üûfBtmt (Elarkamas N ruts Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County V olume 17, N umber 35 E stacada , O regon , T hursday , A ugust 14, 1924. OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST GARFIELD ITEMS LOCAL ITEMS $1.50 P er Y ear SPRINGVVATER N EW S EVERGREEN BERRIES ARE MONEY MAKERS The annual picnic of the Skip- Labor Day will be celebrated The Springwater fair commit- a-week club occurred last Wed- j in Estacada. ties are all requested to meet at nesday, when the members and Mrs. 0. E. Smith was in Port- the Shibley home on Friday, i D,! W. O W. S T RHODES E O PA T H IC W h eat shipm ents to foreign and their families to the number of land, Tuesday. August 15, where there will he a PH Y SIC IA N AND SU RG EON dom estic p o rts from th e C olum bia 36, assembled at the Eagle Creek wood sawing bee for the church j J. G. Hayman reports activity Bartlett pears bought.-See J. Office in L ichthorn Bldg., E stacada, riv e r in July w ere 810,462 bushels. at the cannery since Monday, falls. A bounteous dinner, vis- j q ^ a y m a n 8-7-14 and grange. The women will when evergreens commenced L ane county has 416 teac h ers, w hich iting, swimming and wading T~)K. G. F. M ID FO k D Mrs. W. A. Heylman returned serve a basket dinner at noon. I is th e la rg e st num ber of an y county coming in. Pickers are busy in ^ P H Y S I C I A N and S U R G E O N . made the day enjoyable for old Mrs. Walter Strunk has been every direction about Estacada, in th e s ta te outside of M ultnom ah. from Winlock, Wash., Tuesday. X R ay E q u i p m e n t — G l a s s e s f i t t e d and young. A ssessed p ro p erty in P o lk county O F F I C E and Re s id e nc e Sacon d and Main S tr s e ts and it is expected that 100 or 150 Mrs. W. H. Grabeel and chil­ sick the past two weeks. Estacada. O re go n—Talephon© Connections Mr. and Mrs. Hector Anders in creased $14,760 In th e la st year, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guttridge tons of these-wild berries will be dren were visiting in Portland th e to ta l now stan d in g a t $12,483,090 have rented and moved on to the and family, and James Guttridge shipped out of this locality dur­ j Q U CHAS. P. JO H N S O N Tuesday. D uring July, 34 men in th e field as Gunter place near the school. ing the next few weeks. DENTIST Japanese Parasols, the var­ went to Gladstone on Sunday. h u n te rs for th e U n ited S ta te s biolo­ A new play shed has been E V E N I N G W O R K BY A P P O I N T M E N T The school board held a meet­ W. T. Grear is collecting from gical survey killed 510 p red ato ry ani nished kind, for sun or rain, at added to the buildings at the Phones: Office, 315; Residence 4712 m als. ing at the school house on Tues­ pickers in the Springwater dis­ $1.25, special at Rose’s. E stacada, O regon. day evening and hired Mrs. trict, with his ton truck, and J. M anufacture of fountain fru it sy ru p s Garfield school grounds. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Linn are Dalles of Clackamas, principal, W. Hassell is netting in the ber­ out of surp lu s fru it of L ane county L. J. Palmateer, who has been ALBERT t . e l o t t may be u n d ertak en by th e E ugene working in Eastern Oregon, has camping out for two weexs at and Mrs. Lois Erickson will ries from Viola and Highland A T T O R N E Y A T LAW F ru it G row ers’ association. Wilhoit Springs. returned home. teach the lower grades. districts. Some pickers report RESIDENT LAWYER At th e req u est of D ouglas county Of course you will be there. ESTA CAD A. - - OREGON making from seven to eight dol­ Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Wagner granges, th e R oseburg ch am b e r of Celebration News lars a day where the picking is spent the week end with rela­ Where? At Estacada to cele­ com m erce Is considering plan s for W M . G. D U N L A P brate Labor Day. Further arrangements for the good. It seem to be a good sea­ hom e pro d u cts show th is fall. tives in Portland. A T T O R N E Y A T LAW T he condition of th e O regon apple A t E stacad a, in th e office o f Woodle Tuesday evening, 26 friends Evergreen blackberries re­ street carnival and barbecue on son for evergreens. This is one R ealty Co., on S a tu rd a y s—P o rtlan d o f­ crop is e stim ated a t 65 per cen t w ith and relatives gathered at the ceived at cannery, phone 11111 Labor day, Monday, September crop which local people had not fice 1524 Yeon Building. a to ta l yield of 5,990,000 boxes, of see J. G. Hayman. 8-14-21 1, are being made every day. expected to make any money on w hich 66 p er cent a re com m ercial home of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. r ) D EBY , Ed. Bates and family returned Everybody asked to work for this year, as it has been several Wagner to help them celebrate apples. A T T O R N E Y A T LA W . this celebration, so far, has years since there has been sale At a special city election a t Mon­ their 47th wedding anniversary. Monday night from their trip by G eneral P ractice. C onfidential Ad­ expressed a willingness to do all for them here. auto to California. m outh a proposed bond issue of $75,- A most enjoyable evening was viser. O regon C ity. Oregon. 000 to co n stru c t a sew er sy stem fail spent. Refreshments of ice The Misses Reliance and Lola in his power to make the day 300 tons of prunes have been ed to c a rry by th e sm all m argin of cream and cake were served and Moore returned from Portland a success. This is the right spir­ contracted for by Libby, McNeil W I L L HEINZ th re e votes. it and as Estacada has not en­ & Libby from local growers thru at a late hour the guests bid the Tuesday afternoon. AUCTIONEER K lam ath F alls will have a c en tral tertained in any way for a year, Pearcy and Biehn. J. G. Hay­ host and hostess good night. Farm Sales and Livestock a Specialty autom obile stag e depot and claim s th e A. Sagner’s pet dog Duke was this celebration should be the man will have the handling of TERMS REASONABLE^ honor of being th e firs t city in O re­ Mrs. H. B. Davis, Mrs. M. G. the latest victim to poison. This Phone Canby 13-16 A urora R. 1 gon outside of P o rtlan d to in sta ll th is Weatherby and Irene Davis ma kes thp fourth dog killed in “ best ever” , and everyone who the shipping of this tonnage. Sgobel & Day have also signed tra n sp o rta tio n convenience. epent the week end above St. the last month, in this manner. attends assured a good time. § E. WOOSTER The candidates for Queen will up over 500 tons for fresh fruit Any co ntention th a t th e bob is de­ Helens, at the camp where H. clining in p o p u larity is refu ted by th e Mrs. Mary Bartholomew ar­ be announced soon, and then shipments, which it will pack at Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, B. Davis is working. fa c t th a t a C ottage Grove b a rb e r shop rived last Saturday from Hep- everybody can get busy and vote Estacada. If necessary they Rentals, Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Dart are pner, Oregon, for a visit of a for their favorite. She will oc­ will put on a night crew to keep recen tly bobbed th e tre sse s of th re e g en eratio n s of th e sam e fam ily. Farm Loans a Specialty. enjoying a visit from Mr. Dart’s few days with her children. cupy a throne, accompanied by the fruit moving. It is estima­ Telephone Estacada, Ore. mother from Molalla. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gohring her attendants, in a specially ar­ ted that during the harvest each Place of Small Town Mr. and Mrs. E. Elliot of Port­ •pOR GENERAL INSURANCE and Mr. and Mrs. John Blauth ranged booth and receive all the firm will roll from three to four Speaking before a large audi­ land, visited at the J. W. Dillin- r SEE drove to Portland Sunday and homage and attention imagina- cars a day. With this green ence of small town and country ger home last week. inable. J. P. WOODLE JR. prune taking out probably 50% visited friends. Wedding bells echoed at Gar­ Joe Woodle Jr. has moved from The city council has given the of the Estacada tonnage this sea­ E stocada, O regon, City Phone 73-2 people at the Gresham fair, Dean Kilpatrick, director of the Port­ field last week, when the news concession committee, the privil­ son many driers will not open up. land summer session, urged co­ of the marriage of Miss Nadine his office in the bank building to ege of roping off and using Third The activity in canning and ship­ operation between small town Anders, daughter of Mr. and the Reed garage, which has been street from Main to Broadway, ping prunes came as a surprise and country interests in commu­ Mrs. ;H. H. Anders, who was leased by Wilcox Brothers. and Broadway from Third to to growers who expected to dry nity organization. FREE! FREE! FREE! On Second street, for the “ pike” as usual. married at Stayton, Oregon, to Stating that man is instinct­ Mr. Ralph Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Saturday, August 16, with each where all the concessions will be Grange Picnic ively and historically a village Kelly, after their honeymoon, purchase of One Dollar or more, located. Next week a list of the On Saturday in the Estacada dweller and that come what may, will go to North Hylands where we will give one large m&nilla attractions will be given. his community activities neces­ the groom will teach school this Shopping Bag free. One to cus­ The dance on the paved street park. Garfield Grange, No. 317, tomer, at Rose’s. sarily center in the small town, winter. in the evening will be a unique will hold its annual picnic. Ev­ Dean Kilpatrick pointed out that Several truck loads of fish Mrs. Wesley Thiesen and chil­ affair and is looked forward to erybody is welcome to attend and in order that the town may re­ lave been taken from the Delph dren Mary Maxine and Junior, with much pleasure. A regular as Governor Pierce and high main the center of comunity life Creek hatchery to near by came Friday on the 4:30 car to carnival spirit will prevail, with Grange officials will be present, it must function as a servant of streams. spend some days with Mr. and confetti, squakers, balloons, etc. there should be a large gather­ the rural neighborhood. Aitho Mrs. 0. E. Lamberson was Mrs. C. F. Hurst of south Esta­ Everybody is expected to have a ing. There will be a band con­ the revolution in transportation mstess to the last meeting of cada. good time and to deplete their cert and sports, basket dinner at and communication, has, in a the Skip-a-week club, 18 mem- pocketbooks to the extent, that noon, coffee to be served free. Mrs. Ava Bronson, who is em­ After dinner the following measure, freed the farmer from oers and one visitor being pres­ it will look as if the “ wild man” his old dependence upon the ent. A new quilt was started. ployed in the local telephone of­ in one of the sideshows, had program will be rendered: small town for a market, it is After a short business session, fice, is taking her vacation and stepped on it. If there is a sur­ 1:30 Band still his amusement, educational delicious refreshments w e r e Miss Edith Harkenrider is sub­ plus of funds, after all expenses 1:45 Song by Juvenile Grange stituting. Mrs. Bronson [is with Piano solo by Margaret Gates and social center. But if the served by the hostess. Mr. Bronson and Harold in Port­ are paid remember the Band and 2.00 Address by State Grange small town wishes to regain and the Library will share equally. Master, G eorge A. P almiter Misses Anna and Ruth Dillon. land. retain its historic place in the Make your plans to celebrate Guitar Clab hearts of the country people and Mrs. O. E. Smith and her mother- By mistake for which we apol­ with us on Labor day. 2:30 Address, C. E. S pence I make of itself and the surround­ in-law; Miss Ethel Young. Mr. ogize, the N ews reported a num­ Quarterly Meeting Solo, Mrs. E. E. Morehead ing neighborhood an effective and Mrs. J. K. Ely. W. H. H. ber from here as attending the community unit, it must remove Wade, Glenn Ely and Maurice Gresham fair on a Sunday in- The last quarterly conference 3:00 Address, Gov. P ierce from its name the taint of com­ dullard attended the Sunday stead of Saturday Among them of the local M. E. church, for Quartette N OTICE TO C R E D IT O R S In the County C ourt of ih e S ta t e of mercial greed and attain to a school convention at Colton last were W. R. Reid and C. H. Dun- the church year was held by Dr. Highway Celebration i can of Garfield, so they are ab- D. H. Leech last Friday evening. O regon for C lackam as C ounty. j moral and educational leadership Sunday. Oregon City extends a most In th e m a tte r of the e s ta te of O. Josen- solyed from any Sunday violation. It was one of the most encoura­ that will make for a ntAv spirit Mr. and Mrs. Clay Smith, who dale, deceased. cordial inyitation to everyone to Will Heinz of Aurora, was in ging conferences held for some N O TIC E is hereby given th a t the of neighborlines8. Not by di­ visited the brother of the for­ attend the official opening and undersigned has been duly appoint­ vision and discord between the mer, Irving Smith, returned to town yesterday afternoon. He time. Financially the'church is dedication of the Pacific High­ ed ad m in istratrix of the e s ta te o f O. Josendale, ^.deceased, by the County rputually dependent town and the their home in Roseburg, Satur­ is an experienced auctioneer ar.d in excellent condition, a substan­ way between Oregon City and C ourt of the S ta te of O regon and has country dweller, but by coopera­ day. They had taken their young is anxious to serve the people of tial increase in membership was Canemah, on Friday, August 22. duly qualified. All persons having claim s ag ain st said deceased or his es­ tion and conscious planning for son to the Emanuel hospital, this vicinity in this capacity. His reported. Repairs and improve- . . , , , This will be a gala event and no ta te are hereby notified to p resen t the social betterment is rural regen­ who had met with a serious ac­ professional card will be found sam e, duly verified and w ith proper . f V .eo ^ n ut0 thC possible, according to cident while playing in the barn. in the first column on the front extent of $300 during the past Pains spared in entertaining the vouchers a t her office in th e County eration visitors. See it3 d is p l a y ad on C ourt House. O regon City, C lackam as Dean Kilpatrick. year. The Ladies Aid has had last page. Te fell headfirst through the page. C ounty, Oregon, w ithin six m onths from the d ate of this notice. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Abbott of one of its most successful years, floor and dislocated his neck. Band is Appreciative M1NDA E. CH U R CH . Bellingham, Wash., who are the l'he church tries to serve the Attention Prune Growers The doctor put it in a plaster A dm inistratrix o f th e parents of Mrs. H. H. Smith, ar­ community and it feels justified The Eastern Clackamas Band cast which the boy will have to e s ta te o f O. Josendale. All prune growers shipping D ated this 12th day o f \u g u s t, 1924. hereby expresses its grateful wear about two months. Hopes rived Tuesday evening for a vie« by the results. through Sgohel & Day are re­ 8-14-9-11 thanks to the public for the gen­ are expressed for his ultimate it w i t h their daughter a n d quested to meet at the cannery, Dance for Band Friday evening, at 7:30, August Christian Church Services erous patronage it has received complete recovery. He was able family. With them came Miss Let the dance go on! There 15th, for further instructions. at its recent entertainments and to be taken home by his parents. Nellie H. Abbott, county super- Bible School at 10:00 a. m. will be dancing in the pavilion Bring your problems with you. intendent of schools in Whatcom S ec ’ y . Preaching 11 a. m. and 8. p. m. suppers. Saturday night after the Grange THE PEOPLE'S C. 4 C. STORE ¡county, Wash., sister of .Mrs. Mid-week prayer meeting Wed­ William Dills of Portland, picnic, from 8 to Midnight. It Our fall line of men’s, wom­ nesday, 8:00 p. m. Smith, and her nephew William Choir practice Friday 7:30 p. m. en’s and children’s Shoes is now Ball Mason Fruit Jars, qts, 99c H. Abbott. will be given by A. G. Ames and made a brief visit at the W. F. The public is cordially invited coming in. We have just Ball Mason Fruit Jars, pints, 89c Tickets are now on sale at R. the proceeds to go for the band Cary home last Sunday. to attend these service«. uniforms. Help the band! ! ! opened up the first large ship­ 10 qt. galvanized p a il........ 25c Have you noticed our 25c glass­ G. Marchbank’s confectionery B. F. C lay , ment and find them up to the ioyal Baking Powder........ 40c and Linn’s Inn, for voting for ware special? It is big value and Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bryan and Minister, Christian Church. usual standard of style and qual­ White Wonder Laundry Soap, items useful in every family. Queen of the celebration. Any­ two sons, Robert and Donald, ity found in the Peters line of 25 bars for........................$1.00 Supply is limited. Come in ear­ one can put up a candidate. ; from Portland, were guests of Methodist Episcopal Church Guaranteed all Leather shoes. Loaf Cheese in 5fl> bricks, 25ctt> Each vote will cost 5 cents. For Mr. and Mrs. W. F. .Cary last ly and get yours at Rose’s. A sermonette is a full dose for The best for the money at Rose’s. Karo Syrup. 10fl> pail at.... 69c Tip Top Bread, 2N> loaf...... 15c further particulars, see Mrs. A. 'Sunday. Mr. Bryan belongs (to Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Allen went a Christianette. G. Ames and Mrs. Lloyd Yocum, the civil service. to Portland Tuesday evening to Miss Winnifred Hurst and her Del Monte Sweet Potatoes Sundav school at 10: Morning committee for Estacada. The brother Paul visited several whole in can.................... 15c Worship at 11; Epworth League Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cary and make a visit to his physician. Mr. other members of the committee daughters left this morning for Allen, we are sorry to report, has 7: Evening song service at 8. days recently with their grand­ Lilly White Sauerkraut, 2'A “ Serving God by serving fonts.” parents, Mr. ar.d Mrs. C. F. size can, 2 cans for........ 25c in the country districts, have not an outing of a few days on been in very poor health again of late. H. W. M ort , Pastor. I Hurst. Tuxedo Tobacco, 3 cam for 25c been selected, ' the beach at Rockaway. »