». " f V. ^ «V ,rX % \ °¡ V \ v % ^\% V \ V \ \ \ \ K Vv X * a °> £mttB Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County V olume 18, E stacada , O regon , T hursday , N ovember 27, 1924. N umber 9 UPPER EAGLE CREEK PROFESSIONAL CARDS. LO C AL ITEMS $1.50 P er GARFIELD ITEMS Y ear DISTRICT VOTES TAX - H i PLANS WORK Mrs. I. Akers entertained the Rose’s, the Place to Buy. Mrs. P. M. Wagner was host- Community Sewing Circle at her H. C. Stephens was in Port­ tess to the Garfield Dorcas soc­ home last Wednesday afternoon. land Tuesday. T A R . W . W . RHODES iety last Thursday. An all day -L>' O ST E O P A T H IC , ... . There were ten ladies and seven 1 meeting was held and spent About 58 members o f V ^t?Ty ! children present. The ladies P H YSIC IA N AN D SURGEON Mrs. H. B. Snyder was in quilting. Monday evening in the City Office in Lichthorn Bldg., Estacada, Chapter, and Job s 0. E. S. spent a very pleasant afternoon T ortland last lhursday. hall a meeting of Road District Mrs. G. 0. Dart returned Daughters, came from Portland No. 7 was held with H. C. Ste­ and at 4 o ’ clock a delicious Mrs. W. A. Heylman went to home from Good Samaritan hos­ T'\R. G. F. MIDFOKD bv special train last Friday night phens acting as chairman and J. luncheon, consisting of sand- Portland last Friday on business pital Saturday. ^ P H Y S I C I A N and SURGEON. to visit Mountain Chapter of K. Ely, secretary. The meeting X R a y E quipment — G lasses fitted wiches, doughnuts, fruit salad, Full line of Kalsomine 10c per Mrs. L. A. Woodward of Ba­ Following the regu OFFICE and Residenco Second and Main Streets Estacada. wasopaned tor general discussion cake and coffee was served by pound. At Pointer’s. 116 tf Esta-:idi. Oregon—Telephone Connections ker, Oregon was visiting at the lar opening ceremonies of the and the following resolution was The Circle will Girls, a Dressed Doll with hair home of her daughter, Mrs, Ho­ Chapter, Mrs. Mary Smith, wor­ the hostess T ) K . CH AS. P. JOHNSON adopted: meet with Mrs. Walter Douglass and sleeping eves, for 25c, Sat- ward Hunt last week. thy matron, and Ray Keith, wor Resolved, that there be and DENTIST ! urday, at Rose’s. thy patron, were called from the Miss Irene Hussock is visiting there is hereby levied, a spec'al EVENING WORK BY APPOINTMENT Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Paddison, Mr and Mrg Gera,d Wilcox lodge room. The cause was soon her brother Herbert in Portland. road tax of five mills, on all tax­ Phones: Office, 315; Residence 4712 Free.Naomi Frank and Harry and 8on drove to Portland Sun- Estacada, Oregon. ascertained as Victory Chapter The Garfield Skip-a-week club able property in Road District took charge of the meeting Paddison, Miss Peters and Mr. day afternoon. held an all day meeting last Fri­ No.7, Clackamas County, Oregon and Mrs. R. B. Gibson were very! ALBERT t . e l o t t and put on “ The Blazing Star” day at the home of Mrs. Ida Pal- to be expended for the improve­ ATTORNEY AT LAW pleasantly entertained by Mr. , ° ’ X rt tUrneud degree in their honor, At the mateer to pack Thanksgiving ment of the following roads or RESIDENT LAWYER and Mrs. H. Hursh at thejr home [ r°™ Shelton/ * “ h” where he conclusion of this beautiful cere­ boxes for the Veteran’s hospital stretts within said district, sub­ ESTACADA. - - OREGON last Tuesday evening. i has been employed’ mony, Job’s Daughters, a society in Portland. Tuesday, Mrs. P. ject to the conditions hereinafter Mr. and Mrs. Jim Denning, Announcing! That beginning r\ d . e b y , of young ladies, appeared on the M. Wagner entertained them at set forth: Mr. and Mrs. Will Bell and baby December 1, to Christmas we ATTORN EY AT LAW. scene and with two candidates, their regular meeting to an all Zobrist street between 3rd and son and Helen Beaver were the w'^ ^cep open evenings to ac- Ad- General Practice. Confidential exemplified their work for the day quilting. 4th streets, $60. viser. Oregon City. Oregon. Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. |comt,date out of town customers benefit o f the chapter. It was Pierce street between 8th and Mr. and Mrs. J. Loomis of Port­ w^° w'sb do holiday shopping. very beautiful and the young and Mrs. Walter Douglass. W I L L I A M W A L L A C E S M ITH 10th streets, $100. land visited at the J. C. More, The dance given by Eagle Miss Wilma Kitching is ill at ladies carried out their parts to Pierce street between 4th and ATTORNEY AT LAW land home Sunday. Creek Grange at the hall last the home of her parents, Mr. and perfection. This society is to 5th streets, $60. M asonic B ldg . E st a c a d a , O re . Mrs. Ellen Patterson, Mrs. J. the Eastern Stars what the De- Friday night, was well attended Mrs. J. A. Kitching, Currin street between 3rd and and a good time enjoved. See J. E. Gates and get that 0. Bodkin visited Mrs. H. H. 4th streets, $50. Molays are to the Masons, g E. WOOSTER Anders Wednesday. After closing the Chapter, all Eagle Creek Grange held its suit cleaned and pressed. I. 0. Broadway between 6th and 4th Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Bodkin and tf marched to the cosy banquet regular session last Saturday. 0. F. building. streets, $450. Rentals, hall where a good substantial There was a very good attend­ Earl LaForge is moving his so ns were dinner quests at the For general street improve­ Farm Loans a Specially. lunch was served by a committee ance. A class of seven was ini- i “ Squre Deal Barber” shop into W. W. Porter and Mrs. Ellen ment as directed by the council, Telephone Estacada, Ore. of ladies. It was a very delight tiated in the 3rd and 4th degrees; the building next to Linn’s Inn. Patterson, home Sunday. balance o f the tax. Mr. and Mrs. Connet of Port- ful evening for all present. four of the class having conferr­ Said appropriations are made Bargains—Good wall paper 25c ed upon them the 1st and 2nd ; per roll. Ten patterns to select and visited at the home of the conditioned on the interested latter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. property owners in the districts CURRINSVILLE ITEMS degrees first, As the initiation from, at Pointer’s. FIRE INSURANCE. 11-6 tf Conrad Krigbaum last week. took up considerable time, there befitted thereby, meeting dollar Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Moore and The Currin8vi)le school has was not much time for the dis­ London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. for dollar the appropriations purchased a new piano and had cussion of the resolutions and children of Sellwood, were visi­ GEORGE ITEMS above set forth and depositing tors at the W. T. Kaake home it delivered Monday. Keep your policy in our Fire o t h e r questions before t h e with the City Recorder, on or be­ Proof Vault, free of charge. Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson Lawrence Weber and Maurice Grange, so they had to be laid one day last week. fore June 1, 1925, the sums above Bullard had a slight accident on the table until the next meet­ Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ross of motored to Gladstone on Monday set forth, In case of failure so H. C. S T E P H E N S Monday evening in a Ford and ing. The ladies put on the drill Portland, spent the week end at to visit a few days with their to meet and match said appro­ bike collision. Maurice w a s atter the initiation and also had the home of Mrs. Ross’ parents, son Will Wilson, and family, A gent . priations, then and in that event, shaken up a little and received a tableau, which was very pretty. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hughes. Mr. and Mrs. Lee were dinner the sum so to be matched may be slight bruises hut otherwise o. k. guests on Monday of Mr. and Mrs. Olive K. Davis of Gar­ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bolliter spent in the improvement of any The bike suffered pretty badly. field, was an Eagle Creek Grange are out from Portland spending Mrs. J. Paulsen, and attended streets in the City of Estacada W. 0 . Echels was elected road visitor on Saturday. the week with Mrs. Bolliter’s the road meeting in the after­ that the City Council may deem noon. super-visor at the road meeting advisable. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Monday. The special road tax Mrs. Peter Ruhl and her two and children were the guests of Douglass. was lost. There was To Open Gem Theatre the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eva Saline spent Satur­ small children spent a few days Photograph Albums measure the largest vote cast at this elec­ in Portland last week. J. M. Moore announces the Mrs. G. Moehnke of Shuebel, day and Sunday in Portland and CALENDARS tion that has been cast in the George Willing of Sellwood is opening of the Gem Theatre, Sat­ Sunday. was accompanied home by Mr. district in year3. and Mrs. Frank Morrow Sunday making his nome with Mr. and urday evening, Nov. 29. at 7 Mrs. J. Paulsen. Students Inspect Plants John Githens shipped three p. m. The opening will be a evening. cases of fine turkeys to Port­ The road meeting was held Picture Making the benefit for the Neighbors o f the Last Monday morning fifty- Emery Keller, who went to land, Monday. Easiest Way four students and faculty mem­ Portland a few months ago. has Monday afternoon, Nov. 24, at Woodcraft. The picture will be, Cleve Heiple is again baling bers of 0. A. C. came by special returned and with his wife and the club house. A ten mill tax “ Woman Proof” starring Thom­ hay in Currinsville. Some of the train from Portland to inspect baby are moving into one of John was levied and A. H. Miller was as Meighan. Added attractions farmers took very heavy losses the power plants of the P. E. P. Page’s houses in the northeast again recommended for super­ will be on the program for that SHOP visor. evening. The admission prices on account of the rains. Hay company located in this vicinity. part of the city. LINN'S INN. E S T A C A D A will be, adults 20c and children that is stacked out should be They were served dinner at the Mrs. 0. P. Willing of Sellwood Try a pound of Rose’s Special baled in the fall. Estacada and left for the Bull Bulk Coffee, ground fresh in an is visiting at the home of her 5c. Mr. Moore plans to run the' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hively Run plant. This is an annual electric grinder. The quality daughter and family, Mr. and show on Saturday and Sunday evenings for the present time. have had Mr. and Mrs. Max tour planned by the college for will surprise you, at 40c per lb. Mrs. Chaney. See his ad. elsewhere. students majoring in electrical BOOT and SHOE Rand as their house guests for An introductory price Saturday LOCAL BREVITIES engineering and offers them a few days. only 3 lbs, for $1.00. At Rose’s. REPAIR SHOP Birthday Luncheon Mrs. Coop was a passenger to many opportunities which they Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Straight of Block South o f P. 0 ., Estacada Mrs. Harry Kitching spent might not get from any other The December birthday lunch­ Portland, Tuesday. >ather lln lf soles on men’s light I Olympia, Wash, are visiting Monday in Portland. source. eon given by the M. E. Ladies work or dress shoes, sswed Vernice and Jimmie Fantz had friends in Estacada at this time. or nailed $1.25 J. C. Duus was a business vis­ Aid will be served December 3rd, quite a bit of excitement a few Accident on Main Street They resided here for many years itor in Oregon City Tuesday. Rubber composition half-soles !n the Masonic diningroom. The' days ago when their horse ran for men, .............................. $1.00 Maurice Bullard of Currinsville having moved away about thir- menu will consist of baked beans W. A. Heylman was in Port­ Men’ s heels straightened. away with them, upsetting the Leather or rubber...............5o was quite badly injured last Mon- tecn years ayr°- salad, sandwithes, mince pieand land last Tuesday on business. buggy and breaking it and break­ Ladies' heels same work ___ .35 dav evening when the bicycle ar,d Mrs- Paul Robinson Mr. and Mr:s. H. E. McKinney coffee, all for 25 cents beginning Whole leather heela men or ing the harness. They escaped which he was riding was crpwded I Vernonia and Mr. and Mrs. were in Estacada last Tuesday at 11:30 a. m. wom en................................... $1.0o any serious injury. Ouly the best of leather and find off the pavement by a Ford driv-1 Norman Stratton of Portland, | on business. ¡rigs used— can also save you THANKS TO THE PUBLIC en by Lawrence Weber of the were Estacada visitors Sunday, money on team harness or parts Mrs. Harding Passes The city has graveled thecross- same place. The bicvcle was vlr- Robinson is the editor of the See me before you buy On Saturday, Nov. 22, the La- Mrs. Florence Kling Harding badly damaged as was the horn Vernonia Eagle and called at the I ing on Second street between dies’ Aid Society o f the Christian A. R. DAHLKE, Estacada died early Friday at the home of Broadway ard Zobrist. Maurice was carrying. The ac- N ews office while here, Church with the assistance o f Dr. Carl W. Sawyer, at White Plans are being organized for the public held a very successful dent occurred in lront of the J. It will pay you to reserve your Oaks farm. The end c a m e the completion of Zobrist be­ ' bazaar in the I. O. O. F. hall. C. Duus home on Main street as holiday buying until later, as we peacefully to the widow of the tween third and fourth at this They served in connection with both vehicles were coming into have two large shipments of late president, while a brother I time. j it a chicken dinner. Both the' Estacada. It is reported that holiday goods on the way from 1 and a close friend stood by. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Syron (bazaar and the dinner were pat* All Graces of young Bullard was thrown the east, due to arrive about Mrs. Harding was buried in I drove to Portland Sunday after- ' ronized bv the people of Estaca­ twenty feet by the impact and Dec 1. Announcement later, Marion cemetery Monday by the | noon to see Mrs. Syron’ s sister da and vicinity very liberally. he suffered a badly injured leg Rose’ s, the store where all good • side of her husband. The ser- 1 who is ill. Even some who could not be as well as other bruises. gifts come from. Route 2 • Eftacada I vices were very simple. Only The Ladies’ Aid of the M. E. present sent offerings in cash to fifteen months ago Mrs. Harding A. A. Feyerabend was a Port*' About eighty adults and chil* ! church is planning to give anoth­ help in the good work being was in mourning for her husband and visitor last Saturday. 1 dren are taking work under the er "Birthday Luncheon” some- done by the Ladies’ Aid. The j new band leader, Mr. Bushnell, \ time next month. and it is supposed that this only ' Estacada band could not be 'SQUARE DEAL” * hastened her death. Mrs. P. Ryning and one of present but they sent a check THE PEOPLE’ S C. &C. STORE votes 11 thi.\ time Mr Bu9hnb" de’ Monday to this instruction BARBER SHOP Raymal canned pumpkin, 2 2** ¡in Estacada and from the out­ Fred Bates’ daughters each re­ I for a generous sum to make up *Tb« «Her th« b«rb#r knew* his *»uff NOTICE vived a big turkey, w hich was for their absence. c a r l la fo r g e , pr o p . Don’ t forget the “ Pot Luck” No. 2 standard pack Toma­ look Estacada should have a first- H A IR C U T j f c S H A V E 15c toes, 2 for .......................29c | . . . . , given away Tuesday night at the I am requested by the aid so­ A l othtr work a > P o d o w P rtc M dinner to be given by the East­ . . United Quality corn .. 2 for 23c|c*a»s band before very long. A square das! ’ ruara.-teed Liberty theater. ciety to thank all our friends and ern Clackamas Community club Old Dutch cleanser___ 3 for 25c Bobbing and Shingling a Specialty E. Bushnell of Portland, A marriage license w as issued j patrons for their kindness and in the I. 0 . 0 . F. hall next Fri- i2oz can Roya Baking powd 40c , . . . . . . BROADWAY NEXT TO LINN S INN , . , , . . r> ,, , . 571 “ „ __ has established a music studio i in Monday in Portland to Percy help. day evening at 7 o clock. Re- People s Store special coffee 40c interested Dawe, 100 E. 11th street, and __i___ . to . i_______ __ ,__ i q rtro f rpp 4 free innp stone nVhi*