EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, JUNE 5,1024 LOCAL BREVITIES Local Nine Lose to St. Johns It was a dandy ball game for 7 Mrs. Mae Reed entertained a innings and then things happen­ number of friends Monday after­ ed. Bronson who had pitched noon. good ball, weakened in the 8th, hit a batter, issued a pass and al­ Our Showers of Bargains fold- lowed 3 hits, and these assisted [ ers tell the whole story. Watch by a passed ball and two fielding for them they will interest you, errors brought in 4 runs more ! at Rose’s. Mrs. Harry Morgan and little for the visitors. At this stage Duncan was called to the rescue daughter spent Memorial Day and 2 more runs came across be­ 1 and are visiting with Mr. and fore he could get under way and Mrs. U. S. Morgan. retire the side. It was a game The People’s Cash and Carry- replete with base running, hits, store is putting in a line of 5, 10 errors, passed balls, wild pitches and 15 cent articles. and a close score for 7 innings. The Estacada auto park is al­ From the fans’ standpoint it was ready becoming quite well pat­ a good game to watch, but a hard ronized. Some signs directing! one for the scorer. Schemer to it would be to an advantage. was in the lineup and greatiy ad­ See J. E. Gates and get that ded to the infield, as well as drop­ suit, cleaned and pressed. I. O. ping 2 over the fence for 2 bases 0. F. Building. 10-lltf. each. Too bad they were not a Dr. and Mrs. Charles P. John­ little more to the north. One or son and Mrs. U. H. Gibbs drove two more games and the fans who stay away because they im­ to Portland, yesterday morning, agine this year’s team does not returning home shortly after compare with the 1923 aggrega­ noon. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Lawrence tion will miss something. Arnold Lovelace had one of his and baby of Portland, came out very good days even playing out Friday to visit Mr. and Mrs. of his regular position, hand­ Sylvester Lawrence at Spring- Saturday they came ling his 9 chances at first perfect­ water. in to town to stop the night ly and garnering 2 nice hits out with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Law­ of four times up. Runs Hits Errors rence, returning home to Port­ land Sunday morning. St. Johns 9 12 3 Estacada 3 7 7 DOUGLASS MILL GOSSIP;: Batteries: St. Johns E. Peter­ son and Mays; Estacada Bron­ That Ed Douglass brought in son, Duncan and R. Loveiace. a planer Thursday, Evidently Ed. is determined that the lum­ Attention Auto Owners ber slump won’t get the better Why not have that old car fixt of him. up to look like new, with a coat That George Douglass went to of Lus-ter-Bac? which retains Portland to spend the the same luster after drying as week end Saturday with his family. appears when first applied. Wa­ ter and dust proof it dries in a That Mrs. Ike Akers returned She has been few minutes. Cars refinished in home Sunday. your own garage $5.00 and up. visiting her mother for several Or you may secure Lus-ter-Bac days. Her two children Eleanor] at $2.00 a can and paint your car and Lawrence, her mother and yourself. See window display at a chum of Eleanor’s came with Crawford Bros. Garage. 6-5. her, That Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ford Ï Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Morgan and little daughter Edna motor­ ? motored to Portland this morn­ ed to Oregon City Sunday to j ing. visit with Gene’s folks. That Mr. and Mrs. Ralph De Shazer were the guests of Mr. I and Mrs. Ed Douglass and little j Jean, and a fishing trip to Lee’s View on Sunday. That Roy Douglass had to cease logging a day or two while the logging truck was being overhauled. That Carl Montgomery has found that a larger family needs more room than there was in the IN his house, consequently he has added a summer kitchen and J larger porch. That Ed Douglass recently en-! tertained the mill crew with a | stag theatre party at the Panta- with pretty ges and majestic theatres in Jaqueline Logan Portland. The fortunate ones A Paramount Lauith were Carl Rehberg, Geo. Doug­ VERYBODY'S young and hap­ lass, Ralph De Shazer, Sam Wil­ py in this picture. You’ll he, son George Smith and the host. too, when you see it. It hasn’t a That Martin Griffiths is at the dull or a blue moment in it. mill busily engaged in setting up the planer. KRAZY KAT Comedy It rumored that Ed Douglass will purchase another ram and install it farther down the creek this to be done primarily as an aid to fire fighting should the need arise. N o w w e offer you 12 dividends every year! company now offers T and HIS to its customers, patrons the public what we be­ lieve to be one of the most attractive opportunities for putting their money to work at high wages in a great big Estacada Feed Store FLOUR PRICES UP/ local industry. For the first time in the history of the Northwest you are given a chance of earning regular and attractive d i v i d e n d s twelve times a year—one dividend day each month. BUT for a LIM ITED time we will sell our Flour at the OLD PRICES Complete Stock— Groceries, Bak­ ery Goods, Flour, Feed, Hay. Lime and Cement 7.20 per cent in Oregon's Greatest Public Utility! We Buy, Sell or Trade most kinds of Farm Produce - Briefly, these are the reasons for the a t t r a c t i v e n e s s of this new 7.20 per cent accumulative First Preferred Stock: Your savings will be safe. Dividends paid by check on the first of each month or quarterly, as preferred. Exempt from Oregon per­ sonal properly tax. If you desire to subscribe for shares on our easy pay­ ment plan you may pay $10 per share down and $10 a month per share until paid for. We will pay you 7 per cent interest on all your payments until the shares Estacada, Oregon Uividends exempt f r o m normal federal income tax Your income will be regu­ lar and dependable. 3 U. S. MORGAN, 7- Business is firmly estab. lished, well managed and permanent. To yield 7.20 per c e n t . Price $100. are yours and then your dividends begin to accrue immediately. A R R Y th a t C heck in g C A cco u n t w ith us. W e Act on this opportunity to­ day. Inquire at our In­ vestment Department, 820 Electric Building, now! w ill m a il you r sta te m e n t I Portland Electric Power Company of each m o n t h.c*s>c53>«§3> to y o u p rom p tly th e first Portland, Salem, Oregon City, and Vancouver, Wash. CLACKAMAS COUNTY BANK Sandy, O regon GEM IHEftIRE Commercial Savings TONIGHT AND FRIDAY Walter Hiers ,‘Mr. Hilling Spends Spends His Dime" E Saturday and Sunday “THE Ragged Edge” A GOLDWYN Cosmopoli­ tan Picture IT S GOOD Snappy Two Reel Comedy and New» Tuesday & Wednes. A Story of the Sea You’ll Never Forget! a story of stormy love, of A ND desperate struggle against overwhelming odds,.that wdl reg­ ister with an itnsistible power. It is one of those strong dra­ matic narratives which sweeps you into spellbound enthusiasm. You never saw Priscila Dean in so tier) a role—nor in a role in which she has such tremendous opportunity for the marvelous sweep of her tempestuous per­ sonality! Priscilla Dean IN ‘Storm Daughter’ Universal Jewel 13th Serial of “ THE S T EEL TRAIL The Serial Full of Actien BARTON ESTACADA HO TEL fjU IE T , CLEAN, and then so Homelike, really in a I class by itself for service—you must stay here to X fully realize the kind of service we are giving. The rooms are spotlessly clean, and say, the Dining Room, you will enjoy. Service ; iH E S S E L IM PLEM EN T COMPANY i! All are cordially asked to make this Hotel their headquarters. Y Gresham, Oregon. Paul Bunion Service all through the house j ;i; Yours very cordially, M. J. MOORE. CURRINSVILLE ITEMS Reliability Suffers Dizzy Spell A complete line of farm implements for the large farm, the diversified farm, the Dairyman and the Berryman. Myers Water System, for any type or depth of well, Oliver plows with all repairs, Superior Drills, Stover gas engines, Rude spreaders, Silos, Blizzard ensilage cutters. £ A U T O M O B IL E S OVERLAND M AXW ELL STAR Miss Gladys Nolan will soon L Hale has been unwell for a While H. L. McKennev was .. International Truck»; Used Automobiles with a large line leave on a vacation of six weeks. returning home from Portland X Albert Horger called on busi­ few days. of good used unplementy. Monday noon, and a little this side ness and greeted friends Sunday R. H. Currin was at home two of Eagle Creek, he was seized morning. days this week. with a spell of vertigo, to which Mr. and Gus Whitehead and son drove down from Bridal Veil Mrs. VV. F. Coleman and son he is subject, and rendered un- FOR SALE-De Val cream A June Bride to visit their parents. Bill left Wednesday morning for I conscious. His car overturned separator No. 5, in fine shape. Two young people of Eagle One hayfork, steel track, 31 in. Mr. and Mrs. S. I’. Pesznecker their old home in Kansas. They on its side, and the driving and son Leo drove out to the For­ expect to be gone until Septem- i wheel was pressing against his Creek, were married Sunday, fork, and rope complete, all new. in Portland. The bride was Miss Cheap, or will trade. man homeLMonday evening. Leo her. i breast. Passers by came to his Pearl May Fantz, who graduated. 6-5 B en D odson , Estacada. remained to help Mr. Forman with the work. Mrs. Ward Douglass has h e rirescue and brou*ht him home- last year from the Estacada high FOR SALE—Registered guern­ The Vancouver Cubs played on aunt Mrs. Ringo visiting her this , ^ e'-ber he nor his car, fortu- school and who taught this year . . JI — J ... J . . . tU . ___ < r t o t o l i r u> n ' I L .. _ 1 sey bull, splendid type and breed­ nately, was tlu> diamond J i Sunday, the Barton seriously hurt, al- week. in Currinsville, and the groom ing. Write for price and particu­ team winning with a score of 15 though he was considerably is Robert Elsworth Davison. lars. F. H. GREENMAN Messrs. Cleve and Henry Hei- shaken up. to 11. Fairview, Ore. Miss Martha Whitehead had as pie and R. H. Currin are build- 6-5-12 Phone Gresham 65x1 her guest Miss Dorothy Wilson ing line fences between their pla- OBITUARY of Oregon City. Ices this week. MONEY TO LOAN-We have One good coyote died by gun- Mr. and Mrs. Louis River and; . plenty of money to loan on farms family enjoyed a drive to the Strawberries are almost a fail- shot wound near the home of E. at 6,V No commission. Relia­ government camp Friday. ; ure around Currinsville. Some { T. Davis, in Garfield, at 5 a. m. ble abstracts. Oregon City Ab- Art Perry and Victor Forman who thought they would have a Wednesday, MayJ58. 1924. The I stract Co. 11-1 tf FOR SALE—2 cows, one just — hud an accident Monday noon, nice lot to sell, will have only date of its birth is not known but 4 gal. rich milk, Jersey- FOR S A L E — Six-weeks-old Victor escaped being crushed to enough for their own use. Ion good authority it is placed be- fresh, Holstein; one Jersey. Durham. 5 pigs. death, but his little brother's ' tween the years of 1850 and 19- gal. when fresh, been milking 5-29-6-5 L H. WEISENFLUH Bissell, Oregon. kiddy kar was smashed to pieces 23. Her habits were not good 17 mo’s, 2 gal. now. Due to fresh­ To Surprise Mother under the wheels of the heavily en Oct 17. Price right loaded truck. Victor was badly FOR SALE—Two seven weeks Last Friday morning the sons until lately, nut now she is con­ A. H. F raley , Estacada. old Pigs. M r s . B. F. B ullard . frightened and showed the ef­ sidered reformed and gone to the h mile east of p. ©. 6-5 fects of his narrow escape ail the of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hall with I limbo of good coyotes. A half 6-5-12 Estacada, Ore., Kt 1. their families motored out from afternoon. dozen puppies mourn her loss. Ford owner FOR SALE—Setter pup* six Mrs. S. E. Robinson has re­ Portland to give their mother a The county will pay five dollars to WANTED—Every investigate the Lincoln Gear weeks old. PERRY CAHILL. turned home after spending sev­ birthday surprise party. After Shift for Fords. Makes driving 6 5-12 towards her funeral expenses Estacada. Ore. eral weeks in Portland. spreading her table with good a real pleasure. Free demonstra­ Mr. and Mrs. F. Guffnutt en­ things to eat thev gave her some and support her orphans. tion at Crawford Bros. Garage. FOR SALE—Good feather pil­ joyed a visit from their daugh 1 very nice presents- Mrs. Nettie It had been rumored that the lows. Inquire of Mrs. George E. ters Elnora and Gladys of Port­ SALE—Young cow. fresh; Iawrence, Estacada, Or. 5-22tf land. I i Carson also presented her with "wedding bells" would ring to- —4 FOR gabns—wilt Mr. and Mrs. George Forman s w boaut,fl“ rtowcr9- All re- day for a well known couple, but young beef stock. sell or trade for and aon spent Sunday at the D. turned home in the evening hav- as yet there has been no verifica- O liver G erber . Estacada, R t 3 PLAIN SEWING—Dressmak­ ing and hemstitching, see Mrs. F. Smith home at ElwootJ, Wn ' ing spent a very happy day. jtion of the rumor. 6-5 Phone Red land 2016 Gus Wilcox. 12-6tf a bavi a h h m WANT UND FOR SALE DOS * V