EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1925 PAGE TWO Eastern Clackamas News w. L. Baughman o f Spokane, Bargains—Good wall paper 25c Wash., arrived Monday to look after ^ r ro|,. fe n pattern s to ge|ect his farm here. Mr. Baughman 11-6 tf owns what was formerly the Bos- from, at Pointer’s. well place. Entered at the postoffice in Estacada, Oregon, a* second-claim nr.ail. Published every Thursday at. ESTACADA PUBLISHING COMPANY, A. CORPORATION. S u b s c r ip t io n R ates One year Six month* $1.50 .76 THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1925 BIBLE THOUGHT I ' — FOR TODAY- I « “* HE TH A T W I L L LOVE LIFE. AND THE ESTACADA HOTEL W IT H IT S M A M M O T H D IM IN G R O O M going all the time. Nothing but the very choicest o f everything served. N o paper collars used—just a good , warm, clean, com­ fortable, roomy hotel—doors never locked. The house that Estacada and the traveling public cannot possibly afford not to have. B E D S A N D R O O M S Clean and Clever. Cool or Warm. N o inside rooms. MODERATELY PRICED ADVERTISING OREGON ESTACADA, ORE. NEW PIG RAISING CONTEST IN STATE FAIR NEXT FA LL O BITU ARY Sundav, Mar. 12. 1925. Bible School at 10 a. m. Mrs. Betty VVeatherby, Supt. Preaching 11:00 Sermon on James 2nd. Chapter. Preaching at 7:30 p. m. Sermon: “ The Divine Purpose Respecting Man. ” Choir rehearsal Saturday at 7:30 p. m. We are aiming to help people understand the Scriptures and thereby come to know God. All are invited to attend these services. B. F. C l a y , Minister. Christian Church L. D. S. Services The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ o f Latter Day Saints holds Sunday School ser­ vices every Sunday at the I, 0. 0. F. hall at 10 A. M. Elfrieda Zorn Genserowski was The one-ton-litter pig growing born in Saxony, Germany, May 27, EVERY Oregonian should feel contest for oregon growers will be Methodist Episcopal Church proud o f the fact that this month held nt the Oregon state fair next 1852, and died March 8, 1925, being “ The Friendly Church on the his state is receiving nation-wide fall for the first time. Rules and 1 73 years old at the time o f her publicity thru the advertising cam­ regulations have been outlined to death. She was married to August H ill.” Estacada, Oregon. paign being carried on by the Nor­ make the contest as useful and in­ Genserowski in May, 1880, and two teresting as possible, both to the thern Pacific, Chicago Burlington growers and the public. Premiums years later they came to America, Ira F. Rankin, Pastor. and Quincy and Great Northern are as follows: residing in Springwater since 1894. Sunday School, 10:00. First prize $60, second $40, third Six children were born to this union, Railways, with the aid of the Oregon Mrs. Rosa A. Reagan, Supt. Committee of the Portland Chamber $30, fourth $20, and fifth$10. The five o f whom survive. They are Mrs. „ . . _ Morning worship: Children’s heaviest pig in any litter will also T . o , „ of Commerce, co-operating with get a prize of $10. John Park, Mrs. Carl Ward George sermon f o |iow ed by the mornint, other public bodies. Any litter farrowing after March and August Genserowski of Spring- sermon 11:00 sermon aj at Posters 18x24 inches will be 1, 1925, and weighing not less than water, and Ernest Genserowski of Evening Services: placed in three thousand stations of one ton September 29 is eligible Sheridan, Oregon. Nine grand chil­ to compete. This means any litter Epworth League Chorus prac­ these railroads during the month. — pure bred, cross breed or grade. dren also survive. tice followed by the Devotional Attractive menus will appear in Growers wishing to enroll are to She was a member of the German Meeting 6:15 every dining car on the Northern notify the animal industry de­ Luthern Church, a devoted mother partment at the state college within Evening worship 7:30 Pacific system. This menu itself is 5 days after the litters have far­ and a knd and loving neighbor, and S. S. Teachers’ Training Class truly! a work of art, reproducing Mt. rowed. Special blanks may be ob­ leaves many friends and acquaintan­ will meet at the church Wed­ Hood in four colors, featuring Ore­ tained either front the college or the ces to mourn her passing. nesday evening at 7:00 gon products, and making a direct county agent. The funeral was held Tuesday Awards will be made on the nppeal for new settlers, homeseek- Choir practice at the church, of weights of the litters exhibited at afternoon under the direction ers and manufacturers to come to the state fair, no award going to any Joseph E. Gates, in the Springwater Thursday evening at 7:30. Oregon. Prayer meeting at the parson- litter on which either the adjusted Church with the Rev. Levi Johnson The land settlement committee of weight or the official weight is less of Portland, officiating. Interment Friday evening at 7:30. the Portland Chamber of Commerce than oneton. All are cordially invited to wor­ The litter may contain any num­ was made in the Springwater ceme­ is furnishing the Oregon products ber of animals and may contain teri* 1, ship with us. which will be served in the dining sows, barrows and bores, but It Is “ Let the words of my mouth cars and the menu will carry the recommended that no bores be in the and the meditation of my heart' W. N. Glenn has recently returned ton litter. district in which each was grown. The pigs in the ton litter contest from Tacoma, Wash., where has be acceptable in thy sight, O The Northern Pacific Railroad will are eligible to enter in the regular been residing for sometime and Jet ovah, my Rock, and my Re­ distribute 175,000 leaflets giving a classes contained in the state fair Psalm 19:14. plans on remaining in Estacada for deemer.” brief summary of the attractions and premium list. the present. opportunities offered by this state NOTICE FOR PU BLICATION Artificial pollenation o f green in their correspondence for the Department of the Interior, U. S. house tomatoes has been found to M. Lonsberry has commenced Land Office at Portland, Oregon, month and the other railroads will be very profitable. Groatly increas­ March 4, 1925. work on his new home, Mr. Long- use about the same. ed yields result as compared to to­ NOTICE is hereby given that The March time table folder of matoes which have been left to take berry has the materials ready for George B. Evans, o f 955 Clinton care of themselves. By writing to these railroads will carry three full the house but has been delayed on St., Portland, Oregon, who, on Feb­ Exchange, Corvallis, ruary 25, 1924, made Homestead page advertisements and others of the Clerical Oregon, experiment station circu­ account of the stormy weather. Entry No. 07540, fo r NEVL, Section usmaller size. lar showing the possibilities of this — | 33, Township 3 S., Range 6 E., Wil- Radio talks featuring Oregon will method will be sent.— Industrial . j lamette Meridian, has filed notice reach an audience of millions. Mo­ Journalim, O. A. C. o f intention, to make Final Proof, to establish claim to the land above tion pictures will be extensively VISITS ESTACADA described, before the Register and shown in various eastern and mid- i Receiver of the U. S. Land Office, dle-western cities. at Portland, Oregon, on the 13th Rev. Levi Johnson, assistant pastor Preparing for Oregon month, the day of April, 1925, o f the First Presbyterian Church HAVE JUST RECEIVED Northern Pacific, Great Northern Claimant names as witnesses: of Portland was in Estacada last John Siegwarth, o f Estacada, Ore­ and the Burlington Railroads pub­ A CAR .OF DIFFERENT Tuesday on business. Rev. Johnson gon; Mrs. O. D. Bowman, of Estaca­ lished two large advertisements on KINDS OF FERTILIZER FOR da, Oregon; W. W, Porter, o f Esta­ has charge of the Men’s Resort on Oregon, the first appearing in CORN, GARDENS & GRAIN cada, Oregon; Geo. M. Buser, of Burnside street in Pdrtland and twenty farm journals, reaching Estacada, Oregon. CROPS. WE ARE MAKING has been n faithful worker In the Act 0-9-16. Clackamas County 21,116,847 readers with the story A VERY SPECIAL PRICE ON interests o f Hillockhurn. the summer Notice will be published fo r five of farm opportunities in Oregon; the SOME WE HAVE LEFT farm of the Presbyterian church consecutive weeks in the Eastern second appearing in fourteen na­ Clackamas News. OVER TH A T WE HAD -NOT located in Dodge, where many de­ tional farm journals reaching 10,- W ALTE R L. TOOZE Sr., Register. SOLD WHEN THIS CAR serving boys and girls are allowed 3-12-19-26, 4-2-9. 000,000 farm people,. Many good ARRIVED. to spend a much needed summer prospects are already inquiring for vacation. NOTICE FOR PU BLICATION more information about Oregon. AND DON’T FORGET ABOUT Rev. Johnson stated that a goodly Department of the Interior, U. S. Oregon needs new people, new in­ sum had been set aside for improve­ Land Office at Portland, Oregon, SHEEP GUANO FOR YOUR dustries, new money, and especially ments on this farm as well as in the March 9, 1925. •JACK. YARD GARDEN. IT ’S NOTICE is hereby given that needs an increase in the rural popu­ road leading to it for this summer. THE BEST. Oscar E. Noreen, o f R. No. 4, Gresh­ lation. am, Oregon, who, on August 8, By this extensive advertising cam­ 1923, made Homestead Entry No. G. W. Maurer who has been in PHONE 60L paign the advantages, opportunities 07446, for W ViN EVi, S ^ N W l i , New York City for several months Section 11, Township 4 S., Range and possibilities can best be placed on business connected with his min­ 5 E., Willamette Meridian, has filed BARTHOLOMEW before those interested in this way ing interests in Idaho arrived the notice o f intention to make Final and will undoubtedly have an impor­ first o f the week for a visit with and LAWRENCE Proof, to establish claim to the ¡and tant bearing on the future of Ore­ his wife who is u member o f the above described, before the Register Estacada. Oreaon. and Receiver U. S. Land Office, at gon. Estacada high school faculty. Portland, Oregon, on the 21st day April. 1925. BORING BOY MEMBER O. A. C. Claimant-names as witnesses: GLEE CLUB William H. Dwyer, of Route No. t, Estacada. Oregon; Albert Adlan, Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­ of Route No. 1, Estacada, Oregon; vallis, March 7.— Walter Schwclder Oscar E. Noren of. Route No. 1, Es- Municipal Terminal Slath and Sa!m n Sta . Phone Main 7733 tacada, Oregon; Edner Wedin, of of Boring, sophomore in agriculture, LINN S INN Eaiac. da Ore|on Route 4, Gresham, Oregon. is a member of the Glee club o f O. SCH ED ULE •Lit 6-9-16. Clackamas Co. Lv Portland 3 00 P M 6 20 P M A. C. that will tour through eastern Lv Estacada ft-JO A. M . a jO P M. Notice will be published five con­ Clackamas 7:30 P M 6 SO P M Eie eCieek s «5 A M 4 *5 P M Oregon during spring vacation. The secutive weeks in the Eastern Clack- Carver 2 «0 P M 7:00 P M Barton s 55 A M 4 65 P M Berton J;w9 P M 7 25 P. JJ an as News, Estacada, Oregon. Carve. 0 20 A M 5 20 P M. singers will leave Corvallis March EefleCreekJ IS P. M ' J5 P. M Clackama S JO A M 5:30 P M _ « A L T E R L. TOOZE Sr., Register. Ar. Eatacsoa J JO A M 7:50 P M 21 in two busses chartered for the Ar Portland 10:00 A. M 6 00 P M E V E R Y DAY trip. Regular stops will be made in The Dalles. Pendleton, La Grande. CONSTABLE SALE Baker, Union, and Hood River where concerts and sntertainments will be The following described personal given. property will be sold at the George Additional stops will be made at Armstrong place in Lower Garfield, Hot Lake. Arlington, and Umatilla. Monday, March 16, 1925. at 10 A. At Hot Lake the club will hava the M., to-writ: use of the swimming pool and the One black and white male hog. both hot mineral bathe. In Arlington jars off. weight 130 lb*. ; 1 black they will be the guesta of tho Cham­ and white sow, weight 125 lba.; ber o f Commerce at ite weekly 1 sandy male hog, weight 120 lbe.; luncheon. t black and w-hite male hog, weight Forty men are to make the trip 125 lbe.; twhite male hog. wreight this year— 30 of the regular mem­ ! 50 lbs.; 1 white sow, weight bers o f the club, an eight piece or­ 160 lbs.; 1 white male hog.weight, chestra, and the director and the <0 lbs.; 1 black and white sow. manager. The Glee club has made weight. 175 lbe.; 1 black sow, several trips of this kind to different weight, 150 lbe.;l black sow, all parts o f the state and on each occa­ four feet white, weight, ISO lbs.; sion was well received. 1 black sow. left hind foot whita. weight 120 lba. O p * n fr o m 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. S a tu rd a y », o p e n to 8 p. m W. A. Kemp of Portland arrived First publication March 5, 1925. Tuesday and will be employed by the Last publication March 12, 1925. Estacada : Electric Lumber and Mfg. Ce. as Oregon By order o f ConsUble D. M. head sawyer. Marshall, Estacada, Oregon. MORTICIAN and EMBALMER ESTACADA Christian Church Services Estacada. Oregon by the JOSEPH E. GATES H O L D GOODS Dry-Cleaning and Dyeing GIVE US A TRIAL FURNITURE-Beds, Mattresses, Stoves, Dining RoomTables Satisfaction Guaranteed We have no Agents. Phone 70-1 NEW AND SECOND HAND Family Wash a Specialty! Prompt Service at Right Price I I : E A R L L A FORGE, l The “SQUARE DEAL” BARBER X I Mr. and Mrs. W, E. Hall, Props. Estacada’» leading tonsorial artist Ï HAIR CUT 35c SHAVE 15c All other work at Popular Prices First class work at second class prices MOTTO: "LIVE AND LET LIVE" Successor to ‘SAILING INN’ Good Food Cooked Right Bobbing and Shingling a Specialty BATHS Open from 6:30 a. m. to 8:00 p. m. BROADWAY, NEXT TO LINN'S INN OUR SAVINGS DEPOSITS H AVE NOW REACHED THE HIGH- est point in the history of the Bank. This speaks well for the financial progress of the commnnity and also for the service w e are endeavoring to render. Open a Savings Account and Grow With Us. « iti (EIT HI III! Ill »111! IM S ESTACADA STATE BANK r FERTILIZERS PORTLAND - RARVER - ESTACADA STAG E S THE ESTACADA MEAT CO. H. C, GOHRING Prop. ☆ Sealed C h a s s is The Buick "Sealed Chassis”! From front to rear, a continuous wall o f iron and steel housings behind which the Buick driving units operate. D irt and wear kept out— lubrication kept ini Only Buick has all o f this protection. Another big reason why the Buick name is a synonym for reliability— and why there are more than a mil« lion Buick owners. FU - 1*4 Whm Belter Automobiles Aro B oi It, Baick Will Build Th«a Beef, M utton, Veal and hogs Bought ☆ J1 Cascade Motor Co. WILCOX BROS., Props. ESTACADA. r OREGON ?