EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, JUNE 25. 1925 PAGE THREE •x»*>x-x~ LOCAL ITEMS From the Northwest’s Butted Finest B a k ery * Î 1 §- THE BREAD SUPREME Delivered Fresh Every Day by Our Own Fast "W H IT E ” Auto Truck to Estacada Retail Stores. Ask Your Grocer for it “ THE NORTHWEST’S FIN EST lA K E R Y ” E LEC T R IC ST O R E Harry Kitching was a Portland visitor last Friday, A. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Carter were Portland visitors last Saturday. E le ctric a l for Mrs. A. Fraley returned last Thursday from the hospital where she has been confined for some- M if and Mrs. W. A. Wilcox and daughter visited at the home of Mr. W ilcox’s sister in Vancouver last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Moore o f the Estacada Hotel were Portland vis­ itors last Monday. H. B. Snyder and W. A. Heyl- man were Portland visitors last Monday. A ll Kin ds— Paints, Rent by F. H. Seeley, o f Chicago and Philadelphia, the noted truss ex­ pert, will personally be at the Ben­ son Hotel, and will remain in Port­ land this Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 2S, 29, 30, and July 1. Mr. Seeley says: “ The Spermatic Shield will not only re­ tain any case o f rupture perfectly, but contracts the opening in 10 : days on the average case. Being a vast advancement over all for­ mer methods— exemplifying instan­ taneous effects immediately appre- j ciable and withstanding any strain or position no matter the size or location. Large or difficult cases or Incissional ruptures (following j operations) specially solicited. This instrument received the only award i in England and in Spain, producing I results without surgery, injections, I medical treatments or prescrip­ tions. W a r n i n g — A ll cases should Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith motored to Stayton the first o f this week be ca u tio n e d again st the use of on business. a n y elastic o r w e b truss with u n ­ as same E le ctric rest and Vacuum w here the BATHS Sw eeper 76-2 Shop on Broadway, Estacada, Ore. ;{• M rs. J. A .Wiley exhibited a beautiful bunch o f cactus dahlias last week in the city which had been grown in her yard. She re­ ports that she first noticed the blooms on Tuesday morning of last week. CH RISTIA N CHURCH I PLUMBING PIPE and FITTINGS Get our prices before you buy Dryer Pipes Made to Order SERVICES For Sheet Iron work, repairs, soldering and plumbing:, call at the Bible School ................ 10:00 a. m. Preaching, .... 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday Morning Sermon,— “ An Honest Man’s Need o f Christ.” The Evening Services have been discontinued until further notice. We cordially invite all to attend these services. B. F. CLAY, Minister. THE AM ES SHO P MAIN STREET. TIRE AND T U B E M ETH ODIST EPISCO PAL C H U R C H .... REPAIRING “ The Friendly Cnurch on the Hill.” Ira F. Rankin, Pastor. Sunday School at..................... 10:00 Mornin g worship,..................... 11:00 AFTERNOON SERVICES: Sunday School at Dover church at .................................. i z BARBERS Enam­ PHONE E X PE R T HERE der -straps, Varn is h D a y. RUPTURE ar­ his Mrs. D. Davidson o f Portland spent the week-end at her home in Garfield. of DENNY BROTHERS P r o p rie t o r. els.— T w o cell Flashlights 50c. John Page o f Gladstone was in Estacada last Saturday on busi­ ness. J. W. Shafford o f Portland rived Saturday to care for berry crop. Goods SAGNER, Broadway Garage HENRY BOHN, Estacada 2:00 Preaching. Dover church........ 3:00 EVENING SERVICES: Epworth League ..................... 6:45 Evening worship ... g :00 NOTICES FOR THE WEEK: 1» jaoiu || iav spits pun sXoq a q j. All Grades of the church Tuesday, at 2:00 p. m. Cottage Prayer Meeting Friday evening at ............................ 7:30 Municipal Terminal, Sixth and Salmon Sts.— Phone Main 7733. LINN’S INN, Estacada, Oregon. A cordial welcome is extended to Route 2 Estacada SCHEDULE E FF E C TIV E M A Y 2 P. S.— E v e r y s ta tem ent in this all. Maurice and Glen Ely are cut­ (A) n o tice has b e e n verified b e f o r e the A M. P. M. P. M. *A. M. M. i P.M. P.M PM ting cordwood on a thirteen acre F e d e ra l and State C o u rts .— F. H. i “ Jehovah will give grace and glory; No good thing will He with­ Lv. Portland 10:00 2:00 6:20 Lv. Estacada 8:00 12:00 4:30 8:30 tract o f land owned by the former Seeley. hold from them that walk upright­ + + + ' M n i + + + e i « ( ' t + » + e i « W " i > + + t i i - > Clackamas 10:80 2:30 6:50 Eagle Creek 8:15 12:15 4:45 8:45 across the Clackamas. H o m e office 117 N. D e a r b o r n ly.” — Psalm 84: 11. Carver 10:40 2:40 7:00 Barton 8:25 12:25 4:65 8:55 St. C h ic a go. I.O.O.F. Barton 11:05 3:05 7:25 Carver 8;45 12:45 5:15 9:15 P. M. Anderson is the owner of L. D. S. S E R V I C E S Eagle Creek 11:15 3:15 7:35 Clackamas 8:55 12:55 5:25 9:25 Estacada Lodge Mrs. S. E. Wooster reports that The Reorganized Church o f Je­ Ar. Estacada 11:30 3:30 7:50 Ar. Portland 9:30 1:30 6:00 10:00 a new Essex coach which he pur­ she has a cheamy yellow chrysan­ v No. I75 . sus Christ of Latter Day Saints * Daily except Sunday (A ) Saturday only. chased from the Marchbank Chev­ themum blooming in her yard. The holds Sunday school at I. O. O. F. rolet Company at Carver. Meets every Saturday evening in flower is an eastern variety and hall at 10 A. M. their lodge room, corner of Bioad- way and Third streets. Visiting Miss Lyla McKinney left Friday was planted out o f doors early this brothers are always welcome. morning fo r Monmouth where she spring. Orin Ballou, N. O. will attend the summer session o f | J. K. Ely, Secretary, SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEWS the Oregon Normal school. PORTLAND-CARVER-ESTACADA STAGES Miss Minnie Hollowell of Boise lu mp is and not w here the ope n in g Idaho, is visiting at the home o f is p r o d u c in g c o m p lica t io n s n ece ss i­ tating s urg ica l o pe r atio n s . Mr. See­ Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Byers in Viola. ley has documents from the United States Government, Washington, D. Miss Ethel Hale of Portland C., for inspection. He will be glad spent the week-end at the home of to demonstrate without charge or her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay fit them if desired. Business de­ mands prevent stopping at any Hale o f Currinsville. other place in this section. R. G. M A R C H B A N K CONFECTIONERY sad LIG H T LUNCH International Made to M e a s u r e CLOTHES fo r the m otorists w ho w ant m ileage SIMPLE, EXPERT W A Y S TO INCREASE MILEAGE FOR SUMMER DRIVING— IN THE RED CROW N MILEAGE CARD There is an advantage to the motoriat in the Standard Oil Company*a long experience in making gasoline—not only in “ Red Crown’ »” quicker starting, apeed and power— but above all in it» M ILEAGE for lummer driving. The Red Crown Mileage Card—just out— tells you Juit what to do for your ear and how to drive to increase your mileage—to get l J to j o mile» more per tankfnl from Red Crown Gasoline I T W O EASY W A Y S TO INCREASE SUMMER MILEAGE Fine— buy mile»— "R ed Crown” ha» the extra mileage in it for you to get out, Second—get a Red Crown Mileage Card the next time your tank ia filled. Follow it» ea»y, prac­ tical advice, and wateh year improvement. Ask for the Red Crown Mileage Card at the first Red Crown Pump—at Standard Oil Service Station» and dealera anywhere. Uae “ Red Crown” and iegin getting your FULL Summer mileage today! R. G. Marchbank, who was in­ FOR OVER 40 YEARS jured in an accident the 14th, was able to return home last Thurs­ HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE has been useci successfully In the treatment day. of Catarrh. Mrs. Raymond Lovelace who visited last week with relatives in Portland returned home Saturday with Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Hewitt and daughter o f Portland. (CiHUrtia) » ig ij rs. C. B. Lawrence o f Portland, L I B R A R Y A S S O C I A T I O N TO HOLD M EETIN G daughter, Mrs. Chas Bishop Send, visited Sunday with Mr. The annual meeting o f the Li­ Mgs. S. E. Lawrence o f Spring- brary Association will be held :r and Mr, and Mrs. G. E. Wednesday, July 1, at 3:30 p. m., rence o f this city. Mrs. C. B. at the Library. All member* are rence is the mother o f G. E. urged to attend as the election o f r«nc«. officers will be held. X- i I ! Ï \**l* E RESTAURANT } i J From Oregon M o t o r V e h ic le 1924. SUNDAY SPECIAL CHICKEN DINNER y : Open from 6:30 a. m. to 8:00 p. m. W IT H AMERICAN LEGION Family Wash a Specialty] Prompt Service at Rif>ht Price AND GIVE US A TRIAL AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY Satisfaction Guaranteed We have no Agents. Phene 70-1 I.Iect3 First & Third Mondays I. O. O. F. H A L L Third Street and Broadway Estacada, Oregon, S. ,E. L A W R E N C E, P. C GUTES’ FUNERAL HOWE GRESH AM , OREGON P h o n e 2471 CHARLEY LINN, Agent. .. I. O. O. F. BLDG., E S T A C A D A . O R E ., Phone 5 43 • Any girl in trouble may com­ municate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army, at the White Shield Home, 565 Mayfair Ave., ! Portland, Oregon. 'J 20-tf Dress Shirts L a w i, W E have a good selection o f Men’s Dress Shirts in English Broadcloth with collars attached and without collars, in tans, white, cream and pearl gray, $ 2.9 0 to $3.50 each Considerable discussion has been heard in this community recently concerning the suspension o f dri­ ver's licenses, to aid in clearing up some o f the difficulties we quote the following from the “ Oregon Motor Vehicle Laws” compiled by Sam A. Kozer, 1924. SECTION 24— Suspension o f Li­ cense. “ The secretary o f state may suspend any operator’s or chauffeur’s license issued under the provisions o f this act upon a re­ quest or recommendation of a magistrate, sheriff or chief of po­ lice or city or town marshal or any other peace officer charged with the enforcement o f highway or Motor Vehicle laws o f the State o f Oregon, fo r any cause which he may deem sufficient • ESTACADA Ä Dry-Cleaning and Dyeing ****** M r. and Mrs.W. E . Hall, Props. SU SPEN SION OF LICE N SES OF M OTOR VEH ICLES GRADUATES -b y m iles HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE con­ sists of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts through the Blood on the Mucous Sur­ faces, thus reducing the Inflammation. Sold by all druggists. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Raspberries are ripe and good' Pick ’em yourself—-50 cents a i crate at Kinney & Lamberson’s place opposite Garfield Grange hall, three miles east o f Estacada. 6 -l8 -tf FORMER ST A N D A R D O l t COMFANY S H IN G LE S ESTACADA the those attending Among last county picnic Douglas Peninsula Park in Sunday at Mrs. were Mr. and Portland U. S. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Denning, Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Irving Smith. This was the four- teenth annual gathering of ex- Douglass county folk and a pro- , news Seaman s Bullard MEN\S HATS Dress and everyday Felts in greys, browns, black and light. Good durable Hats, new styles. B. V. i). STUDENT HONORS Neil Saling, son o f Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Saling o f Corvallis and fo r­ merly o f Estacada, graduated with scholastic Tionors from the Corval­ lis high school, Monday evening. June 15. He was one o f the 32 students in a class o f ® » who had maintained an average o f “ B or better throughout the entire high school course. Ten members o f the class had ’ been selected by the faculty to receive "special honors” . This se­ lection was based on the following points, (a) above das« average in scholarship.