'N a tte Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County V o l u m e 17, N u m b e r 40 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E s t a c a d a , O r e g o n , T u e s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 18, 1924. OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST FRUIT SHIPMENTS BEAT ALL PREVIOUS YEARS LOCAL ITEMS $1.50 SCHOOL OPENING NEXT MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 P er Y ear SPRINGWATER FAIR PROVES BIG SUCCESS Large cans of sardines or sal­ mon for 15c at Rose’s. The fresh fruit season was one On Monday morning, Septem­ W. W. RHODES We have a few more of those O STEOPATH IC The first sales of 1924 Oregon hops of great success, in fact the bungalow aprons at 79c each at ber 22, the Estacada schools will PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON The Springwater fair and pic­ of the late crop were made at 12 to greatest ever known in Eastern open for the year. There will be Rose’s. Office in Lichthorn Bldg., Estacada, 13 cents. Clackamas. It started out in the nic again succeeded beyond ex­ New samples o f Wallpaper, 1000 an entirely new faculty. In the Native bred wild ducks are com early part of the summer with pectations and the Grange is to T "}R . G. F. MIDFOKD tf grammar school the teachers be­ paratively plentiful In waters of Um.v gooseberries followed by straw­ different kinds at Pointers. ^ P H Y S I C I A N a n d SURGEON. be congratulated on its enter­ tilla county. Mrs. U. H. Gibbs will take or­ ginning with the first grade, are berries, logans, raspberries, black X R ay E quipment — G lasses fitted prise. Such gatherings are de­ Bids for the construction of a $100,' OFFICE and Residence Second and Main Strsets caps, Lawton blackberries, dew -1 ders for dahlia bulbs for spring as follows: Miss Maude Sherman Estacadi. Oregon—Telephone Connections 000 junior high school In Astoria will cidedly advantageous in adver- of Athena, Or.; Mrs. Bertha Pen­ delivery, 9-18tf be opened by the school board Octo­ berries, cherries, pears ever- j t i s i n g the resources of t h e T ) R . CHAS. P. JOHNSON greens and fresh prunes. Ap­ The M. E. Ladies Aid met at nington, Portland: Miss Thyra ber 1. community, and will repay the Staats, Monmouth: Miss Frances DENTIST J. E. Thompson, for the past 10 years ples and dried prunes are coming the home of Mrs. H. C. Gohring labors of those who promote Hassell and Miss Lyla B. Mekin- EVENING W ORK BY APPOINTMENT chief auditor in the state industrial on a little later. Not even in wai yesterday afternoon. them. Springwater district has ney, Estacada: Miss Lillian accident commission, died at the home time was there such a demand Phones: Office, 315; Residence 4712 The fruit season was conclu­ received much favorable publici­ of his mother in Salem. Schmidt, Portland. These come Estacada, Oregon. for fruit from this section. This ded at the Estacada cannery the ty and comment from this fair Railroad service between Tillamook well recommended having had result has been obtained only first of the week. ALBERT t . e l o t t and Portland was halted by forest two years or more of successful and will be known as a center ATTORNEY AT LAW fires at Wakefield and Snark, about through great effort on the part Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snyder teaching. for pure bred stock, grain and RESIDEN T L A W Y E R 38 miles from Tillamook. of a few men. Fifty three car went yesterday to Portland for fruits. The high school teaching force ESTACADA. - - OREGON More than 50 forest fires were start loads and about eighty truck a visit of a couple of days. A large attendance turned out is: O. T. Olson, principal of both ed In the Umpqua national forest by loads were handled in all. Sgoble Have you seen those special 42 schools; home economics, Miss from all around and everyone W M . G. D U N LAP a severe thunder storm. A heavy & Day consigning 33 car loads of piece dinner sets at $10.48? Reg­ ATTORNEY AT LAW rain which followed extinguished the Katherine Marshall, Gervais; En­ felt well repaid for coming, not prunes to points in the east, mid­ ular $12.00 sets, at Rose’ s. A t Estacada, in the office of Woodle fires. glish, Miss Alta Kirshner, Sa­ only on account of the exhibition Realty Co., on Saturdays—Portland of­ Libby, Chinook salmon eggs totaling 4,000,- dle west and Canada. fice 1524 Yeon Building. If you are thinking of getting lem; languages and history, Miss but the social spirit which was 000 have been taken out for planting McNeil & Libby bought 20 car anything in the furniture line, Dorothy Blake, Portland; manu­ in evidence. The Cl a c k a m a s D. EBY, from the McKenzie river hatchery. loads of prunes besides the whole County Guernsey club and the ATTO RNEY AT LAW. Last year the record was 15,000,000 logan berry crop, also raspber­ you can get it for less at Rose’s. al training and athletics, Paul C. Clackamas County Jersey club Giddings, Albany; science and See Mrs. U. H. Gibbs’ dahlias General Practice. Confidential Ad­ eggs. ries and cherries. The remain­ met in the morning and held a viser. Oregon City. Oregon. mathematics, Claude Wilson, A car of Oregon Wealthy apples was der of the small fruit was sent to and select the kinds you wish business meeting in the school Portland. These were selected sold at auction at New York at $3.25® for spring planting. 9-18tf 3.50, averaging $3.37 for extra fancy Portland, Salem and Hillsboro. W I L L HEINZ house, while the Holstein club after careful consideration and Our line of Peter’^ solid leath­ and $2.90@3.50, averaging $2.95 for This achievement is one of which AUCTIONEER met in the Grange hall. A child’s are well qualified for their re­ fancy. we may well be proud and should er school shoes is very complete. welfare clinic was held from 10 Farm Sales and Livestock a Specialty spective positions. inspire every fruit grower to get Better get yours before school One of the army De Havlland air­ TERM S REASON ABLE m. to 4 p. m. by Dr. Brisco Prof. Olson advises that those Phone Canby 13-16 Aurora R. 1 planes used on forest patrol was badly after this business with renewed starts, at Rose’ s. having second hand school books and Misses Pierson and Howard wrecked at Eugene when it struck a vigor. It is too soon to make Now is the time to select your for sale, to bring them Monday of Oregon City, in the church fence at the edge of the municipal § E. WOOSTER predictions for the coming year, dahlias while they are in bloom, aviation field. morning. Since some of the and twenty-four babies were ex­ Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Half of the town of Sisters was de­ but the prospect is very good for next year. Call on Mrs. U. text books are to be changed amined. stroyed by fire which started in the that Estacada fruit will be in H. Gihbs and place your orders next year it will be well to dis­ Rentals, In the afternoon, addresses C. L. Gist hotel, apparently from a good demand, for spring delivery. 9-18 tf were given by E. E. Klavel, edi­ Farm Loans a Specialty. pose of all books if possible.. defective flue. The loss was estimat­ J. G. H ayman , Mgr. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duus, Mr. tor of the Western Farmer and Telephone Estacada, Ore. ed at $26,000. and Mrs. John Blauth, Mr. and School Buildings Improved chairman of the agricultural Theatre Extends Courtesy Thirty boys of Polk county, who - r OR GENERAL INSURANCE have been raising Jersey calves for Mountain Chapter, order of the Mrs. H. C. Gohring and Mr. and During the summer, a number committee of the Portland Cham­ SEE exhibition at the state fair, will gather Eastern Star, held its first meet­ Mrs. A. E. Sparks enjoyed a pic­ of much needed improvements ber of Commerce; State Market J. P. W OODLE JR. at Rickreall September 19 and hold ing in the new Masonic building nic at Fern Camp last Sunday. have been made in the High Agent C. E. Spence; O. M. Plum­ Estocada, Oregon, City Phone 73-2 an amateur Jersey show. Property owners in Estacada School building. Saturday morn­ mer, manager of the Pacific Tuesday night. Quite a number The state highway commission at a who were caught in the street ing under the guidance of the Livestock Show; J. F. Tooze, meeting to be held in Portland Sep­ of visitors from Portland and tember 25 will open bids for the con­ other places were present, be improvement a year ago, are principal, we were taken through state senator, of Oregon City, struction of approximately 15 miles side a good attendance of mem­ “ enjoying” their first assess­ it and shown what had been arid G. A. Pal miter, of Hood of new road and one bridge. bers. The spaciousness of the ments this week. done. On the ground floor, the River, State Grange Master, Hop crop estimates of Oregon are beautiful room, seemed some­ A family reunion was held last boys’ locker room has been cal- They were introduced by Ed­ London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. being revised upward as a result of what strange, but as soon as the Sunday at the home of Mrs. cimined and 26 locker doors re­ ward Shearer, who acted as the last surveys of the Willamette Keep your policy in our Fire Stars realize that "east is west, ” G. A. Masse. Those present placed and all revarnished. In chairman. valley yards. Figures now place the Proof Vault, free o f charge. The exhibits were fully as good were Grandma Pinkley, Mr. and they will get along beautifully. the hall ways four new fire hoses 1924 crop at close to 50,000 bales. as those of last year, although Mrs. W. J. Johnston and chil­ At the close of the meeting have been installed. The manu­ H . C. S T E P H E N S D O U G LASS MILL GOSSIP the worthy matron announced dren, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence al training room has been doub­ the grains and fruit showed A gent . that an invitation had very cor­ Johnston and son, Mrs. Wiilah led in size by turning into it the somewhat the effects ot the pro­ The wedding bells rang Friday dially been extended by Mr. Smith, husband and son, Frances former science room, the wall longed drouth. In the floral hall, for Miss Ellen Hansen and Irvin Feyerabend, the alreaJy popular and Ellen Johnston, Mrs. Bertha having been taken down. . Thus besides the fresh fruits and veg­ Updegrave, both of the mill. young manager of the Liberty Helt and son, Walter Roots, wife the whole department will be in etables there was a big display The bride is the popular daugh­ theatre, for the Chapter to and son, Mrs. Ace Hawkens and one room, instead of being divi­ of canned goods, hand and needle ter o f Mrs. Lulu Hansen and the Chester and ded up into three or four rooms work. The Ladies Aid had a witness the last run of the pict­ Elizabeth Hoare, groom is the son of Mr9. Susan ure before returning home. The Roy Dean. as formerly, with part on one booth and was sold out in record Kellier of Dover. Their hosts of invitation was accepted and very floor and part on another, which time. friends wish them many long PLACE Y O U R IN­ In the livestock section pure GARFIELD ITEMS much enjoyed by all. caused a great deal of inconven­ years of married life. They will SURANCE THROUGH bred Jerseys were entered by ience besides hindering its effi­ YOUR HOME AGENT WHO make their home at the mill in Car Auto Agent Lawrence & Son, W. F. Greer O. W. Failing has returned to ciency. The wood basement has WILL PROTECT the house formerly occupied by and Edward Shearer & Sons; his ranch in Upper Garfield. W. F. Cary has added another been consequently enlarged by YOUR INTEREST the C. R. Montgomery family. Guernseys by J. A. Shibley & line to his many activities. He Twenty four neighbors gath­ the space which the machines C. R. Montgomery and family is now agent for the Star car, ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. had occupied. In the domestic Son, and Peter Erickson; Short­ visited Ike Akers Sunday. which has become so deservedly T. Carpenter, Sunday night, to science room the tables and sink horns by Otis Vallen; English Walter Douglass is making his popular of late. He has the give a farewell party to Mrs. Ida have been enameled, the stools bulldogs by S. N. Kilgore and Fordson do double service these latest models and he drives one Willis, the mother of Mrs. Car­ varnished, and the walls calci- J. C. Richards; and three colts days. Early in the morning he which is decidedly r.ifty in ap­ penter, before she left for her mined for the height of three by Otis Vallen. Christian .Church Services First prizes of blue ribbons brings it to the lower mill pumps pearance. home in California. Ice cream feet or so from the base board. Bible School at 10 a. m. and ¿$1.00 cash were awarded to water to last through the day, was made by the neighbors and Repairs have also been made on Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 and then goes home with it and Albert Stone, James Guttridge, We have just received a line of a general good time was enjoyed. the furnace. p. m. young men’s trousers and sweat­ farms. On the second floor considera­ Kenneth Keller, OrelJ Vallen, Mrs. Ira Head and daughter, Prayer Meeting Wednesday at ers, makes a good combination Walter Kitzmiller and fam'ily Sylvia, with Mr. and Mrs. John ble calcimining has been done, Julia McAuley, Evelyn Dibble, 8 p. m. for a school suit. At Rose’s. Hipes, motored from Portland to the desks in the auditorium and Helen Perry, Albert Cromer, Subject o f morning sermon, of Oregon City were the dinner spend Tuesday with Mr. and class rooms have all been var­ Edith Howell, Wilbur Howell, “ Ble.-sed 13 the Man, Who and guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph An Aftermath nished, the piano tuned and pol­ Claude Shriner, Cora McAuley, DeShazer Saturday evening. Mrs. J. W. Dillinger. Why?” The proceeds from the cele­ Ruth Guttridge, Uaj mond Perry, Frank Mills was an Oregon R. E. Davis. Walter Lemon and ished, and a leak in the roof fixt. All evening services from now bration on Labor day. were The science room has been moved | Wm. Tucker, and two first went City business visitor Monday. on are at at 7:30. $483.90 and when all expenses two daughters, Mary and Neva, over To the former English room to Edward Shearer Jr. You are cordially invited to at­ Raymond DeShazer acted as en­ were paid it left a balance of drove to Eugene. Monday. Second prizes of red ribbon at the southeast corner of the gineer that aay. tend these services. $280.30, the Eastern Clackamas H. Horowitz, Mrs. Belle Kidd, second floor. and 75 cents cash went to Ray­ A ne w flag also B. K CLAY, band and the Library Association Mrs. M. E. Bradford and son has been purchased for the High mond Perry, Donald Perry, Wm. Aid Society Wants Work Minister, Christian Church. sharing equally. The $140:15 Norton, visited over Sunday, School so each building will have McUellan Jr. and two to George In planning their work for the was very acceptable to each, and with Mr, and Mrs. J. F. Reheer. its flag. On the grammar school Guttridge Jr. Evangelistic Conference fall and winter, the ladies of the received with thanks to all who Mrs. M. G. Weatherby and building minor repairs have beer.! Fbir,I prizes of white ribbon The ladv evangelists who have Christian Church have decided contributed. The expense of Mrs. T. Carpenter spent Monday done where necessary, but not anf^ 50 cents cash wire given been holding meetings all around that they can perhaps, better the celebration was run on its and Tuesday in Portland, after much was required Ihis year. Gharles Farrier, Violet Tucker this vicinity during the summer, serve the community by doing own merits, which was quite un- seeing Mrs. Ida Willis off to Cal- New grates have been provided anr* two *° James Guttridge. will be in Estacada on Sunday, sewing, quilting, tacking com-1 usual, as generally the business ifornia. for the furnace. The FJastern Clackamas band They will be assisted bv a Dr. forts, embroidery and crochet men are asked to contribute to Mr and Mr„ G üart dmve to W ’e found Janitor Sarver busy wa3 Present ar)d enlivene ! the Nichol who will preach on Heav-1 work. If any persons need work1 such occasions. Portland Friday, bringing Ken- at work, and when the bell rings ProceerI,nKs by playing a number en at 11. In the afternoon a ! of this class done, the Aid Socie- selections throughout the day. on Monday. September 22nd, the conference will b° held at 2, and ty of the Christian Church, will THE PEOPLE’S C. 4 C. STORE b o m .iw t b .im » . pupils will find everything spic I a night service at 8. The place, be plea.ej to have you eotttmunt- i .. . M (marts . Kk WaIter Shriner is working in and span awaiting them, so, Sandboys went in style o f meeting was not stated in no- cate w ith any one o f the follow- Fruit Mason jars pints........... 79c Oregon City. that they can study under j d e a j j 1° the countv fair today, as they ing ladies: Mesdames D. M. Mar- Mrs. Minnie Eash, Mrs. Ida tice sent paper. Jar rings good quality 4 doz .25c conditions. had their band stand painted and shail Henry Beers. Julius Krieg- old Dutch'cie.nser 3 cani“.1.25c Falmateer and daughter. Avis, Old Dutch Cleanser 3 cans— 25c inscribed with the slogans, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore re­ er. John Osborne and B. O. Sar- Ljlv Whjte iauerkraut 2 can*.25c were Portland visitors, Saturday. Roger Cary o f Portland, was ' E a s t e r n Clackamas B a n d , turned Friday evening from their Large can corned beef............ 23c- Lillian Duncan is attending the guest of his brother, W. F. Watch us Grow.” “ Estacada the vacation trip to the McKenzie ver* _____________ . There will be a meeting of the Perfection sodas 3'-ilb box 49c Franklin High School in Port- Cary and family, last Thursday Land of Plenty.” "Come and river country. Tney report a de­ evening. He was enroute to See us, F'ree Auto Camp.” "E s- lightful time and are more than La Toilette supporters in the I. O. Mason and Economy jar caps. 27c iand- T. Carpenter was in Portland* his Hot Springs up in the moun- tacada the Land o f the Logan- ever in love with Oregon and O. F. hall in Estacada on Friday, Hot cake flour package......... 27c tains. Broom special a few only...... 49c1 Monday. berry and the Prune," October 3, at 8 p. m. its scenic beaut ies. D l{ FIRE INSURANCE. For Fire Insurance Cary Real Estate Co.