t >•» PAGE FOUR EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1025. Make Hay The Fordson Way MAYING day* are busy days on the farm. “ A few hours’ delay may result in a crop spoiled. With the Fordson, you can mow your fields quickly. You can do your raking and loading in a fraction of the time formerly required. You can store your crop ah ;ad of the showers. F o rd s o n We will gladly give you a Demonstration B O B COOKE MOTOR COMPANY ESTACADA. OREGON Now Is The Time To Electrify Your Home You already know that Electric Service is the most useful and economic servant in the h o m e . Why not start now and let Elec­ tricity do all your household drudgery for you? Modern Appliances at Moderate Prices Electric S t o r e , Electric Building Portland Electric Power Company ELECTRIC BUILDING, PORTLAND, OREGON. BOBS UNION BARBER SHOP and MARCEL SALON STRICTLY SANITARY SATISFACTION GUARANTEED HOURS— ICOO A. M. TO 8:00 1*.‘ M SATURDAY— 9:00 A. M. TO 10 00 P. M. MASONIC BLDG. ESTACADA ART. SMITH. Propr. Mason Fruit J a r s At Less Than Wholesale QUARTS 90 c Doz. Fisher’s Blend Flour $ 2 . 5 0 Sack Estacada Feed Store WE BUY MOST KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE U. S. MORGAN ESTACADA. OREGON — ------ --- CUTS MORE To The Loaf L/O TV C_T LO A F CHEVROLETS BUICKS L IB E R T Y T H E A T R E "The BATTLING ORIOLES.” in "AMERICAN MANNERS.” We have an excellent stock to select from. V LOCAL BREVITIES GEORGE STEMS The annual school meeting was J. E. Gates of Gresham was in held Monday evening at 8 o’clock. Estacada Tuesday evening. A three mill tax was voted and a Miss Mabel Dick of Salem visited SLICES nine months school for the coming Mrs. Vernie Duus recently. year was voted upon and carried. Mr. Chaney was re-elected and J. C. Richards was a Portland Miss Sarah Howard re-elected visitor Wednesday. clerk. An ideal slice size for toasting, sandwiches Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ruhl are vis­ Mrs. G. E. Lawrence was a Port­ and children’s between-meal snacks. iting a few days in Portland this land visitor this week and attend­ week. ed the Rose Festival. Mr. Barney and son of Beaverton Economical for Large Families visited with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fred Saling of Corvallis visited Joyner a couple of days last week. his brother and other relatives The same Holsum quality that won the Mrs. Wurms and two daugh­ this week. ters,Mary and Germania from Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lins spent Harry M. Freer Trophy the second time Spokane visited with Mrs. Wurm's Sunday at the Dew and Lins homes in two years. The same price as the regu­ brother, Mr. Leo Rath and family, from Thursday until Saturday of in George. lar large loaf. last week. Olson, who has been visit­ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lins visited ing O. in T. Philomath SOLD AT YOUR FAVOR- JU & f \ f ^ \ returned to Es­ the home folks on Sunday. tacada last week on business. ITE GROCERY and RES ■ * • A The Grange held its regular meeting last Saturday evening with Arnold Lovelace left for Corval­ TAURANTS IN ESTACA- a good attendance. There were as lis this week where he has accpted DA AND VICINITY. TUweSt o j ifxNcfiumfamily visitors from Garfield grange, Mr. a position in a barber shop. and Mrs. Joe Robertson and Mr. and Mrs. Weather and son Gil­ Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Wooster at­ bert. tended the Rose Festival Tuesday. THRILLING DIVE Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dodson MARCHBANK CHEVROLET CO. spent the week-end in Salem at A high divo of 112 feet from the the home of Mrs. Dodson’s sister, top mast of a vessel into the deep CARVER, OREGON. green of the ocean is the beginning I Mrs. Oh as Harrison. 1 of an exciting chain of melodra­ A marriage license was issued matic events which will keep audi- Tin lay at Oregon City to Walter '| ences at the edge of their seats Smith and Ruth Blaisdel of Eagle ! during the showing of “American Creek. Both are well known lin ACCESSORIES OF ALL KINDS, 1 Manners,” starring Richard Tal- this community. GAS AND OIL—At Portland Price» madge, which conies to the Liberty theatre Tuesday and Wednesday, The Cooke Motor Company re­ port the sale of a Ford roadster to June 23 and 24. Phone 19-5 Claude Marrs of Dodge and a R. G. MARCHBANK, Owner. Mrs. C. H. Peake and baby of Ford roadster to W. D. Wirtz of Nampa, Idaho, left this week for Portland. San Francisco after visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. A. Wi­ According to the latest reports ley and family fo a couple of R. G. Marchbank and A. A. Ferer- weeks. While here Mrs. Peake bend are improving rapidly at the and Mrs. Wiley visited in Oregon Oregon City hospital and it is City and attended the Rosaria hoped that they will soon be able to pageant in Portland. leave. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, JUNE 18 and 19. \ Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Schoek ac­ “ FORTIETH DOOR.” “ Wolves of the North” companied by the former’s mother and sister attended the Festival in No 7. “ Telephone Girls” —series. WANT AND FOR SALE ADS Portland last Monday. SATURDAY, JUNE 20. Mrs. C. F. Sandell and daughter CASH paid for false teeth, dental of Klamath Falls are visiting Mrs. HOOT GIBSON in “ Saddle Hawk.” gold, platinum and discarded jewel- I San dell’s brother, J. A. Kitching j ry.—Hoke Smith Smelting & Refin- 1 ami family at this time. “ Oregon Trail.” ‘ ‘Nearly Rich,” Comedy. ing Co., Otsego, Michigan. Raspberries are ripe and good' SUNDAY AND MONDAY, JUNE 21 and 22. FOR SALE—February and Pick ’em yourself—50 cents a crato at Kinney & Lamberson’s j March Rhode Island Red pullets right for laying this fall and place opposite Garfield Grange Come and enjoy a laugh from Hal Roache’s breeding next spring, Sam Powell hall, three miles east of Estacada. 6-18-tf Estacada, Route 4, Phone 6X5. Newest Comedy Discovery. 6-25 The petty sneak thief who pur­ TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23 and 24. FOR BALE ('mi, Mrs. Wm loined our lawnmower from the RICHARD TALMADGE, Most daring of ail stars, Kellendonk, Estacada, Route 1. front porch of the Estacada Hotel Phone 12-111. 6-18 need not bring the same back as have decided to invest in a FOR SALE—Cedar fence posts we new and up-to-date machine that “A Pistol Proposal” , and “ Powdered Chickens” — Comedy. H. R. Stuhbe, phone 24 3. 26 will better harmonize with thesur- roundings. Now don’t forget, for USEO CARS—For sale at ive do not want the old mower, ; Dinty Moore’s Park. 6-18 25 and more than that we do not want Ernest Amacher was called to ! A. H. Miller of George purchas- LOST—Pair shell rim glasses, you to come around our premises Olympia, Wash., last Thursday ed a Ford roadster equipped wit! reward, return to Post Office. It lest something else »ticks to your morning due to the illness of his balloon tires Jj-om the Cooke Mo nasty fingers.—The Management, father. j tor Company this week. i. FOR SALE—Registered Sch- ropshire buck. H. Huxley, Est­ acada. 6-18-25 FOR SALE Fresh J e r s e y cow from Ladd herd, gentle, good milker, inquire at Home Restaurant. 6-18 FOR SALE- One milk g o a t and doe kid, heavy milking type. ji J. J. Marchbank, Estacada. 5-7tf LOANS on farms 6 per cent. No commission. City Loans Monthly plan. Oregon City Abstract Co. MONEYTo LOAN—We have plenty of money to loan on farms at 6”i>—From one to 20 years. No commission on large loans. S. E. W ooster . Estacada, Ore. ________ ___ 6-19tf LUMBER FOR SALE W< have a small amount of 2 x 4 and 1 x 8 shiplap. Grade «suitable ' for general use nbout the farm You will find the price ver\ rea sonable. Come down ar.d see what we got. Electric Lumber & Mfg. Co., River Mill, Oiegon. 3-5 tf FOR SALE Sannan mi l k goat, inquire of Mrs. C. S. Allen, Second and Currin St., Phone 57-3._____________________5-21 tf Pointer's Furniture Exchange, the place to get what you want ana sell what you don’t want, tf FOR SALE Pair mules, two and three years old, will trade for cattle, sheep or hogs H. G. Lake. Gresham. R 4. iisiderre Anoerson Station. 6-25 SEE John Marshall at Spring- wati r for cedar posts ftom 7 feet to 20, also have a few sawed firsts 1x6 cedar, any length. 6-25 25 LOS T- -Somew here betw e e n Fstacada and Upper Eagle Creek a kalsominirg brush, rotiliy the News office, Wm. Asp 6-11 FOR SALE Fresh cow, sec- ond calf. K. C. Hovgaard. Fara- day. ' V I’d as soon m m my dog ' ' ‘'T,,rn her fa? Why should I? Thai old Ford is as good as she ever was. Since I switched to that new Zerolene ‘F’ for Fords she runs like a clock and seems to have a bit more power too.” Zerolene ‘' F ’ for Fords gets to all the bear­ ings requiring lubrication—especially the wrist-pin bearings and the upper half of the cylinder walls that are frequently oil-starved when an unsuitable lubricant is used. It deposits a minimum of carbon, and be­ cause it lubricates b etter, enables the engine to develop a considerable margin of power over and above what you’re accustomed to expect from your Ford. And it costs not more, but less than most of the special Ford oils now on the market. A Ford is an A-l transportation invest- fuent. Protect your investment by proper lubrication. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) "Feeds those oil-started Fords ORDS