EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1925 LO C AL ITEMS From the Northwest’s Mrs. Pennington spent in Portland. « J. M. Moore was in Tuesday on business. * I READ THE B IT seemed such a harmless affair at first. 'Till scandal threatened her reputation and-------? Was the woman wholly to blame for what happened? And what about the husband? Come and see who you think was the guilty one. Mrs. Mae Reed and daughter were Portland visitors Saturday. George Kelly o f the P. E. P. Co. was in Estacada last Tuesday even­ ing. Ask Your Grocer for it * O. E. Smith returned to Estaca­ da last Saturday evening for a vitit with his family. “ THE NORTHWEST’S Mrs. R. H. Currin an d 'M r. and Mrs. G. B. Linn drove to the snow line on Mt. Hood last week. —' -r ..^ ^ w r > 9 IJFIN ES TJ B A K E R Y ” Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Einarson of Portland were visiting friends in Estacada over the week-end. Mrs. E. S a l i ^ T h o has been visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity has gone to Portland. 1 ELECTRIC STORE Pointer’ s Furniture Exchange, the place to get what you want and sell what you don’ t want, tf A SAGNER, Proprietor. ELECTRICAL GOODS OF A L L KINDS—Paints, Varnishs and En­ P H O N E 76-2 Maurice Ely o f Corvallis spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Ely. International Made to M e a s u r e CLOTHES RADIO , , land, DEALERS FOR . . . and M r. J an a . Jas ATWATER KENT B A TTE R IE S CHARGED PIPE and FITTINGS Dryer Pipes Made to Order For Sheet Iron work, repairs, soldering and plumbing, call at the A M E MAIN S STREET. SHOP Pathe News R E P A IR IN G Choir rehearsal Saturday at 7:30 p. m. We are aiming to help people understand the Scriptures and thereby come to know God All are invited to attend these services. B. F. C l a y , Minister. Christian Church. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE con- Sists of an Ointment which Rives Quick w ere gu ests a t the h om e o f M r. and M rs. J. A . K itc h in g la st S u n d ay . p ^ ia ^ M e d ^ n e , acu through the Blood on the Mucous Sur­ faces and assists in ridding your System of Catarrh. Sold by druggists for over 40 Years. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. C. M. McAllister and son o f Port­ land were fishing in this locality Sunday. Mr. McAllister is a buyer fo r the Portland stockyards. PLUMBING TIRE AND TUBE .. L in n M rs. I DEIIIfiy BROTHERS HAROLD LLO YD Miss Florice Douglass has gone ESTACADA, OREGON, to Portland where she will accept a 0 Ira Pank,n’ Pastor’ position. . Sunday School at ............ ...1 0 :0 0 . Mrs. Rosa A. Reagan, Supt. Mrs. W. Kurasch of Portland Morning worship:— Children’s ser- spent the week-end in Estacada as j mon' followed by the Mothers the guest o f Mrs. W. J, Moore. l ' ay sermon ....................... 11:00 _______ AFTERNOON SERVICES: Mrs. Art Perry, who has been j Sunday School at Mt. Zion church con-fined to a hospital fo r some -1 at .............................................. 2 :00 time expects to return to her home Preaching services, Mt. Zion church i here this week. at ......................... 3:00 *---------- EVENING SERVICE: Mrs. B. R. Kimmel who has been Epworth League .Choir practice fol- spending some time in P o r t la n d ,_____________________________________ came to Estacada, Saturday even- ing for a visit with her family. CATARRH --------- Catarrh Is a Local disease trrcatly ln- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Linn o f Port- Coaistitutionni conditions. C O N F E C T IO N E R Y and L IG H T L U N C H lowed by the devotional meeting. at 0:15 Evening Worship 8:00 NOTICES FOR TIIE WEEK: S. S. Teachers Training Class Wednesday evening at.... ... 7:00 I B A R B ER S Choir practice Thur. Evening 7:30 I BATHS Prayermeeting at the parsonage Y Friday at ................................ 7:30 $ Shop on Broadway, Estacada, Ore. “ My spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior. For He hath looked upon the low estate o f his hand maid: For behold, from henct forth all generations shall call mt blessed.” — Luke 1 :47-48. You are urged to show your re­ spect for your mother by attend­ ing Mothrs’ Day services next Sun­ day All are welcome. Get our prices before you buy NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department o f the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, April 2, 1925. NOTICE is hereby given that Emil Bohrer, o f Route 1, Estacada, Ore­ gon, who, on November 10, 1920, COMEDY r made Homestead Entry, No. 06991, for NW !4 Section 5, Townsitip 4 S., "WHY HUSBANDS GO MAD’ Range 5 E., Willamette Meridian, FEATURING has filed notice o f intention to make Final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver U. S. Land Office, Portland, Oregon, on the 14th day of May, 1925. Claimant names as witnesses: John Siegwarth, o f Route 1, Es­ tacada, Oregon, Earl Tracy, of Christian Church Services Route 1, Estacada, Oregon; Frank M. Baker o f Route 1, Estacada, Sunday,May 10, 1925 Oregon; William Echal o f Route 1, Estacada, Oregon. Bible School at 10 a. m. Act 6-9-16. Mrs. Betty W’eatherby, Supt. Notice will be published for five Preaching 11:00 consecutive weeks in the Eastern Morning Sermon will be a topic .Clackamas News, Estacada, Oregon. W ALTER L. TOOZE, SR. 419-5-7 Register. befittin* “ Mother’s Day.” Regular evening service at...... 8:00 Mrs. J. A. Shibley and children THE M ETH O DIST EPIS COPAL o f Portland, spent the week-end CHURCH .. with Mr. Shibley at Camp 8 . “ The Friendly Cnurch on the Hill.” R. G. M A R C H B A N K Broadway Garage HENRY BOHN. Estacada Seaman & Bullard All Grades of S H IN G L E S E S T A C A DA Route 2 ¡1 Dry-Cleaning and Dyeing f _ r, Family Wash a Specialty] Prom pt Service at Right Price - Estacada 1 . 0 . O F. | Estacada Lodge T No . 175 . } GIVE US A TRIAL Meets every Saturday evening in 4 their lodge room, corner of Broad- f way and Third streets. Visiting T brothers are always welcome. Orin Ballou, N. G. J. K. Ely, Secretary, Satisfaction Guaranteed We have no Agents. Phone 70-1 4« 4*4* 4* 4*4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4*4*4* 4*4**i*4*4*4- 4• + 4 H * GATES’ FUNERAL HOME AMERICAN G RESH AM , OREGON Phone 2471 CHARLEY LINN, Agent. .. I. O. O. F. BLDG., AND AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY E S T A C A D A . ORE., Phone 543 Meets First & Third Mondays I. O. O. F. H ALL Third Street and Broadway Estacada, Oregon, S. ,E .-L A W R E N C E, P. C ESTACADA WOOD AND F U E L YARD 4-foot and 16-inch lengths Leave orders at O. E. Culver's Second Hand Storo on Mailt St. or Phone 24-5 - Quick Service H. R. ST UBBE, Mgr. Any jrirl in trouble may com­ municate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army, at the White Shield Home, 565 Maytair Ave., Portland, Oregon. 9 20-tf tS? RADIO PARTS The Estacada Band gave an open air concert last Monday even­ ing in the City hall square. Un- ! fortunately 'this was not announ­ ced ahead so many persons missed this concert. It is hoped more will be given in the near future for the music was enjoyed by many even at a distance. D EM ONSTRA TION S W ITH O U T O BLIG ATIO NS LET US RE PAIR Y OU R SET ELE CTRIC AL REPAIR ING - "THE GUILTY ONE" Pointer’s for Paints, Wall paper 5-22 Stores. M A X SAGNER IN a n d Window Glass. Truck to Estacada Retail COM PLETE STOCK OF Agnes Ayers Portland, John Page o f Gladstone was an Estacada visitor last Saturday. Ow n Fast “W H I T E ” Auto amels—Two cell Flashlights 50c. Saturday and Sunday Earl Tracy o f Garfield was a Portland visitor last Saturday. Delivered Fresh Every Day by Our SETS MADE TO O R D E R — F irst S h o w at 7 :0 0 P. M . Dr. and Mrs. C. P. Johnson were Portland visitors last Saturday. S UP UPREME LO C AL GEM THEATRE Stanley Terel o f Camp 8 was in Estacada, Tuesday, o f this week. R « * —— Saturday Mrs. C. S. Allen was a passenger to Portland last Saturday morning. finest Bakery — *. Admission 20c and 5c PAGE THREE E. SMITH A C O M P L E T E L IN E FOR EVERYD AY W EAR W e have a good selection of W o rk Clothes for out door wear in Overalls, Jumpers, Khaki Trous­ ers, Whipcords and Rain-tests. Big Yank and Hickory Shirts. ST AR CA R GOES W H E R E “ AN GELS FEAR TO T R E A D ” IMPLEMENTS-MACHINERY Seldom is the touch o f human in­ test that has been injected into the career o f Julius Dusevoir, fac­ tory testing engineer, come to the attention o f the motor world that W I L L Y ’ S KNIGHT coolly calculates the value o f car MAXWELL O VER LAN D performance in terms o f revenue CH R YSLER from sales. Those who have been following Dusevolr’s amazing demonstrations RE L IA B IL IT Y CRESHAM, ORE. SERVICE o f power in the new 1925 Star Car all over the Pacific coast were even Look our Used Cars over— drive them, then you’ll buy a used car more convinced o f the daring engi­ from Hessel. Every car guaranteed to be as represented neer’s ability t» go through where _ ’ others— even the strongest— have failed, upon learning that Lloyds, Ltd., intemationly known insur­ ance underwriters, had refused to Municipal Terminal, Sixth and Salmon Sts.— Phone Main 7733. insure Dusevoir’s life against acci­ LINN’S INN, Estacada. Oregon. dent. SCHEDULE E FFE CTIV E MAY 2 According to word received by (A) the local Star Gar dealer, H. W. AM P M P. M. •A. M. M : P M p M P M Lv. Portland 10:00 2:00 6:20 Lv. Estacada 8 :0 0 1 2 :0 0 4 :3 0 8 :3 0 Clackamas 10:30 2:30 6:50 Eagle Creek 8 : 1 * 1 2 : 1 8 4 : 4 o 8 : 4 5 rant Motor Company o f California, Carver 10:40 2:40 7:00 Barton 8 :2 5 1 2 :2 5 4 :5 5 8 :5 5 had tried in vain to insure Duse­ Barton 11:05 3:05 7:25 Carver 8 ¡4 5 1 2 : 4 5 5 : 1 5 9 :1 5 voir fo r $50,000 against accident Eagle Creek 11:15 8:16 7:35 Clackqjias 8 :5 5 1 2 :5 5 5 :2 5 9 :2 5 in the successful trials he had driv­ Ar. Estacada 11:30 3:30 7:50 Ar. Portland 9 :3 0 1 :3 0 6 :0 0 • Daily except Sunday (A ) Saturday only. en up the famous Waterman Can­ yon grade. Lloyd's Ltd. is internationally X E A RL LA FORGE known fo r its having underwritten Mr. and Mn. W. E. Hall. Props, -j \ The “ SQUARE DEAL BARBER many risks that other insurance Estacads’s leading tonsorial artist brokers ha^e flatly refused, and has a reputation o f refusing practically Ha r Cot 35c. Shave 15c Al! Ml « - « c r k H sapaiar ; r!.-•»— T h « r'.fht no risks whatsoever, kind c4 v w k at ih « ftfht ktr.l of pricei SUNDAY SPECIA L Some o f Dusevolr's stunts, dem­ Ladle.' W ork a Specialty CHICKEN DINNER onstrating the Star Car's power on BATHS famous hills throughout the wen, BRO tDWAY NEXT TO UNN'S INN Open From 6:30 a. m. to S:00 p. m. are the most daring that have ever :-o-» been known to auto racers, drivers and owner alike. He has taken the J. Sweeney, o f Littner’s store in Ernest Rynning o f Portland. Star Car where others have abso- Portland, spent the week-end in visited atthe home o f his mother lutely refused to drive because o f this vicinity. over the week-end. the danger o f terrific grades. A U T O M O B IL E S M en’s Dress Trousers, all wool, in blue, brown, greys and blue and white stripes. Priced rea­ sonable. H E S S E L IM P L E M E N T CO. Straw Hats for all the family for everyday wear j Big selection of Percales, w e re 25c values, while they last, 19 c the yd. PORTLAND-CARVER-ESTACADA STAGES Several patterns of Cretons in green, tan and . 4 blue shades, figured now 1 9 c P e r yard. 0 »-A O Ö Keds for the Men, Boys and Youths, 1 all with the new composition soles. JOIN THE CROUD A T THE PEOPLE’S STORE O URIM OTTO -SER VICE f I J H. B. S N Y D E R , &&&# - - C .A . D Y K E M A N . & & £ *