EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY. JUNE 26,1024 DOUGLASS MILL GOSSIP DOVER DOINGS Now we offer you 12 dividends every year! The gossip says: That George Douglass has purchased a Buick. That Gene Ford and family moved down by Oregon City, on Saturday. That Carl Montgomery and family and Ike Akers and family motored to Oregon City, Sunday. That Mr. and Mrs. Ed Doug­ lass and Betty Jean drove to Morrow Saturday evening to spend the night and Sunday with Mrs. Douglass’ mother, Mrs. Cluster. Her brot her came back with them to stay a few days. That the mill will close down for a week next Monday. That Ralph De Shazer and his family spent Sunday at Dover. That the best fish story of the year originated at the Douglass mill. Friday morning the ram stopped and investigation proved that a trout was lodged in the pipe so that no water could pass through. There was only water in the tanks to run half a day, so Ed and the other mill hands went fishing. The road work is being held up for the want of crushed rock. As yet no contract has been let | for the rock. j ^ Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Peak and $ children of Portland, have been visiting at Lone Elder farm with the Joe De Shazer family. Mrs. Peak is a niece of Joe De Shazer. McDonald, the republican can­ HIS company now offers local industry. For the first didate for sheriff, spoke at Fir- to its customers, patrons time in the history of the wood Sunday morning. Petei and the public what we be­ Northwest you are given a Pashal brought him to Dover lieve to be one of the most chance of earning regular where he spoke in the afternoon. attractive opportunities for ami attractive d i v i d e n d s Harry Lawlyer moved his fam­ putting their money to work twelve times a year —one ily to Portland on Sunday. at high wages in a great big dividend day each month. Mrs. Chris Pagh and daugh­ FEED, CEMENT, LIME AND HAY ters are picking berries for Mrs. Andy Kitzmiller of Gresham. AND GRAIN Mr. and Mrs. Ralph De Shazer i : and son Junior spent Sunday t. We Buy, Sell or Trade most Kinds of Farm Produce - Briefly, these are the reasons for the with Joe De Shazer’s family. È a t t r a c t i v e n e s s of this new 7.20 per U. S. MORGAN, Estacada, Oregon A1 Anderson has been work­ cent accumulative First Preferred Stock: ing with the county surveying outfit. Dividends exempt f r o m Your income will be regu­ 4 normal federal income tax lar and dependable. Mrs. H. L. Shaw and several grandchildren were at La Rose £ Your savings will be safe. Dividends paid by check 5 Lawn picking berries on Friday. Business is firmly estab­ on the first of each month 6 lished, well managed and Henry Udell is working on or quarterly, as preferred. permanent. J. W. Shafford came from Port­ Market road No. 2. Exempt from Oregon per- To yield 7.20 per c e n t . land Monday afternoon. He will Mr s. Konnemann’s mother, sonai property tax. Price $100. remain here about a month. He Mrs. Hodson, is here visiting. came to look after the harvest­ If you desire to subscribe are yours and then your I VIOLA ing of his loganberry crop on his for shares on our easy pay­ dividends begin to accrue * patch east of town. We regiet Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lankin, Y ment plan you may pay $10 immediately. to learn that Mrs. Shafford is in with their daughter Miss Hazel per share down and $10 a Act on this opportunity to­ a very weak condition, not being and Mrs. Simmons, left on Mon­ month per share until paid able to walk or talk and is grad­ day morning for a visit with for. We will pay you 7 per day. Inquire at our In­ ually sinking. j their son-in-law and daughter cent interest on all your vestment Department, 820 I and grandson, Mr. and Mrs. B. payments until the shares Electric Building, now! I Griffin, in Alturas, California. ¡They went with their auto and I expect to begone six weeks or [ more. We all hope they may Portland, Salem, Oregon City, and Vancouver, Wash, First Show Starts at 7:30 i have a pleasant trip. Hereafter. Mrs. Frank Gibb, with her lit- (tie granddaughter Adel, and Mr. and Mrs. Hall and three children of Portland, spent Sunday at the jold home place here. Frank Gibb is at present employed in California and Mrs. Gibb is mak Commercial Savings ¡ing a short visit among relatives at present. WITH Mr. and Mrs. Elden Lankin B EB E DANIELS and their mother returned home on Saturday, after spending ten and NITA NALDI days with relatives in Baker, The Glamorous Moon of a Oregon. Mrs. Lankin’s sister. ESTACADA H O TEL Gorgeous Romance. Mrs. Emery Powers, came home U IE T , CLEAN , and then so Homelike, really in a with them for a visit. A Paramount Picture class by itself for service—you must stay here to We are pleased to report that Paramount Magazine Glen, son of Mr. and Mrs. John fully realize the kind o f service we are giving. Mattoon, is improving in health. The rooms are spotlessly clean, and say, the Dining PHONE 1 1 4 1 a -------- W. A. HESSEL They went to Bend. Oregon, re­ Friday Night Shows Have Room, you will enjoy. cently on Glen’s account, as*he Been Discontinued for was troubled with asthma. All are cordially asked to make the Summer Months. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tannler Jr. this Hotel their headquarters. are busy farming on the John Paul Bunion Service all through the house Saturday and Sunday Mattoon place. Ben says hunt­ ing the cows is a job. Yours very cordially, If you want Estacada, Oregon To be thrilled — M. J. MOORE. LOCAL BREVITIES If you like a A L L KINDS OF IM PLEM ENTS. AUTO TIRES AND TUBES Mrs. Harry Snyder was a visi­ Hearty laugh •W IUYS-KNIGHT. OVERLAND and STAR CARS. TRUCKS. ACCESSORIES tor in Portland Tuesday. T R A C T O R S AND T R A C T O R I M P L E M E N T S If you love to The handsome new fixtures for Mrs. J. J. Penner and baby, and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gates Kelly-Springfield and United States Tires. Live in Romance — the Estacada Pharmacy arnved Mrs. W. H. Ritchie and family Silos, Engines, Ensilage Cutters, all Harvesting Machinery—Binders drove to Portland yesterday. Mower. S a k e i T«Mer., B lnd«r T w in«. Plantar*. Spreader». C re am Separator*. D lac H a rrow ., If you wish to I went (o Milwaukie Sunday morn- T w h H w j o w . - P o n . b l a D r « S , w s - R « P » lr * f o r . l l Im plem ents. Miss Rmma Paulsen arrived yesterday noon. O liver C hil.ed Plowe. Superior Drill». M y e rs W eter Sy ste m s. N ¡Strata S p r a y Dust G u n s and Enjoy yourself The Eastern Star order will ing to church and afterwards S p ra y. M a ch in e ry that haa proved to be R U h t A larre list ol rood uaed Im plem ents and from Portland, yesterday to visit M achinery. C r e im Separator», used Automdbtles. T ru c k s T recior*. L ook these used cars over, not take its usual summer vaca- enjoyed a picnic dinner together, drtve them, then you w ill buy a used car from ua. SEE- relatives. tion this year, and there will be I Theodore Ahlberg went to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kriegerand meetings in July and August. Portland Monday night to take baby daughter went to Portland, We are glad to report that both part in a violin recital, given by FOR SALE—June hatched S. FOR SALE—Raspberries, 50 this morning. both Mrs. Warren Barr and her the pupils of his teacher, Robert C. R. I. Red chicks, $1.50 per per crate. Pick em yourself at There will be no more Friday dozen. Also a few fryers and Kinney and Lamberson’s place, sister Mrs. Hertig are steadily I, Barron. night shows at the Gem theatre, some hens at market price. IN opposite Garfield Granga hall. 2t improving at the Good Samari­ during the summer months. Mrs. J. M. Moxley, First Dahlia tan hospital. It Morrow Station. SHINGLES FOR SALE-Un- There is a probability that an­ Mrs. Mary Adams after visit­ The Oregon City correspondent FOUND—A pair of nose glasses til July 15 we will sell firstclass other new modern store building With a star cast including ing her daughter, Mrs. Theo to the Oregonian reported that in case on the tenni« court. The "Star A Star” shingles at $3.00 will be erected on Broadway this Ahlberg, a few days returned the first dahlia of the season in owner can get them by proving per M at the mill 3 miles south­ H LLEEN PERCY summer. east of Dodge, or $3.25 delivered Sunday morning to her home in that city, opened Sunday, June property and paying for this at T U LLY MARSHAL Estacada. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duns at­ Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Ahl­ 22. in the garden of Mrs. Froma notice. 6-19 Seaman & Bullis, Care B. H. GEORGE NICHOLS tended the meeting of the Porno berg and Ted Jr. accompanied Dimick. It measured five inches store. R t 2, Estacada.—6 19-7-10 MONEY TO LOAN—We have na Grange at George yesterday. ‘ her, but returned that evening. in diameter. Estacada can beat plenty of money to loan on farms International News Dr. Charles P. Johnson and Breakfast in New York City this record, as Mrs. S. E. Woos­ at 6%. No commission. Relia­ N O T I C E T O R P U B L I C A T I O N family drove over early Tuesday, 0 7 4 81 ble abstracts. Oregon City Ab­ V* and dinner at night in San Fran­ ter had one bloom on Wednes­ stract 0 f the Interior- U. S. Land Ca 11-1 tf Óffitme"t to Portland, returning by noon. ! Tuesday & Wednes. at 1'ortland, Oregon, June24th day. June 18, measuring five and cisco, was the record made by 1924. ’ BORN-Wednesday, June 25, 1 Lieut. Maughan, who traversed a half inches in diameter and FOR SALE—A 10ft Deering NOTICE ia hereby gi -en that Stewart ‘ THE 1924, in Estacada, to Mr. and I the distance at the rate of 150 sixteen in circumference. hayrake, in good condition. In­ Seeley, of Cherrvvilte, Oregon, who. quire of Harry Kitching. Rake on August 1st, 1923. made Homestead Mrs. Frank Smith a son. Dr. miles an hour. The thought is No. 07431, for NEJNEi, 3WJ can be seen at Albert Kitching’s Entry. W. W. Rhodes was the attend - 1 vertiginous. NE*. Section 23. Township 2 S, Range 6 19-26 Eatacada. Route 1 6 E, Willamette Meridian, haa filed j ing physician. Mrs. S E. Wooster was the notice of intention to make Final Proof, MONEY TO LOAN - We^iavè to The Misses Reliance and Lola winner of the large rocker, and establish claim to the land above de- plenty of mcney to loan on farms scribed before the Register and Re­ From the sensational Saturday Moore returned Sunday evening Mrs. J. F Lovelaee the winner! of the small rocker as the largest at 6 \ —From one to 20 years. ceiver U. S. Land Office, at Portland. Evening Post Story by Elizabeth from Yamhill where they visited purchasers at the Showers of Oregon, on the 8th day of August, 1924. No commission on large loans. Alexander, with an All Star Cast Claimant names as witness- their brother, William It. Moore, j Bargains sale at Rose's last FOR SALE Lambert a n d S. E. W o o st e r , Estacada. Ore. FEATURING — c 1Q, , ; W. R. Allen, Elixa Mi- and his family. week. Bing cherries. 3 and 4 cents a b -1 9 tt cenhimer. all of Chenyviile. Oregon. E T H E L GREY TERRY pound. E W. Gribbon. Estaca­ M. Drummond, of Marmot, Oregon. The children of members of! Mr. and Mrs. W. S. B<\ver of FOR SALE—Desk chair and da. Ore., near the water reser­ and CRAUFURD KENT the Rebikah order of this place, Portland, called on the editor voir. Chevrolet coupe. Inquire of D r I o o n ^ u U v " " ' » ^ ^ . It last Friday. He knew them 1 enjoyed themselves last evening, ( G. C^kamas News." at Eatacada. Ore- A Universal Picture ■ F. Midford. - - ■ Estacada. 6-12tf yon. . . . . . . , . , some years ago in I a Grande, LOST Lame Airedale dog. when they were entertained by Mr. lioytr » connected with the PLAIN SEWING-Dressmak- c u c ^ c « . COM EDY the lodge at the hall after the government land office depart-, Finder please phone 19-15. ing and hemstitching. see Mrs. m W alter L. Tooza Sa. R egister W. R. Reid. Eatacada. r e g u la r meeting. ment. ‘ G us Wilcox. 12-6tf | *-J#-7*4 ■ T Estacada Feed Store 2 LOAVES FRESH BREAD 14c • Mill Run - $1.35 Econom y Mix $1.35 COM PLETE STOCK OF GROCERIES 7.20 per cent in Oregon's Greatest Public Utility! I ARRY that Checking Account with us. We will mail your statement to you promptly the first of each m o n t C GEMMAE Portland Electric Power Company CLACKAMAS COUNTY BANK Sandy, Oregon THURSDAY NIGHT ONLY “ The Glimpse of the Moon” ? HESSEL IM PLEM ENT COMPANY IN C . RICHARD TALMADGE LET S GO SELF MADE WIFE” WANT AND FOR SALE AOS