>- EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY. JULY 9, 1925. PAGE THREE LOCAL ITEMS From the Northwest’s finest Bakery B u t» ' THE BREAD SUPREME it PORTLAND-CARVER-ESTACADA STAGES Municipal Terminal, Sixth and Salmon Sts.— Phone Main 7733. LINN’S INN, Estacada, Oregon. SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE MAY 2 ft P. M. P. M. •A. M. M.lP.M. P.M 8:00 12:00 4:30 8:30 8:15 12:16 4:46 8:45 8:26 12:25 4:55 8:66 Full line of k a l s o m i n e 10c p e r 8 ; 4 6 12:45 5:15 9:16 8:65 12:56 6:26 9:25 pound, at Pointer’s. 11-6 t f 9:30 1:30 6:00 10:00 Saturday only. Richard Beaver who has been making his home with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kitching fo r a number o f years left Monday fo r Camp 8 where he will reside with his father and sister. CARVER, OREGON. B U IC K S ACCESSORIES OF ALL KINDS, GAS AND OIL—At Portland Price* Phone 19*5 —— At Estacada, in the State of Oregon, THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS. JUNE 30TH. 1925. Time and Savings Deposits. sub|ect to reservei 22,211.66 72,073.61 $94.286.26 Total STATE OF OREGON. COUNTY OF CLACKAMAS '.1 *281,290.99 ss: Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Githens and children o f Canby and Mr. and Mrs, Stinson o f Portland were guests at the Hugh Carlin home over the Fourth, ... E le ctric and GEORGE ITEMS Vacuum CHRISTIAN CHR,ST,AN BATHS CHURCH church 76-2 Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hall, Props. *jj X ¥ ¥ THE Children*. Hair- a Sp ecialty. i Shopmen Broadway. Estacada. SERVI CES | PLUMBING PIPE For Sheet Iron work, repairs, soldering: and plumbinjr, call at the AMES SHOP MAIN STREET. M ETH ODIST E PISCO PAL C H U R C H ... "The Friendly Cnurch on the Hill.” Ira F. Rankin, Pastor. Sunday School at ........... 10:00 Mornin g worship,..................... 11:00 The Rev. Eugene C. Hickman, President o f Kimball School of Theology will preach. AFTERNOON SERVICES: Sunday School at Dover church “ t ........................................ TIRE AND TUBE R E P A IR IN G Broadway Garage HENRY BOHN. 2:00 Dr. Hickman will also preach at Dover church at ........ 3:00, I’ . M EVENING SERVICES: Epworth Longue at ....... 7 00 EVEN WORSHIP at 8:00 FOR THE WEEK: The bovs and girls will meet at the church Tuesday afternoon at 2:30. Prayer meeting Friday evening at 8:00 “ It shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith Jehovah,” — Isaiah 66: 2’. Everyone is invited to conic and worship with us. ESTACADA and FITTINGS Get our prices before you buy Dryer Pipes Made to Order Estacada Seaman * Bullard A ll G ra d e s o f SHINGLES Route 2 E sta ca d a L- -eve 4-8—1-4* 1 .0 . 0 . F . | Estacada Lodi>e f No. 175. Meets every Saturday evening in their lodge room, corner of Bioad- way and Third streets. Visiting brothers are always welcome. Orin Ballou, N. G. J. K. F.ly, Secretary, -4**f**L »|44**l**i* *!**♦«*?**** 4» Dry-Cleaning and Dyeing AMERICAN LEGION Family Wash a Specialty Prompt Service at Right Price GIVE US A TRIAL Satisfaction Guaranteed We have no Agents. Phone 70-1 AND AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY Meets First & Third Mondays I. O. O. F. HALL Third Street and Broadway Estacada, Oregon, S. .E. L A W R E N C E , P. C •} GATES’ FUNERAL HOME I | Ladies and C u ttin g Bible School ................ 10:00 a. m. PREACHING at 11 a. m. s d ’ morning Mrs. W. E. Ranibo “ vill speak on her experien­ cos in the Near " East ..................... Relief Work, ces Airs. Rambo was a missionary to india for 16 years and has been engaged in the Near East work for several years. The Evening Services have been discontinued until further notice. We cordially invite all to attend these services. B. F. CLAY, Minister. 5"X 8“ M ' J W t. LOOK OUT FOR SELF POISONING BARBERS Sw eeper t hose elected to the offices were Chas. Hicinbotham, Grand Patri­ arch; Dr. Chas P. Johnson, High p riegt ; J. E. Lacroy, Senior War- den; Chas Hitching, Junior War­ L. D. S. SERVICES The Reorganized Church o f Je­ den; J. K. Ely, Scribe; W. F. Cary, sus Christ o f Latter Day Saints Treasurer. holds Sunday school at I. O. O. F. hall at 10 A. M. ‘aadsj aujD oig jo sjeaqs eSju-i * -00X SAS3N le 'VZ*Gt _ _________________________ „ ____ HAUL'S CA TAim tl MEDICINE will do what we claim for It—rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. HALL'S CATAKHH MEDICINE has been successful In the treatment of j Catarrh for over Forty Years. Sold by all druggists. F. J. Cheney Co., Toledo, O. IU 1 Enam­ PHONE The installation o f officers for the ensuing year was held last Tuesday night at the regular meet- ing o f Encampment No. 91. W. A. Moran, District Depnty Grand Pat- riarch of Boring was the installing officer, Guests at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lins, Saturday, were Mr. and Mrs. Max Wogenkneck of Milwaukie, Mrs, Elsie Dew and daughter, John Dew and Mr. and Mrs, Hackney o f George. GRESHAM, O R E G O N P h o ne 2471 SU N D AY SPECIAL CH ICKEN DINNER CHARLEY LINN, Agent. I. O. O. F. BLDG., Open from 6:30 a. m. to 8:00 p. m. E S T A C A D A . O R E ., P h o ne 543 ; Any tfirl in trouble may eom- I mumcate with Ensign Lee o f the Salvation Army, at the White Shield Home. 566 Mayfair Ave., Portland, Oregon. 9 20-tf ‘ ! SHOES and OXFORDS ¿a.-vCte 3T, a re*. W e have a good selection of Misses’ and W o m e n ’s shoes and oxfords which we are closing out at prices much below wholesale costs. Be sure and see these before you buy. T ab le P rin ts W e have a good variety of table oil cloths in blue, red and orange color designs, something different but good durable quality^. ?■£“ & I V Practically everyone in the camp spent the Fourth in Estacada. Smith Fields, a teamster for Walter Douglass went to Dayton to spend the holidays with his fam ­ ily- Ted Reed o f Estacada ia truck­ ing for Ed. Douglass. The lower mill was closed down for several days the last week as he loggers werebuilding a bridge acrose Deep creek. Both mills have installed ade­ quate equipment for fighting fire. Va rn ish fcy D ay. Stanley Mardefl, Who was injured i9 often caused by an Inflamed condition in ati accident a couple o f Weeks 2f,^he mucous lining of the Eustachian „ mi _i_t_ Tube. When this tube Is Inflamed you ago at thè Electric mill, was able have a rumbling sound or Imperfect Unless the Inflammation can to spend the Fourth with his fam ­ hearing be reduced, your hearing may be de­ stroyed forever. ily here. Neglect o f the liver results in self poisoning! Not so q perhaps, but jugt as surely y0u drank poison out o f a bottle If your liver is not doing its work o f helcing digestion, eliminating waste from the bowels and purify- ing the blood, you will always be troubled with sick headaches,'nau­ sea, biliousness, bad breath, gas. sour stomach, or constipation. Cleanse and tone your liver! put your system in condition so you feel your very best again! Try just The apparatus consists o f enginss a spoonful o f Dr. H S. Thacher's pumps and several hundred feet o f excellent Liver and Blood Syrup af- two-inch hose for each mill. th<* next tew ar,d notice Roy tune to break the universal joint return o f health, vigor and energy, on the logging truck, but he was You will be completely satisfied: able to have the truck back on otherwise * there will " be fl no cost. the jo b before the mill used up the large supply o f logs on hand. F P F F I This Coupon is Good for I RLL. Sample Bottle. L. E. Nailer, the second off- Dr. Thacher's Liver St Blood bearer for Walter Douglas«' mill Syrup if presented before the -up- has been sick fo r several days last ply fo r free distribution is a lre a d y week. He was fortunate in a way. given away. Read the full detail's though as his illness kept him at above, then act at once, as this o f ­ f e r ia lim ited . Get a trial size now home the days the mill was not p y p re se n tin g thia coupon to in operation. THE ESTACADA PHARMACY. - I, Ruth L. Dillon, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best o f my knowledge and belief. RLTH_ L. DILLON, Cashier. v _ ,,, . . CARY, Notary Public My commission expires August 16,1927. CORRi.'T — ATTEST:— H. C. STEPHEN'S, THOMAS YOCUM RUTH L. DILLON Directors. DOUGLASS MILL GOSSIP Ren t E N C A M P M E N T NO . 91 IN ST A LL S OFFICERS RESOU RCES. $ 1 6 1 , 9 7 7 .9 2 Rev, and Mrs. Henry Speiss Loans and discounts ............................................... ............ Overdrafts secured and Unsecured 8.16 and son o f Gladstone and Mr. and U. S. government securities owned 39,550.00 \jrg. Hedges o f Beaverton spent Other bonds, warrants and securities *l’*2o’ I» the Fourth in Estacada. Rev. Stocks, securities, claims, liens, judgments, et<- 6.’21” !33 Speiss was formerly pastor o f the Banking house. *3.460.00; furniture and fixture* #2,767,33 Real estate owned other than banking house 1,663,98 M. E. church here and has a large Cash on hand in vault and due from banks approved reserve _ number o f friends in the com- agents of this bank 82’ 39* ’ 70 munity. Checks on banks outside city or town of reporting bank and other cash items ............................................ 90,00 ■1 —— i Mrs. Lera Dale and daughter Total cash and due from banks $62,486.70 --------------- and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lovelace Total...... ....................................... ................................. $281,290.99 drove to Corvallis last Friday to L IA B IL IT IE S . bring Arnold Lovelace home for the $ 16,000.00 Fourth o f July. He returned to Capital stock paid in ........................................................... Surplus fund 2,000.00 Corvallis on Monday, Undivided profits $1(1,887.47 Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid 6,776.57 6,110.90 Mrs. r 0S6 Looney o f Cove Or- United States deposits, including postal savings 206,14 chard came over Monday to attend Demand Deposit# sub|ect to reserve ■ the funeral o f Jake Looney and is Individual deposits subject to check, including deposits due visiting her sister, Mrs. M. Lons- the State of Oregon, county, city or other pu blic funds 163,9*0.56 berry. Cashier’ s checks outstanding .... .......................... 708.13 Total of demand deposits subject to'reserve *164,688.69 Time certificates o f deposit outstanding Savings deposits payable subject to notice Total of Time ard Savings deposits els.— T w o cell Flashlights 5 0 c. fo- llliw P r o p rie t o r. K in d s — Paints. C A T A R R H A L DEAFNESS Mrs. Ina Leach and Miss Elv* Grimes o f Salem were guests at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Reserve District Nc. 12 Wooster, Friday and Saturday they REPORT OF CONDITION attended a Missouri reunion in the park. ------- o f the------- ESTACADA STATE BANK, AT Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Price and family o f Carson, Wash., spent the past week-end with Mrs. Carson’s sister, Mrs. C. A. Dykeman and family, —— Walter Norris, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Chas Norris, met with an ac- cident last Thursday while cutting wood that resulted in a badly cut foot. 2:00 6:20 Lv. Estacada 2:30 6:50 Eagle Creek 2:40 7:00 Barton 3:05 7:25 Carver 3:15 7:35 Clackamas 3:30 7:50 Ar. Portland Sunday (A ) MARCHBANK CHEVROLET CO. C haft It No. 125 All Mr. and Mrs Morrow o f Portland Lovelace and chil­ were guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Leo last Sunday from a Rath over Saturday and Sunday. parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Dew and family spent Olympia, Wash. the Fourth in Estacada. The Christian Endeavor Society Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smith o f Oak will meet at the home o f Mr. and Grove were guests at the home of Mrs. Chaney on Friday evening. Mr. and Mfls, Theodore Ahlberg Master Harry Pershin and Don- over the week-end. ald Carruth are spending the sum- Mrs. Helen Davis o f La Grande mer at the home o f Julius Paul­ is a guest at the home o f her sen. Miss Emma Paulsen o f Portland brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dod­ spent the Fourth with the home son. folks. Miss Bartholomew ol Portland is Mr, and Mrs. James Denning spent the past week-end with their visiting at the home o f Mr. and daughter, Mrs. Will Bell o f Sandy Mrs. Robert Miller and family. and enjoyed the celebration there. “ THE NORTHWEST’S FINEST BAKERY” R. G. MARCHBANK, Owner. of Mrs. Smiley dren returned visit with her Mrs. Jones at Truck to Estacada Retail Stores. CHEVROLETS Goods SAGNER, The Fourth was celebrated down week to remain during the summer at the club house and park with a with her parents. basket lunch and a program in the Little George Lawrence o f Car­ afternoon, and dance in the even- There were a large number ver spent the Fourth with his ing. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. o f visitors besides the home folks present. Lawrence. Ow n Fast “W H I T E " Auto A. M. Ele ctric al Rev. and Mrs Howard Mort of Independence spent the Fourth in Estacada. Delivered Fresh Every Day by Our Lv. Portland 10:00 Clackamas 10:30 Carver 10:40 Barton 11:05 Eagle Creek 11:15 Ar. Estacada 11:30 * Daily except A. Mrs. M. B. Signs o f Hillsboro was in Estacada last Friday on business. iN u t Ask Your Grocer for E LE C TR IC STORE John Page of Gladstone was in Estacada, Monday, on business. «5, R«'