Eastern Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County V olume 18, N umber 3 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office in Lichthorn Bldg., Estacada, T ^ R . G. F. MIDFOKD SURGEON, X R ay E q u ip m e n t — G l a s s e s f it t e d OFFICE and Rosidencs Second and Main Strsets Estacada. Oregon—Telephone Connections T } K . CHAS. P. .IOHNSON DENTIST EVENINÒ WORK BY APPOINTMENT Phones: Office, 315; Residence 4712 Estacada, Oregon. ALBERT t . elo tt A T T O R N E Y A T LAW RESIDENT LAWYER ESTACADA. - - OREGON D. EBY, A T T O R N E Y A T LAW'. General Practice. Confidential viser. Oregon City. Oregon. Ad­ W I L L HEINZ A U C T IO N E E R farm Sales and Livestock a Specialty TERMS REASONABLE Phone Canby 13-16 EL WOOD ITEMS y e ste rd a y O STE O PA T H IC and LOCAL ITEMS $1.50 P er Y ear PIONEER FILM Í0 Sorrin Ostergaard of Silverton Ernest Vallen and wife of CITY COUNCIL Hölöü was an Estacada visitor Tuesday. . Portland, were week end vis- The Estacada Parent Teacher J. A. Landrum left BE SHOWN HEBE j. ¡Association 'tors at the parental home. Mr. met in the high school morning in his car, for Idaho, to j Valen who has been a postal W. W. RHODES ■ ^PH Y SIC IA N E s t a c a d a , O r e g o n , T h u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 16, 1924. PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION ELECTS PROFESSIONAL CARDS. D" rats Aurora R. i § E. WOOSTER Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Rentals, Farm Loans a Specialty. Telephone Estacada, Ore. FIR E INSURANCE. London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. Keep your policy in our Fire Proof Vault, free of charge. H. C . S T E P H E N S A gent . For Fire Insurance PLACE Y O U R IN­ SURANCE THROUGH YOUR HOME AGENT WHO WI LL P R O T E O T YOUR INTEREST Cary Real Estate Co. ADMISSION 20c and 5c GEM THEATRE First Show at 7:00 p. m. Saturday and Sunday LOCAL PIONEERS On the Screen The pictures taken here Pioneer Day bv I he Oregon Journal pho- togrcphers will be shown Sat. an i Sunday nights. See your Friends in the Movies ZANE GRAY ‘THE CALL OF THE CANYON’ with Lois Vvilaon. the heroine of -T H E COVERED WAGON" International News Wednes. 4 Thursday “ I'm not as wise as these lawyer guys. But strictly between us two * • ” Th * Big Gun of the Whole Season Is THE SHOOTING OF DAN M GHEW’ A roaring tornado of Big Thrill* from • ‘T h e Snell of the Yukon" —The Poem Immortal! So la the Photopiay. Snappy Comedv ___________ ~ Earl La Forge w went ent to Port- land last Friday to bring home to. «if» a n d little son. The y o u n g man was born September 27 1924 in the Portland sanita- riurn and his name is Earl Leroy. last Tuesday afternoon with the his mother. clerk for the past two years, is The city council held its regu­ Through the efforts of George president, Mrs. R. H. Carter, j visit Mrs> W> j. Sym3 and motherf now employed by the city of lar business meeting in the City Kelly of the Portland Electric n ., .. . . .presiding. The following offi- Mrs. Hislop, went to Portland Portland doing clerical work in hall Tuesday evening with all Power company, t e mo 1 n p t - 1 cers were elected for the ensuing this morning to be gone a couple the water division. members present. ure taken of the pioneers and a n d |year; FreSidenti Mr8. will Cary; of weeks. The general business of the city Matt Park is plowing for C. early settlers at their gathering vice-president, Mrs. J. vV. Has­ The Lloyd.Yocum home north j was taken up and all bills pre­ in this city, Saturday, Oct. 4, sell; secretary and treasurer, of the high school is one of the Bittner. will be shown at the Gem thea­ Miss Lillian Schmdit. attractive new homes now under Miss Butterfield visited her sentec* or£lered paid. Several tre next Saturday and Sunday importance were dis­ parents Sunday at their home ma^ ers Various topics were discussed construction. cussed, such as lights on the evening, Oct. 18 and 19, in con­ and the following committee was near Molalla. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Howe and bridge, the filing of the water- nection with the regular pro­ appointed to take care of the Mrs. Howe’s mother, Mrs. Anna Mr. and Mrs. C. Bittner had rights on the contemplated water gram of that theatre. drafting of a pew constitution Foelinger, spent Sunday with as their guests Saturday night shed and various minor improve­ The film is replete with sur­ for the organization: Mrs. Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hurst in and Sunday, their sons Frank ments needed in the city. prises and it is possible to recog­ Yocum, chairman; Mrs. R. H. south Estacada. Bittner, wife »nd baby and Will A committee of people resid­ nize every one taking part. C. Carter and Mrs. J. Hassell Try a can of Maxwell Hduse Bittner and grandson JLoyd Boy- ing along Pierce street were E. Seward and his faithful oxen coffee, nothing belter, good to lan of Sandy. Plans for a rest toom in the present and asked for financial are but one of the attractive fea­ high school for the use of the the last drop—55c per tt> at The Dan Stahlnecker has been saw­ aid in the graveling of that tures.' It is particularly interest­ girl students was discussed and People’s C and C Store. ing wood for some of his neigh­ street from the Christian church ing to see many of these charac­ donations of furniture and other bors with his drag saw, but ex­ north to the county road. The For a cool bottle of Blitz, ters making their debut upon the equipment was asked for. A “The drink that fiits,,’ pects to take it to Wilsonville council agreed to do all in their screen and looking out upon the committee composed of Mrs. A. go to Dinty’s, Tuesday as he has sold it. power, realizing that this was world with an air of propriety G. Ames, chairman, Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. Emil A. Johnson Stanley Turel has disposed of one of the main thoroughfares in befitting an experienced star of Gilgan and Mrs. C. S. Allen was and family of Bigger, Saskatch­ his ponies and gone up the Clack­ that part of Estacada. the movie kingdom. appointed to work in conjunction ewan, Canada, have moved into amas to work for a few months. A motion was made and car­ It is the intention of the P. E. with the high school in perfect­ the house owned by M. De- Shields. Mr. Johnson is employ­ His wife is with her parents Mr. ried that the city discontinue P. company to make this film the ing the plans for this room. and Mrs. Marrs, at Dodge, for paying a night marshal until an property of the Pioneer associa­ Mrs. Carter, the retiring presi­ ed at the electric mill. amendment could be submitted tion so that it may be preserved dent, gave many helpful sug­ George L. Davis, represent­ the present. Mr. and Mrs. N. Vallen had as to the votersat the November among their records. In the gestions for the carrying on of ing the Cascade Pipe company of Seattle, was in Estacada last years to come this picture will P. T, A. work most effectively, Monday looking into the possi­ guests Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. election for their approval of the undoubtedly be a priceless pos­ stating that in her experience bility of interesting this city in Henderson and grandson Elmer levying of a tax for this purpose. session of this honored group. she had found it very helpful the installation of a water sys­ Stehman of Oregon City, and The proposition of levying a Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hilton and tax sufficient to raise $100 per Considerable publicity has al­ to affiliate with both the state tem. ready been given the picture. It and county organization for by C. A. Jaques of lower Gar­ baby Donald of Scotts Mills. month, that $50 per month be field, had the misfortune last Mrs. M. A. Henderson has taken from the water fund and was shown last week at the Lib­ so doing it had been possible erty theatre in Portland. Don’t to secure many i n t e r e s t i n g Tuesday morning, of having a gone to Oregon City to stay with that the business men be asked horse fall on him, breaking his her son Will Henderson, for an fail to see it at the Gem Satur­ speakers. to contribute $50 per month met leg. indefinite period. day and Sunday evening, and with the favor of the council. Principal 0. T. Olsen assured Mrs. Harold CFNeil of Buxtcn, tell your friends and acquaintan­ the organization that the school This way it would be possible to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Whiteis Ore., and Mr. and Mrs. Walter ces so that they, too, may have would assume its share of the Paulsen of Portland, spent Sun­ and two children visited at the employ a day and a night watch­ the opportunity to see it. man, thus giving the city added responsibility in making the day visiting at the Harkenrider L. N. Vallen home Sunday. protection at all times. A com­ homd. meetings a success, and gave mittee was appointed to draft EAST GARFIELD ITEMS LOGAN RIDGE several helpful ideas for the rais­ Don’t forget the masquerade such an amendment. A union Sunday School was ing of funds for furthering the Hallowe’en Eve., Oct, 30, to be Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kelly of Geo. Kitching and Ed. Stein- given by the ladies Auxiliary of organized last Sunday at the Lo­ work of such a body. Highland spent the week end man were granted a permit to the American Legion. gan Baptist church. Twenty- with .the latter’s parents, Mr. put in a culvert in front of the GEORGE ITEMS Estacada Girl Weds five were present. F. Young and Mrs. H. H. Anders. lot located on the corner of Main was elected superintendent; Mrs. Frank Howard attended Pomo­ A marriage license was issued Miss Marian Graham of Gresh­ street and the county road. This P. J. Darby, assistant superin­ na Grange at Milwaukie last Thursday from the county clerk’s am visited at the J. 0. Botkin location is to be used as a new tendent; Miss Helen Smith, sec­ Wednesday. office to Steve Calcagno, 25, of home last week, returning to her filling station. The c o u n c i l retary and treasurer; Mrs. John­ Miss Emma Paulsen and Mrs. Portland and to Fay Adelia home Sunday. Miss Graham is a agreed to lay a four inch water son, organist; Mr. J o h n s o n , J. Paulsen. spent the day last Wills, 18, of Estacada. niece of Mr. Botkin. main in the alley between Main chorister; Mrs. Benson, teacher Tuesday with Mrs. ErpestHack- street and Broadway, to within Mr, and Mrs. Kector Anders of the primary class; Mrs-; S. aney. Petition For National Bank spent the week end with the lat- one block of the city limits. The Teather, the ;boy’s class; Mrs. Albert Lins, Miss Minerva O r e g o n ia n N e w s B u r e a u — ' ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mack. remainder of the pipe will be Sadie Darby, young peoples’ class laid by the parties who desire and Mr. Smith the bible class. Dew and Miss Edith Harken­ Washingtan. D. C. Oct 11. —; Those attending Pom a n a city water on their premises. rider and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Application to organize the First grange at Milwaukie from Gar- _______ Sunday School convenes at 10:30. Ahnert, all of.Estacada, attend­ National Bank of Estacada,-Or,, field are Mesdames Minnio Esch, ^ .. . All are welcome to come. ed Christian Endeavor at jtjie with capital stock of $25 000, has Ida Palmateer, Gertrude Carpen- tc lual,zat,on Board Through E. Cromer and George Tracey home of Mr. and Mrs. Zivirman been received by#the controller ter, Irene Weatherby, and Sadie I Fhe members of the county returned Saturday after a week last Thursday evening. of tbe currency. W. F. Bickel Anders. . | board of equalization have com- of hunting. ... r. il . txl I pleted their work after being iri of Estacada tiled the application. The Grange held its regular Miss Pearson, the health nurse, \ session since September 22. J. Young, his daughter and meeting last Saturday n i g h t visited the Proter school, Wed- i More than 320 firms responded ta her two sons, were Portland vis­ with a good attendance. the request to appearand show Resolution nesday,.the 8th. itors Saturday. cause why their assessments E. T. Mass, candidate for sh'er- i At the regular meeting of th» Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Botkin vis­ should not be raised. This call Mr. and Mrs. Berghom and iff, was calling in this neighbor-! W. C. T. U., held at the home of ited in Portland last week. included merchants bankers and daughter June' spent the week hood last Friday. Mrs. H. H. Smith, Oct. 14, 1924, manufacturers. Less t h a n a Ely View was a guest at the end at the home of Mrs. Berg- .. ■— ~ ~ — —; . the following resolution was home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hus- dozen firms failed to appear, New Dog Picture sensation {adopted: bom’s brother P. J. .Darby. thus showing that a splendid sock over Sunday. “The Love Master,” the latest spirit of co-operation exists. Whereas, the mayor and out­ Jack Cromer was absent from After a careful study of the school this week on account'of a First National picture starring going members of the city coun­ Miss Irene Hassock is carding rolls a decision was reached to wooi this week. She would like Strongheart, the wonder d og. cil of the citv of Estacada have sore foot. fix the assessment at 35 per cent and»regarded by critics as being taken the right stand on prohi­ ! to have her friends and neigh­ of the inventory value of March Mr. Pathe in the Holstein bus­ bors bring their carders and first. iness, has fitted up a truck and the best in which he ever ap­ bition, law enforcment and all | spend the day. peared, will be the attraction-at moral questions, be it The result is that in most case# will deliver cream for the Skaggs the new Liberty theatre Oct. 22. Resolved: That we, the mem­ Mrs. Ellen Patterson was a the assessed valuation of prop- stores in and around Portland. 23. As an added attraction there bers of the Estacada W. C. T. Currinsville and Estacada visitor : ertv will be materially increased. A. L White is now Should those who failed to ap­ . employed . .appears in the cast Lady Julie, U., do hereby endorse them, and last week. by Beals the Holstein raiser at Stron(?heart-9 wife> and t he pear or any of those affected, do earnestly request their re­ (desire to appeal from the amount, Tillamook. He will probably Strongheart quintuplet3. Li||ian LaFolleite News election. move hi» family to that place Rich, Harold Auatir)i John j Portland.Oregon, —Four speak- ^wdl^b^nece^ary^^o^appeal to 8oon' Richardson, Joseph Barrell, Wai- Christian Church Service, gon for relief. The P. T. A. will meet Thurs- ter perry and Hal Wilson are m LaFollette-Wheeler in the next Republicans Will Hold Rally dav evening at the school house. ; among the players in the large Bible School at 10 a. m. two weeks. They a r e P a u l 3 All interested will please be pres-; ^ast. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:301 Blanchard, Secy, of the League' Bon. Thomas B. Kay of Salem, p. m. 1 for Industrial Democracy; R. A. former state treasurer for eight ent as matters of importance are County Meeting Held Prayer Meeting Wednesday a t , Haste, private secretary to Sen. I years, and a candidate for the to come up. At a meeting of the I. 0. 0. F. 7:30 p.m . i Wheeler; Dr. Sidney Strong, a same office at the November lodge, known as the Clackamas election, will address the voters Tom McGee was in Estacada County Booster meeting, held in Choir rehearsal Friday 7:30 p. ] Congregational minister of Wash- of Estacada and vicinity on the m. ington, and Walter H. Liggett of Wednesday renewing acquain­ the I. 0. 0. F. hall in Oregon Morning sermon. "What are New York. In addition to these evening of October 17, at the tances. Mr. Me Gee is a form­ City last Thursday evening, 250 ^ ou Doing With Your Talent?” local speakers will make an ag- Gem theatre on Main street., er resident of Garfield and has members of the order assembled. Evening, "How do we See gregation of 150 speeches be- Mr. Kay is an expert on taxa­ ju3t returned from the southern A number of grand officers were Things; are They Pure or Un- tween now and Nov. 4. 60 meet- tion matters, is an interesting part of Oregon. in attendance and gave address­ pure?” ings in school houses in different speaker and his address will be es during the evening. Among parts of the city are planned for well worth hearing. It is ex­ B. F. C lay , THE PEOPLE’ S C. &C. STORE these were L. E. Carter, grand Portland last two weeks in Oet, pected other speakers will take Minister, Christian Church. master. Mr. Portet, grand war- part. Everyone is invited to at­ 10c den, Mr. Moran, grand trustee M. M. Milk, Large can ... Mrs. Harry Morgan spent the tend. 25c and E. E. Sharon, grand secre­ Richard Davis of Garfield has Dutch Cleaner. 3 cans for sold his farm and will soon leave week end in this city visiting tary. White Wonder Lady soap. 23 Mr. anil Mrs. Irving Smith, Three auto loads from this for Portland with his family, relatives and friends. Mrs. Mor- accompanied by Mrs. Smith’s b a rs................ /. „ ........ $1.00 Van Camps Camps Spaghetti. Spaghetti. 3 3 cans cans 26c lodge attended and report a very They have recently purchased a gan is attending the Oregon Nor- mother, returned home Wednes­ Van day from Roseberg, where they mal school at Monmouth. Campbell’s soups.a!l kinds. 2 23c enjoy*ble evening. J. K. Ely home in east Portland. have been spending their vaca­ ZT j j . o M was appointed county chairman The Eastern Clackama News, See Mrs. J. E. Gat' •s for piano tion. While there Mr. Smith it*".. 3ttc bership for Clacnamaa county. t