•' LO C A L From the Northwest’s IT E M S Full line of kalsoniine I pound at Pointer's. A. SAGNER, Prophrietor. Electrical Goods of All Kinds— Paints, Varnish and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore camped at Still creek near Rho- dendrum Wednesday of this week u R u t O T : BREAD SUPREME Delivered Fresh Every Day by Our O w n Fast “W H I T E ” Auto Truck to Estacada Retail Stores. Ask Your Grocer for it “THE NORTHWEST’S FINEST BAKERY” CARVER, OREGON. B U IC K S ACCESSORIES OF ALL KINDS, GAS AND OIL—At Portland Prices Phone 19-5 R. G. MARCHBANK, Owner. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lovelace i moved into their home Monday of this week. The property was given them by Mr. Lovelace’s father. Miss Della Pearson of Oregon ¡City spent Sunday with Mrs. W. J. Moore.While here she spent a por- I tion of the time on the upper Clackamas river. MARCNBANK CHEVROLET CO. CHEVROLETS The Portland Electric Power Company have torn out the Board sidewalk in front of the Estacada hotel and put in gravel this week. _______ ; Mrs. John Closncr of this city ( who has been in a Portland Hospital for sometime was able to return to ! her home here last Saturday. _______ A. Lins has been on the sick list ! for several days and was unable to attend to his duties last Monday at the People’s Store. --------- A Mr. Myers of Portland was in Estacada the first part of the week writing polices ,n the Union Cen- tral Life Insurance Company. The American Legion and Auxili- v a r y have adjourned their regular • meetings during the hot weather but will again follow their regular schedule beginning in Septem er. el«.— Two cell Flashlights 50c. for Kent fey Day. EARL LA FORGE, Proprietor, C h r i s t i a n c h u r c h s e r v i c e s Our entire service will be held | Mrs. F. entertained 11 connection with the Eastern Clackamas County Council of Reli- , i . _ i,, , i gious Education Rally at Spring- hcr daughter Ruth s birthday water. "'ho is a recent bride. It was a Services as usual Sunday, Au- surprise to her and as it took the *ust 2 ,' !m o f J k'tchen sho" 'er lC kePl . discontinued until further notice, 1l. ' kus> unwrapping the numerous* \ye cordially invite all to attend and reading the recipes which these services. were enclosed in each. About 1C y p c l .VY Minister. ladies were present and several chidren. A fter light refreshments THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL had been served all left wishing CHURCH .. , Mrs. Smith many happy returns “ The Friendly Cnurch on the Hill.” of the day and a long and happy Ira F. Rankin, Pastor. married life. There will be no services at the ^ Lena ^ „ nlade a church Sunday morning, as we buginess t f . to Oregon Cit Mon. plan to join in the Eastern Clacka-1 mas County Sunday School rally j at Springwater. All who can go to Springwater Mrs E. L. Trulllnger and daugh- ter, Miss Corrinne, returned home please meet at tne church at 1 *: 15, where means of conveyance will be Monday from camping at Chautau- provided. Each one bring your qua. lunch for the basket dinner and plan to stay for the afternoon pro- •' Stood many of the Eagle ( reek- gram. tes too!; ' n tke pki.v ,‘‘ Daddy Long j Evening worship ............. 8:00 Le>-rs-” at the Chautauqua last I FOR THE W EEK: Thursday evening. I The boys and girls will meet ar Mrs. M. A. Glover entertained the church Tuesday afternoon at Wednesday afternoon with a fare- I 2:30. well party for Mrs. Guy Warren j Prayer meeting Friday evening at who Ieft U ter for her new home at 8:00 Xaghville( Oregon she was 8 ent- ___ d___ ___ ___ pVe _____ Everyone is invited to come and ed wjtb a sdver j euy spoon and ap . worship with us. i joined in wishing her a happy l i f e) “ Jehovah will give grace and Mrs. Bernard Dolan and small ^ her new home. ¡glory; No good thing will he with- son o f Portland were the guests Miss Dorothy Phillips, Opal Cles^* k°ld from them tnat walk upright- o f Mrg Guy Graham during the ter, Corrinne Trullinger and Frank Lsalm 84: 11. past week. Mrs. Dolan was for- ! Leise attended most of the C. E. L. D. S. SERVICES merly Miss Ruth Tison o f this 1 convention in Portland. The Reorganized Church o f Je- c^ ‘ ________ | Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Glover and I . « ,, ... - .... , , . sus Christ of Latter Day Saints Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Hewitt of children attended Chautauqua, , holds Sunday school at I. O. O. F. Portland spent the week-end with Sunday. ! hall at 10 A. M. Mrs, Hewitt’s sister, Mrs. S. E. Mr. and jjrs. pal,i still were in Wooster, Miss Ruth Hewitt vis- Eagle Creek over the week-end. ited her cousin, Mrs. R a y m o n d _______ Lovelace at the same time. n ,r,.,n n n ., n r ir v c e D children of Turner. Oregon, visited , , TT„,r.„„rlo relatives and Irienas in r.stacacia, Monday and Tuesday. While here ' , they were the guests o f Mr 3 . Pncrne’s Parents tur. Mr. anu and Mrs, J. Eogue s parents, .«is. "• P. Woodle, Sr. _ ESTACADA S LEADING TONSORIAL ARTIST. and sh in g l in g a B A T H BROADW AY, NE AR L IN N ’ S INN, s p e c ia l t y . s ESTACADA, OREGON. EASTERN CLACKAMAS COUNTY COUNCIL OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION RALLY. • *» AT SPRINGWATER, SUNDAY, JULY 26, 1925. » * * PROGRAM 10:15— EASTERN C LAC KAM AS BAND. 10:35— SONG SERVICE, LED BY D AVID HORNER. 10:66— REGULAR i O lN 1 All other work at popular prices. MOTTO— ‘‘LIV E AND LET L IV E .” b o b b in g of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube 13 Inflamed you j, lvc> a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing. Unless the Inflammation can be reduced, your hearing may be dc- stroyed forever. A L L ’S we C clalm A T A R ior R H tt_ M rld ED your ICINE will do H what gystem of Catarrh or Deafness ________ Catarrh. H A L L ’3 C A T A R R H M EDICINE HAIR CUT 35c; SHAVE 15c. SUNDAY SCHOOL SESSION. 11:30— ANNOUNCEMENTS AND MUSIC— ANTH EM BY THE CHOIR. 11:60— SERMON, “ THE BOOK,” BY REV. B. F. CLAY. 12:20— BASKET DINNER 1:45— MUSIC BY THE BAND, 2:10— SONG. 2:20— ADDRESS— “ THE SUN D AY SCHOOL FOR THE YOUNG PEOPLE AND THE YOUNG PEOPLE FOR THE SUNDAY SCHOOL.” — REV. T. L KIRKWOOD. 2:45— VO CAL DUET— FRED AND HAROLD HORNER. 2:60— ADDRESS— “ OUR REASO NABLE SERVICE.” — MRS. JEAN M. JOHNSON, STATE SECRETARY. 3:05— ANTHEM BY CHOIR. 3:10— ADDRESS BY H. W. STONE, GENERAL SECRETARY Y. M. C. A., PO RTLAND . 3:35— SONG SERVICE A N D BAND MUSIC. . 3:50— GENERAL DISCUSSION— LED BY MRS. JEAN M. JOHNSON. 4:10— CLOSING SONG. BATHS Ladica* and Childrca', Hair- y I Y Cutting a Specialty. J I Shop on Broadway. Ü . . . la. 'i ■■ *" * L U M B IN --------- Blaisdell C A T A R R H A L D LA LN LS S Rev. and Mrs. C. IV. Pogue and )3 ofton caused ny an Inflamed condition “The »hop where the barber knows his stuff.” B A R BE R S LOWER EAGLE CREEK ------------ — — The “Square Deal” Barber Shop ilUIIILll Enam- Electric Vacuum Sweeper PHONE 76-2 caused by has been successful in the treatment of Catarrh for over Forty Years. Sold by all druggists. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. Earl Odell was hurt last Satur- ____ __ ________ ___________ day at Bridal Veil while at woik and was rushed to the Good Sa- j, Mr. and Mrs.W. E . Hall, Props. maritan hospital in Portland for .j. I treatment where it was found that j ijj | he had a slight fracture of the I •> skull and several bruises on his i chest and shoulders. According to SUNDAY SPECIAL | the last reports he is improving CHICKEN DINNER nicely. A. Horger of Portland was out Open from 6:30 a. m. to 8:00 p. m. v l •:*' 1 **>* i *» i ** l * •*»«| h |**|* *• •*» < last Saturday to visit his farm. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Stone of Portland spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Odell Albert Bartholmy is visiting his sister, Mrs. Della Clark in Port­ land for a few days. Mrs, Frank Guffnet spent last week in Portland withj. friends. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Stone and family were Portland visitors one day last week. George Forman has recently i purchased a new / threshing ma­ i chine. Harvey Brown is helping A. Werner with his grain. Barton wpn the ball game last : Sunday from the Redland team with a score o f 19 to 7. William and Hugh Ferrel left Tuesday for a two weeks’ « trip to the mountains where they plan to 1 spend the time fishing. Î Get our prices before you buy D rye r Pipes Made 5o Order For Sheet Iron work, repairs, soldering and plumbinji. call at the AM ES SHOP MAIN STREET. TIRE AND T U B E I R E P A IR I N G Broadway G arage HENRY BOHN. Estacada Seaman * Bullard All Grades of S H IN C 3 L E S Route 2 • Estacada dj l .O . O F . | Estacada Lodge i No. 175 . I Meets every Saturday evening in their lodge room, corner of Broad- way and Third streets. Visiting brothers are always welcome. ESTACADA A. G Ames, N. G. J. K. Ely, Secretary, family Wash a Specialty Prom pt Service at Right Price G I V E U S A T R IA L Satisfaction Guaranteed We have no Agents. Phone 70-1 li ¥ 1 AND AMERICAN LEGION GATES’ FUNERAL HOME GRESHAM, OREGON Phono 2471 CH ARLEY LIN N, Agent. I. O. O. F. BLDG., ESTACADA. ORE., Phone 543 AUXILIARY Meets First & Third Mondays I. O. O. F. HALL Third Street and Broadway Estacada, Oregon, S. .E. L A VV R E N C E, P. C Any girl in trouble may com­ municate with Ensign Lee of the ¡Salvation Army, at the White ¡Shield Home, 565 Mayfair Ave., 11 Portland, Oregon. 9 20-tf r*reaiBi-vw> n iK zrsxvcrx >ra£.?æ 5K - $1.50 nothing would suit the boy better; Sizes from 4 to 8 y e a r s ..................................S2.00 a Suit FREE! PATENT LEATHER Kid and Calfskin Oxfords, just a left of these, $4.90 and $5.50 Oxfords to close out, - * $3.90 Men’s Union Suits To close out, w e are selling our Men's Athletic Union Suits at 89c a suit, regular $1.25 values. ALL F R U IT S IN SEASON JOIN THE CROWD AT THE PEOPLE’S OUR MOTTO SER\ ICE H !■ J LEGION B O Y S B A S E B A L L Suits in heavy T w ill grey, Neglect of the liver results in self poisoning! Not so quickly, ^ perhaps, but just as surely as if vp you drank poison out o f a bottle, I f your liver is not doing its work of helping digestion, eliminating waste from the bowels and purify­ ing the blood, you will always be EDW ARD SHEARER,District President. troubled with sick headaches, nau­ CORRINE TRULLINGER, Secretary. sea, biliousness, bad breath, gas, sour stomach, or constipation. M. C. GLOVER ■ Executive Com. Cleanse and tone your liver! put GERTRUDE DILLO N \ your system in condition so you feel your very best again! Try just a spoonful o f Dr. H. S. Thacher's excellent Liver and Blood Syrup af­ ter the next few meals and notice BIDS WANTED RETURN CREAM CANS the quick improvement in the way you eat. sleep. look and feel— the For changing the windows in the return of ...JHP health, vigor To those who have my cream |______ . and energy. Tracy school house. District 68 . Contractor to furnish all materials. cans who are not shipping now, or • You will be completely satisfied, otherwise there will be no cost. The Board reserves the right to not intending to in the next 60 reject any and all bids. The seal­ days, please return them so we can Thi Coupon is Good for ed bids will be received until July- repaint, repair and rebrand them. Sample Bottle. 25. 1925 Please do this now. Dr. Thacher's Liver A Blood Further information may be had J. O. TU NNELL. Currinsville. Syrup if presented before thp -up- by applying to pfy for free distribution is already ERNEST M ARSHALL. Mrs. B. O. Sarver had her tonsils given away. Read the full details 7-9-16-23 Clerk Dist. 68. removed last week and has been above, then act at once, as this o f­ fer is limited. Get a trial size now Jets Denny has gone to Albany, very ill since the operation, but is py presenting this coupon to where he ia employed. reported to be (lowly improving. THE ESTACADA PHARMACY. 4 Jlilli1 w arm days, each pairs I ♦ J Dry-Cleaning and Dyeing " 1 J colors and weights, just the thing for few (; PIPE and FITTINGS A V C “S L IP O V A ,” P lay Suits in cotton, light LOOK OIT FOR SELF POISONING ' Ÿ V S i ORE E lr r 10c per l l - 6 tf Estacada was well represented at the Elks’ convention in Portiand last week. Finest Bakery PAGE THREE EASTERN CLACKAM AS NEWS, THURSDAY, JULY 23. 1023. B. S N Y D E R , - - C. A. D Y K E M A N .