EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, JULY3 , 1924. LOCAL BREVITIES AND NEWS ITEM S Bang! Bang! HOT W EATHER BARGAINS G. P. Rose has a Fourth of Ju­ ly display in his store window. The principle feature is a num­ ber o f “ Big Bertha’ ’ cannon crackers, which if touched off would blow things to kingdom come, that is if they are what they seem. But as Mr. Rose is a careful man and believes in safety first for his customers, perhaps they may be duds. TYP EW R ITER S NEW AND REBUILT Old machines taken in trade as part payment. m Mrs. C. F. Howe was in Port­ Typewriters repaired.-Complete Rental and Supply Department. land Saturday. T H E REB U ILT TYPEW RITER COMPANY J. V. Barr went to Portland, $2.00 to $2.50 304 Oak Street, Portland, Oregon Sunday Morning:. A. F. JAKSHA, Mgr. Phone, Broadway 0270 Pointer’s for Paints, Wallpaper and Window Glass. 5-22tf am particularly interested in the make of machine checked below: Mrs. Hanson and little daughter Woodstock----- Underwood___ Remingtom were in Portland, Friday. L. C. Smith----- Royal___ Oliver Mrs. F. G. Robley and son Grant spent Sunday in Portland. N a m e____ _________________________ ____ Miss Ruth Dillon was in Port­ A ddress........ .............. ........ land, Friday, on business. Mrs. C. A. Looney and boys were Portland visitors on Sun­ Any girl in trouble may com­ day. municate with Ensign Lee o f the Shingles $3 per M at Seaman & I C. C. M I L L E R Salvation Army, at the White X Successor to Jack Norton Bullis, Rt. 2, Estacada.—6-19.7-10 The U N IV E R S IT Y o f O R E G O N Shield Home, 565 Mayfair Ave., contains: SANITARY BARBER SHOP See J. E. Gates and get that Portland, Oregon. 9 20-tf The College o f Literature, Science suit cleaned and pressed. I. 0. and the A rt* with 22 departments. N O TICE o r S A L E 0. F. Building. 10-lltf. Twenty-five years experience The professional schools o f A rchi­ In the County Court for the State of W. H. H. Wade returned Fri­ tecture and A llied A rts— Business Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Ait. Estacada & Portlad Laundries day ’ afternoon from a visit to In the matter of the I Administration—Education—G rad, Es t a t e of C has. [- N otice of S ale . uate Study— Journalism — L a w - Salem and Dallas. Seymour, deceased. | M edicine— M usic— Physical Edu­ Large sheets of blotting paper, NOTICE is hereby given that the cation— Sociology— Extension undersigned, the Adminstratrix of the 19 x 24, at the N e w s office 10 For a catalogue or any Information estate of Chas. Seymour, deceased, cents. tf Writ* Th* Registrar, University of will sell at private sale to the highest Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. bidder for cash and on terms the fol­ Mesdames C. S. Allen, U. H. DELIVERY PHONE 74-1 See me before you buy that, set. I lowing described property, to-wit: Gibbs, W. H. Grabeel and little Situated in the County of Clackamas, sell the HALLO WATT Receiving The « th Year Opens September 25, W24 State of Oregon, Lots 5 and 6, Block daughter were passengers to Sets, the kind that will please you 11, Zobrists Addition to Estacada, Ore­ Portland, Friday morning, If you are interested let me dem- gon. New samples of Wallpaper, 1000 O. E. Smith and Jim Abbott Lot 8, Block 18, Estacada, Oregon. st. ate this fine set to you. Mr. anb Mrs. Bob Morton of different kinds at Pointers. 22-tf were Portland visitors Monday. CATARRHAL DEAFNESS Lot 6, Block 21, First Addition to Es­ PRICES ARE RIGHT. •jj** cau#«d by an Inflamed condition tacada, Oregon, and also Portland arrived Saturday even­ The picnic of the Trainmen’ s Mrs. Mae Reed and daughters of tne mucous lining: of the Eustachian Lots 6, 7, and 8, Block 48, North CLYDE SCHOCK Tube. When this tube is Inflamed you ing to spend Sunday with Mr. Brotherhood of Portland was Mary Alice and Florence June, have a rumbling sound or imperfect Plains,, Washington County, Oregon, Crawfords' Garage, Estacada. Ore. and Mrs. W. J. Moore' and Tom largely attended Sunday. hearing. Unless the inflammation can on and after the 1st day of August, returned Monday Morning from be reduced, your hearing may be de­ 1924 to the highest bidder at the office Or Phone 69-7 Morton. stroyed forever. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rust of Long Beach, California, where HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE will of my attorney Phillip HRmmond in the Bank o f Oregon City Building, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Honneger Boise were the guests of Mr. they had visited their daughter do what we claim for it—rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by City, Oregon, after the hour o f 11:00 and children of Multnomah, vis­ and Mrs. H. C. Stephens for and sister, Mrs. R. C. Deming Catarrh. HAUL'S CATARRH MEDICINE o ’clock A. M. on such day subject to has been successful in the treatment of confirmation by the County Court of ited Sunday with Mrs. Honne- the week end. Mr. Rust is a and family. Russell Reed who Catarrh for over Forty Tears. Clackamas County. Sold by all druggists. ger’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. stock man and they are on their had gone with them, drove them F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. ALICE SEYMOUR, Administratrix of Chas. J. Harkenrider. way to Victoria and Vancouver, there and back in his car. Seymour, deceased. N O T ICE F O R PU BLICATION PHILIP HAMMOND. Mrs. W. Fink, Mrs. Grover B. C. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dykeman 074 31 Attorney for Administratrix. Kiggins, Mrs. W. C. Bacon and Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Get our prices before you buy Attention is called to the ad­ had the pleasure o f a visit Fri­ 6-26-7-24 Office, at Portland, Oregon, June 24th Miss Johanna Lichthorn were vertisement of the U. of Oregon. day afternoon and evening from Dryer Pipes Made to Order 1924. among the Estacada contingent This Veil known state institution former friends of Lakeview, Ore­ NOTICE is hereby gi.’en that Stewart E’or Sheet Iron work, Seeley, of Cherryville, Oregon, who, in Portland, Friday. repairs, soldering and begins its 49th year on Septem­ gon, their old home. These are on August 1st. 1923, made Homestead plumbing, call at the NJNEJ, SW* G. A. Masse returned home ber 25. Full information will be Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Snyder. Entry, No. 07431, for Section 23, Township 2 S, Range MORTICIAN Friday evening from an itinerary sent those asking for it, by ad­ The former is a druggist in Lake- 6 NET, L, Willamette Meridian, has filed on behalf of his Old Scotch Lini­ dressing the Registrar as direct­ view and was on a business tnp notice of intention to make Final Proof, MAIN STREET. and EM BALM ER to establish claim to the land above de­ ment. He informed us that he ed. to Portland. scribed, before the Register and Re­ ceiver U. S. Land Office, at Portland, placed orders with seven addi­ Joe Woodle has installed a new Oregon, on the 8thday of August, 1924. Former Estacada Man Dies tional drugstores. piano in the Gem Theatre. It is 1 . 0 . 0 . F. j Claimant names as witness: We regret to learn that George John ODell, W. R. Allen, Eltia Mi- We met a gentleman last Sat­ made by Schroeder Bros, of New cenhimer, all of Cherryville, Oregon. urday afternoort who was walk­ York and was procured from the B. Weatherby died last week at M. Drummond, o f Marmot, Oregon. FU R N ITU R E-B e d s, his home in Escondido, Califor­ ing around in the park, He in. Schwann Piano Co, of Portland. Notic* will be published for five Meets every Saturday evening in | Mattresses, Stoves, consecutive weeks in the “ Eastern their lodge room, corner of P.ioad- 4 formed us that he was from Los i It can be played both by hand nia, after a lingering illness. Clackamas News,” at Estacada, Ore­ t way and Third streets. Visiting + Dining Room Tables Angeles, where he had gone in and foot, as it has a mechanical He left Estacada about two years gon. 4 brothers are always welcome. Act 6-9-16. ago, having exchanged his prop­ 1884. He added that nineteen playing attachment. I .1. H. Tracy, N. G. | Clackamas Co. erty here east o f town, with W. | J. K. Ely, Secretary, years ago he visited Estacada The Priscilla club was enter­ W alter L. T ooze S r . Register. .»414.-n,.«..H.4. when there were only three busi­ tained at the home of Mrs. Nel­ L. Baughman for the latter’s 6-26-7-24 ness buildings and all the place lie Currin of Currinsville, June property at Escondido. He was was thickly wooded. He came 19th. After partaking of a de­ in poor health when he left. At by train and there were'only two licious midday dinner, a short first he somewhat improved but His passengers on it, himself and an­ business session was held. Mrs. thi3 was only temporary. daughter-in-law, Mrs. Milton other man, who got off before Jennie Sating invited the club to Weatherby left some months ago reaching Estacada. meet at her home in July. to help take care o f him, and his i son, her husband, was sent for not long since. He leaves a w id-; ow besides them and a grandson 1 W e have a good selection of Fruits and Vegeta­ to mourn his loss. A number c f bles in season for your dinner on the 4th. All his friends here extend much sympathy to the bereaved. Ladies’ White Canvas Oxfords and Slippers, Some With Black Tan Trim , $1.49 Reduced to Children’ s Slippers 98c Keep Your Head Cool! Straw Hats - - 29 c BATHS T. H. MORTON R A D IO P LU M B IN G PIPE and FITTINGS JOSEPH E. GATES AM ES SHOP HOUSEHOLD GOODS I “ r ' I J NEW AND SECOND HIND Melons, Fruits, and Vegetables EAGLES l PICNIC Twenty Years Ago ESTACADA PARK W. F. Cary handed us an old bill advertising the first sale of lots in Estacada. by the Oregon Water Power Town Site Co. of Portland. It is dated January 12, 1904. The prices of lots for that day only were: Business lots, $250 for corners. $200 for intermediate lots. Residence lots in business section $75 each; lots above bench line not facing on Afternoon and Night; Saturday Broadway or Main streets, cor­ Sunday Afternoon and Night. ners $75, intermediate, $50. The following restrictions were made: Livery barns, lumber j I yards, carpenter shops, wagon shops and blacksmith shops, were not allowed on either Broadway W. A HESSEL < > or Main streets. All o f Block 5 and the west half of Block 6 had I been set aside for the above en­ terprises. kinds of Sandwich and Lunch goods, Paper Plates, Spoons and Napkins. THREE BIG DAYS, JULY 4 , 5 8 6 B U NTING FO R D EC O R A T IV E PURPOSES Dancing, Music, Swimming, Boat- in Red, W hite, Blue; and Red, W h ite and Blue with the Stars. J n g , Games and Races : PRIZFS 1 1 A U P I M P f r^ aY U n l i l l l l l u ! Night; THE PUBLIC IS VERY CORDIALLY INVITED \ PHONE 1141 HESSEL , IM PLEM EN T COMPANY INC. Estacada, Oregon A L L KINDS OF IM PLEM ENTS. AUTO TIRES AND TUBES W ILLYS-KNKItT. OVERLAND and STAR CARS. TRICKS. ACCESSORIES T R A C T O R S AND T R A C T O R IM P L E M E N T S Kellv-Springfieid and United States Tire*. Siloa, Engine», En»il**e Cutter», all Harveatin« Machinery—Binder«, M--WPTI R a kes Taddart B in d « T w in * P '" '» * i * S c r a a £ r » . Craavn Harrow* S c ik a-T o o th Harrow» S i e i r t Tooah H a r r o w a -fo r t a » « D r .« S a w . W w r . l o r 0 ’I t . t C M I u e P 'o w i S u r a r 'c r > ! « • * r e r t W ** » r . S * * " " * f* ^ * * ’ V Srra , M a ch ire rr that ha. pror«j to b t R i« h t A larg H u « rood uaad Mact.lnory Craam Secaratcrs oaad AwetnoMI«» T ra ck ! Tracrort, Look thea» aaod car» trees 4 rrrt then , thtn y m wifi b-ijr a a*«d car from vs. ere McKenney Sella Out H. L. McKenney has had enough ot the "hello” business and sold out his interests in the Estacada Telephone & Telegraph I Co. to Earl Gunter, who has been running the speeder for the P. E. P. Co. He took possession on the first of the month and dem­ onstrated it by distributing the new directories. Mr. McKenney will first go to his ranch at Con­ don in eastern Oregon and later , to California. U . S. Arm y Blankets for Auto Robes or for Outing Purposes just the thing. Sale Price $3.95 each, all wool D r. Hess Stock Tonic, Poultry Panacea, D ip s and Disinfectants—Protect your cows against the fly pest—USE DR. HESS’S FLY CHASER. JOIN THE CROUD AT THE PEOPLE’S STORE Where your Dollar has more Cents H. B. S N Y D E R , C. A. D Y K E M A N . 4ft 4ft 4 ft