/ E A S T E R N CLA C KA M A S N E W S , THURSDAY, A U G U S T (5, 1925 PAGE FOUR — OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTESESI ( Brief Resume of Happenings o' the Week Collected for Our Readers. Cotta shiplap. Grade suitable lent condition, works single or FOR SALE: Having decided for general use about the farm' double. Also one 1 % in. steel to close mv ministry with the You will find the price very ma a\ e one-horse wagrm. newly Christian Church of Estacada. 1 sorable Come down s-d see painted: a good buggy and good wi’l sell my house anil two fa wb.v we get. Elect m C Lumber buggy harness and a single work mile where i live, possession & Mfg. Co River Mill, Oregon bar' ess. A. H. Fralev, i 0 u i £ oí P. 0 ., Estacada, Oregon, ad cada Park Pavuilion. Tickets $l.bt> F A Rasch. for the past 12 years employed as exam iner by the Oregon public service commission, has re­ signed to accept a position as senior exam iner for the In terstate commerce commission. He will make bis head quarters in Washington. R em em b er Eagle C reek G range nance S a tu r d a y ev en in g at the E sta- Cent Discount for Cash W E B U Y M O ST K IN D S O F FARM PR O D U C E U. 3. M ORGAN T he wont "news" ilerehtpeil from nn early Amc/leiin n e w s p a p e r betiding. i ! e four points of the compass were placed at tile tup of the tirsl sheet The state highway commission a n ­ FOR S ale : ; x Milk Cows, nounces that construction work on the thoroughbred J seys and high Pacific highway just north of Oak­ grades. Ore rr e vast of Eagle land. Douglas county, makes it neces­ i ' r e e k Grange ha sary th at the highway be closed to 8-6 13 J. W. Cahill. traffic from 7 JO a m. to 5 30 p m. for about three weeks. FOR SALE: 20 P CS. S 4.10 $ 2 45 $ 2.45 FISHER'S BLEND FLUIR CROWN FLOIR The O rigin of N ews