EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1925 —— PAGE THREE GIVE YOUR. MONEY A CHANCE 20,500,000 Dollars to be Put in 1925 Real Estate Building in Portland. U. S. GOVERNMENT ESTIMATE, BE ONE OF NO THE INTEREST GETTERS ON THE MONEY GAMBLE, NO OIL STOCK, NO SPECULATION. SAVINGS have an opportunity to Earn Large Profit on the Sel­ PURCHASE can be arranged to meet your requirements. ling, Financing and Building of Homes. YOUNG MAN—YOUNG WOMAN—The next few years will be DONT HESITATE to investigate our issues thoroughly. the BANNER YEARS of HOME BUILDING in Portland. DON’T BE COAXED into listening to OLD-FASHIONED THRIFT NOTHING CAN BE SAFER. 3% to 4% when it can be increased to 10% with MORTGAGE SECURITY. PUT YOUR SA VINGS INTO BIG EARNING POWER. DON’T DEL A Y. SIGN AND SEND THE A TTACHED COUPON OR BETTER STILL, SEE MR. C. J. LYTTON A T THE ESTACADA HOTEL, THURSDAY OR FRIDAY. DON’T DELA Y 630 MORGAN BU ILD IN G ,Portland, O regon,-------------- Phone MAin 4576.. WRITE TODAY Home Financing Investment Co. LOCAL BREVITIES J. M. Moore was in Portland W. F .Cary was a Portland visitor last Monday on business. last Friday. JL I Mrs. A. W. Botkin was a Portland Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wilcox at­ Mrs. Nellie Carson, who recently I visitor, Monday. tended the Auto Show in Portland accepted a position in the postoffice BARBERS under A. N. Johnson, has resigned Today being a holiday the Estaca­ last Saturday. and her place is now being filled BATHS da State Bank remained closed. Pointer’s for Paints, Wall paper by miss Gertrude Fink. Shop on Broadway, Estacada, Ore. 5-22tf NOTICE FOR PU BLICA TION John Scott of Colton was an Esta- and Window Glass. tacada visitor last Friday. 06557 W. H. H. Wade made a trip to Department of the Interior, U. S. Portland last Monday with his son, Land Office at Portland, Oregon, Mrs. Myrtle Belfils went to Port­ January 31, 1925. land last Saturday morning on busi- Wilbur Wade of Currinsville, NOTICE is hereby given that uess. Emil J. Bittner, of Route 1, Colton, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gohring are Oregon, who, on January 2, 1920, the owners of a new Buick coach made Homestead Entry, No. 06557, Full line of Kalsomine 10c per which they purchased from the Cas­ for NE U NE 'A, Section 31, Town­ pound. At Pointer’s. 11-6 tf cade Motor Company. ship 4 S., Range 4 E., Willamette PIPE and FITTINGS has filed notice of intention Mrs. W. A. Heylman was a pas­ TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Meridian, Get our prices before you buy to make Final Proof, to establish senger to Portland Saturday morn­ claim to the land above described, Dryer Pipes Made to Order before the Register and Receiver, ing. • All persons holding any shares U. S. Land Office, at Portland, Ore­ For Sheet Iron work, repairs, soldering and Mrs. Wilda Lindsay has accepted in the Estacada Telephone and Tele­ gon, on the 11th day of March, 1925. names as witnesses: plumbing, call at the, a position in Bob Marchbank’s con­ graph Company of Estacada are Ed. Claimant of Colton, Oregon, requested to attend a meeting of Route Hodikirs, fectionery. 1 ; Matt Park, of Colton, Ore­ S SHOP the stockholders to be held Thurs­ gon, Route 1; Louis Vallen,, of Col­ A M E MAIN STREET. day, March 12, 1925, at 10 a. m., ton, Oregon, Route 1 ; George De­ See Mrs. J. E. Gates for piano at the office of the company in Esta­ vore, of Colton, Oregon, Route 1. instruction. Prices reasonable. cada. If you are unable to attend Act 6-9-16, Clackamas County. Notice will be published 5 con­ I. 0. 0. F. building. tf this meeting please advise me as to secutive weeks in the Eastern Clack­ W. A. Wilcox was the winner of the number of shares you hold at amas News, Estacada, Oregon I. O.O. F. | WALTER L. TOOZE, SR„ the radio at the People’s Store last this time. Estacada Lodge t Register. Saturday evening, holding the num­ 2-12tf (Sigued) A. SMITH, Mgr. 2-5-3-S No. 175. | ber 4633. CLACKAMAS NEWS $1.50 YR. Meets every Saturday evening in their lodge room, corner of Broad- + Little Jean Dykeman, daughter way ai.d Third streets. Visiting | of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dykeman, “ COLD IN T H E H EA D ” brothers are always welcome. MARCELLING has been quite ill at her home this Is an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. liar .’ey Gilgan, N. G. J week. AND Those subject to frequent "colils” are J. K. Ely, Secretary, generally In a "run down" condition. HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE Is to a Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hannah of Treatment All Beauty Work consisting an Ointment, he used locally, and a of Tonic, which arts Portland visited at the home of Quickly M RS. J A C K H A Y D E N through the Blood on the Mu- Mr. Hannah’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. rous Surfaces, building up the System, Large sheets of blotting paper, Third and Broadway, and making you less liable to "colds." E. E. Hannah, last Sunday. 19 x 24, at the NEWS office 10 North of I .O. O. F. Hall Sold by druggists for over 40 Years. F. J. Cheney tc Co., Toledo, O. cents. tf John Zobrist, who has been ill at his home for, several months was taken to the St. Vincent hospi­ 1 tal in Portland last Monday morn­ ing. PLUMBING From the Northwest's Finest Bakery \T - ► THE BREAD SUPREME » a • - _ . . * i- . .— V * r “ i r T T 1 y ’ V f T * »1**^'*^ W Delivered Fresh Every Day by Our Own Fast “WHITE” Auto Truck to Estacada Retail Stores. Ask Your Grocer for it “ THE NORTHWEST’S FIN ES T B A K ER Y ” See J. E. Gates and get that suit cleaned and pressed. I. 0. O. F. building. tf The Carl Douglass Post of the American Legion are busy at this time formulating plans for a Fourth of July celebration to be held in Estacada this year. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bartholomew and son accompanied by Mrs. Mary Bartholomew drove to Hood River .last Sunday. Mrs. Mary Bartholo­ mew remained there to visit a son. GIVE “ 500’’ PARTY ELECTRIC STORE A SAGNER, Proprietor. ELECTRICAL GOODS OF A L L KINDS—Paints, Varnishs and En­ amels—Two cell Flashlights 50c. PHONE 76 RADIO LI BEST’ S SUPER HETERODYNE and ATWATER KENT oeu made to order—Batteriea Charged Complete Stock of Radio Parta. MAX SAGNER E. SMITH I DENNY BROTHERS Mesdames E. Saling and Clara ! Boyer entertained last Monday1 evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. j C. E. Stockton of Gresham,at “Sail- j ing Inn’’. “500” was the feature of the | evening and the prizes for high : scoreswere won by Mrs. J. Moss and F. Bartholomew. The consolation prizes - going to Mrs. Alva Smith, and N. S. Richradson. A delightful luncheon was served by the hostesses. Those eujoying the evening were Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stockton, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gohring, Mr. and Mrs. J. Moss, Mr. and Mrs Fred Bartholomew, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Smith. Lawrence Web­ ber, K. S. Richardson and the hos­ tesses. W — .— « — i- *— I- -d ■ | J , . * . ■»’ • GOING UP Flour continues to be on the upward trend with no relief in sight. But we still have a good supply of Kerr’s Best Patent at a price that is sure to please you. THE TIME IS AT HAND With the approach of spring there comes a desire for various tonics and conditioners for stock and chickens. We have the DR. HESS LINE. NONE BETTER. Panacea and Stock Tonics. ALWAYS A GOOD LINE OF FRUITS IN SEASON FRUIT GROW ERS There will be a meeting of the members of the Estacada Packing Company, and everyone interested in the Fruit Industry please make a special effort to attend on Friday, February 13th, at 7:30 p. m., at the City Hall. J. G. HAYMAN, Secy. Any girl in trouble may com­ municate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army, at the White Shield Home, 566 Mayfair Ave.. Portland, Oregon. 9-20-tf JOIN THE CROWD AT THE PEOPLE’S STORE OUR MOTTO SERVICE H. B. SNYDER, - - C. A. DYKEMAN.