EASTERN CLACKAMAS N E W S, T H U R SD A Y . DECEMBER 4 . 1924 GEORGE ITEMS LOGAN NEWS The Union Sunday School at F. Howard, his sister and mother spent Thanksgiving day the Baptist church is talking in portland with a sister, Mrs. ¡Christmas program. All those who missed the P. T. Tone and family. A. meeting last time were the Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rath and son T H E UNIVERSAL C A R A bazaar is b e i n g Henry motored to Portland on loosers. Thanksgiving to visit with Mr. planned for the next meeting in and Mrs. Rendleman, remaining connection with the Christmas program of the school. L e a v e a L asting Im pression. over till Friday. Mrs. J. Arnold, who has been G IV E S O M E T H IN G F O R T H E C A R Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Johnson on the sick list, is improving. and children spent from Thanks­ Accessories o f High Quality made by the Ford Motor Co. Mr. and Mrs. Hurst of Albany, giving until Saturday in Port Windshield Cleaner. Dash Lamps. Tire Repair Kits. are now living in the house re­ land with friends. Lang’s Bulb Kits. Rear View Mirrors. Electric Horns Mrs. Julins Paulsen visited cently occupied by Mr. White. OTHER GIFTS A T ATTRACTIVE rRICES with relatives in Portland Those present at the home of Spotlights—Tires -Tubes -Repair Kits—Pedal Pads Thanksgiving day. P. J. Darby Sunday evening en­ Automatic Windshield Cleaner—Foot Accelerors Rev. W e i r o f C l a c k a m a s joyed the pleasure of listening to Stewart Electric Horns—S te w a r t Speedometers preached here on Sunday and is a sermon from a Portland church Tire Pumps. coming every other Sunday for through the radio set of his S P E C IA L : an indefinite time. brother-in-law Oscar Bergbom, T o y — Ford Tractor«, T o u rin g Cars, R oa d ster«, The social and commercial ’clul of Portland, who brought the set Sedan« aud C o u p es. gave a card party last Saturday out for that occasion. evening. Mrs. P. J. Darby and sons BOB have been suffering from colds, Mr. and Mrs. R Richards of as so many have been having. Echo, Oregon made a short visit C O O K E M OTOR CO M PAN Y with Mr. and Mrs. Julius Paul­ John Hassel was confined to ESTACADA.OREGON J sen on Friday accompanied by the house a couple of days on ac­ F. Harkenrider. count of the grippe. k < * • > • w -i' t • > v- i - x- x* - x * John Klinker and daughter, E. and Jess Cromer made a Helen were guests of H. Klinker trip to Albany on Tuesday. and family on Sunday. V IO L A Mr. and Mrs. H. Klinker and Chris Klinker were dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Joe Me Comb | of Mr. and Mrs, Held on Thanks­ gave a Thanksgiving dinner to giving day. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wyman, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Joyner and Paul Wyman and Mr. and and children and Otto Paulsen Mrs. Ralph Greed of Oregon X motored to Sellwood on T h a n K s - City. | giving to visit their sister, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lankin sp­ HIS company now offers local industry. For the first X Maxwell. ent the day at Dodge, to its customers, patrons time in the history of the I ! Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ruhl and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Miller and and the public what we be­ Northwest you are given a children spent Thanksgiving in Bernice ate Thanksgiving dinner lieve to be one o f the most chance o f earning regular Gresham with relatives. at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Jef­ attractive opportunities for and attractive d i v i d e n d s Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Miller feries in Portland. putting their money to work twelve times a year —one were calling on Mr. and Mrs, J. at high wages in a great big dividend day each month. Thanksgiving guests at the Paulsen Sunday evening. Randolph home were their son Ray Miller of Portland spent Bruce and daughter Norma, Mr. 7.20 per cent in Thanksgiving with his parents, and Mrs. Theron Olsen and baby Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Miller. Oregon's Greatest Public Utility! of Portland and Mrs. Selma Ol­ sen and son o f McMinnville. CARD OF THANKS — Briefly, these are the reasons for the Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hinkle and I take this opportunity to ex a t t r a c t i v e n e s s of this new 7.20 per press my appreciation and thank two daughters spent Thanksgiv­ cent accumulative First Preferred Stock: fulness for the kindness and ing at the Geo. Gill home in assistanne In time of trouble Oregon City. Your income will be regu­ Dividends exempt f r o m 1 4 normal federal income tax when my car upset near the lar anil dependable. There was a gathering at the Eagle Creek bridge. In a short home o f John Ficken on Thanxs- ^ Your savings will be safe. time after the accident Calvin giving day. Those present were Husmess is firmly estah. 2 on the finit o f each month Beebe c ime to our rescue in his Mrs. M. LaCroy, Joe La Crov, lished, well nvinagei and or quarterly, a» preferred. car and brought my wife and Mrs. Mary Miller of McMinnville permanent. myself to Estacada to Dr. Mid Mrs. Martha McQueen of Arkan­ Exempt from Oregon per- To yield 7.20 per c e n t . sonai property tax. ford then back to the home of sas, Mrs. Louise Belcher o f Price $100. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Paulsen the Mossy Rock, Wash. Mrs. Ruth If you desire to subscribe are yours and then your next morning with the assistance Landers and daughter of Clack­ for shares on our easy pay­ dividends begin to accrue of Carl and William Lins, Henry amas, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ficken ment plan you may pay $10 immediately. Schmidt, Ralph Chaney, Ed. and children. This was the first per share down and $10 a Harders, Roy Miller. F. J. Hark time they have been togather in Act on this opportunity to­ month per share until paid i nrider and Ralph Richards my thirty years. Inquire at our In­ f ir. We will pay you 7 per day. car was pulled back in the road The Falls City cannery finished Its cent interest on all your vestment Department, 820 anJ taken home. In time of season’s run and closed down Satur­ payments until the shares Electric Building, now! Trouble we are always sure to day after completing the apple pack, find some good Samaritans to which totaled 28,558 casea, two car­ he p us in our distress. loads of which have been shipped to . . G, W. Wilson, Route 4 Enaland. Christnas Gifts That Now we offer you 12 dividends every year! T | 6 Portland Electric Power Company Portland, Salem, Oregon City, and Vancouver, Wash. Music Studio Sweet cider at the cannery on Wednesday and Saturday after noons. Apple pulp for cow feed free. It J. G. Hayman. Eastern Clackamas News $1.50 m i AND FOR SALE ADS Banking Headquarters E R E at H Clackamas County Bank, we number among our patrons people who live at some distance from Sandy. But this has not deprived them of the bene­ fits of a good banking connection for they do their banking by mail. L et us tell you more of this convenience and practical plan. CLACKAMAS COUNTY BANK Sandy, Oregon C om m ercial Savings I job panine m e il l i ras offici | CURRINSVILLE STORE PRICES Kerr’ s Best Patent Flour.............................$2.00 sk Prunes, home grown.................................. . .07 lb Boiling beef........ ....................................... . ,101b Rose Bud matches, carton of 6 boxes.................40 Maxwell House coffee................................................ 55 lb Folger’s Coffee................ 45 lb Raisins (b u lk )........ ......... .10 lb Cheese.............. .30 lb Grape Fruit (can)........ .........................................10 Ripe Olives (ca n ).............. 05 Potatoes (in 1001b sa ck s)............................. 1.75 sk XX Chop.......................................................... 1.50 sk Mill Run.............. 1.50 sk Covered Wagon and other b ooks.......................75 Women’ s house slippers.................. 1.00 pr See our Men’s Special winter shoes a t___ 6.50 pr Ground Chocolate, lOlbs fo r.................................50 J. Currinsville, O reg o n . o. L5ÜM TUNNELL Good Bread Begins With Good Ingredients The best Kettle-rendered Lard Is a Quality Ingre­ dient in HOLSUM Shortening is an important item. W e believe that the best ketde-rendered lard cannot be excelled. Note the sc ft tender crust and the home-made flavor in Holsum when you eat it tonight HOLSUM is sold with Quality Groceries at these stores and served In the leading restaurants!-People's Store, People's C & C Store, Rose’s Department Store, Linn's Inn and Restaurant. Sailing Inn, all o f Esta­ cada; J . 0 . Tunnell, Curriusvilie; A. C. Cogswell and Smith’s Store of Eagle Creek; Harvey Gibson, Barton. M ethodist Episcopal Church l'st icada, Oregon. FOR S A L E -V au gh n d r a g saw, 3 blades. 4. 5. and 6 foot, Ira F. Rankin, Pastor. V IO L IN CORNET good running order. Price $75. Sunday School, 10:00. 2 4tf PEPOPLE’S STORE. MANDO U X TROMBONE Morning worship, 11:00. Vancouver Ave., Ivy and Fremont Sta., Portland, Oregon. GUITAR C L A R IN E T Sermonette for the boys and FOR RENT—Five room house, furnished. See Mrs. J. T. IRWIN girls. Sermon. “ Faith.” B A N JO SAXOPH O NE 12-4-11 First and Currin Sts. Epworth League, 6:30. FOR RENT—Furnished house. | nquire Box 67, Estacada. Ore*i Topic, “ The Epworth League’s I. 0. 0. F. H A LL, MONDAYS OF EACH WEEK Admission 20c and 5c FOR SALE—Fresh cow seven gon. 11-27 V’oice and Remembrancer.” year« old, part Jersey and Hol­ Evening worship, 7:30. Classes now starting on the different instru­ stein, gentle. Tuberculin tested. FOR SALE—Sow and six two- Sermon, “ The Ki ger-maik» months old pigs; also a few pul­ FRANK MILLARD ments. W hy not start that hoy or girl N O IV? 11-20-12*4 Sprir.gwater. Rt, 2. lets. o f Faith.” B. F. Bullard. 12-4-11 Route 1. ! F. E. B l ’S H N E L L First Show at 7 :0 0 P. M. Sunday school at Zion church MONEY TO L O A N -W e have at 2:00 p, m. FOR SALE or trade-O ne bay | plenty of mcney to loan on farms Preaching Zion church at 3:00. Saturday and Sunday at 6 \ - From one to 20 years. horse,sound, wt. 1200 lbs, fair Teacher training dais at the No commission on large loans, harness, light wagon, cheap for M cx ico Has N ew President Who was Wild Bill Hickok? g V W .V K T F R Estacada Ore ¡ cash- or for or oreSit chapter. M O N E Y Y o LOAN—We have| It is one o f the moat thril­ mony which t x)k place there a. HEWN TIES WANTED- 6 to plenty o f money to loan on farms Choir : chea real Friday 7:30 p. iigliliy." Psalm M ill. ling western screen roman­ noon Nov 30 8 inch face 50c; 8 inch and wider a t 6 V No commission. Relia­ m. ces ever filmed. 60c: ¡ess commission and freight b le abstt acts. Oregon City Ab- ’ I Uniformed cadets from San Mr. Olay is at home again and Free Methodist services will he to Kairvtew. Jacinto military aeiderny vv't'i will occupy his pulpit Sonda- i . Id in the Church of Christ at stract Co. il-ltfi Wm. H. Richardson Lbr. Co. PATH E NEWS an infantry regiment guarded morning and evening. Kstrc. da. Pleaching every Sun­ b-jl Gasco Bldg., Fcrtland. I Morning sermon. 'T h e f! • il iv afternoon FOUND—Child’s woolen scarf. t 3 o'tio.-k l-.y the enienree t » 111 f®, COMEDY plat for m rsermon, a Owner may have same by iden*i- Rev. I.en of Gresham. Cottage 12-4tf where General t'allos took the doni's Palace." ——— fiving and paying for ad at News r meetings are held every FOR SALE l ton Ford truck office. oath. General Obregon accorn- You are invited to attend this, WHn \s lay evening at 8. with overdrive. Good shape, ------------------------------------------ panied the president elect from services, FOR S A L E -C on cord grape g H > d pneumatic tires. $300. LOST— Pair man’s b r o w n ----- the stadium and remained w ith j F. CLAY, Pointer's for Paints, Wall paper wines, J. D. Greensireet, dressed gloves. Return to N ews 1000. $10.00 per 100: $80.00 per him during the ceremony. J Minister. Chri»tian Church. and Window Glass. 5-22tf Kinney & Lamberson. 12-4-11 Springwater. • office and receive reward. I t 1 11- LOG CABIN BAKING COMPANY GE M THEATRE ’ Wild Bill Hickok’ 20-12-11 Estacada, R t 1.