EASTERN CLACX AMA3 NEWS. PACE TWO THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1925 Eastern Clackamas News GEORGE ITEMS Entered at the postoffice in Estacada, Oregon, as second-class mail. The farmers will soon have their grain ready for threshing. Mr. end Mis. C. A. Johnson and children uere gue3ts of Mr. and Mrs. tv-irwick in Portland over Saturday i j.:.J Sunday. The Ch: i: tian Endeavor will meet ;■ the homo o f Miss Flora Lins Fri- | day evening. John Willing and mother o f Sell- wood were out to see the form er’s son George at the home o f Julius Paulsen. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maxwell of Port­ land were out on their ranch over Saturday and Sunday. Clayton Chaney and family, who recently came from New York, have rented the Reheel place and expect to move on it soon. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Chaney and children spent Sunday at Grant’s park. Mr. and Mrs. Decker and little daughter, Elva Anita, o f Portland were calling on Mr. Hackaney and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Paulsen on Sun­ day, July 26. Jack Warwick of Portland is spending the summer at the home of C. A. Johnson. Published every Thursday at. Estacada. Oregon by the ESTACADA PUBLISHING COMPANY, A CORPORATION. S u b s c r ip t io n R ates One year Six month* THE ESTACADA HOTEL .. M O D ER ATELY PRICED SER VIC E!.. i h e ritag e In a fte r year«, FEAR THOU NOT io r I am with thee; be not dismayed; for I am thy i God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee, yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteoua- i ness.— Isaiah 41:10. CONSIDERED QUIET, COOL AND CLEAN. EVERYTHING FIRST CLASS. THE MANAGEMENT. S P R IN G W A T E R N E W S Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guttridge are receiving congratulations on the birth of their second son, born Sunday morning. Mrs. Nettie Grable was home io r a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ostrander o f Wal­ lace, Idaho, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. D. McDonald. Homer Wilkins, who has been vis­ iting for several weeks at the home o f his sister, Mrs. J. F. Moger, left on Tuesday morning for Orange, California. Mr. Dallas, Sr., o f Carver was call­ ing on his son, J. R. Dallas, on Mon­ day. Mr. Burnham was out to his place the first o f the week. Miss Maude Madden left Saturday for Spokane, Wash., to visit friends. Averial Shannon o f Oregon City visited a couple o f days last week at the home of his uncle, George Gutt­ ridge. Mrs. R. Hansen and Mrs. Forrest Ericksen were calling on Mrs. Wal­ lens on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rice and daughter Jeanne o f St. Helens were Sunday guests at the Wiley Howell home. Mrs. Rice and Mrs Howell are sisters. The many friends o f Mr. and Mrs. J. R .Dallas were grieved to loam of th<^ death o f their infant son in Port­ land July 27. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald were busi­ ness visitors in Portland on Monday. Miss Evelyn Dibble visited a couple o f days last week at the John Stor- mer home near Estacada. Mrs. Aycock and children visited a few days this week with her broth­ er, Ray Erickson, and family at Camp 10. Mr. and Mrs. Pulley and daughter Nettie o f St. Johns were Sunday guests at the Joe. Guttridge hoe. R. G. M A R C H B A N K CONFECTIONERY and LIGH T LUNCH International Made to M e a s u r e CLOTHES S P R IN G F IE L D FLEXIBLE BARRS The farmers o f this community are busy threshing these days. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Shaw o f Gresh­ am have moved up to Ed Douglass’ mill to be with their son Billy, who is working there. Mr, and Mrs. S. J. Eddy and little daughter Muriel and Mr. and Mrs. Holt o f Portland motored out to Eagle Creek on Monday, taking din­ ner with Mrs. Will Douglass. Several from this neighborhood at­ tended the Gresham fair on Sunday. =s£l Mrs. Claude Seranous returned on Monday with her prize cattle which she had at the Multnomah county fair at Gresham. Mrs. Jim Denning and Mrs. Walter Douglass called on Mrs. E. N. Naylor last Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Gibson and Sam Wilson were the dinner guests o f Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson Sun­ day. Mrs. Nora Lightfoot and little daughter, Retty, o f Pilot Rock were the guests o f Mrs. R. B. Gibson, Mrs. Lightfoot’s sister, last week. They left on Saturday to visit with Mrs. Eddy. There was a fire over at Mrs. Ser- sanous’ place last Thursday, burn­ ing the silo, cow barn, pig pen, and some other small buildings. The barn was the property of E. N. Naylor. The origin o f the fire is unknown. No one was at home at the time. The loss is partially covered by insurance BARTON Viitors at the home o f T, H. Odell Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Sherman j Stone o f Portland and Mr. and Mrs. | W. C. Odell o f Bridal Veil. Portland shoppers last week were Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Pederson, Mrs. j George Forman and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Udell. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gibson and I son o f Portland visited with Mr. ( Harvey Gibson Sunday. Visitors at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ferrell Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Echols and Ira Reynolds o f Currintville. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Odell, Grace, William and Hugh Ferrell made a trip to Mt. Hood Saturdny THE ESTACADA MEAT CO. ESTACADA STATE BANK S A F E T Y A N D S E C U R IT Y ' iglò - igià improvements WHFN ’M ’ improvements Beef, Mutton, Veal and Hogs Bought ☆ Open from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. BETTER AUTOMOBILES A R E B U IL T , B UI C K W I L L BUI LD T H E M 2 orse Toiver Saturdays, open to 8 p. m d i t : : Oregon The “ Square Deal” Barber Shop / / aw kw yW h e e l Buick h a s built EARL LA FORGE, Proprietor, ESTACADA S LEADING TONSORIAL ARTIST. All other work at popular price». MOTTO— "LIVE AND LET LIVE." Don't forget a BOBBING AND SHINGLING A SPECIALTY. B A T H S Uader Public Service Commitiioa. . Your Home Bank will be glad to help you in this building. C. F. Howe is enjoyingavacaiion o f two weeks at the Cary hot springs H A I R C U T 35c; S H A V E 15c. FURNITURE MOVERS I N YOUR BUSINESS. PROFESSION, TRADE, are you building for the future with a foun­ dation based on business integrity and square dealing, and a superstructure reinforced by an as­ sured credit rating and a connection with a con­ servative and growing bank 7 Remember Eagle Creek Grange dance Saturday evening at the Esta­ cada Park Pavillion. Tickets $1.00 “ The »hop where the barber know» hi* »tuff." GET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU ARE SORRY DON'T FORGET WE ARE EXPERT ARE YOU BUILDING? T im ka s If there’s a news item in your bailiwick, it ti The News. Line of Feeds CURRINSVILLE, OREGON. aku oh m e " “ Ç oiort Large sheets of Blottine Paper, 19x24. at the NEWS office, ll'c. • We Carry a full J. O. T U N N E L L , H. C. GOHRING Prop. Estacada You will always regret it if you fail to see "The Schock Punch,” Richard Dix’s latest picture. Lib­ erty theutre, next Sunday and Mon­ day. It Shell Gasoline in your auto .... 21c gal. Shell Gasoline in your barrel ... 19c gal. Shell Motor Oil (W’ estern) ..... 15c qt. Golden Shell Eastern Oil ..... 25c qt. 10 lb Sack Sugar .............. .. ...... 75c sk. 25 lb Sack Sugar, ................. $1.75 sk. 50 lb Sack Scgar ................... . $3.35 sk. 100 lb Sack Sugar ................. .. $6.50 sk. Upperset Jelly Glasses ........... .... 75c doz. Beech Nut Cigarets, 20s ... 10c Golden West Coffee ............... 55c lb. Frozen Suckers, ...................... 5c Eskimo Pie, ............................... 5c Ice Cream Cones....................... 5c and 10c. Steel Wool ................................ ... 10c Standard Binder Twine per bale, $8.50 Milk (Armours Vary Best) tall cans ............................ 10c If we haven’t what you want as us to quote prices. I thank you. UPPER EAGLE CREEK SHOP BLACKSMITH AND REPAIR Currinsville Store l BROADWAY. _ ______ = NEAR LINN’ S INN. ESTACADA. _________ - - -__________________ OREGON. -_____ - — ’ B isher ( L O U D DOdii 5 r UTtr tutmm ‘ «i better Automobile a ? Cleaner MARCHBANK CH EVR OLET CO. CARVER. OREGON. CHEVROLETS BUICKS wavy cm » a »M TIN C tm A e it tcda}> at the Buick showroom MAanrcnvfJi »»A U M « For Quick Service When You Want Anything Dene Juet Right, Call 60-1 BARTHOLOMEW and LAWRENCE Phaae *01 Eetacada, Ore. ACCESSORIES OF ALL KINDS, * GAS AND OIL— At Portland Price* R. G. MARCHBANK. Owner. Phone 10-5 a • Cascade Motor Company When in need ot Job Priming, call Tne Neus. Phone 9X3 W IL C O X BROS., PROFS., ES TA C A D A , O R EG O N