featmt Clarkamaa Nnits Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County V olume 17, E stacada , O regon , T hursday , J une 5, 1924. N umber 35 SPRINGWATER NEWS PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ELWOOD ITEMS L O C A L IT E M S $1.50 P e r Y ea r UPPER EAGLE CREEK RESPECT PAID TO THE HONORED DEAD Miss Irma McTaggart of Port­ Rev. A. S. Henderson of Phil- Warren Barr of Portland spent School closed in District, No. 50, last Thursday, Mrs. B. S. land is visiting with Mrs. E. F. omath, held quarterly meeting at Decoration day here. Erickson. the church. Wednesday evening, Ray Keith was on the sick list Holmes going home that evening. D R W. O W. S T RHODES Mrs. Wiley Howell was called to May 28. E O PA T H IC Mrs. Holmes gave a pie social a few days last week. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Portland, Saturday, where her Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knoll hav­ The Mendenhall family at Far­ on Wednesday, a short but ex­ Under the auspices of CatJ Office in Lichthorn Bldg.. Estacada, mother. Mrs. Emily Lewellen. is ing proved upon their homestead aday has moved to Washington. cellent was given by the pupils, Douglass Post, American Legion, seriously ill. returned to Portland, the first of New samples of Wallpaper. 1000 which every one enjoyed. Fred Memorial day was fittingly ob- ■p)R. G. F. MIDFOKD Miss Mable Wilcox, John Mo- Hoffmeister auctioned off the 1 served in Estacada. the week. ■ ^ P H Y S IC IA N a n d SU R G E O N . different kinds at Pointers. 5-22tf About 11 o’clock ihe parade ger and the Rev. V. A. Weir and pies, which were all sold as well X R ay E q u ip m e n t — G l a s s e s f it t e d Most of the Mt. Home U. B. Showers of bargains sale starts as some of the dishes, bringing formed at Crawford Bros.’ gar­ OFFICE and Residence Second and Main Strset* son Neil were Sunday callers at Estacada, Oregon—Telephone Connection* Sunday School attended the S. S. next Wednesday, June 11, at Mr. and Mrs. Moger’s. in $30.25. A new dictionary and age and marched to the park convention at Clarke’s,, Sunday. Rose’s. TAR. CHAS. P. JOHNSON The Ladies Aid will gi/e an some books will be purchased where the program was given. Mrs. M. A. Henderson return­ Miss Mae Lovell was home The line of march consisted of informal social and program at D E N T IS T with the money. ed home Wednesday after a three from Portland a few days last EVENINC WORK BY APPOINTMENT the Grange hall on Friday even­ A picnic was enjoyed on Thurs­ the American Legion boys with Phones: Office, 315; Residence 4712 ing, June 13. at 7:30. The eats weeks’ visit with her son, A. S. week. day by some of the pupils and their flags and emblems, veter­ The Christian church people Estacada, Oregon. will he strawberry short-cake Henderson and family at Philo­ ans of the civil war in an auto­ their mothers. math. enjoyed a picnic in the park mobile, the Ladies’ Auxiliary to and whipped cream. All are in­ a l b e r t t . elo tt Miss Mildred DeShazer called the American Legion, Estacada Stanley Turel is improving his Tuesday. vited. A T T O R N E Y A T LAW on Mrs. Hansen, Sunday. Bov Scouts with assistant scout RESIDENT LAWYER BORN—to Mr. and Mrs. Arch­ home by piping water into his Mrs. G. E. Lawrence is having Fred Paddison and family of master Soren Ostergaard, the house and putting in a hot water ESTACADA, - - OREGON ie Howell, on June 3rd, 1924, a the interior of her back porch, Portland, were Sunday guests of Christian church Sunday School tank. ceiled up. daughter, Betty June, at the W M . G. DUNLAP and the Eastern Clackamas band. Mrs. C. Bittner had as dinner Miss Minerva Ritchey has C. H. Paddison and family. Lo velace Hospital. A T T O R N E Y A T LAW R. D. Shay of Portland, was The program at the band stand At Estacada, in the office of Woodle Mrs. Wiley Howell’s mother, guests Decoration Day, her son, gone to Milwaukie where she has out Sunday and preached to a in the park was as follows; Se­ Realty Co., on Saturdays—Portland of­ Mrs. Emily Lewellen, died at Frank, and family, her daughter employment. fice 1524 Yeon Building. small congregation at the school lection by the hand, under the the home of her son, in Portland. Mrs. Boylan and son Lloyd, of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sparks house. leadership of H. W. Mort; invo­ Sandy, also her husband who is Q D. EBY, drove over to Portland yesterday The funeral will be held at A T T O R N E Y A T LAW . cation by Rev. B. F. Clay; the working for Frank. She accom­ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffmeis­ returning today. Springwater to be announced. General Practice. Confidential Ad­ panied them home for a short Don’t forget Hoyt’s circus and ter and children, were Oregon “ Battle Hymn,” sung by Mrs. W. F. Greer of Garfield has viser. Oregon City, Oregon. Sam Barr; “TentingTonight” by visit vaudeville at the Gem theatre City visitors Saturday. leased the Handle farm and is the audience, and a duet by Thursday and Friday next. Will Henderson of Oregon City Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass § E. WOOSTER moving there this week. Mr. Misses Gates and Granum. The and children motored to Oregon spent Wednesday night at the J. E. Gates is receiving con­ Mrs. Still have moved on to the Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, splended address of the day was home of his sister, Mrs. Della signments every day of new and City Saturday evening to spend Christensen farm. given by George L. Rauch of Rentals, Vallen. second hand furniture. 5-22tf the night and Sunday with rela­ Portland. The very interesting Farm Loans a Specialty. V IO L A Will Bittner took a veal to Mountain Chapter No. 108, O. tives. program was concluded by all Telephone Estacada, Ore. Mr. and .Mrs. William Hicin- Portland Monday. E. S., will entertain its worthy B I S S E LL IT E M S joining with the band in singing bothem and their three daugh­ Mrs. Montie Vallen expects to grand matron tomorrow night, The Star Spangled Banner.” ters left on Sunday morning for go to Portland this week, for an A large number of Odd Fel­ The George Social and Com­ The stores and other business their new home for the present, indefinite time and will visit her lows from Portland, visited the mercial club held their regular houses were closed all day. FIR E INSURANCE. at Stevenson, Wash. They gave sister, Mrs. Jacobs of Vancouver. lodge here last Saturday night. meeting on Saturday night, fol- owed by a Memorial program a party to their neighbors on London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. Miss Johannah Lichthorn re­ Community Club which was well attended. School Board Sued Saturday evening. They had a turned last Wednesday from a The regular monthly meeting Keep your policy in our Fire large bonfire on their lawn and Mrs. C. A. Johnson and little The directors ot school district visit with relatives at Bend, Ore. Proof Vault, free of charge. of the Community club was held daughter Vivian left here on after games were played, all No. 108 have three suits con­ The M. E. Ladies Aid held a Thursday to make a visit to her Friday night in the hotel lobby, were served with sandwiches fronting them. The first is brot H. C. STEPHENS meeting yesterday afternoon at parents at Philomath, Oregon, through the courtesy of Land­ and roasted weanies and coffee. by the principal of the school for lord Moore. There was a good the home of Mrs. J. R. Hughes. returning home on Sunday. A gent . Each guest was given a sharp the sum of $200 due him for the attendance and a very interest­ John Klinker and daughter It will pay you to wait for the stick and they roasted all the month of May. This sum the Helen of Portland and Mr. and ing session. After the meeting Showers of Bargains sale at Ro­ weanies they could eat. directors held up until a full ac­ se’s the biggest values ever of­ Mrs. Charles Horger were guests was called to order by President of Henry Klinker and family Joel LaCroy had the banner count was rendered by him to the fered here. Ames, H. W. Mort was appoint­ over Saturday and Sunday. gathering at his home of the board of all the funds received For Fire Insurance Happy Hour social, on Wednes­ and expended by the student- There will be no shows at the Miss Flora Lins, after several ed secretary in the absence of Miss Currin, and then followed day evening. There were over body during the school year, Gem theatre on Monday nights months stay in Portland, return­ reports of committees and dis­ ed home last Thursday, her 100 people present. Games were 1923-1924. This action was taken hereafter. The same pictures jrother Carl who has been work­ cussions of various interesting PLACE Y O U R IN­ played in the house and by the upon the advice of the district will be run on Saturdays and on ing there also came home to topics which concern the club. SURANCE THROUGH Sundays. The president announced that YOUR HOME AGENT WHO young people out on the lawn. attorney. However, upon con­ Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Allen drove stay. G. Harkenrider, Miss Keel and something like $150.00 had been At a late hour ice cream, cake sultation with another attorney WILL P R O T E C T and coffee were served. All en­ after the papers had been served, to Marmot last Thurdsday to Mr. and Mrs. F. Ward of Her- subscribed towards getting out YOUR INTEREST miston, Oregon, visited with Mr. joyed themselves. They came the latter advised that the salary visit Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Allen. and Mrs. J. Paulsen a week ago some advertising matter. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hitching ast Sunday. from Viola, Highland, Spring- be paid for that month and other Ely reported that the auto park water and Estacada. Joel says, means be taken to get the ac­ and the baby were week end Charles Klinker and Henry had been put in shape for camp­ counting, which they legally visitors with relatives at Hills­ Joyner went to The Dalles to at­ ers with the exceptions of the Cary Real Estate Co. come again. tend the State Grange conven­ improvements promised by the As Potter’s mill is closing could demand. The principal boro, Oregon. tion. was accordingly offered his $200 Rev. H. W. Mort went to city council, which would prob­ down, Mr. and Mrs. Potter and Dew and children from Mr. and Mrs. Blair gave a fare­ and ten dollars for expenses in Springwater last Saturday night St. Mrs. Helens have moved on to the ably be done soon. The question well party on Friday night to the settlement Bat he declined to to give an address to the eighth place formerly owned by Mr. of a lyceum course was voted to POLICIES men who have been employed accept the offer, as he demanded grade graduates. be tabled indefinitely. The pro­ and Mrs. Theo. Harders. fROVIDING a larger sum for costs. there and their families. All re­ gram consisted of a vocal solo by Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dillon and G. W. Wilson and F. J. Lar­ ERFECT In the court of Justice Bacon sen motored to Gladstone on Sun­ Mrs. D. B. Kelly, with Mrs. port a pleasant evening. children were week end visit­ RO TEC^O N day to visit with Mr. Wilson’s Miss Mary Atkinson filed suit Gates at the piano; song by the ors with their mother and sis­ Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Graham son who lives there. against the directors for $112.50 Ladies Trio, consisting of Miss ters at this place. gave a reception Tuesday even­ Are Written by The Christian Endeavor will Ruth Dillon and Mesdames Lloyd ing to their daughter Tena, who salary due to her. The board Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stenzell meet at the home of Mr. and PACIFIC STATES FIRE wa? married recently to George claims she was absent through and son Robert, from Portland, Mrs. C. A. Johnson, Thursday Yocum and Sam Barr, Mrs. C. INSURANCE COMPANY Rodgers. Ice cream and cake sicknessfrom her classes for three were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. evening of this week. Topic for A. Dykeman, pianist; an address the evening, “God’s Holy Day,” by Atty. Stone of Oregon City. were served to a large company successive weeks without provid­ E. Sparks Sunday. SEE .- What it is for and Why. ing a proper substitute, and there­ The meeting closed by singing and all wished the bride, who While there was no official pic­ J O S . P. W O O D L E JR . fore was not entitled to pay for “America,” led by Rev. H. W. has lived here all her life, a nic in the park Sunday, yet there LOGAN NEW S the period of her absence. Mort. pleasant happy life. Their home Your Home Agent The third suit which has been many picnic parties there enjoy­ The drought in this locality is will be near Hood River. mainly affecting the clover hay. The greatest Showers of Bar­ filed in the county clerk’s office, ing its beauties. A. L. White and P. J. Darby are gains sale you have ever seen, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lankin A covered automobile bearing but summons at this writing has cutting their clover at this date. Christian Church Services had as their guests on Sunday, not yet been served, is brought the name of “The Hoyts.” was Mrs. Anna Young is visiting starts next Wednesday, June 11, their mother, Mrs. Simmons, camped for a day or two in the at Rose’s. by the principal for the sum of at The Dalles. Bible School 10:00 a. m. their daughter Hazel, their two $200 which he claims is due him auto park last week. S. C. Kerchem, wi f e a n d Preaching 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. sons Earl and Elden and their Comedy Circus R. G. Marchbank no longer daughters Elva and Hilda are Subject of morning sermon— wivee, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mc- for coaching the football team. attending State (¿range this At the Gem Theatre, Thursday This the board refused: (1) serves lunches at his residence, “ The Unerring Way.” week. Comb and two sons and Mr. and Evening sermon—“ Will Grain Mrs. Ralph Green and two sons because there was no record on and has discontinued the ice Dr. J. H. Carrico and wife of and Friday nights, June 12 and 13, Hoyt’s Comedy Circus and the minutes to show that he was Grow When sown?” Portland, spent Sunday at the Vaudeville show will put on a of Oregon City. After a big promised this; (2) because there cream business there. Mid-week prayer meeting Wed­ dinner, ice cream was served. Darby home. were no funds with which they THE PEOPLE’S C. & C. STORE nesday, 8:00 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Apling vis­ program in connection with the Mrs. Mary Dubois and daugh­ Choir practice Fridav 7:30 p. m. could legally pay him this amount; ited her sister in Portland Fri­ regular pictures. This troupe has appearej here before and Gospel sermon morning and ter Virginia and three sons, and (3) because he was paid a Staley's Golden Syrup, 5 pound day. pail....................................... 39c Mr. and Mrs. Richardson spent was very favorably received. evening. spent a week at the home of her salary of $200 a month to teach Karo Blue Table 10 lb pail....69c the week end at their ranch. The public is cordially invited father and brother. There will be many novelty athletics. Sunshine seeded Raisins 10c pack to attend these services. Mr. and Mrs. Arquith are acts in shooting, roping, magic Thus matters rest for the Pure Lard....................... 79c pail spending a few days at the home Wonderful prices, wonderful B. F. C lay , juggling and comedy characters. Hold Fast Clothes Pins 3 dozen present of her father Mr. Wilson, who is Minister. Christian Church. values, goods sold regardless of Admission to both pictures and package......... 19c | costs at this Showers of Bargains H o t e l Estacada entertained j Campbell’s Soups asst 2 cans 23c critically ill. show will be, adults 40 and chil­ Methodist Episcopal Church sale, starting Wednesday. June many guests Tuesday noon when One Full Pail Soap and Chipso Mrs. Fannie Hedgcocks and dren 20 cents. 11 at Rose’s. a large delegation of the Grocers ..................................... 99c pail two daughters from Portland, • Serices as usual Tip Top Bread 21b loaf a t..... 15c spent Decoration day here with association of Portland, visited Currinsville Store Prices To commemorate the Hugenot- “Serving God by serving forks.” i Walloon tercentenary which oc­ Estacada to make arrangements Peaches at 5 f o r ................ $1.00 her friend Mrs. W. H. Grabeel. Lentils, the kind that adds H. W. M ort , Pastor. curred last month, the govern­ for a picnic here in the near fu­ Royal Baking Pow der.... 40c can Iron to your blood..... 12ji 1*» .Cream Rolled Oats9 lb sack...49c ment issued a special series of 1, ture. Sugar this is net cash...$7.99 sk Thomas A. Wilson a rancher Fly Swats, ebony handle........10c The plate glass front was 2 and 5 cent stamps. The first Picnic Hams....................... 15c lb We have put in 5, 10 and 15 living near Cuurinsville, died Oats, 10 lb paper bags........50c sk placed in the new drugstore specimen we have seen was a The mother of Mrs Wil yesterday afternoon. He was 69 Y,,e” cent department of useful arti Have you bought your flour? building this week. It is expect­ two center which came on a let­ Howell who died in Portland. cles. years of age and leaves a widow ter Monday. The series is very .................. $1.60 to $1.85sk ed that it will be ready for oc­ artistic and no doubt will be will be buried Friday at Spring- We sell Lawrence’s milk and and two daughters. Funeral ar­ Flour is costing more today than cupancy about July 1st treasured by philatelist«. water. J cream, i rangements are not completed. it is retailing for, _____________ __________ _____________ — . 1 i ---------------- -