Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County V olume 17, N umber 32 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E sta c a d a , O regon , T h u r sd a y , OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST VIOLA J uly 24. 1924. LOCAL ITEMS $1.50 P er Y ear BARTON CHILDREN'S DOME APPEALS FOR HELP The man who bought the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sparks The local team won the return Snider place, was out here with drove to Portland Sunday. game of ball Sunday with Red- his family on Sunday, looking T '\!î. W. W. R H O D ES Shingles $3.25 per M in Estaca­ land, the score being 13 to 0. O STE O PA T H IC the place over. The drill a tten d an ce of th e 13 n a­ da by Seaman & Bullis. 6-19-7-10 The next game is to be played at PH Y SIC IA N A ND SURGEON Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sevier, Stafford. The ball players, their tional guard com panies of • P o rtlan d The Multnomah County Fair Office in L ichthorn B ldg., Estacadit, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gohring families and friends will have a at Gresham will open on Tues­ w as increased by th e addition of «9 with their granddaughter Beulah l m en during June. went to Eagle Creek park Satur­ made a business trip to Portland picnic lunch at Stafford about 12 day, July 29, and continue for T~)K. G. F. MIDFOKD | A lbert B row nell of P o rtlan d , was day, where they were met by Friday. six days, dosing with a racing o’clock Sunday, the 27th. ^ P H Y S I C I A N and S U R G E O N . New samples of Wallpaper, 1000 Mrs. Marie Gibson came home program on Sunday afternoon, X R ay E quipment — G lasses fitted elected p resid e n t of th e P acific Coast Wm. Hicinbotham and family. N urserym en's association in session OFFICE and Residence Second and Main Strsets From there they all went to Bon­ different kinds at Pointers. 22-tf Wednesday from the Good Sa­ August 3. Estacada. Oregon—Telephone Connections j at Yakima, W ashington. neville park where the fish hatch­ Miss Mary Alice Reed is in maritan hospital, slowly improv­ Tickets for this fair will be on H olstein-Fregian breed ers from all n n CHAS. P. JO H N SO N ery is situated and is worth going Falls City visiting at the Rev. ing. sections of Marion and Polk counties sale in various Estacada business DENTIST held th e ir an n u al picnic a t th e Mea- miles to see. They returned J. F. Dunlop home. houses this week and next. Mr. and Mrs. George Forman EVENING WORK BY APPOINTMENT dow taw n d airy n e a r Salem , T hursday. home Sunday evening. Miss See Mrs. J. E. Gates for piano went to Portland on business The reason, we learn from the Phones: Office, 315; Residence 4712 S en ato r M cNary, follow ing one of Beulah went back home with her instruction. Prices reasonable. Wednesday. Gresham Outlook is, that the E stacada, O regon. th e m ost stren u o u s sessions of con­ parents to Stevenson, Wn. I. O. O. F. building. tf g ress in re c e n t years, h a s re tu rn e d Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wallace fair board has turned over to A L B E R T T.-ELOTT There was a family reunion of The N e w s is glad to report made a business trip to Portland the Federation of Women’s and to his home in Salem in qu est of re st A T T O R N E Y A T LAW and relaxation. the Stevens clan, near Woodburn that Mrs. W. E. Linn is improv­ Saturday. the state W. C. T. U., 100,900 RESIDENT l a w y e r Roy O. H adley, p rom inent re sid en t on Sunday. Seventy-five rela­ daily admission tickets to be sold ing, after an illness of several ESTA CAD A. - - OREGON of Oregon City, fell from a m oving Fred McCracken, who broke tives were presedt and all had a days. on a fifty-fifty basis, from which his leg several months ago, is tra in n e a r Banning, Cal., and w as In­ the W, C. T. U. expects to real­ very pleasant time. They met Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Eshleman W M . G. DUNLAP sta n tly killed when th e tra in passed able to be home and about with A T T O R N E Y A T LAW ize a fund of $25,000 for a much at the home of Sam Brown. Mrs. over his body. drove to Corvallis last Saturday the aid of crutches. A t E stacada, in th e office of Woodle needed boy’s building for the Ed Bateson was there as she was S ta te T re a su re r M yers on A ugust 1 to visit, relatives, returning Sun­ Mr. and Mrs. George Goldman R ealty Co., on S a tu rd a y s—Po rtlan d o f­ Children’s Farm Home at Cor­ This reun­ day. will tu rn over approxim ately $350,- a Stevens by birth. fice 1524 Yeon Building. of Portland, were out this way vallis. The Campaign is endors­ 000 to various school d istric ts of the ion is to be an annual affair. Q D. EBY , See J. E. Gates and get that Sunday. s ta te as in te re st on th e s ta te irre ­ ed by the state and city officials, Miss Theresa Troxell of Willa- suit cleaned and pressed. I. 0. A T T O R N E Y A T LA W . ducible school fund. Mrs. S. E. Robinson had as judges, business, labor and civic mina, is visiting friends here. G eneral P ractice. C onfidential Ad­ O. F. Building. 10-lltf. her guest Monday, Grandma organizations. Several hundred Of th e 15,000,000 pounds of th e 1923 viser. O regon City. O regon. Babe White has charge of the O regon p ru n e crop pooled for m ar­ The Rev. and Mrs. B. F. Clay Case. volunteer solicitors are aiding. k etin g by th e Oregon G row ers' Co­ store again as he has bought out attended Tuesday the closing § E. WOOSTER The Children’s Farm Home is Mrs. George Forman went to operative association, less th a n 4,- his father who is not very well sessions of the Chatauqua at Gresham Thursday. 000,000 pounds rem ain s unsold. not a charity. It is a home for Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, and does not wish to be tied Gladstone. The Hood R iver Apple G row ers' a s­ dependent boys and girls where Mr. and Mrs. N. Stone are down to it. Rentals, sociation, according to an announce­ Pointer’s for Paints, Wallpaper temporarily camping at Dwyer’s they may have a homelike train­ Ed Bateson has bought a new Farm Loans a Specialty. m en t of G eneral M anager Steele, has atid Window Glass. 5-22tf logging camp, where Mr. Stone ing for useful citizenship. It is Telephone Estacada, Ore. co n tracted th e seaso n 's B a rtle tt pear J. I. Case thneshing machine. Mrs. C. L. Ross and her little has a contract grading for the under permanent and unques­ tonnage of its m em bers to canners. It is a 24 inch separator with a son of Portland, were in town on railroad which the company is tioned auspices. It is a new un­ T he h eav ie st fine ever levied at clover attachment. It works fine extending to farther timber hold­ dertaking—about 70 boys and Bend for a tra ffic law violation was Tuesday morning. She was here as he threshed his clover Mon­ assessed in ju stic e court th e re when ings. Mr. Warner and Franklyn girls are now cared for under with her lawyer on business. Van W ilson w as sentenced to pay day with good results. Gibson have teams and are work­ the cottage home plan. Hun­ $150 and $62 costs on a ch arg e of Mrs. Joe Hinkle and her two Mr. and Mrs. Henry VanMoss ing for Mr. Stone. dreds more are seeking and im prudent driving. daughters, also John Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Finth and “ Dusty” Lake is hauling cord- needing its safe sheltering care. A. W. N orblad, A storia a tto rn e y and Sr. were campers at the Chatau* little son, all of Portland, were The immediate need is for a ex-m em ber of th e sta te sen ate, was guests at the J. E. Gates home wood for Mr. Baker. qua. Most of Viola have attend­ boys’ building. To meet this the appointed by G overnor P ierce as spe­ Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Johnson funds realized from this cam­ Sunday, cial pro secu to r for Clatsop county. He ed on different days. Mrs. W. E. McWillis and son are building a new house. Mor­ paign will be devoted. will have charge of all p rohibition and A Modern Drug Store n arco tic drug cases. William, went Sunday to Port­ ris Hance of California, a form­ Remember the 50 cent tickets H arold Brown, charged w ith posing On Saturday, Miss Sturgeon land to see her father, J. A. Up­ er resident here, is doing the are good for any one day of the as a son of G eorge M. Brown, asso­ will have the formal opening of ton, who is in the Pisgah Home. carpentering. fair. But in order that the home ciate ju stic e of th e Oregon suprem e her new building to which she He was recently quite ill but is Miss Alice Udell is caring for may benefit they must be bought court, in soliciting su b scrip tio n s to her aunt, Mrs. Hal Gibson. now better. Oregon n ew sp ap ers th ro u g h o u t th e cordially invites the public gen­ at one of these agencies, not at erally to attend as her guests. Mr. and Mrs. Keller of Esta­ the fair ground. Have a heart sta te , was a rre ste d at E ureka, Cal. W. H. H. Wade has returned S heriff S lu sh er of C latsop county She has an announcement else­ from the Willamette Valley Cha­ cada, spent one evening recently and buy a ticket whether you sta te d th a t a num ber of p rom inent where in this paper telling of the tauqua at Gladstone. He says it with Mr. and Mrs. David Court­ can attend or not. They do not A storia bootleggers in d irectly had special attractions for the occa­ was fully up to those of previous ney. cost any more here than at the called to his a tte n tio n th e fa c t th a t sion. The whole community years, and that Billy Sunday dis­ Mrs. Amy Rivers and children fair ground. h ija c k e rs have been unusually active spent an afternoon last week, in th e city durin g th e p a st few weeks. should take an interest and turn played all his old time form. Infantry Reunion G. H. H eckey, d irecto r of ag ricu ltu re out as evidence of its apprecia­ Mrs. A. T. Elott moved last with Mrs. Minnie Forman. of th e sta te of C alifornia, h as ap ­ tion. It shows that she has con­ Friday to Portland, but Mr. El­ Remember the school meeting, Veterans of the 162nd Infantry pealed to G overnor P ierce for p e r­ fidence in the future of Estacada Saturday evening. July 26, and ott will keep his residence and Regiment which served of the m ission to send 6000 head of c a ttle and thereby pays a high com­ will go back and forth. The rea­ the Bond and Bid meeting July World War from Oregon, will now p astu red in Siskiyou county into pliment to the city and its citi­ son is that they own a house in 29, 1924. _ so u th ern Oregon for grazing purposes. hold their annual reunion and zens, which they should not be Portland, which is vacant and get-together at the State Rifle T he T u rn rid g e Logging com pany, Mrs. Anna Briggs and little o p eratin g so u th e a st of Mill City, was slow to reciprocate. badly needs some one to look af­ sons of Eugene, are visiting her Range at Clackamas, Oregon, The Pharmacy was started in ter it. com pelled to close down because of O LIC IE S parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sunday, August 10, according to th e low w ater in th e H am m ond Lum ­ 1904 by Dr. W. K. Haviland and announcement made bv Major Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bates and Nelson. ROVIDING b er com pany log pond, not enough his brother and then acquired by Fred M. West, president of the ERFECT w a te r being available to float th e E. F. Surface and J. W. Reed. three daughters left Monday to Order Uniforms veterans organization, following logs. RO TE^^O N Miss Sturgeon came to Estacada drive to Ashland and thence to The Eastern Clackamas hand a conference with the executive Los Angeles. Mr. Bates has a in 1906 and for three years sent in an order Tuesday for committee. The reunion will be ELWOOD ITEMS Are Written by worked in the store as a regis­ sister living at the former place, twenty-five uniforms. These an all day picnic for the veter­ while at the latter Mrs. Bates E. G. Hodgkiss who is work­ tered paarmacist. In 1909 she has a mother and Bister. They will be a light brown and faced ans, their famines and friends. PACIFIC STATES FIRE ing above Cazadero, came home bought the business which she expect to be gone about three with black braid. This band is All are supposed to bring lunches, INSURANCE COMPANY Friday returning Sunday to his since has conducted. During this weeks. fast getting to the front and in coffee will be served free on the SEE time she acquired an enviable work. demand for a variety of occa grounds. JOS. P. WOODLE JR. Dan Stahlnecker and Matt patronage and a reputation for The school resistration in Port­ sions. The town people should On behalf of the organization Park are taking care of Charlie reliability.. The fire last fall land is 40,000, and for two suc­ liberally support it, as it is a Major West has extended an in­ Your Home Agent Meilike’s hay crop, while he is proved costly, but she courage­ cessive school years the Portland credit to the city. A. C. Fraley vitation to all the veterans of all ously used it as an opportunity Electric Power Company on its who is an old bandsman is now wars to join with the merry working in Oregon City. 32 trolly lines has carried an Mrs. Montie Vallen and baby for improvement and expansion average of 250,000 passengers a the leader. The Uniforms will makers on August 10. Methodist Episcopal Church as shown in the erection of a be here about the middle of Au­ Mary came home from Portland, It’s astonishing how different building which is up-to-date in day without injury to a single gust and probably be used the Skip-a-Week Club Sunday. Both are doing nicely. the scenery looks when you dis­ every respect, fireproof and child of school age. This, a rec­ first time at the Labor Day cele­ cover you have a flat tire! We The ladies of the Garfield Skip- Little Eleanor Anderson who equipped with every convenience ord for the country, is one of speak from experience! has been staying with Miss Nel­ for a pharmacy and rendering which the P. E. P. Company’s bration under the auspices of the a-week club will meet at the band and the library association. Attend the Union Sunday 1 lie Vallen for the past six weeks, officials have reason to be proud. The band will play Sunday, at home of Mrs. Lambertson on School picnic rally at Eagle Creek l has returned to her home at Col­ efficient service to the public. Wednesday, July 30. All mem­ —Spectator. Grange hall grove Sunday, be-! the Religious Educational Rally bers are welcome. ton. Her parents who have been G. H. Kandle and his daughter gins at 10:30. If not, there will in the Eagle Creek Grange grove. M ary R obertson , Sec’v. 1 1 1 , have improved enough to be Mrs. Vernie Duus have gone to be Sunday School here as usual; S . S . Rally at JO and morning service at 11. > brought home. North Bend, Or., to visit their Don.t forget the religious edu­ Help the Band Library Closes Epworth League at 7 p. m. and : Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobs and son and brother. Charles Kandle The Eastern Clackamas Band cational rally at the Eagle Creek the cool evening service at 8. Is son Jack of Vancouver, Wn„ are and his family. The Estacada Public Library Grange grove on Sunday. All has ordered 25 uniforms which there any reason why you cannot closes July 31, to remain closed spending their vacation at their the Sunday schools of Eastern must be paid for. It will give worship with us? until September. 1 All books THE PEOPLE'S C. 4 C. STORE Clackamas county will be repre­ for this purpose a series of enter­ ‘‘Serving God by serving folks.” place here and are building a now loaned are expected to be Shack on the same. 3 doz Holdfast clothes pins.... 19c sented. A profitable time is as­ tainments, the first of which will H. W. M ort , Pastor. returned before August 1, Mrs. M. A. Henderson has re-1 j Matches the best, per box......5c sured with special speakers from be on Friday evening in the I. O. Nina B. Ecker, Librarian. ceived word that she is again a 1 more lot corn beef hash...... 10c Portland. Basket Dinner from O. F. hall, in the form of a cafe­ Christian Church Service« teria supper and concert, begin­ The Masonic building is so far This Church will take part in | great grandmother, this being White Wonder soap 25 cakes 1.00 12:20 to 2. ning at 6 o’clock. The uniforms alonsr that an idea of its ultimate the morning in the religious edu» her second great grandson. Her Sour Kraut 2'/i size can 2 ..... 25c NOTICE will not belong to any individual appearance, outside and in. can cational rally at the Eagle Creek granddaughter Mrs. Myrtle Hil­ Sugar peas a can.................... 17c grange grove Sunday. ton is the happy mother. The Mason jar rubbers 4 doz........25c Garfield Grange, No. 317, will but will be the sole property of be estimated. There will be The evening service will be as little man arrived July 14 and has Mason ball fruit jars doz........ 99c hold their annual basket picnic the band, for the use of all its three fine stores below, and the usual in the church at 8. been named Donald Glenn. Mason ball fruit jars pints...... 89c I in the Estacada park on Satur­ members. lodge will have a spacious hall Mid-week prayer meeting Wed­ S ecretary . Economy jar covers dozen.....27c day. August 16, 1924. Every­ A. U. Bogden is hauling cream besides other rooms upstairs nesday, 8:00 p. m. Choir practice Friday 7:30 p. m. in this vicinity for the Clear Jelly glasses dozen.................45c body is invited to attend as we A crew of P. E. P. Co. men The theatre at the rear will be The public is cordially invited Creek creamery. It will be quite Seedless raisins 51bs.............. 49c will have several good speakers, have been in Estacada for the first class, with sloping floor. a help as before those selling Tip Top bread 2 lbs.................15c also sports in the afternoon. past few days, extending the We understand that a Portland to attend these services. cream, had to haul it to the Col-, 1 lot brooms........................... 49c Full notice later. B. F . C l a y , electric service in the north part house will lease it and install a See our line of bathing caps -50c 7-24-8-7 J. B. R obertson . of the city. pipe organ. Minister, Christian Church. j ton store. P