EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS. THURSDAY, MAY 29,1924 CURRINSVILLE ITEMS The Currinsville school closed Friday, May 23, and marked the most successful school term ever taught at this place. The teach­ ers with the help of the parents, gave the children a picnic on Sat­ urday. All had a wonderful time. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kitching have gone to Independence to visit their daughter and to take treatments. Our road supervisor is doing some good work on the roads. Charles Hively is back from work for a ten days stay with his family. Charles Frantz is reported as much better and it is now be­ lieved that he will regain his eyesight. L. Hale seems to be improving right along. J. H. Looney shipped a truck load of fine hogs to Portland this week. J. H. Looney (or Jake, as his friends love to call him) is still confined to his bed, but we hope to see him out soon. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cahill and daughters of Seaside, were in Currinsville Tuesday. C. E. Looney shipped another carload of telephone poles from Currinsville station this week. x -x - x -. COLTON ITEMS Charley, Fred and Clara Mei-| like of Oregon City, drove out to the home of their mother, Satur­ day evening, returning Sunday. Chris Bittner who i3 working on the Plug dryer at Sandy, for his son Frank, came home for the week end. His grandson, Lloyd Boylan came with him. J. Nelson who recently lost his house by fite, is building another. The rock crusher was run last week and quite a stretch of road rocked by volunteer labor. Mr. and Mrs. I. Jackson of Portland spent the week end with the latter’s mother, Mrs. Knoll. Little Dick Jackson is staying a few weeks with his grandmother. The Knolls ex­ pect to prove up on their home­ stead this summer. Ed Hodgkiss has gone above * Estacada to work. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Stahlnecker went to Oregon City, Sunday. VIOLA -x -x -x -:* * T . .I :? z u N o w w e offer you 12 dividends every year! company now offers T HIS to its customers, patrons and the public what we be­ lieve to be one of the most attractive opportunities for putting their money to work at high wages in a great big Profit is the only reason for keeping cows. Cows are simply machines capable of turn- in; so much raw material into so much fin­ ished product. local industry. For the first time in the history of the Northwest you are given a chance o f earning regular and attractive d i v i d e n d s twelve times a year—one dividend day each month. The largest expense in the dairy business is for feed, To reduce this as much as possible we sell ECONOMY MIXED DAIRY FEED which containg 14 % protine /t»-j np- end 4% crude fat, and isonlv tP l.tjO thesk We w ill be closed all day May 30, 1924 MEMORIAL DAY We Buy, Sell or Trade most Kinds of Farm Produce Briefly, these are the reasons for the a t t r a c t i v e n e s s of this new 7.20 per cent accumulative First Preferred Stock: - 2 4 Dividends exempt f r o m normal federal income tax ^ Your savings will be safe. ?^sni.’ ii.in in iiiiiB ! ¡ a r . 'j i i h i w " Estacada Feed Store 7.20 per cent in Oregon's Greatest Public Utility! Your income will be regu­ lar and dependable. : r p ; r r a c : in..T.TL'it^J U. S. M O R G A N , Estacada, Oregon Dividends paid by check Wm. Hicinbothem came here Business is firmly estab. on the first of each month Friday evening from Stevenson, lished, well managed and or quarterly, as preferred. Washington and took his wife to permanent. the Oregon City hospital on Sat­ Exempt from Oregon per­ To yield 7.20 per c e n t . 3 sonal property tax. Price $100. urday to have some teeth ex­ tracted and her tonsils removed. If you desire to subscribe are yours and then your She had quite a serious time and for shares on our easy pay­ dividends begin to accrue although quite weak, he brought ment plan you may pay $10 immediately. her home Wednesday. She is per share down and $10 a improving slowly and will return Act on this opportunity to­ month per share until paid J. E. Gates—Furniture at low to Stevenson. Inquire at our In­ for. We will pay you 7 per day. Mrs. Virgil Purcell has had prices. Estacada, Ore. 4-3tf vestment Department, 820 cent interest on all your quite a time the past two weeks payments until the shares Electric Building, now! nursing a sore foot, caused by a nail running into it. The new wire fence that has been put up around the Viola cemetery grounds makes quite a Portland, Salem, Oregon City, and Vancouver, Wash. needed improvement. A num-| ber of people who have relatives I and friends buried there, are im-1 proving the place cleaning up the lots and graves. Alice and Leslie Hicinbothem 1 of River Mill spent last week ! C om m ercial IN with relatives here while Iheir Savings parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie! Hicinbothem, were at Hood River ! to attend the I. 0. 0. F. and HK merry story of a millionaire father who couldn’t manage Rebekah convention. his pretty flapper daughter. Glen Mattoon, son of Mr. and And brought in one of the smait Mrs. John Mattoon, has been young men from his office to do ESTACADA HOTEL - troubled with the asthma lately the job. You can’ t imagine the amazing things that happened! and is now taking treatment A S T week we were busy building a Base­ From the brilliant Uroadway stage from a doctor in town. ball Park, but from now on we will do our hit—Filmed by the star and di­ Minnie Misses Dorothy and rector o f "Knighthood.” utmost to run this Hotel just a little tetter : b«vx**-x-x~x~ :-x~x-x-:-x- --x -x -x -x ~ x -x -x -x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x -x ~ > Craft were out here on Sunday than ever, but w e must have your co-opera­ Reliability Service Their visiting old neighbors, Saturday Night Only home tion to make it a success. People, do not is now in Portland. feel backward about coming in. There is al­ A. C. White and family are It Will Hold You ways a high power welcome awaiting you. getting ready for a trip to Tilla­ Gresham, Oregon. Breathless! mook for the summer. This is the house of personal servfce, we think HE greatest mystery ever on A complete line of farm implements for the large Miss Hazel Lankin who has stage or screen! It’s .one pic­ it is very nice and clean. W on ’ t you look it over farm, the diversified farm, the Dairyman and the ture that will keep you guess­ been teaching in Eastern Oregon Berryman. Myers Water System, for any type or ing to the very end. «.ripping, Yours very cordially, since in September, spent two depth of well, Oliver plows with all repairs, Superior startling sensational! It will give weeks visiting friends and rela­ M. J. M O O R E . Drills, Stover gas engines, Rude spreaders, Silos, you the surprise of your life and tives in Stevenson, Washington, the most thrilling motion picture Blizzard ensilage cutters. returned to the home of her pa­ entertainment you've had in many a day I Don't miss it! rents, Mr. and Mra Elmer Lan­ Library News kin, Sunday evening. Her broth­ THE OVERLAND MAXWELL STAR The librarian is pleased to an­ er Elden brought her home, also international 1 rucks; Used Automobiles with a large line her grandmother, Mrs. Simmons. nounce that it now has several of of good used implementy. the latest books, which will be A tremendous all star cast HARM DONE BY LEAFHOPPERS loaned out for 5 cents a week ________ NEWS_________ until they are paid for, then they Small Inaecta Inflict Immtnat Damage ko on the shelves with the other BIDS WANTED on Vineyarda. Greatly Lessening FOR SALE—Fresh young Jer­ Sunday and Monday books. Being unable to purchase GOT EVEN ON THE CHICKENS Quality of the Fruit. Bids for 100 cords of first sey cow; pigs 8 weeks old; one these books while they are so Parrot Had Learned Ite Leteon and growth red fir wood, or 120 cords registered Chester White brood h e m o st r e a l is t ic (Irnpo leiifhnppvrs, tiny, greenish In­ Waa Determined Other« Should of slab wood. To be delivered sow. R. H. MILLARD, % mile high in price, and wishing at all serts nlways present In grenter or less and interesting reproduc­ Do Likewise. by August 1st. Bids to be open­ south east of Springwater. 5-29 times to make the library popu­ numbers In vineyards, occasionally do tion of musical comedy, ed July 9th. The board reserves considerable damage to foliage and re- lar and to please the patrons, A man bad a parrot of which he wns the right to reject any or all bids. the prize ring, the race track F O R S A L E—Six-weeks-old dlice the quality of the fruit, accord­ the association has adopted this very proud, and which he had In­ M r s . M y r t l e B e l f i l s , Clerk pies. L. H. WEISENFLUH ing to entomologists at the New York and of night life on Broad­ structed to say many Interesting School District No. 108. 5-29-6-5 Bissell, Oregon. agricultural experiment station nt method, as many other libraries things. An uncle from whom he had way ever filmed. (letters. Most of the damage Is done have done. 5-22-29 Estacada’ Oregon. expectations was THE Wonder Picture of New . y ' i !/,* by overwintering adult Insects which MONEY TO LOAN—We have coming to stay Other new books are constant­ In the early spring feed largely on See J. E. Gates and get that plenty of money to loan on farms York’s “ Main Street" with him, and he ly being added to the already strawberry and rnspberry leaves, si I. O. at 6%. No commission. Relia­ thought It would suit cleaned and pressed. though they are also found on black 10-lltf. ble abstracts. Oregon City Ab­ nice selection, which are donated please his relation O. F. Building. berry, currant, gooseberry, catnip, Vlr stract Co. l i - l tf If he could teach by friends of the library. In gtnln creeper, burdocks, beech and the parrot to say, sugar maple, declare the station spe­ fact the space for books is be­ U f fc :c WANTER—To hire men to cut “G o o d morning, cialists. Neglected fence rows, brush, coming limited: we are outgrow­ uncle.” cotton wood, $2.25 per cord. weeds, tall grass, etc., furnish Ideal fll The Prize Fight Is a knock Cut. ing our present quarters. Accordingly, he E. H. ODELL, Barton Ore. winter protection for the peats, and said to Folly: “ Say 5-15-29 DON’T MISS IT vineyarda In the neighborhood of such The library yard ¡has been Hood morning, nncle.’ * places usually suiter most front leaf- made more attractive, by the The parrot said: "Good morning.’’ FOR SALE—Good feather pil- hopper Injury. The adults lay their “Good morning, uncle.” FOR RENT— Five room fur- lows. Inquire of Mrs. George E. Tuesday &Wedne$. eers on the gmiwvlnes and the young p n s id e r to f the association, Mrs. The parrot »Imply said: "Good nisned house. See Mrs. Anna! Lawrence, Estacada, Or. 5-22tf hoppers hatch out lA large numbers, W. J. Moore, and the living morning.” Mickulecky, Estacada. 5-22-29 usually about the beginning of sum­ rooms renovated. Over and over again the man re­ PLAIN SEWING—Dressmak­ mer. peated: “ Good morning, uncle.” ing and hemstitching, see Mrs. The librarian surely appre- Cleaning up the hibernating places FOR SALE Weanling pigs. IN The parrot, however, refused to say Gus Wilcox. 12-6tf Is one effective step toward combating I dates the g ifts o f flowers and FARNK HOWARD the word “ uncle." leafhoppers. while very good results J-29 Estacada, Rt. 4. to those who have presented “THE VICTOR” The man lost hla temper and seis­ have been obtained from spraying over FOR SALE—On account of ing the parrot by the neck took It them, we extend thanks. It’ s a Universal picture the young hoppers with nicotine sul FOR SALE Chester W h i t e failing eyesight I offer for sale, Into the garden and threw It In the phate In water or in bordenux mixture. A Great Fight Story The annual meeting of the as­ chicken house. boar; or will trade for good heifer! my Second Hand business, in­ C. A. LOONEY cluding all my stock o f goods, to­ latter, when he calmed down, he calf. sociation takes place July 1, and Thrills! Laughs! Romance! The state superintendent of banks Estacada, Ore. gether with the two story fram*1 went to get Polly and restore the hint 5-22-29 it is sincerely hoped that there has issued cehcks covering the second 12th Serial of to Its cage. To his dismay he found store building situated on Main All all dividend to depositor* having claims will be a good attendance. FOR SALE—Cedar posts. 8, street VERY REASONABLE the chickens dond except one. whom •THE STEEL TRAIL members o f the association are agallisi (he defunti First llank ot Bay . Polly was clutching, saying: “Say 10 and 12 cents apiece. Any for CASH. For further infor­ CKjr. The r » m « t s covered by the