Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County V olume 18 , N umber 5 E stacada , O r e g o n , T h u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 30. 1924. Proposed City Amendment CITIZENS AWAY FROM HOME MAY CAST VOTE The proposed amendment to LOCAL ITEMS $1.50 P er Y ear LOCAL BREVITIES EAGLE GREEK GRANGE ENTERTAINS l ENTS Lloyd Saling is driving a new Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Linn were the City Charter to be voted on j Ford coupe this week. county seat visitors Monday. The republican state central at the election next Tuesday au­ Hail! Hail! the gang's all here. T ) R . W. W. RHODES Mrs. A. H. Miller of George, committee states that Oregon­ thorizes a change in the levy for | Where? At Dinty’s. U O STE O PA T H IC spent Thursday shopping in Port­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ians away from home may vote, general purposes from 5 mills to Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wilcox land. Lsat Saturday the Eagle Creek 12 mills. This will produce an Office in Lictithorn Bldg., Estacada, for there is a provision in the Grange entertained the Lents spent Sunday visiting in Willa­ Mr. and Mrs. J. Guttridge of election law permitting this prac­ increased revenue of approxi­ mette. Grange at the Eagle Creek hall. Springwater, went to Portland ■T)R. G. F. MIDFOKD tice, and no one may lose his mately $100 a month. Many of the members of the P H Y SIC IA N and SUR GEON , It is reported that Estacada is this morning. It is the intention of the coun­ Lents Grange were present and X R ay E quipment — G lasses fitted vote on Nov. 4, on this account. cil, if this matter passes, to use to have another second hand Mrs. Frank Stenzel of Port­ the degree and drill team came OFFICE and Residence Second and Main Strsets Anyone who expects to be “ Estacada. Oregon—Telephone Connections store. $50 per month of this sum and a land. arrived today to visit her with them. away from home on election day like sum to be raised from the Mrs. Dan Matson came home friend, Mrs. A. E. Sparks, for a The meeting opened at eleven should provide himself with a T \ K . CHAS. P. JOHNSON business men of the town and Tuesday evening for a short vis­ few days. certificate of registration that o’clock with the initiation of a DENTIST Mr. and Mrs. Will Bell and candidate in the third and fourth may be obtained from the clerk the entire amount to be used in it. EVENING WORK BY APPOINTMENT the payment cf a night marshal Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wilcox baby son of Sandy, were visitors degree, the work being fittingly Phones: Office, 316; Residence 4712 of his county. By presenting who will protect the city and entertained the ”500” club at at Mrs. Jas. Denning’s home done by the Lents team. Estacada, Oregon. this certificate he will be entitled clean the streets; the other $50 their home Friday evening. Tuesday. to vote in any county of the state This was followed by a sumpt- per month produced by the lor state and national tickets. A LBER T t . e l o t t Mrs. A. E. Sparks went to Don’t forget the program and ous chicken dinner served by the A T T O R N E Y A T LAW In case the absent voter has amendment will me matched by Portland Tuesday to visit friends pie social at the Currinsville ladies of the Grange in the din­ RESIDENT LAWYER not obtained a certificate, it will a like sum from the water fund returning yerterday. school honse Saturday, Novem­ ing room of their own hall, and ESTACADA. - - OREGON be required that he swear in his and a marshal will be imployed The regular meeting of th e ber 1, at 8 o’clock. about one hundred persons par- vote. This can be done in Mult­ in the daytime whose duty will Auxiliary will be held Monday, (~\ D. EBY, Miss Jean Adix, president of tank of this feast. VA A T T O R N E Y A T LA W . nomah county by six freeholders, be to attend to water and street November 3, at 8 p. m. the Freshman class of the Gresh­ The afternoon session was General Practice. Confidential Ad­ but in all other parts of the repairs and also such duties as a Get your school shoes at Ros­ am high school, accompanied the made an open meeting so that viser. Oregon City. Oregon. state, two freeholders may make peace officer as may be required. e’s. We carry the Peters all school here last Friday to wit­ several non-grangers might at­ This plan was suggested bv affidavit. tend. Worthy Master F r e d § E. WOOSTER Councilman Oscorne and approv­ leather line; the best for the ness the football game. Don’t forget the Hallowe’en Bates presided and an interest­ ed by all members of the coun­ price. Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, ing program was given by mem­ Auto Accident on Wilson Hill cil. Miss Willa Evans of Aberdeen, meeting of the Eastern Clacka­ Rentals, The slippery condition of the The city is, at the present Wash., is visiting at the home of mas Community clup, Friday bers of the visiting Grange. Farm Loans a Specialty. roads and the failure to dim the evening, Oct. 31, in the Oddfel­ They very graciously repeated her aunt, Mrs. E. E. Saling. the drill of the morning session Telephone Estacada, Ore. lights when approaching car, time, spending more for water and street repairs than will be See J. E. Gates and get that low’s hall. A program for the and Mrs. Howard, an eighty were the causes given of an ac­ necessary under the new ar­ suit cleaned and pressed. I. 0. occasion has been prepared and year old member of their Grange, cident which occurred on the rangement. 0. F. Building. 10-lltf. you are cordially invited to at­ danced two delightful numbers. Wilson hill about one and one- tend. (Signed) J. K. Ely, Recorder. FIRE INSURANCE. For a cool bottle of Blitz, Mrs. McNeil sang several inter­ half miles east of Estacada, last Sympathy is extended to Mr. esting songs. Various members “The drink that flits,,’ Sunday evening, when the cars Secretary Wallace Dies go to Dinty’s, and Mrs. Z. R. Coop because of of the two Granges spoke on London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. driven by H. Wallert and A. With the passing of Henry C. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Harken rid­ the death of their infant baby, matters of interest to those pres­ Bowman of Garfield, collided at Wallace, secretary of agricul­ er and daughter went to Portland born last Thursday, the 23, in a Keep your policy in our Fire Proof Vault, free of charge. ent and the Lents Grange ex­ that spot. ture, has come the fifth break last Sunday to attend the funer­ Portland hospital. The l i t t l e Margaret Brackeweld of Ba­ in the original Harding cabinet al' of Mrs. Robert O’Neill, the body was brought to Estacada tended an invitation to the Eagle H . C. S T E P H E N S ker, Oregon, a small child, was and the third change since Pres­ mother of their son-in-law, K. and buried Saturday in the I. 0. Creek members, to meet with them at some conveniently ar­ thrown clear of the wreck and ident Coolidge assumed control H. O’Neill of Buxton, Oregon. A gent . 0. F. cemetery, under the di­ ranged date, so that they might received only minor bruises and following the death of President rections of funeral director, J. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Davidson return the hospitality shown scratches. The other occupants Harding a little more than a year E. Gates. had as guests last Sunday, Mr. tbem at this time. of the cars escaped apparant in­ ago. T h e wives of the Masons and Mrs. C. F. Dohring, Miss Several members of the Gar­ jury. Secretary Wallace died Satur­ Emma Jean Dohring and Mr. planned and carried out a very field Grange were in attendance, For Fire Insurance Both cars were quite badly day, October 25, at four o.clock aereeable surprise for them Mon. dstn&gsd and it was necessary in the naval hospital. The im­ and Mrs. Max Jazman, all of day evening, when after their as was a representitive of the Eastern Clackamas News, and to tow Yfiem into the city for re­ mediate cause of his death was Portland. special meeting the ladies invit­ the reception afforded all was the pairs. The Chevroiet driven by toxemia poisoning which fol­ This weather reminds one of ed them to the banquet hall to PLACE Y O U R IN­ SURANCE THROUGH Mr. Wallert, was damaged con­ lowed an operation performed rain clothes and umbrellas. We partake of a splendid luncheon. kind that makes one desire to return at an early date. YOUR HOME AGENT WHO siderably; one wheel was com­ carry a complete stock and at a week before. The next P. T. A. meeting will WILL PROTECT prices you can afford to pay, at pletely demolished and the run­ Funeral services were held YOUR INTEREST be held on the evening of Friday, New Voting Place ning board was torn loose. The Monday. October 27, in the east Rose’s. Nov. 7. at the high school audi­ Instead of using the city hall Ford driven by the Bowman boy room of the White House with The American Legion of Es­ was aiso damaged, having the interment taking place at Des tacada is planning on a benefit torium. The committee has been for election purposes, precinct very fortunate in securing Mrs. movie to be shown in the new Sadie Orr Dunbar, of Portland, No. 1 will have its polling place Moines, Iowa, Wednesday. Cary Real Estate Co. left running board torn loose. Secretary Wallace was an Liberty on Armistice day, Nov­ who will give an address at that in the Masonic building, using the vacant room next to the LOGAN NEWS Iowa publisher of farm papers ember 11. Further notice will time. Every body invited. Liberty theatie, and S. E. Woos­ appear in the next issue of the and for years had been conspic­ The American Legion Auxilia­ ter’s office will accomodate the Miss Myrtle Tracy returned uous in agricultural affairs. His N e w s . ‘ ADMISSION 20c and 5c from a short visit in Astoria. ry dance posters made their ap­ passing is a great loss to the About fifty attended the re­ pearance on the street Monday counting board. As there was no comfortable room in the city Mrs. W. J. Paeth and son vis­ farmers and particularly to those ception last Friday night at the morning. The dance is to be a hall for the counting board, they ited with relatives at Dundee of the west. President Coolidge M. E. parsonage, for Rev^and Hallowe’en masquerade and pri­ occupied a room in the library the latter part of bhe week. immediately appointed Charles Mrs. Rankin. An interesting First Show at 7:00 p. m. zes will be given to the lady and building for the past two elec­ On Thursday of last week, F. Marvin, chief of the weather program was given, games were gentleman whose costume best tions, which was very inconven­ Della M. Pearson, one of the bureau, as acting secretary of played and the evening’s enjoy­ Saturday and Sunday public health nurses, visited the agriculture. It is believed that ment was rounded with a good carries out the idea of the spirit ient. of Hallowe’en. The dance will Upper Logan school. She ex­ the secretaryship will be tender­ substantial lunch. be given in the pavilion, Thurs­ Hear Election Returns pressed herself as finding it a ed Ex-Governor Frank 0. Low- A hard time party will be giv­ day, Oct. 30, at 8:30 o’clock. Everybody is invited to come very “ clean school” and further den of Illinois. en by the Epworth League in to the I. 0. 0. F. hall next Tues­ complimented the district as be­ BARTON the basement of the M. E. “Dinty” Moore Sell« day night and wait for the elect­ It’s Something New ing the “only one under her in­ church, Saturday, November, 1, I IFTING the curtain on Holly* News has just been received at 7:30 p. m. Every one is cor­ Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Gage of ion returns, which wi l l be spection so far, that had in use A* wood—the Magic land of pic­ the sink, liquid soap and the pa­ by telephone from J. M. Moore, dially invited to attend. Come Stafford, spent Sunday at the received over the radio. A so­ tures.—Revealing all the stars in Wallace home. cial committee of Rebekahs will who is in Portland, stating that prepared to pay some fins.e per towels.” the movie firmament in the most furnish entertainment, such as Miss Alice Hanson spent the he has sold his pool hall to 0. A. L. White moved his family astonishing cast ever assembled. E. T. Davis is relating a true week end in Portland. dancing and cards, for all those A. Darnielle. An invoice will be Telling the swift moving story of to Portland on Friday. Mr. jbea_r story these days. H e who care for these amusements, taken Saturday and Mr. Dar­ a gill's search for screen fame. The Good-Will club met at the White is working for Mr. Beals Thrilling, humorous, unusual— nielle will take charge at once. i caught one bear in a trap, shot home of Mrs. Alma Guffnutt. and a lunch will be served. Good of Tillamook at the horse show. another and captured a s ix Eleven members were present music is promised. A charge and lavishly entertaining. The Whites will later move to months old cub alive, l’he bear and a very enjoyable day was will be made for dancing, card« As the holiday season draws Paramount Picture Tillamook where Mr. White will came down to feed in a small spent. with 30 Real Stars and near, we are reminded that it is and the lunch. But if you do have charge of a Holstein herd. 50 Screen Celebrities. a wise suggestion to shop early, prune orchard near his farm in Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gibson not care for these amusements, Mrs. Young and grandson Mel­ We have a large assortment o f1 Garfield. Mr. Davis is making and son Howard spent Sunday come anyway and have a good NEWS vin. accompanied by Jonas and fancy dishes; also 42 piece dinner a Pet °ut of the young cub. time. at the home of H. T. Gibson. Jack Cromer motored to The sets at remarkably low prices. Mrs. Rose Wilcox, delegate Wednes. & Thursday Dalle3 on Friday to spend the Or if you were thinking of mak- from the first district to the Na-1 Mr. and Mrs. N. Stone and Eyes in Need of Glasses week end visiting relatives at ing something you might fin d tional American Legion conven-j family drove to Tangent, Ore., Should see Dr. Clark, specialist, that place. They returned Mon­ just what you were looking for tion which convened in St. Paul to visit Mrs. S. Stone’s sister, The Laugh Riot of the Clark-Stram Optical Co. Mrs. Roy Davis. day. in our stamped goods line. I am ¡p September, addressed t h e Portland, Oregon, who will be Buster Keaton in Mr. and Mrs. Richardson of | sure we can show you something Gresham auxiliary of the Ameri- The Misses Elnora and Gladys in Estacada all day and evening Portland, spent Sunday on their j that will interest you if you will can Legion, Tuesday evening at Guffnutt spent the week end at of Saturday, November 1, at the “ T H R E E AGES” ranch. come in. Rose's the piace to the Oddfellow’s hall in that city. the home of their parents. Estacada Hotel. The Froxen Faced Comedian’s The dinner guests at the H. Mrs. Pearl Kerscham spent __________ __ Local radio fans appreciated F. Gibson home Sunday were First SI* Reel Comedy Feature Sunday at the home of Mrs. Le­ j ^uy‘ | and enjoyed President Coolidge’s Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McMurray TH E P EO P LF’ S C . & C . STORE A Metro Picture na Kerscham. ‘AVENGING HAND” COMING address broadcast last Thursday and family of Gresham, Miss Er­ Large size cans milk, all Mrs. Zina Cromer visited Sun­ B e w a r e — t h e Avenging evening over the entire United ma McTaggart of Portland, Har­ brands_________ lOo day with Mrs. Effie Cole. Hand!” When “ Hollywood,” a States, when he addressed the SATURDAY SPECIALS CASH & CARRY vey Gibson and daughter, Miss Special steel cut coffee, lb 40c Mr. Whitehead moved his fam­ James Cruze Paramount produc­ national Chamber of Commerce, Alice Udell and Sam Wilson. Kerr’s Best Patent Flour $2.12 sk 3 lbs of Great American Coffee, ily last week to their new home tion, is exhibited at the Gem convened in Washington, D. C. Vacuum Tins ................... $1.45 Rev. Barry of Oregon City held Carry-all bags, heavy wt. 5c ea. 1 lb of Great American Coffee, recently purchased near Estaca­ theatre next Saturday and Sun­ His voice was remarkably clear services in the school house last > Good heavy broom........ . 49c ea. day that is going to become a and came in well considering the Sunday. Vacuum Tins.................... 50c da. ___ 21b loaf bread, Tip-Top__ 15c slogan with the film fans. “ Be­ fact that he was speaking sever­ Mrs. S. E. Robinson and friend 2 large cans Tomatoes___ 29c 3 lbs of M. J. B. or Golden West Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Arquet Coffee ............................... $1.60 ware—the Avenging h a n d ! ” al thousand miles away. The spent the week end here, 2 cans Salmon..................... 29c 1 lb M. J. B. or Golden West of Portland, were guests at the What does it mean? For fur­ peculiar Yankee drawl was very Mr. and Mrs. Gu3 Whitehead 25 bars White Wonder Soap $1.00 home of the latter's sister, Mrs. Coffee................................ 55c ther particulars—see the picture. noticeable. and son visited relatives Sunday. 3 cans Old Dutch Cleaner 25c ’Jim Linn, last Sunday. A t R o a e ’ s. GEM THEATRE HOLLYWOOD