Eastmt ©íarkamas 2 Cnus Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County V olume 18, NATION e n s h r i n e s IN H E A R T HEROES LOST IN ARGONNE D *. TQ STAGE SHOW W. W. RHODES O S T E O P A T H IC T~)R. G. F. MIDFOKD On Thursday evening, February 19th, the Woodman o f the World o f Estacada will give a high class OFFICE and Rosidence Second and Main Strsets Estacada. Oregon—Telephone Connections vaudeville and stag smoker fo r mem- ; hers and their gentlemen friends. The affair will be held in the I. O. £ ) R . CHAS. P. JOHNSON O. F. hall at Estacada and all DENTIST Woodman and friends from the sur­ e v e n in g w o r k by a p p o in t m e n t rounding country are invited Phones: Office, 315; Residence 4712 Large delegations are expected Estacada, Oregon. from Eagle Creek, Logan and Carver. ^ P H Y S IC IA N and SURGEON, f it t e d D r . H arry L. C handler C H IR O P R A C T O R 535 MORGAN BUILDING BROADWAY AND WASH. PORTLAND, O R E G O N HOURS 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. I). EBY, A T T O R N E Y A T LA W . General Practice. Confidential viser. Oregon City. Oregon. Ad­ W IL L IA M WALLACE SMITH ATTORNEY AT LAW M a s o n ic B l d g . g E stacada , O re . E. WOOSTER Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Rentals, Farm Loans a Specialty. Telephone Estacada, Ore. AT BOOT and SHOE REPAIR SHOP } Block South of P. 0 ., Estacada Leather Half soles on men’s light work or dress shoes, sswed or nailed........................... $1.25 Rubber composition half-soles for men, ......................... $ 1.00 Men’ s heels straightened. Leather or rubber.................. 60 Ladies’ heels same work............85 Whole leather heels men or wom en............................- $ 1 . 0 o Only the best of leather and find­ ings used—can also save you money on team harness or parts See me before you buy A. R. DAHLKE, Estacada Deputy Head Consul E. S. Mar­ tin o f Portland, under whose per­ sonal direction and supervision this show is given, will be present. Mr. Martin assures the Estacada Wood­ man that theywill be well pleased with this program fo r it has been been presented to many camps thru- out Oregon and Washington, and has always met with the highest approval o f everyone present, and has repeatedly shown to record breaking crowds. Every act is a scream and every performer is a professional. Every member o f the Woodmen o f the World in and near Estacada has been supplied with a number o f tickets, and anyone not a member can secure a complimentary ticket by asking any member or applying to Clerk J. E. Gates at theGates Furniture Store, Estacada, or Dis­ trict Manager J. J. Quillin. Get your ticket early and spend a pleas­ ant evening the guest o f Estacada Camp Woodmen o f the World. The members o f the Woodmen of the World o f Estacada are planning increased activity and in the near future will have several other feat­ ure meetings, chief among them being* a class initiation at which time there will be a large delegation o f members from Multnomah, St. John, Milwaukie and Arleta Camps o f Portland. agony wounds were worse enemies than German sharpshooters and machine gun nests. Then came a demand that they surrender— a de­ mand met with instant refusal, a renewal o f battle, rescue, victory. Mrs. George Forman and son made a trip to Portland by stage. Miss Alma Lizberg, primaay teacher at Barton, spent the week end at her home in Oregon City. Born—To Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Stone, a son weighing 8}4 lbs. Dr. Adix was in attendance. Methodist Eoiscopal Church Estacada, Oregon. THE story o f frozen hearts Ira F. Rankin, Pastor. melted by the fires o f love. Sunday School, 10:00. Your heart will melt, too. as Morning worship: Children’s this big, warming, close-to- sermon “ Wishes That Sting,” life drama unfolds. will be followed by the morn- in g sermon, “ T h e Inverted Pathe News 11:00 Flame ” at Epworth League: Chorus prac­ tice followed by the Devotional COM EDY Meeting 6:15 Evening worship 7:30 S. S. Teachers’ Training Class will meet at the church Mon­ day afternoon at 4:00. Choir practice at the church, Thursday evening at 7:30. Prayer meeting at the parson­ age, Friday evening at 7:30. All are cordially invited to MRS. W . A. W ILC O X come and worship with us at The Third and Zobriat Sta. Friendly Church on the Hill. ESTACADA ‘ ' Trust in Jehovah with all thy heart, and lean not on thine own understanding. In all thy ways The Eastern Clackamas News acknowledge Him, and He will “ Wanderer o f the Wasteland,” a Zane Grey Paramount production, directed by Irvin Willat and feat­ uring Jack Holt, Kathlyn Williams, Noah Beery and Bille Dove, comes to the Liberty Theatre on Sunday and Monday next to remain two days. Youv'e heard about the wonder­ ful colorful photography in Cecil B. DeMille’s “ The Ten Command­ ments” ? Well thia one is done entire­ ly in color. There’s not a black and white sequence throughout the length o f the film. Think o f it! Even if it weren’t for the great story it really is, you should go see this picture just for the novelty o f the thing. Remember, it’s the very first really practical all-color production to be shown on the screen anywhere. But it's more than just a novelty— much more. It’s Zane Grey’s greatest story brought to life. They say you can even see the different shades o f sunburn on the players! Firat Show at 7:00 P. M. Saturday and Sunday “ICEBOUND" FE A TU R IN G Richard Dix and Lois Wilson $1.50 they ear. Mrs W. E. Linn went to Portland last Saturday to attend a lecture given by Miss Reed on the Near East Relief. She reports that this was unusually fine and that plans are already being formulated for the collection o f bundles to be sent to these people. ALL-C O LO R PICTURE DUE Hemstitching and Dressmaking direct thy paths, ” Proverba3^*6 SCH O O L NOTES Last Thursday morning Mr. Stephens gave another talk on banking with the subject, “ In- vesting the Bank’s Money.” He stressed the importance of char-; CITY COUNOILHQLGS REGULAR SESSION ____ When Mayor H. C. Stephens The P F P Cn snent annw time th e COUncil to Order last The P. E. P. Co. spent some time th ree L s of cred it, ihe talk Called Tuesdav niirht in t h e c it v hall the recently in this community replac- was interesting and greatly ap- following were nresent* Council- War, the tensest, most dramatic,most gripping incident o f America’s part ■xtonsinns - • i I that ®Jr- men J . Osborne, 1’. Morton and j Stevens also announced that the K. Wi,cox. j . Lovelace joined in theg conflict. To give the peo­ extensions Work Of cleaning up h.s new bank would conduct an essay the session ,ater in the evening, ple o f Estacada an opportunity to auto park and camp grounds on contest open to high school Stu- RPi.nrrler Wm Dale read the “ feel” this epic action as they could Eagle Creek has already been start- dents Each essay must cover m, i utes of tht. |ast meeting and not otherwise do, the Carl Douglass ed by J. M. Moore. Several of the one phrase of the banking busi- thoge of 3Decia| meeting called Post o f the American Legion has old buildings have been torn down, ness on which a senes of talks fo|. the purPp08e of considering arranged to show “ THE LOST BAT­ A. Jannsen and W. Anderson re- are being given 1 he pnzes will the extension of the present citv TALION” , a motion picture faith­ turned last Saturday from Kheka- total twelve dollars boundaries which were approved, fully reproducing this historic eveit tat, Wash., Where they had gone Last t nday mght on the home The Finance committee took with an interwoven tale o f delight­ to get some o fthe tools needed in floor, the girl S team ot E. H. S. up the b i||3 and the following ful romance in this city, Friday, the well drilling work. and the girl S town team played wprp opepnfprl- (VanP fr> SS 4(V February 20, 1925. Mesdames Gerald Wilcox, O. E. a fast game of basketball, fhe p jc F Co $21'Wm Dale* $15' The story o f the Lost Battailon Syron and J. F. Lovelace attended score was 55 to 5 in favor of the j stanips'and stationery, $3; j. W.’ has become definitely part o f the a meeting of the Clackamas County school team. The boy s town j ¿ buld, $20; P. E. P .; Co , $14; traditions o f the American people. Health Association in Oregon City team played the De Molays of Estacada Tel. and Tel. Co., $1; No sooner had the news o f the su­ Tuesday. Sunnvside the same evening and W. Ritchey, $9.50; C. E. Hively, perhuman resistance o f this handful The Estacada town team will meet the home team won. 27-19. An- $12; S. Lovelace, $6; J. Deardorff, o f men, completely surrounded by the Portland Aces in a basketball other feature was a hot dog sale. $6; J. Osborne, $5.50; H C. German troops in the almost in- game scheduled for Saturday, Feb. Quite a crowd witnessed the i n Pnni ’ *vi