EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 18,1924 SPRIN G W ATER NEWS Freshmen at the O. A . C. Freshmen entering the Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Marian Millard j Agricultural college are expected . $ ^ arrive arriva on on the th(> campus Mmm]S Monday, Mondav. j were week end v.sitors at the to Frank Millard home, j September 22. in order to begin Mrs. Ella Lippencott and son the real work of “ freshman i George, of Prineville. Oregon, j w e e k > Tuesday morning. Three has been visiting with her sister day3 will be spent by the first Mrs. Peter Erickson tor the past j year students in receiving in- week. struction in all phases of college Mrs. Spencer and family of life, getting acquainted with fac­ Portland, were Sunday guests of ulty members, and becoming Mr. and Mrs. Moger. familiar with the campus and Mrs. Ruth Zurcherof Portland ¡the customs and traditions of the attended the Springwater fair college. Registration of freshmen will ana stayed with her sister Mrs. take place Friday, September { Joe Guttridge until Sunday. Edward Shearer and son Gil­ 26. Students who have formerly bert and Peter Erickson left on attended the college will register Monday for Salem to get things Saturday, September 27. None in the poultry department ready but new students are expected to be on the campus by that date. for the state fair. By agreement among fraterni­ Guests at the Joe Guttridge ties and sororities there will be home on Sunday were, John no rushing or pledging until Schenk and family of Gresham, after the close of freshman week Palmer Sether, Miss Ruth Zur- After preliminary registration cher of Portland, and Mr. and Tuesday morning, prospective Mrs. Z. Coop and Mrs. B. Her­ students in each school will be ring of Estacada. divided into groups of 15, eaeh E L W O O D IT E M S . led by a faculty member who will have special charge of the A few from this place attend­ group for the week. A classifi- ed the Springwater fair Friday. catory examination in English Orel Vallen won first premium will be given all treshmen. An on corn. informal assembly will “ break Miss Morgan and Miss Raem- the ice” and a faculty reception er, the lady evangelists, closed to fieshmen will close the first their meetings last Friday night dav’s program. and went to Oregon City Satur­ Wednesday and Thursday will be largely devoted to study of day, E.G. Hodgkiss, who has been the following subjects: “ Col­ working at Molalla for Charles lege Community R e l a t i o n s , ” “ Budgeting,,” “ Student Activi­ Freeman, has returned home. ties,” “ Meeting E x p e n s e , ” George and Chris Bittner made "How to Study,” “ College Regu­ a business trip to Sandy and lations,” “ College Traditions,” Portland Monday. and “ Keeping Fit.” John Park, wife and two chil­ An address by Dr. W. J. Kerr, dren, of Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. I. president of the college, and M. Park of Appleton, Wash., separate meetings of men and were dinner guests at the L. N. women with Dr. U. G. Dubach, Vallen home Sunday. dean of men, and Mrs. Kate W. Albert Meilike of Oregon City, Jameson, dean of women, will spent last week at the home of be features. A tour of the cam­ his mother, Mrs. Clara Meilike. pus and a social affair for the School is to begin Monday the whole class are also planned. 22, with a Miss Butterfield of Molalla, as teacher. We are closing out our Ratines at 35o. per yard. Better get that Mrs. Matt Park visited her Harris of (dress you were thinking about at daughter Mrs. Eula Rose’s. Colton, Monday. N o w w e offer I you 12 dividends every year! People living across the river are now enjoying electric light service, the system being fin­ ished by the P. E. P. company this week. Lights have also been placed on the bridge which is a great convenience to pedes­ trians, as the place was a dark lonesome one. fr ADMISSION 20c and 5c GEM THEATRE FIRST SHOW 7:00 P. M. Saturday and Sunday Never Such Thrills as you wi see in CODE OF THE SEA” inotlier -izzling iiction-ramanre l>y tl.o authoi of Wally Reid'* famous auto atorir*. Its s tinglin' tale o' the oreRn blue, With a schooner o' love and » thrill for you. Paramount Picture NfcKS Tuesday & Wednes. * 4*1 ‘The Foul’s Awakening” First Run Picture We are ahead of Portland on this. With Harrison Ford, Eniu Bennett and an all star cast. COM EDY company now offers T HIS to its customers, patrons and the public what we be­ lieve to be one of the most attractive opportunities for putting their money to work at high wages in a great big local industry. For the first time in the history of the Northwest you are given a chance of earning regular and attractive d i v i d e n d s twelve times a year —one dividend day each month. 7.20 per cent in Oregon's Greatest Public Utility! Briefly, these are the reasons for the a t t r a c t i v e n e s s o f this new 7.20 per cent accumulative Firat Preferred Stock: - 1 Your income will be regu­ lar and dependable. ^ Dividends exempt f r o m normal federal income tax a 2 Dividends paid by check on the first of each month or quarterly, as preferred. ^ Your savings will be safe. a Business is firmly estab­ lished, well managed and permanent. 3 Exempt from Oregon per­ sonal property tax. 7 To yield 7.20 per c e n t . Price *100. If you desire to subscribe for shares on our easy pay­ ment plan you may pay $10 per share down and $10 a month per share until paid for. We will pay you 7 per cent interest on all your payments until the shares are yours and then your dividends begin to accrue immediately. Act on this opportunity to­ day. Inquire at our In­ vestment Department, 820 Electric Building, now! There was a yonng lady from Boring W h o came to trade at the Morgan’s, So much money she saved, She could get a neck shave, And also one for her mother.— “ John” I lb can Baking Powder and Food Chopper, 25c h. 0. Quick Cooking Oats - - 20c Sugar Crisp Cornflakes, ■ 3 for 25c BREAD, 2 laoves for 14c We carry Hills, Folgers, M. J. B., Golden West, Empire and Bulk Coffee. W e Buy M ost Kinds o f Farm Produce Estacada Feed Store MORGAN, Estacada, Oregon Banking Headquarters H E R E at Clackamas County Bank, we number among our patrons people who live at some distance from Sandy. But this has not deprived them of the bene­ Portland Electric Power Company fits of a good banking connection for they Portland, Salem, Oregon City, and Vancouver, Wash. do their banking by mail. Let us tell you more of this convenience and practical plan. CLACKAMAS COUNTY BANK Sandy, Oregon Commercial Savings THE ESTACADA HOTEL UPPER EAGLE CREEK T Mrs. C. H. Paddison and her O T H E GOOD PEOPLE OF T H E W H O LE daughter, Miss Naomi, were in vicinity: W e have been doing our utmost for the Portland one day last.week. past twelve months to operate this Hotel in a manner Miss Naomi Paddison has gone that would merit your approval, and we believe to a to Yakima to work during the very great extent we have succeeded. W e have at apple picking and packing season. this time room for a very limited number of steady Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle and guests for the winter and would be pleased to name son Leslie, were guests of the you a very attractive rate upon application. We former’s sister, Mrs. Joe Rickey earnestly solicit your support for we must have it in- on Sunday, order to better serve you all. Fred Paddison made a business Thanking you all very kindly in advance for your trip to Portland on Saturday, consideration, we are yours. Mrs. Charles Updegrave was T H E M O O R E F A M IL Y . visiting with Mrs. Roy Douglass on Monday. Ray Woodle had his silo filled shipped from Eagle Creek, and Silver Medal Contest last week. with them were three herders There were six recitation con- Mrs. Sersanous with a crew of who stopped at H. S. Gibson's testants for the silver medal giv­ ! men had her silo filled on Friday for dinner en by the W. C. T. U. at their j and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Preister meeting here last week. They Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Paddison and children of Logan, were re­ were, Olive Bishop, Janet Gilgan, ¡of Portland, were the guests of cently the guests of Mr. and Edith Demoy, Lucile Saunders. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Paddison on Mrs. Roy Douglass. Ethel Hayman and Florence Sunday. Mrs. Margaret Kilgore and Hassell. All did so well that FOR SALE—Brood sow and WANTED—To buy good pota­ Ray Woodle and Ed Chapman Miss Irene Saling are back after the judges found the decision pigs 6 weeks old. toes. Morton’s Store. 9-4 tf went over to Corbett the first of being employed during the sum­ difficult. However, t h e y de­ H. Schmidt, the week to help Malcomb Wood­ 5M1-18 Estacada, R. 4. FOR S A L E -20 pigs about 75 mer at the Crown Point chalet, clared Florence Hassell winner. le fill his silo. pounds apiece. Tom Watson, on the Columbia Highway. The FOR SALE—Good dry oak Route 3, Estacada, Ore. 9 11-18 Mr. and Mrs. Pete Clester vis­ latter will return to the O. A. C. wood, some 4 feet, some 16 in­ ited at the home of C. H. Paddi­ on Sunday. ches. Call P. W. Douglas. Es­ MONEY TO LOAN—We have son, Sunday. They are moving tacada. 9-11-18 ■ plenty of money to loan on farms Mrs. VY. Scrutton of Estacada, 1 to Mollala. at 6°i—From one to 20 years. left last Thursday for Macomb, VVANTED-Fir stumpage . or No commission on large loans. E. N. Naylor was out at his FOR SALE—4 room house and will finance cutting. The Boring E. W o o s t e r , Estacada, Ore. old home one day last week. He Illinois, where she will visit for l o t - See DI NT Y MOORE. Wood & Coal Co. 476 E 50th, about five weeks. 6-19tf w ishes to come back here to live. 9 -lltf Estacada. Ore. Portland, Or. 8 28tf FOR SALE—3 frésh Jersey having sold out where ne ,s. Davidson's 5 ,1 0 ,1 5 and 25c FOR SALE—Daffodil bulbs, WHEN in Portland visit Mila cows, cheap; also thoroughbred large, single variety, 25 cents Mrs. Will Douglass has gone to | STORE d.v’s Beauty S h o p p e .-‘ 'quality, Poland China pigs six weeks"oid! a doten.-M R S. J. W. MOXLEY. not speed.” Room 318. over Stevenson, W n„ to visit her par­ J. C. WRIGHT, one mile Has a full line of School Sup* 9-18-25 Morrow Station, Ore. Roberts Bros, store. 8 28-10-23 east of Estacada P. O. on Whit- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Swee­ plies and Notions Saturday. 9-4-25 ney. for a couple of weeks. FOUND—One 2 year old, deep MONEY TO L O A N -W e have beck place. Percale House Apron*, fcttc; Silk yellow, horned Jersey bull with plenty of money to loan on farms | Tuesday morning Mrs. Sersa­ Hose, 55c; Men's knit ties 20c. THE TIRE YOU W A N T -is white nose and black on hind at 6%'. No commission. Relia­ nous shipped some of her fine Stamp Goods of all kinds. 15c legs a tire with a guarantee bond to The animal may be seen ble absttacts. Oregon City A b -: Ayrshirea to Can by to exhibit at and up; Art Thread. 3 for 10c; at Joe DeShaier’s, Dover. It stract Co. 11-1 tf give 12,500 miles service. See K. Kingston, agent for the Ar- the countv fair. Dave Hoffmeis- 3 * j inch Fringe. 15c per yard; FOR SALE—Team bay mares.! FOR SA L E -H eavy m ¡ 1 k e r Í mour Tire & Rubber Co. of Dav- ter went along as caretaker. Silk Thread, 5c per spool. Bias wt. 2500. 8 yr. old; wagon and cows, fresh and coming fresh;i ton. Ohio. Address Boring. Ore. From Canbv they will go to th>- Tape. Rick Rack, Stay Binding, ¡harness; black Hamiltonian pony one Guernsey bull, registered, •> Kt- 9-) 1-10 2 Box 112 State Fair at Salem. Ribbon. Lace. Crochet Thread. igix Vr- oi(L on" bay »«W I* Pon\: years old; one O. I. C. boar;! LOST Sept. 10, a black foun­ A. N. Orkc was out this way Belting, etc. These prices are two cow’ s, 1 frtsh O' e to be fresh shoats and pigs; one Harley Da- tain pen, not self filler, colored1 , Oct 1st; iwo ranges; beds; gaso- vidson motorcycle which can be with age, valued as keepsake. on Sunday. right. We have no sal-.s I line oil stove; two tons of hay; 2 seen at the Cascade garage, Es- Reward for recovery $2.50. Find- — AT — A band o f about 1200 sheep, latge White Swan geese. tacada. M. A. NELSON. one er please leave at Cary’s real es- went through here Sunday on Davidson’s Cash Variety Store. DAVID CARLSON, one mile mile east of Barton. P.O. address, "*• office, Estacada. Oscar east of Currinsville store. 9-ldtf i Boring. Ore. Masonic Bldg. the way to market. They were I t , Hornby, Oswego. Or. 9-11-18 STAR CAR 1 9 2 5 M ODEL See CARY Easy Terms ESTACAD A WANT UNO FOR SALE IDS OREGON