EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1924 I Road Finest Bakery Mat Batter THE| BREAD SUPREME Delivered Fresh Every Day by Our Own Fast “WHITE" Auto Truck to Estacada Retail Stores. Ask Your Grocer for it “ THE NORTHWEST’S FINEST BAKERY” R. G. M A R C H B A N K CONFECTIONERY •nd LIGHT LUNCH International Made to Me a s u r e CLOTHES ELECTRIC STORE House Wiring Electric Supplie« Paint, Varnish and Enamel A. S A G N E R T f Second Hand Bricks For Sale PORTLAND - CARVEH - ESTACADA STAGES Municipal Terminal Sixth and Salmon Sts., Phone Main 7733 LIN N'S INN, Balacada. Oregon SCHEDULE 6:20 P M- Clackamaa .2:30 P. M., 6:50 P Carver...... 2:40 P.M.. 7:00 P- b a rto n ....... Síófi P. M , 7:2fi P- Eagle Creek 3 : 15 P. M .. 7:35 P- Ar Balacada.... 3:30 A .M ., 7:50 P, M. M' M. M- M. L». Estacada .... 8:30 A. M„ 4:30 P. M. EagleCreek 5:45 A. M., 4:45 P. M Barton...........6:55 A.M .. 4:55 P, M. Carve.- 9:20 A. M, 5:20 P. M. . Çlackama .... 9:30 A. M. 5:30 P. M Ar. Portland 10:00 A .M ., 6:00 P, M. EV ER Y DAY Thirsty? STR AW BELLO MADE BY PACIFIC SODA WORKS Manufacturers of Bottled Beverage« “SAILING INN OREGON »» MRS. E. E. SALING, Proprietor HOME COOKING Car Specialty Open tram 6:30 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. CATARRH Catarrh I* a I-oral .'..seas* prratly In­ fluenced by Constitutional conditions. H ALL'S CATARRH M E D IC IN E con- a tsu o f an Ointm ent which trieea Quick R elief by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acta through the Blood on the M ucous Sur­ faces and aaststs In ridding your S ystsm o f Catarrh Sold by d ru ggists for over 40 Tears. T. J. Cheney * Co.. Toledo, O. C . C . M IL L E R BARBER Ladies’ and Children’s haireutting a ^pecialtx. HOUSEHOLD GOODS NEW AND SECOND HAND PLUMBING H A Y ESTACADA LAUNCfiy CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP Auxiliary to Send Donation The American Legion Auxili­ ary will ship direct by Perry’s truck to the Disabled War Vet­ erans’ hospital in Portland, a supply of canned fruit, jams and jellies, on next Saturday. I Donations will gladly be re­ ceived from anyone for this pur­ pose. and may be left at Mor­ ton’s grocery in Estacada. E HAVE JUST RECEIVED our first order of Crystal White Soap. If in need of soap be sure and get one of these deals: Our Special Price, all for .......................... Mr, and Mrs. Matt H. Boyle and son Walden, of Portland, took advantage of the holiday Tuesday and drove out to Esta­ cada Monday evening to visit at the home of Mrs. Boyle’s mother Mrs. N. B. Ecker and other rel­ atives. Mr. and Mrs. M. Zimmerman and son Jack came down from Camp 8 Monday afternoon. They are planning to leave for Cali­ fornia next week and expect to drive through in their car. They wi l l visit Mr. Zimmerman’s mother who resides at Gerber. California, for a time and have made no definite plans as to their future residence. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC I wish to let the people of Es­ tacada and vicinity know that C. C. Miller has no interest Notice whatsoever in the ’’Square Deal” Barber Shop on Main street, as The Garfield Dorcas society Wm. Palmateer of Morgan, the public might be inclined to will hold an all day meeting Oregon, arrived in Estacada think by the way his ad reads in Thursday, Nov, 20, at Mrs. P. M. Wagner's. Monday evening for a short visit the News. (Signed) Mrs. H. D. Trapp. EARL L a FORGE. with relatives. C lackam as H. E. CROSS, R A TH S C ounty Judge. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Neil Bronson spent the week .. „ . .. ? Shop 0n Br°adway, Estacada, Ore. £ 07908, NOTH E OF li(IAI) DISTRICT end in Estacada. IN« TO VOTE S l ip IAL RO D epartm ent of the In terio r, U. S. Land A. N. Johnson was a Portland Office, a t P ortland, Oregon, Nov. 6, Notice is hereby given, p u rs u a n t to 1924. See. 15, Chap. 299, G eneral Laws of visitor last Monday. Notice is hereby given th at Ralph S. Oregon for 1917, and am ended by Chaney, of R oute 4, E stacada, Oregon, JOSEPH E. GATES Chap. 191 L aw s of 1921, th at a Road Mrs. A. E. Sparks was a Port­ who, on November 16. 1921, m ade Ad­ D istrict Meeting of the legal votele oi land visitor Saturday. joining F arm H om estead E ntry, No. Rond D istrict Ito ,ri, tJU ckam ai MORTICIAN for S E 1* NW14. Sec. 28. T ow n­ Countv, Oregon, wiil be held on tie Pointer's for Paints, Wall paper 07209. ship 8 S, Hange 5 W. ‘W illam ette M eri­ 21th day of November, A. D.. 1921, in and EMBALMER and Window Glass. 5-22tl dian, has tiled notice of intention to said Road D istrict, at the hour of 2'0n m ake Final Proof, to establish claim o'clock P. M. in Dodge H all to vote Mr. and Mrs. B. U. Sarver to the land above described, before the an additional tax in said road d(stri< i were Portland visitors Saturday. R egister and R eceiver U. S. Land Of­ for road purposes a ; h.v law provided fice, at P o rtlan d , Oregon, on the 19th H. K. CROSS. Mrs. Dave Eshleman was a day t»f December, County Judge. C laim ant nam es as w itnesses: Portland visitor Saturday. FURNITURE—Beds, Ju liu s Paulsen, W. H. Joyner, Leo NOTICE (IF ROAD DISTRICT MEET­ Tom Morton was a business R ath, F ran k lin T. H ow ard, all of ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX. Mattresses, Stoves, R oute 4, E stacada, Oregon. Notice is hereby given, p u rsu a n t to visitor to Portland last Friday. Notice w ill be published for five Sec. 15, Chap. 299, G eneral Law s of I DiningRoomTables Ernest Rynning came home consecutive w eeks in the "E stacada Oregon for 1917, and am ended by I News.” Chap. 191 Law* or 1921, th a t a Road Sgtqrdgy evpnjng for the week W ALTER L. 'J'QOgE, Sr„ D istrict Meeting ot the legal voters of R egister. end. Road D istrict No. 58, C lackam as Conn I ty, Oregon, will he held on the 24th E. E. Hannah has finished his NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT .MEET­ day of November, A. D„ 1924, in said work in Portland and is at home ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX. Road D istrict at the hour of 2:00 o’clock P. M., in Schoolhouse to vote again. Notice is hereby given, p u rsu a n t to an additional tax in said road d istrict 15, Chap. 299, G eneral Law s of for road purposes as by law provided. Miss Connie Richmond of Port­ Sec. Oregon for 1917, and am ended by H. E. CROSS, land, visited in Estacada Satur­ Chap. 191, Laws of 1921, th a t a Road C ounty ju d g e. D istrict M eeting of the legal voters of day and Sunday. PIPE and FITTINGS Road D ist. No. 36, C lackam as County, NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET­ Miss Evelyn Baeon of Cascade Oregpn, w ill be held on th e 24th day ING Get our prices before you buy TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX. November, A. D.. 1924, in said Road Locks, spent a few hours in Es­ of Notice is hereby given, p u rsu a n t to Dryer Pipes Made to Order D istrict, a t the hour of 2:00 o’clock P. M., in Viola Schoolhouse to vote an Sec. 15, Chap. 299, G eneral Laws of tacada last Saturday. For Sheet Iron work, Oregon for 1917, and am ended bv additional tax in said road d istrict for repairs, soldering and Chap. 191 Laws of 1921, th at a Road Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Perry are road purposes as by law provided. D istrict M eeting of the legal voters ot plumbing, call at the H. E. CROSS, the proud parents of a son, born Road D istrict No. 59, C lackam as C oun­ County Judge. ty, Oregon, w ill be held on the 24th November 1, 1924. A M E MAI S N S S HOP day of November, A. D. 1924, In said Bargains—Good wall paper 25c NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET­ Road D istrict, at the hour of 2:00 TREET. per roll. Ten patterns to select ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX. o'clock P. M., in W ilbern’s H all to Notice is hereby given, p u rsu an t to vote an additional tax in said road d is­ from, at Pointer’s. 11-6 tf Sec. 15. Chap. 299, G eneral Law s of trict for road purposes as by law p ro ­ + + + 4 - v 4 ' + + + - M ’i H " l - + ' | t + t 4 ' + + + + t 4 " f for 1917, and am ended by vided. Kenneth Woods spent Satur­ Oregon 1.0. O F . ( nap. 191 Law s of 1921, th at a Road H. E. CROSS, day in Estacada. He is working D istrict M eeting of the legal voters ot C ounty Judge. Estacada Lodge Road D istrict No. 38, C lackam as at Cascade Locks at this time. No. 175. County, Oregon, w ill be held on the See Mrs. J. E. Gates for piano 24th day of November, A. D., 1924, in 4 M eets every S atu rd ay evening in said Road D istrict, at th e hour of 2:0(1 I th eir lodge room, corner of Hi oad- instruction. Prices reasonable. o'clock P. M., in S p rin g w ater G range T way and T hird s tre e ts . V isiting I. O. 0. F. building. tf Hall to vote an additional tax in said 4 b ro th ers are alw ays welcome, district for road purposes as by Mr. and Mrs. Grover Kiggins road j H a r.’ey Gilftan, N. G. law provided. | J. K. Ely, S ecretary , are the proud parents of a nine H. E. CROSS, WWW WWW w w w w WWW WWW WWW WWW f w w w C ounty Judge. pound daughter, born Tuesday, We handle only the very Nov. 4, at the Lovelace hospital. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET­ best. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Price and ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX. AND SAY! family of Carson, Wash., spent Notice is hereby given, p u rsu a n t to Sec. 15, Chap. 299, G eneral Laws of 'f you are in the market the week end at the C. A. Dyke- Oregon for 1917, and am ended by Chap. 191 Law s of 1921, th a t a Road man home in Estacada. for some No. 1, second D istrict M eeting of the legal voters of Miss Minerva Dew and Albert Road D istrict No. 39, C lackam as cutting Oregon, w ill be held on the Dry-Cleaning and Dyeing Lins spent Armistice day¡ with County, 24th day of November, A. D., 1924, in Family Wash a Specialty: Mr. Lins’ sister, Mrs. A. Kron­ said Road D istrict, a t th e hour of 2:00 o’clock P. M., in Garfield G range H all Prompt Service at ki£ht Prices er, and family at Milwaukie. and will take it from the car to vote an additional tax in said road GIVE US A TRIAL we can make you a very G. B. Linn had his right hand d istric t for road purposes as by law provided. Satisfaction Guaranteed low price. and arm badly wrenched this H. E. CROSS, W e have no Agents. Phone 70-1 C ounty Judge. week, when he endeavored to Please let us figure before stop his wood saw while in mo­ car arrives. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET­ tion. Any girl in trouble may com­ ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX. BARTHOLOMEW municate with Ensign Lee of the If the gentleman who borrowed Notice is hereby given, p u rsu a n t to and LAWRENCE 15, Chap. 299, G eneral Law s of Salvation Army, at the White my fish pole, reel and line will Sec. Oregon for 1917, and am ended hy Estacada, Orgeon. Shield Home, 5G5 Mayfair Ave., kindly return it, I should like to Chap. 191 L aw s of 1921, th a t a Road Portland, Oregon. 9 20-tf catch one of those salmon trout D istrict M eeting of the legal voters ot that infest the waters at this time of the year. It is a long time until next November. H. H. Carlin of Currinsville, brought fortv-five head of Here- fords out of the mountains last week. These cattle have been on the government range all summer and are in first class condition. Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Rose drove to Portland last Friday afternoon to meet their daughter Pauline, who came home for the week end. She returned to O. A. C. 9 Bars of Crystal White, regular price at 5c ----- -- ----- ------- 45 Sunday evening. 6 Bars of Creme Oil, regular 3 for 25c........ .................. --- .50 Mr. and Mrss L. M. Henthorn and family left Monday noon for 1 Large pkg. of Peets Washing Machine Powder, regular .40 Platte, South Dakota, where Total .............................. $1.35 thev will live on a 1200 acre ranch. Mr. Henthorn plans to go into the dairy business as well as general farming. W Try Our New Drink, OREGON CITY, AND NEWS I T EMS 40. ALFALFA Lighting Fixtures Lv Portland.... 2;00 P. M , LOCAL BREVITIES No. $1.00 Buying This You Get 7 Bars of Crystal White Free ALL FRUITS AND NUTS IN SEASON W alnut«, New crop 30c lb A lm onds___________ 35c lb Brazil N u ts ...... ......... 25c lb F e a n u ts ___________________ 20c lb P opcorn_______ ____ .. 31b for 25c CRANBERRIES. ju»t in Celery, Extra large »ize___________ 10c W hite L \y e r Figs 20c Medium «ize Squash . . . 15c each ORTLEY and JON A TH A N Apples JOIN THE CROUD AT THE PEOPLE’S STORE OUR MOTTO-SERVICE H. B. SNYDER, - - C. A. DYKEMAN. ÜI -if jfl | - - From the Northwest’s D istrict Mrs. Prewitt Cox and daugh­ ! County. Oregon, will be held on the ter of Heppner, and Miss Mabry 24th day of November. A. I)., 1921, In said Road D istrict at the hour of 2:0U Currin of Gresham, have been I o'clock P. M„ in C.eorge Club House visiting at the home of Mrs. W. I to vote an additional tax in said road I d istric t for road purposes us by law- A. Wilcox. provided.