Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, July 03, 1924, Image 2

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Eastern C lackam as N ew s
Entered at the poatoffice in Eatacada,
Oregon, as aecond-claaa mad.
Published every Thursday at
Estacada. Oregon
Thursday. July 3. 1924.
■iTjT--TOpn aO T ifofT*v ij
Editor and'IManager.
S ubscription R ates
One year
Six months
and it is true o f nations as well.
The fall o f the Roman Empire
started when it gaVe itself ovet
to luxury, and this is just th
danger which confronts us now.
Though many have not the
means to indulge in it, yet luxu-1
urious tastes are becoming symp­
tomatic, The average child to­
day lives in luxury compared to
-W E do all kinds of haul­
what his grandparents or his
ing to and from PORTLAND
great grandparents e n j o y e d .
Watch the crowd going to the
W E buy every thing pro­
national celebration in any of our
duced on the FARM ;
towns, and no barefooted boy,
no girl in a calico dress, no fam­
W E think we have the
ily riding in a lumber wagon will
Best Prices on MILL FEEDS
be seen, and yet forty years ago
to quality.
these would have been quite j
A Fourth o f July orator may :
make note o f this, and point to j
it with pride as proof o f our na-!
tional prosperity. If-h e d o e s h e !
should point out also that our
present prosperity is due to the
labor and efforts of the former
barefooted boy, calico clad girl,
and family which rode in the subjects of debate, was almost
lumber wagon.
Will the well unbearable.
shod boy, the silk dressed girl
L ib r a r y A s s o c ia tio n
riding in the motor car do as well
for the good o f their country?
There was a very good attend­
The law for both individual ance at the meeting o f the li­
and national development, is a brary association Tuesday after­
moral one. and it is best per­ noon. In the selection o f offi­
ceived and observed by those cers, Mrs. W. J. Moore the pres­
who live on the plane o f high ident, was unanimously reelect­
thought and plain living.
ed, and Miss Gertrude Dillon
was the unanimous choice for
It would have been entirely vice-president. Mrs. C. S. Allen
appropriate if the band had was|re-elected secretary and Mrs.
played “ There will be a hot time H. C. Stephens treasurer with-
in the old town tonight,” at the no opposition. Some bills were
democratic convention in New ordered paid and a tew new
York City. The clerk o f the members enrolled. Suggestions
weather must be republican in were made in regard to raising
politics, for he gave them th e 1 money for library expenses, but
torridest kind of atmosphere, it was decided to do nothing un­
which combined with the warm til fall.
Thooght* memoriae4, will prove
pnceIesa heriU go in after years.
God. He is the Rock, his work is per­
fect: for all His ways are judgment: a
God of truth and without iniquity, just
•ml right is He. — Deuteronomy 32:3,4.
Anniversaries in the lives of
individuals and nations f o r m
milestones in the journey of life.
As the years go by and they be­
come numerous we can look back
and review the ground which has
been traveled. Such reviews of
life are valuable both for the in­
dividual and the nation. The
author o f a recent book which
enjoys a brisk demand among
college students, scouts the value
o f the findings o f human experi­
ence. He would have each start
almost at the cultural point of
the untutored savage and blaze
hie owh way. But history has a
profound value, which it is the
height o f foolishness to ignore.
W hether of secular or religious
history, it is true that “ whatso­
ever things were written afore­
time were written for our learn­
The reliable historian
by reliablv
recording past events for the
use of future generations, and
the student o f history should
discover and unfold.the philoso­
phy which underlies the events
of history.
When the history of the vari­
ous nations which have popu­
lated the earth is studied and
reviewed, a remarkable sameness
is disclosed.
It is not mere
chance which caused one to rise
from small beginnings and an­
other to fall from heights which
it had attained. The serious stu­
dent o f history will conclude
that a law governs the case.
As a great Christian poet puts
Bartholomew &
WISH to inform my friends and patrons that I
am now located in my new drug store, corner
of Broadway and Second street. / take pleas­
ure and pride in that it is a thoroughly modern
building in every respect, which enables me to ren­
der more efficient service than ever to the public.
Although it will take a little time longer to get every­
thing settled and in place, I am now ready for busi­
ness and will be glad to welcome all my old patrons
and many new ones.
Thanking you for past courtesies,
Yours truly,
“ One (5od, one law, one element
Ami one far off divine event
To which the whole creation moves.*’
All nations are under this one
God, forming part o f the one
element and governed by the
one law. 1 heir individual rise
and progress are dependent on
the manner in which they fall
into line towards the consuma
tion o f this tar off divine event.
As a rule they failed to sense
this though there were never
wanting those who more or less
clearly perceived the truth, and
lifted up warning voices. The
history o f Israel is typical o f all.
The prophets warned but their
messages fell on unheeding ears.
This week we celebrate our
own nation’s birthday. There
will lie much shouting and jubi­
lation. and much boasting o f the
high place we hold among na- ■
tions o f the world. This is all
perfectly natural and perhaps
we are entitled so to da Rut
the question arises which is
fraught with serious portent: "Is
not this rejoicing and national
self complacency and congratu­
lation purely materialistic?” Our
rejoicing is mainly over tl e fact
that we are richer and not that
we are more righteous than other
This is a question which it is
most important for us to face,
because on it depends our con­
tinued rise or the beginning o f
a decline. Many a man. many
a family has been ruined by too
much material prosperity, in-
t a net's o f which are obvious,!
to a successful career, no matter what
your ambition may be, is a Bank Ac­
count— the foundation of many a man’s
success. Open an account with us
and see how fast it will grow.
“T he Bank That’s Growing”
4 / ( c
paid on savings, compound twice a year
H, C. GOHR1NG Prop.
Beef, Mutton, Veal and Hogs Bought
O pen from 7 a. ni. to 6 p. m. Saturday», open to 8
: :
Engagement Announced
A t a luncheon given Saturday
afternoon by Miss Elizabeth
Wiggins the engagement o f Mi ss
Wiggins to Mr. Kenneth Bartlett
was announced.
College folk
are especially interested in the j
surprising news, as both Miss
Wiggins and Mr. Bartlett are
prominent in university circles.
Miss Wiggins is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wiggins
and is an attractive and popular
girl. She attended the Univer­
sity o f Washington where she
was a member o f the Gamma
Phi Beta sorority.
Mr. Bartlett is a graduate of
the University o f Oregon where
he was a member of the Beta
Theta Pi fraternity and is promi­
nent in sport and club circles as
an all-star football player and
athlete. He attended the Olym­
pic games in Antwerp in 1920.
He is now in Seattle where they
will make their home after the
wedding. His parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. W. Bartlett, are making'
their home in Colton, Califor­
nia.—Oregon Journal.
Growing Accounts
Ford Notes
With Ford Car No. 10,000,000-
now in service and making a j
trans-continental trip from New
York to Chicago over the Lincoln
highway, the man who enjoys
figuring can have a world of
The other day one gifted gen­
tleman worked out the tire prob­
lem. He figured that the 40
million tires used on the 10 mil­
lion Fords, if stacked up would
make a rubber column 2,000
miles high.i
Then, looking for road trouble,
he punctured each o f the tires,
and ¿then figured that one man
working eight hours a day ex­
cept Sundays and holidays and
repairing a tire every five min­
utes would finally finish the job
in 400 years.
The Reorganized Church o f
Jesus Christ o f the Latter Day j
Saints has organized a Sunday -
school at Springwater which
meets at J. W. Byers’ home at |
at 10:30 every Sunday morning. 1
Everyone is cordially invited to j
come and get acquainted w ith ;
us. We are not Mormons. Come
and learn the difference.
B. H. S t o w e l l , Supt.
only by systematic and persistent
saving that you may a c c u m u l a t e
amount which will enable you to make that
investment, secure a home, start in business
or obtain any one of those many cherished
And remember, that the habits estab­
lished by systematic saving are quite as val­
uable as the amount saved.
Savings Account with this Bank
will help you.
helps also.
Four per cent Interest
.............. .
FOUR Per Cent Interest; 100 Per Cent Security
and Service.