EASTF.RN C L A C K A M A S NEWS. THURSDAY. JANUARY 22, 1925 2 Eastern Clackamas News Bntered at the poatoffice in Estacada, Oregon, as aecond-clags mail. Published every Thursday at ■> ! ; 3 J‘ * J . * s of each and every citizen in keep- said. “Play that.” The whole band Son to die a death of agony for me; Ing the lnw before the public in struck the air with their instru- and that He was up there, above such a manner that we will have mcnU; and over the rocks went the t'-. r > m of suffering, and above no need for unusually strict cn- ammunition wagons, a ..J the army the glorious stars. I felt that I forcement at any one time. resumed its march to the plains of v going to meet Him and praise ........ — Italy. Him there; and T felt that I ought While Dr. Kane was in the Arc- to praire God, e v e n wounded as I THE MUSIC OF THE CHURCH tic regions, icebound, his men was, on that bloody field. I could By RF.V B. F. CLAY were kept from dispair, and proba- t: it help singing that old hymn of I know not who sang the first bb niutiny, by one of their num- faith, ‘When I can read my title song or who played the first harp. bor I)lu>rinK the viol>n. clear to mansions in the skies.’ but certain it is that singing and And K0 we flnd music apprecia- And there as a Christian brother in playing began very early in the his- ted und practiced universally, the bru h, I could not see him. but tory of the race. Very likely Adam The English ploughman sings as he ! I; ,;rd liim. He took up the strain, beyond him another joined in and Eve, in the sweet days of their driv«* hls the Scotch High innocence, buck there in the Garden _____ . __ of Eden, sang with the birds as ........................... - - ..... - ■ ■■ their accompanists, the praises of God. For they were glad that they lived. And even from their fall from their high estate through the deception of the Evil One they were not left without hope. For the Lord God Almighty promised them that “The seed of the woman ALMOND COCO LEMON SOAP should bruise the serpent's head." So raan started on the long journey PALM OLIVE SAVON C A LOSSE with a note of hope in heart, and All made by Palm Olive Company. wherever hope is it must find expres­ sion; and generally this expression hnr been in song. From God's Word we learn that in the seventh generation from The REX ALL Store Adam there was one, Jubal, by name, who was the “father of all such as handle the harp and th — pipe.'* No one will ever know this side the eternal world how great a part the songs of wen have played in the development of humanity. For every heart has been fitted with the chords of faith and hope and lo C. And God in His own way, has has been using the power of Song X to comfort and cheer Ilis children in the midst of their toils and cares. In like manner He has inspired the sons of men to heroic deeds. It not therefore strange that the Church, to whom has been given the great task of redeeming the world from its sins and follies should have given such a large place to songs in its work and worship. O p jn fr » n 7 a n. I t p. m. ' r ‘ u rt’r > r, c| - r i o f i p. m For a song will touch the souls of men when all else shall fail. Nor Estacaja : : Oregon is there any time in one's lifs when ft man will com« so near to being — w LAW S he Biggest and Best Toilet Soap for 10 Cents THE ESTACADA PHARMACY M E ESTACADA MEAT CO. H. C. GQHRING Prop. the song, and another, until all over that terrible field that night the echo was resounded with the hymns of praise to God.” Friends, we will never know in this life what the hymns of the Chinch have done for men. It :s net therefore that every Church Oiat has faith in God and Christ shouU sing unto the Lord. We can: ot do otherwise than sing. It, i ke prayer, is our vital breath. And why should we not learn to ng our hymns and sacred songs with spirit and with the understand­ ing also? If I could have my way I would like to give every child of God such an appreciations of the hymns that each and everyone would enroll himself in a school of uusic and become, if not a master, at least an appreciative student in the worship of God in song. Yes, “We shall stand before the King someday” and our very souls will be filled with an inexpres- sable joy; and we will want to sing, and i believe that we will all have need of this gift of song. And we shall carry with us the very best of our Church hymns and music. Here on earth so much of our music is written in minor chords. The sinner, with no hope in his heart, can sing no other strain. The savage and heathen can never rise above this; but the Christian with love, joy and peace pulsing through his whole being must have the major chords to sound out his note of victory, and to ascribe all honor and glory and praise to the Lamb, in Whose blood we have been washed from our sins. For we will learn in our Father’s home on high that thd highest employment will be to give glory to God for His wonderful love to the children of men. And the sweetest notes that we shall hear from all that heavenly host will be when the Son, himself, shall say to all of his redeemed ones, “Come, come, come, ye blessed of my Father; enter ye into the joys of the Lord,” J . M. Moore was a Portland visi­ Mrs. Pete Malzinini of River Mill who has been spending some tor Monday and Tuesday; time in Portland at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Carter of her daughtr returned to her home last Sunday. She is reported ot be River Mill were Portland visitors Tuesday. greatly improved in health. } X •!• «« The “ SQUARE BEAL” BARBER v E A R L LA FORGE. Eitacada’s leading tonsorial artist .{I HAIR CUT 35c SHAVE 15c All other work at Popular Prices HOME COOKING Our Specialty B A T HS BROADWAY. NEXT TO LINN S INN ¥ Open from 6:30 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. 'i Í } A S u g g e s t io n T H E many daring holdups in this vicini* ty suggest to the prudent person the advisability of keeping their funds in Bank. O U R type of safe has never been suc­ cessfully burglarized and in addition, we carry ample insurance against burglary and holdups. M AY we not have the pleasure of serv­ ing you? ESTACADA STATE BANK Mrs. A. S. Hassel of this city re­ ceived a telegram last Sunday morning announcing the arrival of a son born to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hassell of Aberdeen, Wash., on January 18. Mrs Vernon Hassell will be remembered as Miss Delia Dodson. FOUR Per Cent Interest; 100 Per Cent Security and Service. Clarence Hull is driving a Ford which he recently purchased of the Cooke Motor Company. New The CHEVROLET CARS See the New— Roadster Touring Coupe Sedan Coach See the new roadster and touring car widi new bodies finishedinrichdark blue Duco, with cowl lights, new disc clutch, and new extra strong rear axle with banjo-type housing. See the new sedan with beautiful Fisher Body and one-piece V V windshield, finished in aqua-marine blue and black D uco—Balloon tires and disc wheels. See the new Fisher Body coupe of strikingly beautiful design, finished in sage green and black Duco— Balloon tires and disc wheels. See the new coach, another fine Fisher Body closed car c f low price, Duco finished, mounted on the new Chevrolet chassis with it;? many added quality features —Balloon tires and artillery wheels. CASCADE M OTOR CO. MILCOX BROS.. Proprietors. ï MRS. E. E. SALING, Proprietor Bobbing and Shingling a Specialty Beef, Mutton, Vccl and Hogs Bought ☆ ’jj A .. SAILING INN ESTACADA, OREGON