• 4 E A S T E R N C L A C K A M A S N E W S , T H U R S D A Y , D E C E M B E R 4 ,1 9 2 4 . Eastern Clackam as News E n tere d a t the postoffice in E stacada, O regon, as second-class mail. Published every Thursday at Estacada. Orejron by the b ESTACADA HOTEL *1.50 .75 VERYTHING nice, clean and warm. Your is very earnestly solicited. All are made to feel at Home. E patronage Thuisday. December 4. 1924. BIBLE THOUGHT — FOR TODAY — I B ib le T H O U A R T MY LAM P. O LO R D : an d th e L ord w ill lig h te n m y d a rk ­ ness. F o r by th e e 1 have ru n th ro u g h a tro o p : by my God have 1 leap e d o v e r a w a ll- 2 S am u el 2 2 :2 9 , 30. BUSINESS CONDITIONS Weste rn Washington Chairman Wishing everyone a Very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year—and say, we will serve the usual Christmas dinner at a mod­ erate price. All are invited. Thonifhts m em orial will prove price lees heritage In after yean. T H E E S T A C A D A v>- X arms, Everett Osborne. Football season is over and all i athletic interests are now being i I basketball. T h e A centered on * Mnry Alic-e R e e l girl’s inter-class basketball games Fsiitor .... Ire n e H a y d e n | are to be played off this Tuesday A ssistan t E ditor ................... Glen Ely and Thursday evening a f t e r S port Editor R ichard H aym an Cla t place in Oct­ lowing offeers: President, Har­ Moscow.—The annual cerem ony of th e y like, and tw o slices of bread. ober, the index of prices com­ vey Woodworth; vice-president, he A rm enian church, known a* the As th ey finish th e ir second serving, Florence June Reed; secretary j ■ loosing of the A m ericans." will tak e th e y a re asked to rem em ber th a t the piled bv the United States Bureau and treasurer. Harold Bronson; place at E rivan. C aucasian Russia, orphan w ards of th e N ear E ast Relie: of Labor Statistics showing an m onth. The cerem ony is an ex­ can have only one serving, for th ere sergant-at-arms, Maurice Bui-j nex. pression of g ratitu d e for help which Is not enough to allow m ore. They increase of 2 per ce it for the lard. th e U nited S tates has extended to a re asked to rem em ber th at th ese chil month. The Freshmen elected as their \rm e n ia through the N ear E ast Re­ drem exist on such a diet 365 days lief during the past few years. out of each year, and they will not To the Patrons of the £sta- officers: President, Ruth Hale: live to becom e men and women un less m ore bread and m ore soup are vice-president. Lenore Kingston, cada Po*t Office: LOST— Pair man s b r o tv provided. secretary. Harry Denny; treas­ Idre- ViOVeS. R«-IU: f to N e w T hose who »at th e Golden Rule Christmas i* near and many urer, ;John Scott: sergant-at- offi n I receive re*v»- 1 d in n er will not lack distinguished packages have to pass through com pany. Such a m eal will be serv ­ the postoffices of the United ed on Sunday In the hom es of kings, prim e m in isters and presidents. States, and it is all important The Golden R ule Is a universal that parcel post mail be properly creed. It is a common denom inator addressed for safe and sure de­ of all religious and social w elfare or livery. All packages should be S an itatio n s. It Is a te st of our re ­ ligion and our eincerity. Golden Rule addressed in ink with the return Suuday le a day for poreonal stock- address in upper left hand cor­ taklng. for m easuring cur llvss by a ner. as near as possible. Packa­ u niversally accepted stau d ard of life to ascertain how nearly we have a t­ ges that are not properly ad­ FOR E V E R ) B O D Y tain ed to an ideal, it is a day of dressed will have to be refused, plain living and high thinking. Ma k e Y o ur S e l e c t i o n s .YOU as this is the instruction of the The dinner, how ever, it not an end In Itself. It Is an occasion, in th e postal department. Tags mny w ords of P re sid sn t Coolidge. “for be used on small parcels. bringing to the m inds of th o ss who are P ostmaster . ) prosperous th s ch aritable req u ire­ TOYS The REX ALL Slore. The W. C. T. U. will hold its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. A. S. Hassell, on Thursday. Dec. 11, at 2 p. m. Mrs. S. Bishop, Secy. THE ESTACADA MEAT CO. Notice H. C. G O H R I N G P rop . The regular meeting of the L T. L. will be held Saturday. Dec. 13. at the M. E. church. L 8. spector. in this specting Leach, state dairy in­ spent a couple of days vicinity last week, in­ the various dairies. Rumor has it that a popular young man in th is city is fur­ nishing a house at th is time. We suppose that we may soon an­ nounce another wedding. ☆ Beef, Mutton, Vec! nnd Hogs Bought Ope » from Estacada «. m. to 6 p. Ï 't v m a v . open Ir 8 p. 0ren).n m ents of th o ss who a re In »^varsity." On Golden R ule Sunday the citlsens of all nation* will b f seated ftgura- “ : liv ely at the sam e tgble. p artak in g lit- ’ erally of the tam e food, thinking the ta m e thoughts and en terin g into a new realisatio n of the brotherhood of m ankind. Full Inform ation, w ith sam ple m enus and suggestions for the obser­ vance of the day. will be furnished by the N ear E ast Relief, Portland or 8eattl*. ANCIENT CHANT REVIVED B eirut. S y r ia —F or m any centurlsa. children in P alestine have used, for grsc* before meals, a chant which haa been handed down from early church fath e rs T he chant survive# today as a th rto . daily exorcise In all orphan ages of the N ear E ast Heliat. Several thousand copies of w ords and music have been sent to A m erica for use la th e observance of Golden Rule Sun­ day on D ecem ber 7. Eastern Clackamas News fl.0 0 The “ SQUARE DEAL’ ’ BARBER E tncada’s leading tonaorlal artist Jeru salem .—A gift of 200 live tu r­ h a : r c u t ; 5 c s h a v e i 5 c keys has Just been received by the All othsr work at Topular Price* N ear E ast R elief from an A rm enian i farm er In Egypt. The birds a re to !{! Bobbing and Shingling a Specialty provide C hristm as dinners for 1,200 j; BATHS A rm enian children In orphanages j. BROADWAY. NEXT TO LINN’S INN I T, here. FOR HOME FOLKS T h is b a n k is e s s e n t ia l l y a h o m e * Institution; our stockholders are residents of this community; our interests are here; ourefforts are being devoted to the upbuilding of this sec­ tion— We Grow as You Grow. Boost Your Home Town; do your Buying here and your Saving here. The dollar that is kept in your own community is the dollar you may see again some day. ESTACADA STATE BANK P. S. Yovr 1925 Calendar is here; the same kind you have liked for so many years. Call for it aautw mmmmaKgaasxasBma CASCADE MOTOR F‘,)R TEE R/DDIEs THE ESTACADA PHARMACY IN PALESTINE D IN N E R Emblem ojSaüsfaäion Gifts for the Grown-ups CHRI STMAS CARDS W C. T. U. Large sheets of blotting pape r, 19 x 24, at the N ews office 10 cents. tf •SAILING INN’ ä A i o r po r a tio n . S ubscription K atrs FOR GREEK REFU G EES H onolulu.—U nder the leadership of G overnor Raym ond C. Brown, the Is­ land of H aw aii haa decided to act as a Good S am aritan In Bible L ands by F iv e M il ion D o lla rs N eeded sending a donation of *26,000 for the Í é « r A l l V I ! / 1 I I I I f M G reek refugees through N ear E ast fo r R efu g ee O rp h an s U n d er Relief. A proclam ation Issued by Gov. MRS. E. E. 5AL1NG, Proprietor t Brown says: "A m erica's work in the A m e ric a n C a re . j N ear E ast Is a sym bol, not of the HOME COOKING political and com m ercial America, but Oar Specialty of th e ldealletlc and hum anitarian 2 3 N A T IO N S JOIN O B S E R V A N C E America. W eighed In th e scales of Open from 6:30 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. $ Y th e future, th is Is th e A m erica of which we and our chlldrsn shall be By W. B. H I N S O N , D. D. Oregon Chairman Near East Relief i proud. E very person In H aw aii should be proud to have som a p art in It." and E A R L LA FO R G E . L. s. BOOTH, ESTACADA PUBLISHING COMPANY, One y e a r Six m onths HAWAII RAI8INO FUND GOLDEN RULE DAY TO AID NEAR EAST NEW 1925 MODELS NCW ON DISPLAY AT THE CASCADE GARAGE The last word in Motor Car Perfection. LET US GIVE YOU A DEM ONSTRATION WILCOX BROS. Proprietors Estacada . . . . O regon