PAGE TWO '. S7CRN CLACKAMAS MEWS, THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1925. Eastern Clackamas News Scotch Cow Evidently Had Fondness for Fish Ewt«-r»d at the postoffice in Estacada, Oregon, as second-clam* mail. Published every Thursday at B3tacada, Oregon by the ESTACADA PUBLISHING COMPANY, A CORPORATION. S u b scriptio n R a t e s • One year Kix months • *1.50 .75 THE ESTACADA HOTEL THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1925. Catering to the most particular and hard to please patrons. .BIBLE TH O U G H T — FOR T O D A Y -i| It is a place you can't afford to pass up. Very bright and clean and our large, cool IJ Bfhie Thojjjrtita memorised, wttt prove prieeuMs bertafe in »iter year« Then Peter opened hia mouth, and snid, O f a trutr I perceive that God is no respector o f persons.— Acts 10: 34. diningroom has so many home like sur­ roundings. THE HOUSE OF *4 THOUSAND SMILES SPRING W ATER NEW S A Sunday School convention will be held at the Springwater church July 26. Everybody welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guttridge were Wednesday evening callers at the J. R. Dallis home. Guests at the R. S. Millard home June 28 were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bates o f Garfield, Mr. Kenneth Miles and son Ray, and daughter, Mrs. Anna De Scopieray o f Port­ land. Mrs Wiley Howell had as her guest over the week-end, an old girlhood friend, Mrs. Harold Hub- ler o f Oakland, California. Mr. and Mrs. Aycock of Daven­ port, Wash., have rented the Burnham place and expect to be settled there soon. Mrs. Aycock is a daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Peter Erickson. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen entertain­ ed a number o f relatives on the Fourth. J. A. Kiggins is driving a new R. G. M A R C H B A N K CONFECTIONERY and LIGHT LUNCH Rules of Politeness Were Not for Tennyson International Made to M e a s u r e CLOTHES VIOLA BR EE Z E S The real heroine of this adventure was a cow. j.he angler could cast a fly and had caught trout In the south of England, hut had never so much us seen a salmon river. Great was his joy therefore, when one day he received an Invitation to fish one of the most famous spring salmon rivers In the north of Scotland, says the Field. In the very first cast that he tried he hooked and landed his first salmon—a ten-pounder. The first salmon is always the most perfect and beautiful that ever was seen and the angler reflected that if he carried his fish In the bag all day It would dry and lose Its lovely sheen. On the top of the brae there was a marshy nook that would answer his purpose admirably. lie deposited bis treasure In this nest and, having cov­ ered it with a thick layer of rushes, went on Ills way. The rest of the day he caught noth­ ing except n hnlf-pound trout. Still he was very happy and content ns he turned homeward and whistled mer­ rily as he approached the marshy nook. But there he found a highland cow In the act of consuming his salmon, of which little remained ex­ cept the head and the tail. In his anger he flung the trout savagely at the cow, hitting her full in the face; but, so far from taking offense, she seemed rather to think that he had brought her a bonne bouche where­ with to complete the feast, for, after gazing at him for a moment with the Innocent, confiding eyes of her kind, she contentedly swallowed the trout. U PPER EAGLE CREEK Tennyson gained a reputation in his later jears for rudeness. It was due perhaps to liis dislike of intru­ sions upon his solitude. When the mood was upon him lie wns apt to disregard entirely the conventional­ ities, says the Kansas City Star. A neighbor of the poet laureate once asked if he might bring to Aid- worth a woman who was visiting in his home. She was well known in so­ ciety. It was carefully explained to Tennyson that the woman had a great admiration for the poet's works and desired very much to see him. Tenny­ son assented quite readily, telling the neighbor to bring her to luncheon and named the day. When the day ar­ rived the poet had forgotten nil nbout It and, as It elianced, was in one of his solitary moods. The woman was introduced; Tenny­ son bowed. Luncheon wns announced and they went In. She sat next her host, who throughout the meal did not litter a word. At the end of it he re- ) tired In silence to Ills own room nnd the woman left the house to which she had made her pilgrimage in hope nnd reverence, not hnving heard so much as the sound of the poet's voice. There was a large crowd gath- I Mrs. S- j , Eddy and children of ered at Viola on the Fourth. The j Portland, Mrs. M. S. Horsman and main thing on the program was the Mrs. J. M. Lightfoot, and little ball game in the afternoon. One laughter Betty, recently from Pe - man was hurt by a swift ball strik­ dleton, were the guests of their ing him on the cheek bone; and 3ister, Mrs. R. B. Gibson, last Wed­ Satan came also with his moon­ nesday. Chevrolet truck. some o f the Mr. and Mrs. Swvenson o f Car­ shine, which made Mrs. Ray Woodle was calling on and boys think they were ver spent the Fourth as guests o f men Mrs. Katie Douglass last Wednes­ having a good time. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dallas. day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hicinbotham Mr. and Mrs. George Perry en­ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass en- to tertained about thirty relatives came frbm Stevenson, Wash., spend the Fourth in Estacada. tained at dinner, Sunday, Mr. and and friends on Saturday. Mrs. J. F. Mogcr is enjoying a They also attended the roundup at Mrs. George Preister and children Their daugh­ and Mrs. R. B. Gibson. wisit with her brother, M. H. Wil­ Molalla on Friday. kins o f Cloud county, Kansas. ters, Beulah and Mildred, who have Agnes Evans is visiting with past two her sister, Mrs. Perry Murphy. A fter his visit here he expects to been staying for the weeks with relatives hero returned go to California. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rainey and Guests at the Edward Shearer home with them on Sunday. Miss children o f Camas, Wash., were the home on Saturday were Mr. and Alice Ilicinbothum o f River Mill re­ week-end guests o f Mr, and Mrs. and Mrs. J. F. Moger and Mr. John turned with them for a two weeks Will Douglass. Cochney’s Absent "H ” Shearer o f Portland. [ visit. Andrew Henderson arrived in In Latin nnd the languages, such Earl Shibley and family spent a Mr. und Mrs. John Randolph and Upper Engle Creek last Saturday, as French, derived from It, the “h" number o f days visiting at the daugher Norma, and son Bruce, being a guest at the home of Wm. Is not pronounced, Its omission being home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. i returned home Friday after spend- due to the slightly different throat for­ Asp while here, J. A. Shibley. ing a very pleasant trip in Califor­ Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Orke were mation In different races. For cen­ Howard Smith and family of nia visiting relatives and friends turies after the Norman conquest Latin out this way on Sunday. Sherwood visited on Sunday at the and old neighbors, They wore in nnd Normnn French were the official home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. their car und were within twenty tongues of England, nnd the aspirate, Estacnda Wood Yard— 16-inch Wm. Smith. therefore, was never sounded. With miles o f the Santa Barbara earth­ length— ulso hauling and moving. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guttridge cele­ quake. the gradual rise of English ns a na­ They feel very thankful brated the Fourth by entertain­ that they returned without an ac­ For quick service call H. R. Stubbe tional language, the "h” canie Into ing a number o f relatives from cident. They were gone a month. Phone 24-3, Estacada, after 6 P. fashion, though even today one may M. tf occasionally find an old-fnshloned Portland und Silverton. The quarterly meeting will be clergyman who clings to the ancient Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Erickson held at the church here on Sun­ tradition and speaks with conservative ca m e home on Friday for a short day, July 12, with a basket dinner correctness of an “ untble man.” In visit. They were accompanied by the main, however, the dropping of the at noon. Mrs. Erickson's parents, Mr. and “h" was left to the less-educated Our popular mull currior, Wm. Mrs. Mann. classes, particularly those in London, Graham, has a new Ford car. Among the delegates attending which, as the court and official center, Ed. Miller o f California is hero the Christian Endeavor convention for a visit, looking after property had of course been more affected by the French non-asplratlon than the in Portland this week were Ever­ and shaking hands with old neigh­ more truly English north country. ett and Elva Shibley, Gilbert and bors. William Shearer and Mrs. T. J. Kirkwood. Gave Tjnt to Water We have them in any NOTICE OF SALE Mr. Madden is feeling much bet­ Opposite Buckingham pnlace Is to ter after his recent attack o f la be found the Victoria memorial. This On Monday, August 10, 1926, Quantity. beautiful piece of workmanship Is at 10 A. M.,at the office o f the Es­ gT ippc. G ET OUR PRICES BEFORE and Telegraph particularly remarkable for the clear, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Howell tacada Telephone YOU A R E SORRY delicate green of the water In Its mar­ and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Howell took Company in Estacada, Oregon, IT D O N 'T FORGET WE ARE shares of the Estacada Telephone ble basins. The secret of its coloring a three day's trip to eastern Ore­ and Telegraph Company EXPERT will be nnd translucency was revealed recent­ gon last week. sold to pay former assessments ly when two workmen were observed F U R N IT U R E M O V E R S Rulph Greer has been spending made on said shares. solemnly drawing a large sack to and Under Pu blic Servic e Thomas Yocum, President, a short vacation at his father' fro through the water. They ex­ C o m m is sio n. . A. Smith Vice-President.. home. plained to an interested onlooker that Mrs. Maude Smith. See.-Treas. For Q u ick Servic e When You Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bard enjoyed 7-0-26 the sack was filled with n certain sub­ W a n t A n y th in g Don e a two day trip over the Mt. Hood stance which, while preventing the Just Right, Call growth of weeds, gave the water Its Loop Highway, crossing at Hood Jacob Mess has received word dellcnte apple-green tint. — London River and coming down the North that hi* father, now living inPiqua, Times. Bank Highway to Voncouver, Ohio, Is rapidly failing m health. Art Morrow made a five days' Mr. Moss would like to go east to BARTHOLOM EW trip to Seaside and several other see him. having been away for 15 Oldest Form of Writing and L A W R E N C E coast resorts, and visited with his years. The Egyptian system of writing Is Phone 601 Estacada, Ore. perhaps the oldest of the known brother Harry at Wheeler. On •eripta. Tills writing wns In the form his return he was accompanied by CLACKAMAS NEWS $1.50 YR ^ of pictures. The nu*st ancient Egyp­ his nephew, Raleigh, who is enjoy­ tian papyrus now known contains ac­ ing a visit with several of his fo r ­ counts of the reign of King A s s a mer friends here. (3oS03oot3 B. C.). The earliest lit­ Marion Millard and wife of erary papyrus Is that known for the s. Estacada : T Berry (rates CtsrrinsviSSe Store Sugar, PftH. oath per sack ............... .................. $6.50 Sh un Shun, the new cook mg and salndoil, guaran- teeil .................. the pint .35 cts., quart .60 cts. Women s Keds _____ $1.75 Men’s Keds............................................ $1.75 Misses Keds............... _................................. .......... $1.75 Boys’ Keds................................................................ $1.75 House Slippers......................................... . $ 1.00 and up Shell gasoline in your auto...... ................ . .21 cts. gal. Gasoline in your barrel, cash........................... 19 cts. gal. 5 gal. Shell Western Oil in new can......... $ 2.50 can 5 gal. Golden shell eastern oil in new can___ $4.50can We are paying today .32 cts. a doz. for eggs in trade and .30 cts. cash. These prices are for strictly firsts grade eggs. Currinsville, Oregon. J. O . T U N N K L L DURING THE BUILDING Of our new and modern Banking Home, we will be located across the street In the Masonic Building, For any slight inconvenience that may result to our patrons by reason of the change, we ask their indulgence, at the same time assuring them that, on completion of our new building, we will be able to serve them better. ESTACADA STATE BANK Four Per Cent Interest On Time And Savings Deposits ybr E co n o m ica ! T ro n tp o rla flo é A Chevrolet Coach ¡»Vacation Time ~ Comfortable touring Rain ^pr Shine / Yes, A fine quality car for only The World’s Lowest Priced Fisher Body Coachl 60-1 The Chevrolet Coach will add comfort and protection to your vacation adventures oil the road. All its windows open with Tern* •tedt regulators and it has a one-piece ven* tilating windshield to provide the airiness of an open car—yet it is dry and snug dur* ing the inevitable rainy day. Tou’ll find a Chevrolet easv to ride in and to drive and you’ll like the way it holds the road. Its sturdy construction is typical of the highest priced cars and it it truly beauti» rul in appearance. THE ESTACADA MEAT CO. Call on us for a demonstration a n d ask ul to explain the Chevrolet easv purchase plan. H. C. G O H R IN G Prop. Beef, Mutton, Veal and Hogs Bought ☆ ■ roadw ay Nf.vr t o U M T S MM O regon SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEWS $735 M'™k. Touring Car Roadster . . *525 Coupe 525 Sedan *715 Codi mereiai Chassis • s i *423 fexrreM 825 Truck C ruck ChftMit * ALL PRICES F. O . B. FLINT. M IC H IG A N 55Ö la lity at Low Cost Cascade Motor Co. W I L C O X B R O S , Pi ops. ESTACADA OREGON