7 ‘ STERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, JULY 0, 1025. PAGE FOUR Gii I TC A'. V BARTON Visitors at the J. A. Stone home Sunday were Mr.'. VV. H. Stone ard son William cf Portland, Mrs Hal Gibson, Mrs, Case and Mrs. Geo. Foreman, and son. Mrs. Jennie Kargcr and son, Cal­ vin of Portland, spent the week­ end with her sister, Mrs. John Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Odell and Earl Odell made a business trip to Portland one day last week, A. Horjrer of Portland was out to visit his place Friday. Misses Elnora and Gladys Guff- net of Portland spent the week-end wiar their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gufr.ett. Miss Edith Fcrrtd of Portland visited her parent: over the week­ end. Mr. and Mrs. Eari Odell have purchased a new Chevrolet ear. Mr. and Mrs. A. Werner and family visited friends in Portland lastSunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Whitehead and and son Lawrence of Bridal veil spent last week with theirparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jens Pedehson. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ferrel and daughter Grace, and son \\ illiam, drove to Portland Monday. THE UNIVIRSAL CAR Service Wherever the Road Leads. The nation-wide demand for Ford products mai-ces possible, also, a nation-wide service organization which has been developed to provide for the millions of Ford cars in daily use. Ford dealers are at your command always, every­ where. All over the country, on boulevard and highway, looms the Ford Service sign. It means that there you will find the service of trained lunc mechanics, special Ford equipment and geniune Ford parts. This is one of the big advantages in Ford ownership- that the organization which sold the car feels respons­ ible for keeping it sold; an organization which stands back of every Ford car buyer with a service reliable, reasonable and always on the job. BOB C O O K E M OTOR COM PANY Jacob H. Looney was born in Roar e county, West Virginia, Au- ■•us the 16th, 1SU7, and departed this life at 9:45 A. M., Sunday, July o;h, 1925, at the age of 57 y a. . 10 months and 19 days. Mr. Looney came to Clackamas county twenty-three years ago last April. He was united in marriage to Elva May Looney, June 27, 1003, at Oregon City. To this un­ ion was born three children; Dor­ ris, Claru and Wilbur. He leaves to mourn his depart­ ure. his devoted wife ard children; four brothers, Russel and Jimmie of West Virginia, Henry of Anchor, C r:., and Chris of Cove Orchard, , liters, R eb cka Vine­ yard of West Virginia, and Miss E-.barn Lo oney of Ohio. Two otuvr -istcis had preceeiied him in death. Mr. Looney had been ailing since a year ago last November, when he took a cold with the flu. The following March he had the mea- ■, since which time his health hr ? been steadily failing until !> the end came Sunday morning. Funeral services were conducted from the Methodist Church Mon­ day afternoon at two o'clock, Rev. £ IP Iia F. Rankin officiating. Interment was made at Lone Oak cemetery under the direction of Undertaker J. E. Gates of Gresh- CUTS MORE SLICES To The Loaf An ideal slice size for toasting, sandwiches and children’s between-meal snacks. !’F h ù -L B U s N i SOLD AT YOUR FAVOR- ITE GROCERY and RES-"* tacada, phone 694. LOST—Child put her cape in wrong auto. Brown cape with brown and tan collar. Finder please notify L. S. Rivers,^ Bar­ ton, Oregon. 7-9-16 4 WANT TO EXCHANGE—3H farm wagon for lighter wagon. One Belgian mare sale or trade. J. O. Smith, 2 ’.- miles_east of Carver. 7-9 16-23 Why not start now and let Elec­ tricity do all your household drudgery for you? Modern Appliances at Moderate Prices PARTLY furnished house and three lots for rent $ 16; also Lloyd Loom wicker baby carriage good condition. 3 10. see Loretta Sagner or call Tel. 42-51. It I x We have an excellent stock to | select from. j TO TRADE—Good horse or some sheep for a good fresh milch cow, B. F. Forrester, Eagle Creek, Tel. Estacada 40-13. Add ress, Boring R 4. It Electric S t o r e , Electric Building FOR SALE One l)i in. steel scam one horse wagon, overhaul­ ed and repainted. 1 *> in. tire. 3 spring. A. H. Fraley, one half mile east of P. O. 7-9 V 1 Portland Electric Power $ ELECTRIC BUILDING, $ Company PORTLAND, OREGON. .................................................. ... BOBS UNION BARBER SHOP «nd MARCEL SALON STRICTLY SANITARY SATISFACTION GUARANTEED HOURS— 9:00 A. M. TO 8:00 P. M SATURDAY— 9:00 A. M. TO 10:00 P. M. MASONIC Bl.DC. ESTACADA ART. SMITH. F.op- Estacada Feed Store The Reason We Are A lw ays B usy Price and Quality We always consider a sa:;sfied cus­ tomer our best advertisement Crown or Fisher's Blend Flour £L50c • WE BUY MOST KINDS PI U. S. MORGAN FARM PRODLC 1 ESTACADA. OREGON A few friends and relatives gathered at the home of Jake Looney to celebrate the Fourth of July with him. fov even in hi# last illness he loved to have his friends visit him. A bountiful picnir lunch was served on the back porch and his friends visited with him. Those present were R. A. Looney, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Vance, Mr. and Mrs. Niles Holland and their families from Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones of Portland, Mr. an3 Mrs. Be linger of V\ oodburn and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Looney and family of Currinsville. SEE John Marshall at Spring- water for cedar posts from 7 ft. to 20, also have a few sawed posts Imagined They Were W ar m , end They Were 4 x 6 cedar, any length. 7 9t % ) 7-9 V X y R E N T —T h r e e FOR se e H e\ man. Eo u s e s , 6-25 F O R S A L E J a c k 0 n ht y m o w er; r a k e ; lurk co m p lete f a n n i n g m ill a; id SeVt ral o t h e r f a r m im p l e m e n 8 U Ü ! tra d e fo r M. A. liv e s t o e k. il o *. or y 'P' N e ls o n . B o r in g O r e g o n , R o u te 7-16 ■ 1 4. CAR S For USED D int y M o r e 's 1 ark . $c 'o at > If* '25 LOANS on farms 6 ; • cent. No c,iinmisc:on. City Loans Monthly pian. Oregon City Ab uact Co. PORTLAND, OREGON. Wholesale Distributors of EVERYTHING CALLED PRODUCE. BEST PRICES PAID TOR VEAL, HOGS, LAMBS, EGGS, POTATOES, ETC. We Remit by Return Mail . M. J. KERKES, Manager. MAIN 2989. FOR SALK Oar dining suite table and 6 chairs. Dr. tohnson, Phoro 50-51 1-t OR SALI y e a r obi hoar a d twi , hrs. te r ta M> at l \ r i f a r y . w s, E s­ it FOR SVf.K >annnn mi l k go it. ii.quire of Mrs. C. S. Allen, Second and Currin St.. Phone 57 3 5-21 tf Pointer's Furniture Exchange, tiio place to get what you want and sell what you don't want, tf Near Morrison. INDEX PRODUCE COMNANY 151 Front. INDEX PRODUCE COMPANY ■ Imagination, like the consciousness of being well and fashionably dressed has a singular power of Imparting warmth to the frame, a writer In the Youth's Companion remarks. If you think you are warm, you really are. So at least the following story from the Tatler would seem to prove: The late Charles Brookfield used to tell n stosy of a miserable railway Journey that he had to undertake with some friends in order to get to a cer­ tain country house. It was bitterly cold, and by the time they got to the end of their Journey It was pitch dark, and they were nearly frozen. A pri­ vate omnibus had been sent to meet them, and they trooped In and pulled up the glass of the window. “I hope to goodness they've remem­ bered to put in the foot warmers!” ex­ claimed one of them, reconnolterltig with his foot. “Oh. thank goodness! Yes, they're there.” Sure enough, they found, stored un­ der the scats, two heavy contrivances, .which they hauled Into line and grate­ fully rested their feet on. The effect was Instantaneous. Immediately n de­ licious warmth permeated the soles of their boots and thawed their ley feet, nnd soon their whole bodies were In a glow. "Hang It!'' one of them remarked, perspiring freely. "This Is aim >st too much of a good thing. I.et's have the window down.” They were thoroughly warm nnd re­ freshed by the time they arrived at the house, where they were met by an apol­ ogetic luttler. who expressed regret that the omnibus had been sent off without foot warmers. It then turned out Hint the objects on which they had be«n so cosily resting their feet were two of their own gun rases. Their own imaginations had wanned their feet! Galen was horn at lYrgtnum. In Asia SI in f. He spent some years at Alex­ andria and later went to Rome, where ho wrote a work on anatomy and even performed dlsse. tions upon animals. lie considered that disease was largely bawd u. n the four humors of man—bile, blood, phlegm nnd black bile which were regarded ;t* related to (but not Identical with) the four element« fire. air. earth nnd water— being supposed to have characters sim­ ilar to these. Thus, to bile, as to fire, were attrio nted the properties of heat nnd dr,' nesa: to bhvd and air those of h ' and molstne««: an l finally Mack Idle like earth, was said to be cold aud dry INDEX PRODUCE COMNANY INDEX PRODUCE CO, ■«—— aa ^ Get the Red Crown Mileage Card at any “Red Crown” pump. JJse it and see your summer mileage in* crease. 5 "F COURSE there’s a limit to the number of miles your car can get even out of Red Crown gasoline. But as you fol­ low the practical suggestions in the Red Crown Mileage Card you’ll keep improving your summer mileage— with a good chance of tagging on 15 to 30 miles extra to the tankful. Fig­ ure that out for a season and you’ll be buying “Red Crown” MILES ex­ clusively like thousands of other ex­ perienced motorists. — W h y not start saving today? MONEY TO l.t AN \Ye have piw t\ of m ney to loan on farms : t 6 From one to 2 ' yetrs. No commission on large loans S. E. W ooster . Ks; acacia. Ore 6 19tf LUMBER FOR S A L E -W e have a small amount of 2 x 4 and 1 x i> shiplap. Grade suitable lor general use about the farin' Gcltn Earned Title, You will ft nr! tho price very rea­ “Father of Medicine•** sonable. Come down and see The foundation* of medical science what we got. Electric Lumber w ere Isid in the early part of the First & Mfg. Co.. River Mill, Oregon. century by Claudius Galen. 8-8 tf L O A F &•' --- xvt'Jkl of dxtUiwnfatilfy INDEX PRODUCE COMPANY A. Smith accampanied by his daughter, Neva, drove to Stayton lust Friday where Miss Neva joined a party bound for the coast and CASH paid for false teeth, dental Mr. Smith attended the Stayton gold, platinum and discarded jewel­ ry.—Hoke Smith Smelting & Refin­ rodeo. ing Co., Otsego, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Holder re­ turned Monday from a trip to Tur­ FOR RENT—Nice coo! furnish­ ner, Salem and Brooks. They at er! rooms, use cf the whole house tended the state convention of the 5 2 per week. Corner 4th and Christian Church at Turner, visited Main, Mrs. Mae O. Reed. 7-9 , friends at Salem and also visited Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Campbell at FOR SALE or TRADE—Heavy schoolmate of Mr. Holder fifty wagon 3 1-2 in. suitable for lum­ years ago and they had not seen ber or wood hauling, in good re­ at Brooks. Mr. Campbell was a pair. F. N. Cadonau, south Es- each other since. You already know that Electric Service is the most useful and economic servant in the home. ¿Sj TAURANTS IN ESTACA- DA AND VICINITY. W M AND FOB SSLE Â0S Now Is The Time To Electrify Vour Home Large Families The same Hoisum quality that won the Harry M. Freer Trophy the second time in two years. The same price as the regu­ lar large loaf. ESTACADA. OREGON J " m Economical buy m iles ^iejestp/tfin tc&a-by miles STANDA RO O il COA-iVAirr (C iiifcrrt» ) 3 15S« lb " s u tv -r BIDS WANTED CARD OF THANKS hanging the windows in the We wish to thank the kind fríen cho-.l house. District fig. tor to fu tiDh all m-terials. and neghbors who so kindlv s •A reserve the r eht to «fited us during the long illr.csa ai am rl Ml t>i Ta. seal- . until July death of our husband and fatht and for the beautiful fioral off« infom..ation tray be had ings. “•9-18-23 ERNEST MARSHALL. Clerk Dut. 82 . MRS. J. H. LOONEY and FA.MIL