'A 3 T :':k Ñ c l a c k a m a S n e w s , T h u r s d a y , j u n e PAGE TWO I m Eastern Clackamas News LOOK OUT FOR P ile in i at th« postofijee in Estacada, Oregon, a« seeond-clas* mail. SELF POISONING Published every Thursday at Estacada, Oregon by the Neglect o f the liver results in self poisoning! Not so quickly, perhaps, but just as surely as if you drank poison out of a bottle. If your liver is not doing its work o f helping digestion, eliminating waste from the bowels and purify­ ing the blood, you will always be troubled with sick headaches, nau­ sea, biliousness, bad breath, gas, sour stomach, or constipation.' Cleanse and tone your liver! put your system in condition so you feel your very best again! Try just a spoonful of Dr. H. S. Thacher’s excellent Liver and Blood Syrup af­ ter the next few meals and notice the quick improvement in the way you eat, sleep, look and feel— the return of health, vigor and energy. You will be completely satisfied; otherwise there will be no cost. ESTACADA PUBLISHING COMPANY, A CORPORATION. S ubscription R ates On« year • - - $1.50 Hx month* • * • .76 THE BEST 50 CENT MEAL YET 9Z6T '92 3 N ílf ‘AVGSHÍ1HX High Voltage Service—Nothing but the Best o f Food served here, and Say! those STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKES Far through him we both have ac- | cess by one Spirit unto the Father. — Ephesians 2: 18. we furnish daily, they are very popular. We have a few rooms vacant now at $16.00 PER MONTH. Very Cozy, Snappy and Clean. - T R Y US. FREE! Joyfully, CHERRY FRUIT FLIES AND SPRAY TIME IS HERE The flies o f the cherry fruit worm are busy about the trees, and growers who have not already put on the first sweetened poison bait spray arc advised by the ex­ periment station to do so at once. The following formula is used and recommended by the station:— Lead arsenite, one-half pound; Molasses— not honey— 2 quarts; Water, 10 gallons. This is enough for 60 average trees, as the appli­ cation is very light— just enough to deposit small droplets on the leaves and branches, where the fly will find and sip them. The flies sport around the trees for ten days or more before be- ginning to deposit eggs from which SPM NGW ATER NEWS NOTE— The editor regrets that . ■„ *u„ an error occurred in the Spnngwa- ter items last week in mentioning the birth o f a son to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guttridge, it should have read Mr. and Mrs. George Guttridge. Berry C r a te s Five factor* are essential to pre­ vention and control o f potato dis­ eases in Oregon— crop rotation, seed selection, seed treatment, qlant spraying, and good storage. These practices are outlined by the experiment station potato iqie- rialists, who also list the following as minor factors o f control: Kind o f fertilizer used, cultural methods, checking o f insects that spread disease, nnd use o f irriga­ tion water. The first practices are the most to be dopended on. All o f them must be considered if the grower is to produce potatoes of high yield and good quality, free of potato disease. Results at the experiment station in Corvallis show that more than one o f these methods arc necessary, and that two or more— such as ro­ tation and seed selection— must be employed on each lot successfully grown.— From Dept. Ind*. Journal­ ism, O. A. C. Mr*. C. F. M.Browne and chil­ dren returned this week from a visit with friends and relatives in Logan. Maxine is feeling fine, eating good and has gained two pounds in the short time she has been there. ... Miss Eranna Bluhm of Beaver Creek ha8 been visiting in this neighborhood this week, John Closner and family o f Es- tacada were Sunday guests at the Ed- Closner home. Closner Mildred and Edna were Sunday guests o f Valine Jul- lan- George Perry was home on Sun da. V - _______________ „ „ „ „ FURNITURE MOVERS ESTACADA Umatilla Indians Bucking Horses, Bucking Buffalo Bucking Steers 60-1 WILD HORSES and L A W R E N C E Estacada, Or«. J ik. THE ESTACADA MEAT CO. H. C. GOHRING Prop, vV Mutton, Veal find Hogs Bought THAT WE SHELL GASOLINE. ...................... ................... ............. 21c gal. WESTERN MOTOR OIL, ...................................................... 15c qt. WESTERN MOTOR OIL in 5 gallon cans .................... $2.50 SUGAR IS STILL ADVANCING—-W E HAVE IT AT $7.00 Currinsville, Oregon. J. O . T U N N K L L PHARMACY. GEORGE ITEMS MOLALLA FIREMEN BARTHOLOMEW Phon« 60t THE ROUNDUP For Quick Service When You Want Anything Done Just Right, Call ASK FOR PRICES ON THINGS YOU W A N T DO NOT CARRY IN STOCK. ply for free distribution is already given away. Read the full details above, then act at once, as this o f­ fer is limited. Get a trial size now py presenting „ this coupon to MOLALLA Under Public Service Commission... BINDER TWINE, CREAM SEPARATORS, GASOLINE ENGINES, FORKS, FORK HANDLES, SCYTHES, SCYTHE SNATHES, SHINGLES, ROOFING PAPER, SCYTHE STONES, OILS, GREASES AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Sample Bottle. Mr. and Mrs. P. Paulsen, Otto Paulsen and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Joyner and family were guests of o f Mr and Mrs J. C. Duus o f Es- tacada on Sunday. Miss Emma Paulsen o f Port­ land, accompanied Mr and Mrs. R. Maxwell out to visit the home folks over Saturday and Sunday. VIOLA b R LL/ES Mr. and Mrs. Huffman and ----------- and Mrs. Wm. Graham, our popular m ail1 dauShter a" d husband carrier on Friday cvellini? invited Burn and daughter from Portland his friends.and neighbors to a so- called at the Julius Paulsen home c'a* *n his new barn. There were Sunday. They are old friends of fifty people in attendance. Games Mr. Paulsen and have not met for o f all kinds were played and a nail a number of years. driving contest for the ladies and ---------------------- a needle threading contest for the Mr. and Mrs C. A. Dykeman and Men' Refreshments consisting of Mrs. O. T. Olson were Portland cream visitors last Thursday evening and cake, strawberries and ice attended the performance ofRosa- were served at a late hour. Mrs. Wm. Hicinbotham and little r' e evening. daughter, Esther, returned to their ......... ” ■ — home at Stevenson, Wash. , on Once Populous Cities Monday after spending a week with Reclaimed by Jungle her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. The old question whether a thing Sevier. Two daughters will remain enn be lost when you know where it til after the Fourth. Is applies In part to lost cities, be­ Mrs. Clara Hicinbotham and cause the sites of ninny of them nre children, Alice and Leslie, came known nnd in some enses even the over Friday evening to attend the buildings nnd stntunry are almost In­ social. Mrs. Amanda Creason from tact. Portland was also present as Now, however, their only Inhabit­ Washington. ants are the hensts of the Jungle, lions The Children’s Day exercises prowl through their echoing halls, were held at the church Sunday monkeys race across their fretted evening. A fine program was given arches nnd snakes lurk In their dark by the children and the Viola choir dungeons or glide across their crum­ also sang. All enjoyed the pro­ bling pnvements, For instance, the holy city of the gram. Buddhists—Baraboedoer, In Java— had been forgotten for 000 years when CLACKAMAS NEWS $1.50 YR. , Sir Stamford Raffles rediscovered It t and Its wonderful temple, the eighth wonder of the world, says a writer In London Answers. The Jungle of Slam has hidden Its ancient capital, Ayuthln, for four cen­ turies. Its Inhabitants fled before the conquering Burmese, and never re­ turned. It Is now said to be the lurk­ ing pluce of thousands of enormous snakes. Mystery surrounds the dead city of Tibet, which Cnptnin Itnwltng discov­ ered. It Is a vast collection of pal­ AIISPIfFS aces. monasteries and dwelling houses, but the Tibetans professed Ignorance of Its existence and also of the rea­ son of Its abandonment. Five centuries ago Angkor had a population of three-quarters of a mil­ lion. Today It Is the dead city of Cambodia. The carved stone ele­ phants, the Immense causeways, the majestic temples, still remain, but the Jungle has Invaded the streets and squares. I Famous Riders Lady Riders GET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU ARE SORRY DON’T FORGET WE ARE EXPERT WE CARRY This Coupon is Good for JULY 3, M 5 Yes, We have them in any Quantity. C u r r in s v ille S t o r e Dr. Thacher’s Liver & Blood Syrup if presented before the sup­ THE ESTACADA HOTEL Rally The Christian Endeavor held at the church on Wednesday evening was well attended. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gribble and children o f Oregon City were guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ward ^ on Thursday. Mrs. Jim Marrs o f D o d g e was a ^ r s d a ^ c v e m n g caller at the W>- ley Howell home This the worms are hatched. The Children’s givesthe orchardist an opportuni- tbe church was well attended and ty to poison them before they j much enjoyed. reach the egg laying stage. If Bernice Erickson of Portland is allowed to place their eggs about visiting her grandparents, Mr. and the fruit, the worms are certain to { 'V*rs' *’etel Erickson. to enter by boring a small round the To'hn Park home hole through the skins. The worms ¡n Dodge. or “ maggots” make the fruit unfit ................................... “ j . A. Shibley and family were for sale or use. visiting at the home o f their daugh­ Expensive spraying equipment ter and sister, Mrs. L. S. Tenny Is not needed, as the application in in Viola on Thursday evening. no way resembles a regular spray­ ""Visitors on Sunday at the Wiley er. For low trees a knapsack is Howell home were Carl Ward and family and John Park and family advisable. From a pint to a quart | 0f Dodge, o f the solution is enough for one Mr and Mrs. Dayball o f Port- tree. Two later applications are land were Sunday guests at the generally necessary, the second 10 Ilansenhome. John Moger has gone back to days after the first, and the third work at Camp 2, much improved one week after the second. in health. Miss Madden and Mrs. McDon­ PASTURES TO dB STUDIED ald were callers at the Moger BY EXPERIMENT STATION home on Monday evening. Quiet a number from here at- An extensive study o f the pas- tended the dance at Dodge hall on tures o f Oregon, which will cover Saturday night and reported a very a period o f several years, is being I fine time. Mr. nnd Mrs. Guy Grable and conducted by the Oregon Agricul-1 ™r' tural college station. N. ( . Janu- ¡ n|, rt,i a t j v e s here thefirst o f the son. Dairy extension specialist, has week, been temporarily transferred to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Howell made the experiment station to take a business trip to Estacada on cha rge o f the work. The work is Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ward received to be started in Washington coun­ ty. An effort is being made to a letter from their daughter Maxine who is spending the summer get the farmers to keep an actual with her grandparents, Mr. and record o f what the cows are pro­ Mrs. W. Ward at Gateway, Oregon. ducing on pasture. “ The development o f more pas­ ture for dairy cows in Oregon is an important, problem, both from the standpoint o f economy o f pro durtion and nutrition,” says P. M. Brandt, professor of dairy hus­ bandry.— From Dept’ Ind. Journal­ ism, O. A. C. FIVE FACTORS CONTROL MOST POTATO DISEASES 25 , 1925 Co Up Into These Mines One usually thinks of mines ns deep und far below the surface of the earth. But In South America many of the most famous mines nre not only deep but also high In the air, being situated in the lofty rango* of the mighty Andes. At this place, whpre one of the largest nnd richest copper mines In the world is being worked by an American copper corporation, the mine is 1.000 feet deep and more than 14,000 feet above sea level. To reach It from Lima one crosses a mountain pass by railroad at an elevation of more than 16.800 feet above sea level. One of the newest Peruvian copper mines Is en­ tered at the bottom, the miners work­ ing upward inside the mountain toward reins which rise vertically. , Almond's Queer Habits The almond tree has peculiar whims. It seems to prefer California ns Its habitat, as !>S per cent of the almonds grown in America are produced In timi state, and in a father restricted terri­ tory at that. The bulk of the crop it grown around Banning, says Nature Magazine. It seems to require the spots where extremes of ,-,,ld and beat ari* present In their respective seasons, and photographs have been taken of , n orchard with snow on the ground on the first of February, niul again with the trees In full bloom by the .’Mil of the month. The same variety will n >t fertilize one another. Gnawers must plant alternating rows of hardshell« and pai>ershel!s jn order to insure a harvest. vk THE SPIRIT OF HELPFULNESS TO OUR CUSTOMERS IS ONE OF THE FUNDAMENTAL IDEAS OF THIS BANK. THE JUDGMENT AND EXPERIENCE OF THE OFFICERS*AND DIRECTORS IS ALWAYS AVAILABLE IN ASSISTING IN SOLVING THE FINANCIAL PROB- LEMS OF OUR PATRONS. ESTACADA STATE BANK How to buy a Chevrolet with $5 down 1 — Choose the Chevrolet model you like best, paying down as little as $5. 2 — W e will issue to you a 6% Purchase Certificate you earn 6% interest on hll the money you pay in. 3 — You make regular weekly or monthly payments, as little as $5— until— 4 Payments plus the earned interest equal the amount required for actual delivery l u ,car’ After you get your car You pay us the balance in regular monthly installments. >V e deposit your money in a separate trtist account at a bank insured against loss by a strong, well-known insurance company. • If you already own a car we will credit your certificate with an additional 6% on all service, repairs and accessories you buy from us. } pu be surprised to find how easy it Is to buy your Chevrolet this way. Come ,n an<1 1 « us give you the details o f this plan wbteh will save money for you. Touring Car - *525 Road»ter • • *525 Coupe « • • *715 Coath * . . * 7 3 5 * ab Sedan • Commercial ChlMif £*. . Tn*k Chnri* n™., Miduim * *825 .*425 *550 Q uality at Low Cost Cascade Motor Co. W I L C O X BROS., Props. OREGON