in Illinois stating that they had 4,- 000 bushels o f outs on 52 acres and had wheat which went about 12 bush­ els to the acre. The tpafrons on R. F. D. No. 3 were very glad to sec their regular carrier, Bill Graham, back on the job Monday morning, much better after his recent accident The Christian Endeavor social at the Byers home last Wednesday even ing v.Ti3 well attended. Robert and Henry Stone have gone to Alsea, where they have rented a dairy farm. The senior Mrs.Kirkwood of Reeds ville, Oregon, has been visiting at the home o f T. J. Kirkwood during tne past week. Mr. and Mrs. J A Shibley and Ev erett and Elva were Oregon City visitors on Monday Mr. and Mrs. Fred Closner o f Eu­ gene ure rejoicing over the arrival of a six-pound daughter, born August 1. She has been named Patricia Merle. The M. C. Maher family o f Hood River were calling on old friends here on Friday. Mrs. A. B. Lewellen and Mrs. W. N. Nelson o f Portland were Sunday guests at the home o f Mr. and Mrs, Wiley Howell. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens entertained a number o f guests from Portland last Sunday. Hurley Rainey and daughters of Portland are spending their vacation hore us the guests o f Mr. Rainey’s sister, Mrs. R. S. Guttridge. Guests at the Hansen home on Sunday were Mrs Hubbard and Mrs. Kell and son. Mrs. Archie Howell and daughter were Friday evening callers at the Stevens home. Mr. and Mrs. Heriiaia o f White Salmon. Wash., were recent visitors at the Ed Closner home. Mrs. Herd- ina is a niece o f Mr. Closner. Nels Christensen was a business visitor in Portland last Tuesday. Mrs. John Park and children of Dodge spent a few days with rela­ tives at Eugene. Elva Shibley and Evelyn Dibble were Sunday guests ut the Ed Shear­ er home. Mrs. Margaret Bridgeford, wiu has been visiting for several weeks al thu homo of her sister, Mrs. J. A. Shibley, left on Wednesday for hei home in Los Angeles, California. Tour at ,1 ¡ve o ork Mrs. Renstrom’: I OC \ L B R E V IT IE S b : . n caught it . tire. 1 : . "n, ago and chi t-ken house bt rn ! to Ol has been spending ground. Tli reighbors cod . ¡11 n ■ ' allis. this week. turned out ami prevents the houst ... Heylman was a Port­ from being destroyed, .nd : . -t week. o f the fire was unkno- n, Renstn .n i: i been away A. ' ou made a business trip two weeks' and no or. i P or. Monday. about the place, unless : • ila been berry ipicker.-. Mrs. H. C. Stephens spent Roy and Ed Douglas, sur.cay in Portland. land visitors last Monday. GEORGI; ITtiUS DON’T J. : 1 day. IHE ESlAtADA ÜÜîtL .. MODERATELY PRICED SERVICE!. CONSIDER?.!} QUIET, COOL AND CLEAN. and LAWRENCE Phone 601 Estacada, Ore. 75 75 3 35 25 Peaches are still ................ .. 1 25 - v e r g r e e n B la ckb e rrie s w a n t e d e\ery day except Saturday. Don't * o dy berries at value. W e p m the same clay they art? picked. G e e .: berrie s are 4 e ay cash when berrie s are w e igh e d up. hold th em o v e r . I want the J. O. TUNNELL, CURRIN SVILLE, OREGON. — UNDERSTANDING ■ana. nwtmcMu A cympathatic u nde r sta n d in g o f y o u r individual p ro ble m s a nd a k o w ie u g o o f y o u r personal r o q u i r c m c i i i a r t vnluablo fa c to rs ii cnab ;ns y o u r H om e Bank to giv e yo u the best po ssib le in banking serv ice. If yo u a r c n ot a lre a d y d o i n g business with us it will p a y yo u to ¡e a rn f o r y o u r s e lf what a s a t i s f a c t o r y bankin g c o n n e c t io n you may establish here. ■ . . C. F. Hurst are visit- ! ■( nd relatives in Portland veral weeks. ■' >■ u lect that sh elf o f grain u th . ohi'-g time for the Spring- >vattr fair? ■ M A R C H B A N K CONFECTIONERY and LIGHT LUNCH ESTACADA STATE BANK . S. L. Wooster went up to last Wednesday to spend the -uh iu on Harold and family. ‘S A F E T Y A N D S E R V I C E ” •s. \ir svenir ay c. effing from a short visit with datives in Portland. Ski John Trachel o f Springwater pur- hascii a Lord truck from the Cas- adc Motor company this week. International Made to Me as ur e CLOTHES A. G. Ames has taken the contract for putting m the sewer on the new Vary building. Guy Wilcox, who has been report­ 'd on the si?k list, is slowly improv- ,ng. WH BN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ABB BUILT, ft LUCK WILL BUILD THBM The C oi ls ...e ■:.ii Motor company re- aie o f a Chevrolet road- y: io J . . . fayder o f Gardeld. SPRINGFIELD FLEXIB LE CORD Harrison flo o tt o f Bellingham, .Tasiuagtor. is visiting at the home •f Mr. un i Mrs. Harry Smith. ftir. a; Bob Cooke and chil- mday at their summer . lendrum. The ' ry residence on Sev- .lth I oadway is receiving a ew cl :'l of a.nt this week. Ml ' Sevier o f Y.ola visited er da achter Mi -, t has. Hicinboth- m, ... iy last Tuesday VJÌ 1". . have t you that (¡¡¿ploy of <.::d iCT.-ing ready c o t , ingwater Sept. U-? ■ -- • i * . S. E. W oo: ter and • ■ • Lovelace wore Port- . .ii • Monday morning. BLACKSMITH ANP REPAIR& • S í í t r i ' I* n n THE ESTACADA MEAT tu . H. C. GOHRING Prop. h n o f Gresham was in Es­ tacada Monday, collecting for the P. £. P. company. Ted Howe spent Sunday at his home here, returning to Oregon - 'it y- that evening. Arthur No>ris o f this city received . n injurs d back iast Monday while at .•«ik w- th the crew on “ 44.’" The Estacada Band will play for S' :: «water fair Friday, Septem­ ber 1 ?. Beef, Mutton, Ve I ¿r„i Hop oìréfa 60-1 BARTHOLO M EW 19 75 Bo;v, are you getting that calf or ■ nd :on for the Springwater fair? j in.. FURNITURE MOVERS F o r Q u ick S e rv ic e W h e n You Wank A n y th in g D o n e Just Right, Call a .s o f Dodge was trar.sact- < !■■■ in Estacada last Tues­ i- ¡.staeada Feed Company ex-: - it': : iderable difficulty with 'a r ¡.vain elevator this week. n for TUE MANAGEMENT. G . 15 21 • e V e RY tíiíííü tirsi i l , ss : R. 15 Mt. Hood Washing Powder •"i?. W. W. Smith spent Hon day in Portland vis- Nelion o f Newbcrg was in ■ su rah s !: ' Wednesday ti n reacting 1 :>u. iress. ARE U n de r Pu blic Se rvic e C om m is sio n. . ar.d ■ur ' ting SORRY FORGET WE EXPERT 501b Sack Sugar ..................................................................... __________ GET OUR P R I C E S B E F O R E ARE Shell Motor Oil (Western) qt.. ....................................... Golden Shell Oil (Eastern) q t ............................................ -hell Gasoline in your auto, gallon..................................... Shell Gasoline in your barrel, gallon 101b Sack Sugar............................................................... . 25!b Sack Sugar .............................................................................$ « i 1 50 YR We Carry a full Line of Feeds Heylman was a Portland i Monday. Mi Don’t forget YOU W. • icitcr C u r r m s v iile S t o r e ¡Mr. and Mrs. W. J. ftfoore spent ¡ Friday and Saturday at Swim, Or- ! egon. I .¡tacada To’ . aaJ To!. Ct $1.50 13, 1925 » The new telephone directories are hero, and all desiring such please call at the office and get your copy, i is necessary for all parties to bt fille d by number, and in order to .. th - .i ou .vill need your new d NEWS AUGUST T. ' Katie Douglass last Thursday after­ g oi Sandy Ridge was an •Otto Paulsen Jniid Mr. id Mrs noon. Estât ¡ nitor last Tuesday. Paulsen ar.d children were vi The dance fflven by Eagle Greek the home o f Mr. and Mr... F. J. Hark- j Gui ■.ho.’ »', erg o f Dodge was an Grange at the Estacada pavilion last enrinder at i / tacada S’v i'! sstcra • or Inst Wednesday. -fcturdny evening was well attended, I ',0 numbers having 6ccn sold. T’io | T? Hr,; dm . Mr. a no ;« ... L. Carter was a Portland \ woman's work committee made Paulsen, Gc; ,o Willing ISitl >. ■t Tuesday. about ten dollars selling lemonade, Carruth were guests of Mr, orangeade and ice cream. It den spent a part o f ■mg .nr. I Wilson last Saturday, it Mi's. F. L. Tubandt and her two :kc metropolis W ilson’s birthday. daughters o f Airlie, Oregon, wore John Klinker and dan: •r He 1er- the geusts o f Mrs. Tubandt'3 sister, Ed. ’■■-■s was a Portland vis- Mrs T. C. McKay, over Sunday. and son Will of Portland and Mr. ’tor is .1 o »day. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass ar.d and Mrs. Klinker and s. children were the Sunday afternoon were guests of Mrs. ft. o. Ecker spent the guests o f Mr and Mrs. Oscar Benso.n and family last Sunday. week-end relatives in Portland. o f Logan. Mrs. llen iy Joyner ha: n. v o f The News office Mrs. T. Renstrom and little daugh­ joying a two weeks’ vara: in Salem with ¡datives ters are visiting with friends in Spo- number o f the different Oi Itane. beaches. Mis. Chas. Norris spent On Monday afternoon between : vacation near Government -am; la-1 week. TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES MAY BE SECURED 'T ACK..M AS THT'u DAY, On-*r» ir V» Estacada 7 •>. m. !r> C ' 'Vr 1 ■>-, was a passenger to ■ Saturday evening, re- I Sunday evening 'lotor rompant report» F ’ii madíter to David > turtln v*. f» «T to 8 p. i v Oregon Buick ah va;’S îeadj in taotov c-’r Talue? Standard Six 2-passenger Roadster B-pastenger Touring 2-pasaengar Coupe $1125 1150 1195 • 5-pass, two-door 6edan *1195 5-pass, four-door Sedan 1295 4-pasterger Coupe 1275 Master Six 2-passenger Roadster *1250 5-passengar Touring 1295 S-pas*. two-door Sedan 1305 5-pass, four-door Sedan 1495 4-paasenger Coupa 1795 A i l P rie * • F. O. ß . Batch f a d o r if t. 7-paesenger hcaan 5-passeng;r Brougham 3-pu s. Sport Roadster 5-paus. Sport Touring 3-pass. Country Club $1995 1925 1495 1525 1765 C cverñm ent ta x to bo added BUICK M OTOR COMPANY, Flint, Michigan Division of General Motors Corporation CASCADE MOTOR CO. V i'cox Ens„ proprietors, - . a, Oretion : O HOLD COOKED F O O D S A L E CHORUS PRACTICE L " ' V - I L l - v U ; lold * B '* important that all. those tik- I , ‘ ' V o v !3' - AnrU“ in* P* rt ln ‘ he I-stbor Day oT jus .. .' Hand will give a . at ,..e stacada Pa,rr.i-cy. report for practice Friday nigh„ .%u- I 'cmrfit 'aturday evening. Au­ r.I i r v i i i i c .n **** at *he Methodist chureh. at gust 15, in this city. cuActwAMAS NEW a $l.aO 1 R. i 7 : 2 ÎT. M m .' L. M: Ytieum, Chr.Ai.