^ EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS,THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1025 Mrs. J . W. Reed was a P ortland visitor, Monday. F ro m th e N o r t h w e s t 's Finest Bakery i t xx l ^ t l Mrs. W. E. Linn was a P ortland visitor last Monday. ,, - Sheriff E. T Mass of Oregon City was in E stacada last Monday. R. G. M archbank was Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dykeman and children were Portland visitors last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. M arshall drove to Oregon City last S aturday on business. Delivered Fresh Every Day by Our Own Fast “W HITE” Auto Truck to Estacada Retail Stores. Full line of Kalsomine 10c per pound. At Pointer’s. 11-6 tf Upton H. Gibbs of W ashougal spent the week-end a t his home here. J . W. Hassell purchased a new Ford ro ad ster from the Bob Cooke M otor Company this week. A s k Y o u r G r o c e r fo r it “ THE NORTHWEST’S 'FINEST BAKERY” Bargains—Good wall paper 25c per roll. Ten patterns to select from, at Pointer’s. 11-6 tf Rev. B. F. Clay attended a confer- [ ence last F riday in P ortland where he addressed the gath erin g on O re­ gon missions. CONFECTIONERY .nd LIGHT LUNCH International Made to M e a s u r e CLOTHES C. J . L ytton of Portland, rep re­ senting the Home Finance Invest­ m ent Company retu rn ed to E staca­ da, Monday, in the in terests of his company. Mr. L ytton is registered a t the Estacada. ELECTRIC STORE A SAGNER, Proprietor. ELECTRICAL GOODS OF ALL KINDS— Paints, Varnishs and En­ A num ber of people from E sta­ cada and vicinity drove to T routdale last Sunday and brought home some of the sm elt th a t w ere running in the Sandy. PHONE 76-2 DEALERS FOR SETS MADE TO ORDER— BATTERIES CHARGED COMPLETE STOCK OF RADIO PARTS DEMONSTRATIONS WITHOUT OBLIGATIONS LET US REPAIR YOUR SET - ELECTRICAL REPAIRING P reparations are being made by the E astern Clackamas Band to a t­ tend the G rand Lodge Convention of the I. O. O. F. order in Portland in Septem ber, the County Uonven-1 tion of the I. O. 0 . F. to be held in Boring and the Clackamas county i fa ir a t Canby. E. S M IT H “TOMPKINS’ HIRED MAN” The Springwater Grange Troupe Consisting of eight well known players w ill do their stuff at the LIBERTY THEATRE, ESTACADA, Guests a t the R. G. M archbanke home last Sunday were Mrs Wash- burn of N orth Yakima, Wash., Ray W ashburn, city tre a su re r of North Yakima, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. WTal­ te r M archbank of Camas, Wash., Mr. M archbank Is county commissioner of Clarke county; Mr. and Mrs. Powers of Camas, Wash,, who are m erchants of thatcity, and Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n M archbank of this city. M. E. AID WILL MEET The Ladles Aid of the M. E. Church will m eet W ednesday, March 25, a t the M. E. Parsonage. CHEVROLET NEWS MONDAY NIGHT, MARCH 23. ‘T O M P K I N S ’ H IR E D M A N ” CAST GILBERT SHEARER.................... ........................... The Hired Men EVERETT SHIBLEY .............................................. Mr. Tompkins ELVA SHIBLEY ...................................................................... Louise MRS. ETHEL HULL ....... ....................................... Mrs. Tompkins MRS. SYLVESTER LAWRENCE.... .......................................... Rutk MRS HARRY GRABLE ....... J „ |u WILLIAM SHEARER ..............................................John Remington CLARENCE HULL ............................................... Show Starts at 7:45 SUBSCRIBE FOR THE JACQUELINE LOGAN in “THE LIGHT THAT FAILED’’ The g re a te st »tory. by the g re a te st living author. What marvelous m aterial . fo r the screen. The exquisite story of love and sacrifice— the pulse- quickening action— the ... con ­ tr a s te d backgrounds, tucked aw ay in odd corners of the e a r t h — is all vividly real and su re to get you. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kelly and- daughter of P ortland were guests a t the Estacada Hotel, S aturday night and le ft for th eir home Sun­ day afternoon. While here Mr. Kelly was looking over the park with the idea of planning many improve­ m ents fo r the summer. W. A. Heylman was • P ortland NEWS I visitor last Sunday. In the spring an autom opile own­ e r ’s fancy tu rn s to cleaning up the old bus. D uring the rem ainder of the year the color of th e car may be unrecognizable b ut somehow the bright sunshine and the clean breezes form a kind of tonic th a t gets into an autom obile ow ner’s blood and urges him to clean up the car, if fo r no other reason than to be in harm ony with the sp irit of the season. The results of such m anual labor are often real g ratify in g ; in fact, inspiring a kind of pride of ow ner­ ship which may have palled during . rry But if the car chances to the J year. be a couple of years old there are eomc tell-tale m arks th a t reveal age. I t was because of the fa c t th a t rain and sunshine will form ru st on most m etals th a t the engineers of the Chevrolet M otor Company set to work to find a type of m etal th a t would not rust. The results of th eir experim ents along this line were embodied in the new Chevrolet— in an airplane m etal rad iato r shell, which is non- ru stin g because of the composition of the m etal used and has all the beauty of nickel. Like the Duco fin­ ish on this car, this rad iato r shell actually improves in lu ster with rub- bing and age Th‘ era is no possibility of rubbing through the coating beeause tha shall ts mada of tha sama m atarial. ■ H i F A R E W E L L P A R T Y FOR MRS .J O S E P H E. G A T E S Mrs. Joseph E. G ates was honored last F riday afternoon when a group of N. O. W. ladies called at h er home B A R 3E R S to spend the afternoon with her. BATHS They presented her with a beauti­ ful flower basket filled with daffo- I Shop on Broadway, Estacada, Ore. diis as a rem em brance of her work for and with th eir order. Mrs. Gates has been clerk and musician in the W oodcraft and has worked long and well in g ettin g this circle established here. R efreshm ents were served late in the afternoon. The members a t­ tending were Mcsdames S. Lawrence. Get our prices before you buy Cecil Dodson, N ettie Grable, M attie Cahill, Ray Keeth, G. P. Rose, Jas. Dryer Pipes Made to Order Norris, John Clossner, ,J Moss, W. For Sheet Iron work, E. Linn, Louis Rivers, A. Sagner, repairs, soldering and Ben Dodson, R. Lemon, Chas. Ful­ plumbing, call at the ler, Sam Bishop, J. E. Gates and Miss Elsie Fuller. MAIN STREET. PLUMBING PIPE and FITTING AMES SHOP CARD O F T H A N K S We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our many friends for th eir many acts of kind­ ness tendered us at the death of our beloved mother. GEO. GENSEROSKI P A T H E N E W S an d COMEDY ERNEST GENSEROSKI AUG. GENSEROSKI jfR S. J. W. PARK MRS. C. B. W’ARD Mrs. L. C. Posson le ft Monday for Shepherd’s Springs, Carson, Wash., R. G. M archbank visited John Zo- to visit Mr. Posson who w ent there b rist a t the St. V incent hospital last sometime ago fo r his health. Monday and reports th a t Mr. Zobrist Mrs. W W allens of Springw ater is g ettin g along nicely a t this time was a guest a t the home of R. G. and th a t he is glad to see his old M archbank last Monday afternoon. friends from Estacada H a ll’s C atarrh M ed icin e T hose w ho a r e in a " ru n dow n" condi­ tion will notice th a t C a ta rr h b o th e rs them m u ch m ore th a n w hen th ey a r e In good h e a lth . T h is ta c t p ro v es th a t while C a ta rrh Is a local d isease, It Is g re a tly Influenced b y c o n stitu tio n a l conditions. H A L L 'S C A T A R R H M E D IC IN E con­ sis ts of a n O in tm en t w hich Q uickly R elieves by local ap p licatio n , a n d th e In te rn a l M edicine, a Tonic, w hich assists In im p ro v in g th e G en eral H ealth . Sold by d ru g g ists fo r o v er 40 T ears, F. J. Cheney St Co., Toledo, Ohio, TIRE AND TUBE REPAIRING B ro a d w a y G a ra g e HENRY BOHN. Estacada Seaman * Bullard All G rades of N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S SHINGLES NOTICE to the creditors of the late William Kingston : The undersigned having been ap­ pointed as E xecutor w ithout bonds Route 2 • Estacada by the last Will and T estam ent of the aforesaid W illiam Kingston, any person having claims against his estate will please forw ard same verified to me a t 379 Commercial street, A storia, Oregon. E. P. NOONAN, Estacada Lodi^e E xecutor of the last Will and Tes­ No. 175. tam en t of William Kingston. D ated A storia, Oregon, F eb ru ary | Meets every Saturday evening in .i 1 10, 1925. 2-19-3-26 4 their lodge room, corner of Bi oad- I way and Third streets. Visiting £ 4 brothers are always welcome. NOTICE F O R PUBLICATION * Orin Ballou, N. G. 1 D epartment of the Interior, U. S. Land | J. K. Ely, Secretary, Office at Portland, Oregon, February 4.4*4.4* 4.4.4*4.4.4* 4*4.4* 4*4*4-4**1—t* 4*4.4* v -hH* i 9, ly25. NOTICE is hereby given th at Frank- ! lin H. Howard, of Route 4. Estacada, Oregon, who. on March 27, 1920; made Homestead Entry, No. 06656, for SEi NWi, Section 29. Township 8 S., Range 5 E , Willamette Mer dian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Proof, to establish claim to the lard above AND described, before the Register and Re­ ceiver U. S. Land Office, a t Portland, AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY Orsgon, on the 25 th day of March, Meets F irst & Third Mondays 1925. I ,OOF ■ f a k AMERICAN LEGION Claimant names as witnesses: Ralph Chaney, of Route 4, Estacada, Oregon, Julius Paulson, of Route 4, Estacada, Oregon, Otto Paulson, of Route 4, Es­ tacada, Oregon, Carl Lins, of Route 4, Estaoada, Oregon. A ct 6-9-16. Clackamas County. Notice will be published 5 consecu­ tive weeks in the Eastern Clackamas News, Estacada, Oregon. W a l t e r L, T ooze , S r . Register. 2-12-3-12 Dance a t C arver Saturday night, K elley’s six piece orchestra. ATWATER KENT The P. T. A. will m eet in the as­ sembly room a t the E stacada grade school, Friday, March 20 a t 3 P. M. The second r ra d e pupils will furnish the program which will be followed by a round-table discussion on "Child G uidance.’’ .Saturday and Sunday A nother one of the popular b irth ­ day luncheons was given by a group of ladies of the M. E. Church last W ednesday. An Irish stew was the chief dish on the menu and proved to be quite a tre a t. RADIO P. T. A. TO MEET First Show a t 7:00 P. M. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Ely, Glenn and W. R. M. W ade were guests a t the Mrs. W allen was on her way t oPort- home of Mr. and Mrs. W ilbur Wade land fo r a visit. in Currinsville la st Sunday. Mrs. Minnie Hanson w ent to Bea­ Commissioner and Mrs. John i verton last Tuesday to visit her Mann of P ortland were guests at sister, Mrs. J. F. Keller, who has the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Car­ been ill. lin in Currinsville last Sunday. Wm. Kandle has resigned as Pointer’s for Paints, Wall paper night w atchm an a t the Electric mill and Window Glass. 5-22ti and has accepted a position with the P. E. P. Co. up the river. The R. G. M archbank confection­ B rother Joseph E. Gates resigned the office of tre a su re r of the I. O. O. ery and pool hall and the S. E. F. Lodge No. 175 last Saturday W ooster real estate office on Broad­ evening and W.F. Cary was elected way have had new awnings hung which dds much to the appearance to fill the unexpired term . of th eir Ipaces of business. R. G. M A R C H B A N K M AX SAGNER GEM THEATRE MARCH 21 and 22 SUPREME LOCAL to Dance a t C arver Saturday night, K elley’s six piece orchestra. THE BREAD amels—Two cell Flashlights 50c. called \ Portland la st Monday on business. Admission 20c and 5c cT I. O. O. F. HALL T hird S treet and Broadway • Estabada, Oregon, S. .E. L A W R E N C E, P. C Any girl in trouble may con mumcate with Ensign Lee of tl .Salvation Army, at the Whit< ¡Shield Home, 565 Mayfair Ave [ Portland, Oregon. 9 20-tf T H ir C T T A D C IS an object lesson in econ- I 1113 3 I vflmLs omy. It points out the many different qualities and prices of merchandise sold by us. There are so many articles in this store that unless you make it a rule to look up ev­ erything you need you will miss many big sav­ ings that should be yours. So look over our stock, get prices and judge quality. See for yourselr that when you buy at The People’s Store there is always a quality for every use. A price for ev­ ery purse. G R O C E R IE S BOYS O V E R A L L S ................................. C H IL D R E N ’S PLAY SU IT S .......... BOY’S SH O E S ........................................ M EN ’S S H O E S .......................................... M EN ’S KHAKI T R O U S ER S M E N ’S SOCKS ............................................... MEN ’S A LL WO OL W O R S T E D T R O U S E R S Sib L O A F CHEESF. ,30c RED PA CK T O M A T O E S, COCOA, 4 LB. C R Y S T A L W H IT E Soap. M AM MILK R E A L Q U A L IT Y P E A S , T I P T O P BREAD, 2 lb THE LB 10c CAN for 25c 22 for $1. 10c C A N 20c C A N 15c M E N ’S W O L V E R E N E PA CK S, 12 AND 16 IN CH T O P We Never Sacrifice Quality to Make a Low Price JOIN THE CROWD AT THE PEOPLE’S STORE OUR MOTTO SERVICE H. B. SNYDER, - - C. A. DYKEMAN.