Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, October 30, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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5 B 8 § ^ * 5 ^
we stand for a law that
kept 3 0 0 0 families out of Oregon?
Of course we wouldn’t!
So it’s up to us to vote the
antagonistic Income Tax Law out of existence!
For it has already lost for Oregon payrolls amount­
ing to more than six million dollars ($6,000,000)
a year! And six million dollars means at least
3000 families who are lost to Oregon’s popula­
tion in just one year under this dangerous law.
Oregon needs Jobs and Markets
The Income Tax kills both!
Vote 312X YES and kill the Income T ax!
59 Industries lost to Oregon in
a single year
ers hreatened
Recorded Damage Due to State Income Tax
Yet the income tax law antagonizes industries and enterprises. Many au­
thentic cases are on file where industries MOVED OUT OF OREGON OR
DECIDED NOT TO COME TO OREGON because of the income tax law.
Counting loss of capital invested, purchases and payroll, this loss is already
conservatively estimated at more than $40,000,000. The payroll loss alone
is already over $6,000,000 a year I
These figures show the appalling effect of this unwise tax law
which antagonizes industries on which a large part of our
growth and prosperity depend.
If there are two things Oregon needs above all others it is (1 ) jobs for her
workers, and (2) markets for her products. Every new enterprise or in­
dustry brought into Oregon means more jobs. Jobs support population. Ev­
ery increase in population means a better market for farm and factory
products. '
Tim ber purchases cancelled or sus­
pended .......................................................$18,000,000
C onstruction of lum ber mills, towns,
logging camps and logging railways
abandoned or suspended...................... 7,875,000
O ther industrial investm ents can­
celled or suspended.............................. 4,578,000
One year’s operating payroll on
foregoing i t e m s ..................................... 5,680,000
D isincorporations, $4,606,000 capi-
ital. Damage listed 1/10 o n ly ...........
A ctual removals from the state, in­
cluding loss of only one year’s pay­
roll ............................................................ 2,440,250
T hreatened rem ovals, including lose
of only one year’s p ay ro ll...................
Cases as to which definite «mounts
are not available, but which would
am ount to m any millions; damage
listed as ..................................................
Cases still under in vestigation;
would amount to many millions;
dam age listed as ...................................
Cases in which reported removal
or investm ent elsewhere was stated
to have been caused by the income
tax but which cannot be verified in
w ritin g ; damage listed a s ..................
D am age . . . .
$ 4 1 ,2 5 2 ,3 5 0
These figures certified conservative and correct b y : F R A N K E. A N D R E W S ,
The customer who quits and says nothing —
T h e insidious thing a b o u t this law is th at industries do n o t com plain— they simply
pack up and m ove to an o th er state I T hey are like the custom er w ho quits and says
nothing— you never know he is dissatisfied n o r w hy — hence h av e no chance to
m ake m atters right w ith him . M any large concerns w ho left or stayed out of O re­
gon on account of the incom e tax refused to allow us to use their nam es because
they d id n o t w ant to b e m ad e to a p p e a r as tax d o d g ers— and yet they could n o t a f­
ford to carry a tax b u rd en in O regon w hich they d id not need to pay in C alifornia or
W ashington 1 T h ere is an old ad ag e which says, "B usiness is sensitive. It goes only
w here it is invited an d stays only w here it is well tre a te d .” W e can n o t afford to A N ­
T A G O N IZ E enterprises w hich o th er states are IN V IT IN G I
This insidious law must go
It is hurting Oregon!
• • * wa h id planned to e atib llih our N orthw est
headquarter* in P ortland. W e changed our plans, and
ir e locating ift Seattle because of the adverse Oregon
Tax Law.
T H E B O Y L B -D A Y T O N CO ., L o a Angeles.
M ad we known the Oregon Incom e Tax Law would
h iv a pasted, we certainly would have bought tim ber in
W ashington or B ritish Columbia, father than in Ore*
C E N T R A L C O A L ft C O K E CO., K ansas City,
O w ners of V ernonia, O re,, developm ent
We had planned on erecting a sawmill « a coat of
Approximately $100,0(10 and four miles of logging rail«
toad. This Would increase our logging facilities which
Would amount to an expenditure of abcxit $150,000 addt-
T H B G L E N D A L E L U M B E R CO.,
Glendale, Oregon,
O n receipt of • draft of th e state income tax law at
Our New York headquarters, in structions were aent to
tlo*« th e Pacific Coast branch at P ortland, February
LK W IS-M K A R S CO ., New York.
Wa would not consider any further expansion At
long as there is a state income u x in O regon.
M FO. C O „ Portland, Ora.
Wa had completed plans and specincationa for a
building to be used at a warehouse and offices for a
Urge corporation w ith headquarters in California, but
these plans fell through when they learned of the state
Income tax measure. W ill do nothin^ further in tlill
matter until the income tax m easure is settled.
H O L M A N T R A N S F E R CO ., Portland, Cr*f.on.
Will reduce our operation* in O regon and possibly
go to Vancouver, W ashington.
I E CO., Portland, Ora.
O A ST C --------------
U L V E R T ft < P L U JM
Read these extracts from letters. The originals
and hundreds more like them are on file. Then
go to the polls November 4th and rid Oregon
of this objectionable law which is keeping
millions or dollars and thousands of people
away from our state.
W hen the S tate 6f O regon passed the state income
tax law, then we believed it best to re-incorporate the
company in California, which was done.
B E N S O N L U M B E R CO ., San Diego, Cal.
* * • we cannot perm it ourselvea to be burdened
with any taxes th a t our com petitors, the m ajority of
whom are in W ashington, do not have to pay. For
th at reason we figure th a t if the Income tax is to
be perm anent, we, in self preservation, m ust w ith­
draw our headquarters to another atate.
M ft M W O O D W O R K IN G CO ., Portland, O regon.
Coming from W isconsin, w here we have had a state
Ihcome tax for several vears, we are fam iliar w ith that
deterrent to business development, and we, ourselves,
as well as m any others whom we know, left W isconsin
for the came reason for which we hesitate to go into
business in O regon.
W M . M. BRAY, 8ecy.-Treas., O shkosh Land
ft T im ber Co., O shkosh, W is .; Pres. Klam­
ath Logging Co., K lam ath Falls, O re.; Pres.
Sprague River Co., Chlloquin. O r#.; Third
largest owners in K lam ath C ounty.
W e had acquired property for the erection of a
w arehouse when we learned of this law.
I have heretofore advised on similar requests th a t we
cannot m aintain our business in Oregon if the statute
is upheld.
T R U S C O N S T E E L C O M PA N Y ,
Y oungstown, Ohio, W . F. G uthrie, V. P.
W ill lim it expansion to m ost absolute necessities to
com plete present functions, a reduction of 65% in
program . On account of the severity and injustice of
the Oregon income tax law we have decided to cut
down our proposed building and equipm ent project
from $35,000 to $12,000, and had we realized that thia
tax would become effective, we would not have
budgeted any additional improvem ent a t
W E S T E R N L U M B E R M FG . CO., San Pranciaco.
U nless the law is repealed we are seriously con­
sidering incorporating our Seattle house separately and
diverting also to them all O regon business th a t it ii
possible for them to handle.
C L Y D E E Q U IP M E N T CO ., P ortland, Oregon.
O ur com pany will not expand In P ortlan d so long
as there is a State Incom e Tax Law. T he principal
reason our head office was not located in P ortland was
on this account.
Portland. Oregon.
* * * had we not already opened our office there,
and established ourselves, we certainly would not do
it now, and furtherm ore, we have been considering the
advisability of discontinuing our branch there.
T H E B. F. ST U R T E V A N T CO., San Franciaco.
Mr. H erbert A rm strong, W estern M anager for the
M enasha W oodenware company, stated that they were
figuring on moving the W estern W oodenw are Com­
pany from Tacom a to Coos Bay, and had already p u r­
chased site on our w aterfront. L ater stated they
would not do anything at all tow ard a change until
they had seen the effect of the O regon State Incom e
Tax Law.
H . G. K E R N , President, F irst N ational Bank,
N orth Bend, Oregon.
O ur original plans of operations in O regon called
for an annual production of 200 million feet of lum­
ber, w hereas our present plans call for only 20% of
that am ount. Furtherm ore, we had planned on con­
structing and operating a large Door and Sash Factory
in connection with our lum bering plant, but with this
threatening legislation there is no encouragem ent for
us to invest the necessary capital for carrying out ouf
original plana.
We hope that the m ajority of the people in Oregon
will ultim ately change their present attitude toward«
capital and industry, to the end that it will be a weU
come visitor in every section of the state.
M O U N T E M IL Y T IM B E R CO., La Grand«, Ora.
• • * wa contem plated putting in an electric steel
furnace, bu t will not do this until the law has been
T i l 1 C t n V I n a n i i n c n l r p n r l v I n s t for Ore8on more than 40 million dollars just for the purpose of
JL l l l o LLI'A l l A t v IL L 4/0 L&G/f
l U o v SOaking our enterprises 2 or 3 millions a year. Is that good business
or good sense? The situation is critical. It must be met by intelligent voting. If we want Oregon to grow we must vote to
IaitUt*d b r C. C. Cbapm.n, Editer, Orrgon Veter, 22.3 Worcnrtcr Bnttd-
b ,. Portland, O rerm -tX C O W Z TAX aKPEA I^-Purroee: T . re­
veal ehapter 22» o f tbn O ra m i Lew. e f Oregon of 1*23, ltoo-n ai
T ei Art
Vote TE8 or NO
the In
’Vote 312 X Yes
M ako eure y o u r b a ilo t
i* m a rk e d thin w ay
raid arWerdeement,
Portland Chamber of Commerre Committee for repeal of Income Tea,
W. S. Baboon, Chairmen, residence 542 E a,t 15th Street, North, Portland, Oregon,
Paid Advertisement
H i * More on Case of Ere*.
H ere’s an actual case, and it
should be an object lesson
w orth w hile:
A Clackam as
county m an has 285 hens and
It has been his custom to sim ­
ply fill the cases, regardless of
size o r cleanliness, and ship
them in. And he got the “case
count" price, which at this time
was 45 cents per dozen or $27
for two cases.
A poultrym an advised him to
grade, clean and classify the
next shipm ent, which he did,
and w ith the m arket price the
sam e as the week before, here
w as the resu lt: Out of the 60
dozen he culled 15 dozen, which
were undersized, stained or
m isshapened.
These filled a before, a net gain of $3 25, or
half case, and he labeled them i $1.62 cents per case.
as seconds. The o th er 45 doz­
T here are nearly alw ays fair
en were first class eggs and so
m ark ets for first class quality,
labeled in th e case. He got 45
cents per dozen for the 15 doz­ and the egg-producer m ight as
en seconds, $7.75, and 50 cents well get th e higher price as the
I for the 45 dozen selects, $22.50,! dealer who grades his eggs.
a total of $30.25 as ag ain st $27 Five cents per dozen is good
' for the sam e eggs of the week m oney for grading eggs.
.....— ¿r- -j ■ ■-
Powerful Farmer Association*.
farm ers are associated in the
control and m arketing of four
products, grain, rice, tobacco
i and cotton. One w heat asso­
ciation has 63,000 members.
The farm ers a re fast learning
th a t they m ust take over the
(speculative profits of tbe middle
BEr: i "SX-riafiRB
Interests and handle th eir prod­
ucts them selves; th a t far more
profit has been made a fte r the
products leave the farm than in
the production thereof. And as
they learn they will build m ore
The Eastern Clackama New s
$1.50 the year.