Nr ms Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County V olume 18, E stacada , O r e g o n , T h u r s d a y , J a n u a r y 15, 1925 N umber 16 $1.50 P er Y ear DOVER ITEMS LOCAL ITEMS CURRINSVILLE ITEMS ----------- ■p\R. W. W. RHODES W O S T E O P A T H IC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office in Lichthorn Bldg., Estacada, FOILS E M ROBBER Robt. F. Shields has been taken to A. N. Johnson was a Portland a Portland hospital frr treatment. visitor Monday. Mrs. J. A. Kitching took J. H. Is rejuvination an accomplished Iiitching to Gresham last week to fact? For the answer see Black receive treatment from Dr. H. V. Oxen atLiberty Theatre Jan. 29 Adix. and 30. Norman McKenzie unloaded a Mrs. B. R. Kimmel, who has been car load o f feed for the Currinsville j confined to a Corvallis hospital was store, Tuesday morning. Mrs Lester Hale and Mrs. Wil­ : recently brought home an is re- bur Wade attended the Parent-teach­ | ported to be no better. B. 0 . Boswell o f Gresham was in er meeting at Estacada, last Mon­ j Estacada last Tuesday collecting for day. L. J. Crozier received a nice new | the P. E. P. Company. Mr. Boswell incubator and brooder last Monday. i is in better health he states than He is preparing to raise pure bred | he has been for years. He reports that Mrs. Boswell has just been re- chickens. Chas Kitching, H. S. Jones and j leased from the hospital. Wm. Gilgan are again cutting logs On account o f the high school for Douglass Mills. carnival the Christian Endeavor Victor Leon, the dairyman, sold rally to Eagle Creek has been post­ two truck loads o f cows, Tuesday. poned until January 23. Mrs. M. Adams visited her daugh­ Pr« inventor) Clearance Sale ter, Mrs. Theo. Ahlberg at Estacada, now going on at Rose’s, don’t miss last Tuesday. the sensational bargains we are o f­ Shortly after one o’ clock last Friday afternoon, Miss Ruth Dillon, cashier of the Estacada T ^ R . G. F. MIDFOKD State Bank calmly looked up to PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. X R ay E quipment — G lasses fitted wait on what she supposed was a OFFICE and Residence Second and Main Strsets customer only to find herself Estacada. Oregon—Telephone Connections j looking into the barrel of a revol­ ver leveled at her and hear the J } R . CHAS. P. JOHNSON command, “ Shove it over, ” which she immediately decided EVENING W ORK BY APPOINTMENT to obey and began shoving a Phones: Office, 315; Residence 4712 Estacada, Oregon. pennies across the counter much ! to his disgust. Miss Minerva Dew who had D r . H arry L C h an d ler CHIROPRACTOR been standing at Miss Dillon’s 535 MORGAN BUILDING right wrapping pennies caught BROADWAY AND WASH. HOURS PORTLAND, O R E G O N I 0 A. M. to 6 P. M. the idea of slipping into the office and calling for help. While she r \ I). EBY, PO RTER -CAR STE N CAMP OPENS did this the robber apparently v -7, ATTORNEY AT LAW . The Porter-Carsten Logging Com­ General Practice. Confidential Ad- failed to notice her leave and up­ pany began operations iast Monday viser. Oregon City. Oregon. on hearing her loudly calling morning after a few weeks shut 'and finding that his command to down. A special train o f three cars W > LLIAM W ALLACE SMIH This open the door was not being took in a crew last Sunday. ATTORNEY AT LAW obeyed, and hastily departed, company offers work to a large M asonic B ldg . E stacada , O re . making a quick get-away with number o f men and it is reported that they plan to carry on the work out any interference. The two more extensively this year than be­ S E. WOOSTER patrons in the bank at the time fore. Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, of the hold-up were so completely A number o f men from this imme- diate vicinity have gone up to taken by surprise that they Rentals, work. could do nothing. Farm Loans a Specialty. The robber was of slender RE B E K A H S AND I. O. O. F. TO Telephone Estacada, Ore. build, slightly above the average IN STALL in height, wore a dark overcoat Next Saturday evening in the I. which came well below his knees, O. O. F, hall a Joint installation of FIRE INSURANCE. a mask covered his head and fell Rebekahs and I. O. O. F. orders down on his shoulders and he will be held. Everyone is requested London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. carried a revolver in his left to bring some article of food for a hand. He appeared to be an supper which will be served follow­ Keep your policy in our Fire Proof Vault, free o f charge. amteur and seemed a very ner­ ing this work. vous. He allowed the two cus- SILVER OFFERING FOR NEW H. C. STEPHENS timers to get behind him while PIANO intent on getting the cash. Foil­ A gfnt . On Friday, January 16th, the ed in this he left, running down ladies of the Christian church will Second street, up the alley be­ give at 2 p. m., a tea and program tween Broadway and Zobrirt to in Oddfellow’s Hall, for the purpose AT Third street where a Chevrolet o f starting their piano fund. They touring car bearing a 1924 Ore­ are deterhined to improve their BOOT and SHOE gon license was waiting with the music and the first step is to pur- chase a piano. Everybody is invited REPAIR SHOP motor running. He was seen to to come and help them in this laud­ } Block South of] P. 0 ., Estacada leave the alley unmasked and able enterprise. Leather Half soles on men’s light carrying his gun and as he step­ work or dress shoes, sswed ped on the running board on the FORM ER RESID ENT PASSES or nailed ........................... $1.25 Mrs. Margaret H. Evans died at Rubber composition half-soles left hand side of the car it sped for m en,........................... $1.00 Portland, Monday, January 12, at away. Men’ s heels straightened. the age o f 64 years. Mrs. Evans It was several minutes before Leather or rubber..................5o was the mother o f M. D. Evans and Ladies’ heels same Work........... 35 Deputies D. M. Marshall and H. Mrs. R. M. Standish o f Portland, and Whole leather heels men or Monroe started in pursuit thus a number o f years. women............................... $1.0o Only the best of leather and find ­ She had been inill health for a giving him time to get a good ings used—can also save you long time and had been confined to lead on them. He is supposed To money on team harness or parts have taken a side road and in the Portland Sanitarium. The fu ­ See me before you buy neral serviceswere held Wednesday, this way avoided capture. A. R. B AH LK E, Estacada January 14, at 3:30 P. M. ,at Fin­ A suspect was picked up near ley’s mortuary, Montgomery at Fifth, the Twelve-Miie house at Gresh­ with commitment in Rose City Ceme­ am about three o ’clock the same tery. EN TERTA IN S LADIES AID The Ladies Aid Society o f the afternoon driving a Ford sedan Christian Church was entertained on but after a time even though id­ See Mrs. J. E. Gates for piano Thursday, the 8th inst. by Mrs. Dora entified as the one who held up instruction. Prices reasonable. Herring. There were fourteen the bank by those who saw him I. 0. 0. F. building. tf present. At that time the society he proved an alibi sufficient to decided that their next work for the church would be the purchase cause Sheriff Mass to release o f a piano for their services All him. Lester Babeson has just purchas­ had become tired o f the spuawky or­ The Estacada State Bank car­ gan that they have been using for ries full insurance against all ed a 1925model Star roadster and as a consequence a number o f mill many years. As a starter on the losses by burglars should they folks have enjoyed several rides. piano fund they propose to give a money Practically everyone from the mill tea and program in the Oddfellow’s occur. Fortunately no Hall on next Friday, January 16th, was taken at this time and the attended the dance at Barton on beginning at 2 P. M. They will bank carried on the business of Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Douglass were be pleased to see all their friends at the afternoon as usual. Portland visitor on Saturday. this meeting with a silver offering Both Miss Dillon and Miss Dew Clyde Updegrave o f Dover spent for their piano. No one will be lim­ ited in the size o f his or her offering, deserve much credit for the cool­ the week-end with Harry Hansen. Friday evening the Hansen fam­ only they insist that no one go ness which they displayed at home from their meeting "dead that time and in saving the cash ily, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph DeShazer, drove to Dover broke." and other valuables. to attend the Chaistmas program Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stephens given by the school. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that any had just left for Oregon City Ray Woodle worked several days person who has a claim against the when the hold-up was staged this week at the mill, at the planer Estacada Telephone and Telegraph but upon hearingof it they im­ with George Douglass, and Mr. Clark Company shall submit their claim mediately returned to Estacada. was engineer for the sawmill. This DENTIST DOUGLASS MILL GOSSIP within 10 days or they will be stopped from asserting said claim SURPRISE N E W L Y W ED S .... in the future on account o f transfer A group o f friends delightfully from Earl and Bertha Gunter to Alva Smith, manager. It surprised Mr. and Mrs. M. Lonsberry at their residence on upper Main DORCAS SOCIETY TO MEET street last Monday evening The Garfield Ladies Dorcas So­ The newly married couple were ciety will meet at the home o f Mrs. presented with several very beau­ W. R. Reed on January 22. It will tiful wedding gifts and a most en­ be an all all day meeting. Come joyable evening was spent. prepared to quilt. Those present for the occasion Mrs. H. D. Trapp, Sec. were Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Linn; a BE N EFIT TO BE GIVEN The Masonic Building association will show "Black Oxen,” January 29 and 30 at the Liberty theatre, for the purpose o f raising funds to aid in meeting some o f the obliga­ tions on the Masonic building which was completed here last year. You are asked to remember the dates. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Linn; Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Linn o f Currinsville; Mrs. Julius Kreiger ard daughter, Saturday Sped als This Week Wanda:Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kitch­ 3 cans Regina Pineapple $1.00 ing and daughter, Wilma; Archie 7 cans Mecco Corn $1 00 Portland and Lloyd Yocum and Mr. and Mrs. 5 cans Yellow Cling Peaches,$1.00 Lonsberry, at Rose s, ths place to buy. Jennsen Brothers are drilling a well on the place form erly owned by Lloyd Yocum, near Lone Oak cemetery. J. F. Lovelace was riaitor alst Tuesday, is the working plan when the mill is in full operation. * 4 BOBBER VISITS THE SPRINGWATER STORE A goodly crowd gathered at the church Friday evening to attend the Christmas program put on by Miss Smart and her pupils. The numbers were excellent and Last Saturday evening about 6:30 greatly enjoyed. Violet DeShazer o'clock a lone robber entered the aud Hugh Guthrie were especially front door o f the Springwater store good in their roles. Aa added at­ and covered F. Madden, the proprie­ traction was a clever little recitation tor. who was alone in the store, with by Eddie Hansen, who came up a rusty looking gun, demanding his from the Douglass mill with his money. folks, to the entertainment. Mr Madden opened the cash reg- Walter Kitzmiller and family o f j r, . „ , r .. ister and the robber proceeded to Oregon City spent Sunday at the , . , . , . . . .. t , n ~ , help himself. To make sure that the Joseph DeShazer home. ( ,7 ... ,, , .. . robber was getting all o f the money, Mrs Mark Pagh has been enter- , , ,, , . .. . .. , ; , Mr. Madden pulled the drawer out taming her mother and little brother , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . and emptied the contents into the and sister since the holidays ,. . . , . . u I n 1. J . L • , . the robber s hands. H. L. Guthrie had the misfortune ; . , , „ . ,. . . . , There was not over ten dollars in to freeze his motor and break the I .. TT , ... , , .. . the till. He hastily searched Mr. _____________ Madden’s pockets finding no cash and paying no heed to the watch P. T. A. MEETING which Mr. Madden carried. The January meeting o f the Mr. Madden described the bur­ Parent Teachers Association was glar as being about six feet five fering. It is time to think about held at three o ’clock Monday after­ inches tall, of slender build, wore your spring sewing. You can make noon in the high school assembly a dirty white mask over his head, big savings by attending this sale. room. The session opened with a light colored cap, a long moleskin See J. E. Gates and get that prayer, after which the high school overcoat and rubbers. He carried suit cleaned and pressed. I. 0. orchestra came on the stage in its a rusty revolver in his right hand first public appearance. Several with the bntt of it wrapped in what 0. F. building. tf numbers were rendered in a man­ appeared to be new burlap, and Mrs. Evans had a number o f ner which gave much pleasure to deftly searched the cash drawer and friends in this community who were the parents and friends who made pockets o f his victim with his left grieved to hear o f her passing. up the audience. Following the hand. Several attended the services in music came the business session. He fled from the store and en­ Portland. A resolution was adopted in ap­ tered a waiting automobile which j Don’t miss Black Oxen and the proval o f the interest in essay work he had parked a short distance down comedy screen, "O nce a Mason,” | as shown by the participation in the road from the store,and drove Also there will be several specialties the recent home lighting contest, rapidly away without any interfer­ between the first and second show t and read as follows: ence. It is supposed that he drove at Liberty Theatre, Jan. 29 nad 30. Resolved, that we o f the Parent down the ridge and made his es­ Masonic Building Association bene­ Teachers’ Assaciation thus pub­ cape. fit. licly express our appreciation of Word wqs soon sent out and men Mr. and Mrs. W. Chandler hame the work o f Miss Ruth Day and were stationed at various points to recently moved into the new resi­ Miss Corrinne Trullinger in the re­ hold him up, but he made good his dence o f W. F. Cary at the corner cent essay contest on Home Lighting, escape before this was done. o f Sixth and Broadway. and that wo commend all others In many ways the description o f Be sure and get your ticket on who entered the contest, as well as this man tallied with that o f the one the two rocking chairs that we are the helpful attitude o f our English who has been holding up other giving away absolutely free, on the department toward such work. places in the county during the A fter the business session the past few weeks. last day o f our Pre-Inventory Clear­ program continued: ance Sale at Rose’s. Why Go to College, was the topic Black Oxen at.. Liberty Theatre o f an interesting talk by Mrs. January 29 and 30, under the auspi­ Rankin, in which she stressed edu­ ces o f Masonic Building Association. | cation as a means o f inspiration 1 and self discovery. HIGH SCHOOL C A R N IV A L j Why Go toHigh School, was dis- | Lest you have forgotten this is cussed from the standpoint o f a , tQ remind you that 0„ Frjd fct j The regular monthly meeting o f high school student by Miss Irene ' January lflthf the studont body o f of the city council was held Tues­ Hayden who developed some very vour high school is giving a carnival, day evening in the City hall, with excellent reasons under the two mam |t wi„ bp he,d jn the gymnasium to the Mayor H. C. Stephens presiding heads, ‘For Edncat.on, and “ For whjch wi„ b# thrown and Councilmen T. H. Morton, U. Enjoyment. I public at this time. “ Know Yrour Own School,” the S. Morgan and J. S. Osborne pres­ You ought to come and see just last topic, was presented by Mr. ent, and Recorder Wm. Dale. what “ The Gym” looks Like. The The bonds o f the newly elected Olsen. He called attention to hte young boys and girls o f your high recorder, Wm. Dale, and Treasurer size and and importance of the school have undertaken to finance writh this proposition. Nina B. Ecker, were accepted and school plant in comparison Your presence filed. The re-elected officials re­ any other in the community in which will be agreat encouragement to ceived their oath o f office. J. K. it is situated,showing that such a them. Two musical organisations, ELy, the outgoing recorder was comparison holds, not only locally, the local band and the high school In closing orchestra, both under the efficient present and turned over the books. but in any community. The bills presented were ordered he called attention to the infrequen­ leadership o f Mr. Bushnell, will cy o f visits made to the classroom | furnish an abundance o f music for paid. work o f the high school and urged Besides there will A discussion as to the needs of that parents makesuch visits of- j the occasion. | be a great variety o f attractions, and replacing one o f the water mains tener. good things to eat. It will cost you leading from the reservoir was only ten cents to get in, but there held and a committee was appoin­ E V E R Y B O D Y COME will be fine opportunities o f spend­ ted to make a thorough investiga­ The Ladie's Aid o f the M. E. ing small change in sharing what the tion o f the amount needed to do church will give their birthday students have planned. It’s the this work. luncheon, in the Mason’s dining chance o f the year in helping a A committee composed o f Mes- room, on Wednesday, January 21. good cause and enjoying an evening dames A. S. Hassell, U. S. Morgan, Serving will commence at 11:30. o f fun. H. C. Stephens, S. Bishop, O. E. Good meal for 25 cents. Bargains—Good wall paper 25? Smith and Nina B. Ecker requested per roll Ten patterns to select that the council employ Jas. Den­ CARD OF THANKS from, at Pointer’s. 11-6 tf ning as night watchman for the I wish to thank the neighbors I city, stressing the need for such BUYS W A S H O U C A L RECORD an officer at this time. A fter a and friends who so kindly assisted lengthy discussion Councilman J. during the final illness, and during ! Upton M. Gibbs o f this city has S. Osborne moved that the City the last rites inthe laying away o f I purchased the Washougal Record, council employ a night man at my faithful wife, Alice F. Whitney, a weekly newspaper o f Washougal, $100.00 per month, said salary to I surely appreciate their neighborly j Washington, and plans to assume | control o f the same the first o f Feb­ be taken from the general tax fund. condolence. E. A. WHITNEY. ruary. Mr. Gibbs owned and edited Motion carried by an unanimous the Eastern Clackamas News of this vote. The council then discussed Black Oxen, taken from Gertrude city for over six years, having sold the duties o f such an officer. Councilman U. S. Morgan moved Atherton’s famous novel, at Liberty out to the Estacada Pubishing Com­ that Jas. Denning be employed for Theatre Jan. 29 and30, one o f the pany in September of last year. this work. Motion seconded by outstanding feature films o f the sea­ During that time he has become fa­ miliar with many points o f the news­ Councilman T. H. Morton. Motion son. Be sure and see it. paper game and found it so facinat- carried. 1 W. Ritchie asked that the coun­ “ L aw fu l L arcen y” Com ing ing that he could not resist the call to go back. cil aid the firemen in repairing The Paramo unt picture, "Law ­ Mr. Gibbs is a writer o f consider- some hose. He stated that the tools , and material for this work was on ful Larceny” will be shown at able ability and will give Washou- hand and that a man would need to the Gem theatre, Saturday and *al »nd community a good,clean be hired to do the work Motion Sunday nights, Jan. 17 and 18. pa‘)er- The News wi8h‘>!’ him made by Councilman Morgan that The story, an adaption by John 5very succeMj ^ hi» new field- this matter be referred to the proper Lynch of the stage success by SpeclaI pricM on bUnkeU during committee carried. S. Shipman, is a domestic drama at Rose’s. E. Steinman asked that thecity put a street light at the corner o f featuring Hope Hampton, Nita ----------------- ■ Main street and the county road. Naidi, Lew Cody and Conrad Wonderful Fashion Displays Motion was duly made and carried Nagel, In Black Oxen, Miss Griffith make* that this be done. Meeting ad­ Although not a crook Story in twenty-two complete changes of journed. the full sense o f the word it will wardrobe and her gowna and fur» R E A D !! READ 1; prove delightful entertainment hav* *" b*en designed On Friday, January 23— Tractor for those Who appreciate a crook for her’ furthermore, Clara Bow GQUNCIL RIRES T Service School at Cooke Motor Com ­ pany. All Tractor owners an per­ sons interested in Tractors are wel­ come Experts in charge. From 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Lunch at noon, FREE. * » drama of the better sort. The the supp,>rtinK CMt conUins many climax in in doubt, carefully beautiful women and a great die* g larded by an unusual plot. play of feminine fashions. $8»,000 _ — —— ------------— __in gowns and furs adorn actrcuea Lastern Clackamas News |1.50 in Black o . » . . '1