Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, April 09, 1925, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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E ditor,....................................Ruth Day
A ssistant Editor, . V irginia Du Bois
ass E d ito r.............Richard Hayman
The 1925 Star
Sport Touring
with the
Dollar Motor.
“ A Pair of Sixes ” is the name
of the Senior p ay which hasj ist
been chosen. It is well known
and greatly recommended as a
high school play. Copies have
I been ordered and the cast will
commence practicing as soon as
possible. It will be piveti some
I ti ne in May.
Beginning with the low pur­
chase price, every day you
drive a Star you save money.
The jiirls’ rest room is now
furnished and ready for use.
The Freshman girls are taking
turns at caring f o r it. It is
welcomed as a much needed con­
Last Wednesday, April 1, we
hell our annual Rough-Neck-Day
It was as funny as ever this year
except that the faculty did not
dress up. Snapshots were taken
for the annual.
Miss Evelyn Gibson, W’ho has
been attending the Estacada high
schc ol as a Sophomore, has moved
to The Dalles where she will
continue her work.
The high school had as a visitor
last week, Miss Rose Trachel,
who is now attending school at
Monmouth. Miss Trachel will be
temembered as a former Estaca­
da student.
The high school base ball team
expects to play the first game of
the season here Friday, April 10
with Gresham high school. The
boys have been out for practicó
whenever the weather permitted
and there seems to be good mat­
erial here.
your comfort, economy and
The 1925 S ta r is the best car
buy in the low priced field
because it delivers the great­
est number of high grade
features ever built in a low
cost car.
Fairy Tale
Mrs. Murray Clark of Eagle
Creek was calling on Mrs. Ward
Douglas, Wednesday.
Mrs. Sadie Wade was calling!
on Mrs. R. S. Coop, Tuesday.
»if tun »
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Ferrell of
Barton w ere shopping in Currins-;
ville, Tuesday.
We are sorry to learn our neigh- i “I enn’t play tennis,’’ sold the spur-
row, "but I think I would like to
bor, J. H. Looney is no better.
watch the game."
Noah Heiple is reported on the
Two boys were
playing nnd the
sick list.
sparrow perched
Farmers are all rushing thei
himself upon the
spring work.
tennis net.
"Oh, look out
It looks like we are not going
for the bird," said
to get the electric light line thru
the first boy. "He
Is sitting on the
this spring. N. E. Linn is mak
inga last canvass of prospective
"I see,” said the
second boy, "we
must watt until h* ;
Lawrence Webber was demon
gets off there.”
strating a new Chevrolet auto
“I don’t know'
mobile in Currinsville, Tuesday.
why they don’t go
on playing,” said
J. A. Swanson of Portland hac
his auto overhauled at the Rhod­ ■H« Is Sitting on the "Here
I have a
tho Net.”
es garage last week.
front seat, and
Wm. Rhodes is giving the Mo­ nothing happens, I have the best pos-
sfble seat. I didn’t hnTe any trouble
gul tractor belonging to the Cur­ about getting It either, and no one
tin sville store a general overhaul asked me to pay even so much as a
ing before installing it in the bug for my admission ticket,”
"He doesn’t seem to move,*’ said the
feed mill.
first boy.
“He Is looking at us,” said the sec­
ond boy.
"There they stand with their tennis
Saturday was anniversary day rackets as I’ve heard them call those
for Garfield Grange and a fitting things and they don’t move,” said the
Every feature contributes to
program was given the minutes
"Well, we’d better look for the ball
{See the 1925 Star Car with its Million Dollar Motor)
of the first meeting held on Jan. that went outside and then see If the
6, 1902 were read, followed by bird goes by then,” said the first boy.
"Yes, we'd better do that,” said the
roll c a l l of charter members, second
those who were present were
"Then, If he hasn't gone by that
given seats of honor. A memor­ time,” the first boy said, "we will go
up to him and make him fly away. I
ial service and draping of the don't
want to frighten him when he Is
charter for departed members so tame. But If we go up to him and
was given and a bunch of pink •end him away without frightening him
and w’hite carnations was laid on It will be all right.”
strange to think how long he
the altar in their me mo r y . has “It’s
been sitting there,” said the sec­
Several visitors wore pres e n t ond boy.
Methodist Episcopal Church and spoke briefly.
So the two boys hegnn to hunt for
their tennis ball which had gone out­
Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Wagner side and which was hidden In sum#
IRA F. RANKIN, Pastor.
entertained with a Ford party, long grass.
They had quite a time finding It but
‘‘.EA STER SUNDAY SERVICES ” Saturday evening when seVera
when they came back the sparrow still
“ The Friendly Church on the Hill.” Fords of the neighborhood car sat upon the tennis net.
The E aster Message will be present­ ried friends and neighbors to the
"This Is very strange,” said the spar­
ed by recitation and song by the child­ Wagner’s. Music and
games row. "I've never seen such a dull
ren of the Sunday School
10:00 filled the evening.
"I thought I would see how ball*
f Perspective of 0 . A. C. Memorial Union Building for Which Funds are Being
Morning worship: Sermon by the
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Dickinson could fly when helped by those rackets. .
Raised Among Students, Alumni and College Friends
“I know they can't fly very far or j
Subject: “ The Argument of the Empty of Oswego attended G arfield
high but I'd like to see what they can j
Tomb ”
Grange, Saturday. Mrs. Dick­ do. And they're not doing a thing. I
inson helping with the memorial The boys spent so long a time Just
Sunday School at Mt. Zion
2:00 service,
now In looking for another ball.”
Preaching at Mt. Zion
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bruce of "Well, I am glad they didn't «sit me
Portland are visiting with Mr. to pay a bug or anything like that for
my ticket. It wouldn't have been
E pw orth League Chorus practice and Mrs. P. M. Wagner.
the price of a bug."
followed by the Devotional m eet­
The Skip-a-week club will meet worth
Then the two boys went up to the
ing ............................................... 6:15 Tuesday, April 14 with Mrs.
sparrow and said:
E aster Cantata by the,Choir and the Chas. Duncan.
"Fly off, sparrow, so we can go on
Young People's Chorus
With our game."
Ladies’ Aid at the home of Mrs. O.
The sparrow flew off and perched
Safe Makers Only One
E. Smith, Wednesday afternoon
himself on a wooden bench which was
Jump Ahead of Thieves quite far at one side of the tennis
S. S. Teacher’s Training class, Wed­
Recent defensive experiments nnd in­ court.
Then the boys began to play.
Choir practice Thursday
7:30 ventions might lend us to forecast nn
The sparrow watched the balls fly­
P ray er Meeting a t the parsonage
ing and thought they didn’t fly very
F riday evening a t ................. 7 :30 this about In fact Is not so easy, as­ well.
serts tlie Scientific American. What
But ho hnd a good time wntchlng
May E aster Sunday be a time of re­ concerns safe makers Immediately Is
joicing in each Hnd every heart. Friends the possibility of devising some metal what was going on.
Suddenly he thought to himself:
a id members of the church far and near or other substance capable of resisting*
”T was In the way when I perched
are incited to worhip with us th a t day. the devastating onslanght of the vari­
“ O, sing unto the Lord a new song; ous types of the acetylene torch, a myself upon that net. It Is over that
for He hath done marvellous things; high temperature device which will ent that the balls go and those balls, while
His rig h t hand, and His holy arm hath Us fiery way through metal defenses not being very good flyers, could hit
much too hard to suit me.
gotten Him the victory. ” Psalms »8:1 once thought absolutely Impregnable.
T e s, I was In the way and they
The contest between the safe cracker
and the safe maker Is fast resolving waited for me to move.
The accompanying cut illustrate* tlic massive size of the proposed building to he on the O. A. C. campus
"tVhen I didn't
Itself Into the old problem of the I t
to commemorate the active part Oregon heroes played in the Spanish-American and World wars. The building
Christian Church Services
resistible force and the Immovable move they looked
will tower ISO feet high and will he AM by JOO feet The building materials use I will be such as to blend with
the present cantons architecture and vet he distinctive. The building will house ill student and alumni activities and
Sunday, April 12 1925.
body—with the odds In favor of the for a ball and then
organizations. More than half of the total $500.0(X1 needed for construction is now raised.
safe cracker.
they mnde me fly
Bible School at 10 a. m.
Since the beginning of safe making off
The O. V C. Memorial union cam I foriii.i pledged $liXX' to the cause and e t I in the well-appointed theater
The Bible School will have an
"Well, well, well,
the Inventors have hnd two sets of
paign to provide $500.000 needed to j many contributions of $_’50 and more
e campus productions, lycetim
Easter program at this hour men to deal with—the burglars who that was a Joke.
construct a building which will lie a were received.
nuu-l'ers and other forms of entcr-
permanent memorial to the college
with an offering for ministerial use the drill nnd those who nse ex­ "But I’m glad
More than $325,(XX> of the total is iin- .cut may he given for tlie campus
and state heroes of the Spanish now subscribed and construction on
time to time. A pipe . rgan will
plosives. Each new Improvement of they stopped their
American and World wars and to the building will begin in the late sum ' e installed in the theater which will
lias been met, on the part of the game for awhile,
house all student and alumni activi mer of 1»J5 and will ho completed b\
Mrs. Betty Weatherby, Sunk
a an rniren-c rotunda v.here stu-
burglar, with methods for successfully mighty glad.
ties on the O A. C. campus, has been the fall term of ll>Jb, according t. lent and alumni gatherings may be
11:00 attacking it.
So the b o y s
completed among students and i* present plans. Mumni arc organized arranged.
went on with their
Topic: “ What Does Easter
moving into different districts of the not onlv in Oregon but in Washing
Sy. e the atm uncement that a class
state where alumni and friends of the ton, California, Hawaii, and mam d. 5 M watt britadcasting station will
game a n d a l l
Moan To You? ”
M a rv e ’ous N a tu ra l B rid g e
college are located.
through the gnme
eastern states where former student- e installed at O. A. C. an effort is
Preaching at
More than half of the sum needed ire located.
'e m ; trade to tie up the activities of
and through many
was raised on the campus in an in­
The building will have rooms for •I e Memorial union with this feature
The sermon will be the first one cated within the Navajo Indian reser­ more the sparrow
tensive drive of a week Inspired h\ student activities, faculty meetings
ce’lege is host tsi many speaker*
vation near the southern boundary of sat and watched.
the record of O. A C and Oregon assembly lulls for largo gatherings
of Ihe following topics.
national repute and authorities on
Utah, and spans a canyon nnd n small
"That bird Is
heroes in the war. the undergraduates tropin rooms where athletic award*
•’ti tval, scientific and economic
4 Jesus Commissions His Apostles. ; stream which drains the northwest­
and faculty of the college pledge.I f the \ arsitv "O" a".viatioti it n subjects. In addition the Ivceitm num-
stHl there,” the The Two Boya Ba­
5 How the ApostTes Obeyed the ern slope of the Navajo "mountains.
more than halt ot the total in thre 1 e permanently kept, shop rooms to
first boy said.
e. ■ brin; arti ts of international
gan U Hunt.
This bridge is unique In that It Is 'not
days President W. 1. Kerr, who W the building of campus dramatic pro
■ e to the campu«. In the past few
“Yes, wouldn't
*eiiiuisl\ ill at the time, sent in hi' ductmus and main other tvpes of
. s such s.ngcrs as Geraldine h'ar-
you think he was uinrd ring our
pledge of $1000 on the second da> ot •ooms. All the student publication
and Madame Schumann-Meink;
7. The Success of the F irst Cen­ presents also a curved surface above, g a m e r the second asked.
the drive. Alumni in Portland have will he housed in the new building 'li'clia hlman and Erna Riihinstein.
tu ry and Why.
"Yon would," the first replied.
responded with more than $J5,lXX' and j which will he a hig advancement ot I > ml nists. and many otliers leave been
Its height shove the surface of the
the campaign is now reaching into the 1 the obi inadequate sv-tem of puhlira I rote tamers on the campus. The hig'i-
8. Beginnings of Apostacy.
And It did look strange to see the
smaller cities and communities of the I tiou offices scattered over the entire pc-veered broadcasting station will
9. The First Human Creed.
feet, The bridge nnd Its neighboring sparrow stay upon the bench for a
• a' e their artistry available to the cm
walls are gorgeously clothed long, long time while the boys played
The great Memorial union project j ' The Memorial union building will j 'ire st te
11 .The Evils of Divisions..
will seek to draw together the (<mr | release
red and yellow. The In­ tennis.
needed class room in the
component parts of the college stn buddings much
Its origin Is that
provided by the state." said !
dents, alumni, facults and friends. It E. R Lem.
Willie1» Perplexity
a rainbow was turned to atone, thus
U nite?
n, registrar "College life railed "Memorial Hall." Finest cx-
will he a great gathering place for j is highly organized
and mam of the i ti pies o f art and sculpture will dec-
"tVlllle,” said the teacher, "how
permitting certain hero gods to es­
college interests, a magnet to attract j «tiulrnt jrou
rate the hallway. Leading Kick from
Choir rehearsal Saturday at cape flood waters in the canyon. De- much Is nine and six?"
p* require accommoda
students and alumni m all walks ot I tion.« which arc
7:30 d . m.
needed l'or in*truc t will he the rotunda, where alumni
iout Indians will not pass under this
"Thirteen," said Wllllgi
life and a melting pot to create a col- , tamal purjv :?s.
The Memorial moot zutbcrmgs will often he lield and
\\ e are aiming to help people bridge without saying tlielr prayer«.
"No. Try again."
lege democracy. <ay those in charge building is K
wheic from 5X1 to S00 persons may
Loyalty of individu.il students and the slate. *h ich i» an important tea ko served at spec-ial banquets and
understand the Scriptures and Ihe Indian name waa Nngee-lld Non
alumni, who mortgaged their future ture in Ore•goti'*
ne-z.’ihl—"Tlie rnlnhow turned to
thereby come to know God.
unci-"on- for which the college tea
earning power to help pa\ hack to gram.”
om is inadequate
All are invited to attend these stone.”
their alma mater jmrt of the train ng
\ cafeteria tor students and faculty
"Willie, Willie,” Mid the teacher,
!ti‘erc*t to student* and s an
received, gave an impetus to tlie cam j
-ther feature planned for the new
"why couldn't yon guess a stnallet
paign that nukes the total objvtive faculty is the nhm for
B F. ( ' l a y .
wnl.tug which is expected to be
L. D. S. Services
number—fifteen, say7"
assured, according to campaign lend­
r the me of tlie campus one
Minister. Christian Church.
ers. One freshman student from Cali- i
One f
The Reorganized Church of "Oh, no," said Willie. "It couldn’t
- ir from next fall.
Jesus Christ of Latter Day be fifteen.”
“Why couldn't I t f said the teacher.
Larne sheets of blottir? paper Saint, holds Sunday School s e r
"Because," said WRIla "ten and flv*
Mr*. H. B. Siuder was in
Full line of kalsomine 10c perf F liter’s for Faint», Wall paperi 19 x -4. at the NEWS Office 10 vices every Sunday at the I O make
on k>u*i uca*. pound, Bt Pointer *.
and Window Glass.
tfiO. F. ball it 10 A. jif.