lEasímt ClarlumtcUi News < Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County V olume 17, N umber E stacada , O regon , T hursday . M ay 22, 1924. 33 Vedder Was Right PROFESSIONAL CARDS. « f It will be recalled that at the special meeting of the school dis­ trict on December 13, the voters were asked to sanction a special emergency sum of $5,000 to run • the schools through the school j year. County Superintendent Vedder was present and stated that from figures in his office the schools could close with about $3,000 on hand, so the emergen­ cy fund would not be necessary. The end of the school year has been completed and the district has on hand in cash $3,461. The difference between $5,000 defi­ ciency tax as asked, and the cash balance of $3,461 on hand or $8,461, the taxpayers sayed by accepting the advice and figures of Mr. Vedder. Jersey Breeders Meet LOCAL ITEMS $1.50 P er Y ear Jersey Chautauqua COOilDGE, MCNARY CARRY ESTACADA The Clackamas County Jersey Probably the most important Get your straw hats at Rose’s. Cattle Club held its recular event in the history of “Jersey- Ted Howe is in Portland driv­ dom” in Oregon will be the “Jer­ meeting at the home of Mr. and R. W. W. RHODES ing a stage. D Mrs, A. Malar at Boring, Orer sey Chautauqua’’ to be held at O S T E O P A T H IC gon, on Thursday, May 15. Bill Boland and family moved the State Fair grounds, Salem, j Election day in Estacada drew PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office in Liehthorn Bldg., Estacada, The meeting was an unusually to Portland Tuesday. May 28 and 29. This will be a out a representative vote. Dur­ enthusiastic one and was excep­ Miss Lydia Mattson of Port­ true Chautauqua, with the edu­ ing the forenoon the voting was T ^R . G. F. MIDFOKD tionally well attended. The land, was an Estacada visitor cational features kept in the slow but speeded up in the after­ ^ P H Y S I C I A N and S U R G E O N . beautiful location of the farm on last Friday. forefront, and at the same time noon and evening. Coolidge and X R ay E qu ipm ent — G la sses fit t e d the Mt. Hood Loop road, the with plenty of entertainment | McNary both ran well ahead of OFFICE and Residence Second and Main Strsets Estacada, Oregon—Telephone Connections Tremendous bargains in tin features. But the two big ideas I their opponents, as did Shearer good fellowship of the assembled Jersey breeders, the fine Jersey ware this week at Rose’s, “see will be the reception to the new for representative, MacDonald J } R . CHAS. P. JOHNSON cows, the perfect weather and our window,” fieldman, appointed by the for sheriff, Vedder for superin­ DENTIST the good program, all contribut­ Miss Johannah Liehthorn left American Jersey Cattle club, tendent and Hattan for county EVENING WORK BY APPOINTMENT ed to make the meeting a most last Friday for Bend, Oregon, to to work in Oregon, Washington commissioner. Phones: Office, 315; Residence 4712 valuable and enjoyable one. In precinct No. 1, Mesdames Estacada, Oregon. and Northern California, and the visit her aunt for a few days. Mae Kitching, H. C. Stephens, High points to the meeting Pointer’s for Paints, Wallpaper Jersey calf Club judging, tor ALBERT t . e l o t t Audry Duus, J. R. Hughs, B. O. were: First, the subscription of and Window Glass. 5-22tf which prizes of over $100 have A T T O R N E Y A T LAW Sarver constituted the receiving $70 for the Jersey Chautauqua been offered. RESIDENT LAWYER and Boys and Girls Club work in Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gohring There are some ten counties board, and Mesdames W. J. ESTACADA. - - OREGON ten minutes time; Second, the and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Blauth in Western Oregon that have Moore, Susie Kitching, Katherine W M - G. DUNLAP first appearance of the new drove to Portland Sunday to vis­ Jersey calf clubs, and it is now Jones, Louise Linn, Cordelia Car­ A T T O R N E Y A T LAW Eagle Creek Grange Picnic American Jersey Cattle Club it friends. promised that these ten counties ter, the counting board. At Estacada, in the office of Woodle Mrs. A. Jensen and sons spent will send over a dozen clubs to In precinct No. 2, Mesdames As Saturday, May 17, was an field man for the Pacific coast; Realty Co., on Saturdays—Portland of­ fice 1524 Yeon Building. ideal picnic day there was a Third, story of the building of Sunday on the highway with compete in the judging. While Myrtle Belfis, Mae Reed, O. E. large attendance at the 17th an­ his herd by Mr. A. Malar; their father, who is a street car each club will receive $5 whether Smith, S. E. Wooster, Dora B. D. EBY, nual May picnic given by Eagle Fourth, inspection and judging conductor in Portland. V-A A T T O R N E Y A T LAW. it wins one of the first five places Herring were the receiving board The day was of Mr. Malar's fine Jerseys, with General Practice. Confidential Ad­ Creek Grange. Miss Mary Whiting and Mrs. or not, competition will be keen and Mesdames T. J. Reagan, C. viser. Oregon City. Oregon. pleasant though somewhat cool a judging demonstration by Mr. A. W. Botkin of Garfield, went for the $30 going to the first S. Allen, John Osborne, A. E. in the afternoon. Jamison, dairy expert from O. to Portland, Tuesday, for a brief prize winner. Close to 50 boys Sparks, N. H. Ecker, counting § E. WOOSTER A fine program consisting of A. C,; Sixth, several enthusias­ visit. and girls will work hard, also, board. Real E state, Loans, Insurance, songs, musical selections, recita­ tic short talks among which was Mountain Chapter No. 108, O. for the beautiful $150 Jersey The combined vote was as [fol­ tions, etc., was rendered. State one by Mr. Altman of Gresham, E. S., will go to Portland tonight heifer calf, donated by Crandall lows: R entals, Republican: President, Cool­ Master George A. Palmateer of on size, type and production. to visit Victory Chapter and put & Linn of Salem, to the high Farm Loans a Specialty. idge 132, Johnson 30; vice-presi­ Hood River made a short talk The next meeting will be held on the floral degree. scoring boy or girl. The dairy­ Telephone Estacada, Ore. dent, Lowden 91, Shepherd 41, regarding Grange work. Judge or. the second Thursday in July, J. E. Gates—Furniture at low men’s wives present will have Washington 16, Webster 4. Gordon E. Hayes was present the place of meeting to be an­ prices. Estacada, Ore. 4-3tf a judging contest, also, with the U. S. Senator, McNary 77, and made an excellent addness. nounced later. One of the head­ Miss Dorothy Eshleman visited same rules prevailing. FIR E INSURANCE. Kubli 50, Baker 28, Stallard 11. The Estacada Guitar Band ren­ liners at this meeting will likely Rep. in Congress, Hawley 104, dered some selections which de­ be a story of the Island of Jersey, her uncle Jim Abbot and other SPRING WATER NEWS relatives here last Sunday. She London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. lighted the audience. Zimmerman 52. and some of its great cattle, by is now living in Portland. Mrs. Joe Guttridge and son, Sec’y of State, Kozer. After the program there were Harry West, veteran Jersey Im­ Keep your policy in our Fire Mrs. Robert Guttridge and James Miss Velma Stovall, who has State Treasurer, Campbell 70, some races and contests of vari­ Proof Vault, free of charge. porter of Oregon, We also ex- ous kinds. Mrs. DeShields brot petc that Chester Mulkey of the been living with her sister, Mrs. Guttridge, went to Oregon City, Kay 67. Sever 12. H. C . S T E P H E N S Justice Supreme Court, Bell 60, a quilt, disposing of it by selling Oregon Jersey Cattle Club will Charles P. Johnson, since last Saturday. Knowles 55, Westbrook 29. sticks of candy, containing num­ be on the program for an ad­ fall, started on her return home, Mrs. J. F. Moger attended the A gent , yesterday to Billings. Montana. Lavender Club at Estacada, on Attorney General, Van Winkle bers, at ten cents each, and the dress. > _____ ____ _ ■ ------ ■ - ■ ■ J one securing the number attach­ 63, Kuykendall 60. Miss Frances Hassel returned Tuesday, Decoration Day D. & F. Commissioner, Mickle Friday from the eastern part of The Springwater ladies will ed to the quilt won the prize. Fred Hoffmeister got the lucky Under the auspices of the Carl the state, where she had been meet at the Springwater church 79, Miller 53. Pub. Service, Ostrander 48, Douglass Post, American Legion, teaching, in time to attend the on Wednesday, May 28, for the For Fire Insurance number. Brown 47, BussellePJ. One pleasing feature of the Memorial Day will be fittingly Alumni that evening. purpose of organizing a Ladies Representative, Shearer 113, program was the Maypole dance, observed in Estacada. The pa­ Mr. and Mrs. Phil Standish and Aid. which was put on twice by the rade will form at 10 a. m. at the little son, of Newberg, passed The Sunday school children are Lee 60, Greenwood 60. Randall PLACE Y O U R IN­ Barton girls, at the beginning Crawford Bros, garage, led by through Estacada Saturday en- preparing a program for Chil­ 58, Hammond 56, Shrock 33, Ol­ SURANCE THROUGH son 26, the Estacada band followed by route to their ranch ir. the Gar­ dren’s Day. YOUR HOME AGENT WHO and end of the program. The dance, which was held in WI LL P R OT E CT veterans of the civil and Spanish field district, where they expect­ Mrs. Lucy Hargraves of Clack­ Rep. 30th Dist. Meindl, Dist. A tt’y. Stipp 95, Jack 61. the Estacada Park pavilion, was wars in cars, Ladies Auxiliary, ed to spend the week end. YOUR INTEREST amas, Oregon, visited the week Co. Com. Hattan 63, Zimmer­ well attended. World War veterans and Boy We are exclusive agents for end with her brother, Dr. Wal­ man 27, Lawton 27, Wright 19, Scouts. The line of march will the new Perfection line of oil lens. Log La Barre Olds 13, Parry 7. be west to Broadway and thence stoves, the most complete line The June Neighborly club will The Estacada high school Sheriff, MacDonald 98, Shelley Cary Real Estate Co. south to the park, where the ex­ made. Get our prices before meet with Mrs. R. Hansen. Alumni held its annual banquet 22, Wilson 17, May 15, Christian­ ercises will be held. placing your order. A stove for last Thursday evening at Log Edward Shearer attended the sen 12. PROGRAM every price at Rose’s. La Barre, when about sixty were all-day meeting and picnic of the Clerk, Miller. Selection............................ Band Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Reagan Jersey breeders of Clackamas School Supt. Vedder 94, Buck- in attendance. While partaking of a delicious dinner, speeches America............................ Chorus drove to Oregon City early Sat­ county at the Jersey farm of ley 75. were made and the following Invocation......... Rev. B. F. Clay urday morning. Mrs. Reagan go­ Anton Malar, near Sandy, Ore­ Assessor, Cook 86, Schuebel 57. Battle Hymn..... Mrs. Sam Barr ing over to take the election bal­ officers elected to serve for the Recorder, Hackett. Selection............... ...Guitar Club lot box. While there they visited gon, last Thursday. He invited ensuing year: Helen Lovelace, the Clackamas club of Jersey Surveyor Meldrum. president; Isaiah Tucker, vice- Tenting Tonight............... Chorus their daughter and family at breeders to meet at the Spring- Coroner, Pace 76. Johnson 60. president; D. Kathleen Currin, Address.............George L. Rauch Gladstone. water Community Fair on Sep­ District and precinct justice of of Portland secretary; Kenneth Wood, treas­ Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hayman, tember 12. peace, Wooster 92, urer; Lydia Mattson, reporter. Star Spangled Banner......Chorus Mrs. W. F. Cary, Earl Day and The democratic vote in the ___________________ 2t The school board was represent­ J. E. Gates left early Tuesday May Luncheon contested offices, gave for U. S. Ford Sales Increase ed by its chairman Gerald Wil­ morning in the latter’s car, for The May birthday group of the Senator, Miller 26, Mansfield 10, cox. The tables were beautifully DETROIT. MICH., MAY 16, Hood River to attend the 69th M. E. Ladies Aid, composed of King 9, Straver 9. Representa­ decorated for the occasion, and 1924—May has opened with a grand lodge and assembly of Mesdames Grabeel, Gates, Gibbs, tive in congress, Clark 28, Ewing the living rooms with dogwood, bigger demand for Ford Products O dd Fellows a n d Rebekahs. Gohring and Ahlberg, will serve 23, Purdy 8. Sheriff, Mass 38, Strack 11. huckleberry and wild iris. The than any month so far this year, They were all delegates. a May luncheon at the home of evening was spent in music and the Ford Motor Company an­ Dr. Jasper, a specialist in Sun­ Mrs. Gohring, Wednesday, May Community Club NOTICE TO CREDITORS dancing until a late hour. All day School work, was here last 28, at 12:30 p, m. The menu nounced here today. The Community club will meet In the County Court for the State of Oregon, for the County of Multno­ were so pleased that Log La Ford retail sales in the United Sunday all day at the M. E. will be hot roast beef sandwich, Friday evening, May 30, in the mah. Barre was elected for their meet­ States during the first ten days church. He occupied the pulpit salad, prune whip, and coffee, school auditorium. This promis­ In the m atter of the estate of f ing next year. es to he a big meeting, as a num­ of May averaged eight thousand at the 11 o’clock service, gave a all for 25 cents. Mary Lawless, deceased. ) Mrs. R. S. McKibbin, who has three hundred and eighty five talk in the afternoon and in the NOTICE ¡9 hereby given that the ber from the outlying districts undersigned has been appointed by the been spending a few weeks at have promised to be present. daily, exceeding the last ten day evening gave an illustrated lecb- To the Public County Court of the State of Oregon, [ for the county of Clackamas, as execu­ Log La Barre, returned home period of the record breaking ure. All the services were very Important matters, such as In connection with the contro­ trix of the estate of Mary Lawless, de- j Friday. H. A. LaBarre. interesting. roads, advertising, etc., will be sales month of April and indicat­ ceased, and has qualified. All persons j versy which has arisen as to having claims against said estate are i discussed. ing the continued upward trend Charles Frazier, a few years whether or not the school board hereby notified to present the same du- i Mrs. Williams of Gresham, ago a resident of this place, has forbade the use of the high ly verified as by law required at the visited her sister, Mrs. U. S. of the market News of the death of Frank office of McGuirk * Schneider, 203-5 Figures just compiled show a been in Estacada this week view­ school auditorium for the com­ Closner, who resided in Arizona, Withrow builditg, Gre.-ham, Oregon, Morgan, here yesterday. total of 757,023 Ford units re­ ing old scenes and renewing old mencement exercises we wish to within six months fiom the date hereof. , was received here Tuesday morn­ Dated and fiist published May 8, l! ELLEN P. RADFORD, Executrix. | Blue Can Karo Syrup, 1 gallon 1st to and including May 10th, ble, being partially paralyzed, j board did refuse the use of the to this place. Deceased is a McGuirk & SCHNEIDER, can, a t .............................. 69c of which Ford car and truck de­ and elicited much sympathy. He! auditorium to the graduating brother to Ed. Closner of Spring- Attorneys for Executrix. 9 lb sack Cream Rolled Oats 49c liveries alone show a gain of is now living at the Multnomah class, or that the minutes of the water. 102,158 over the same period a county Home. proceedings of any meeting of Expert Watch and Je wei r y Keer’s Best Patent Flour . $1.69 year ago. the board state that the board ; Cash & C arry Specials For Saturday Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sparks 1 can of Lye a t.................... 9c Repairing With the increases already at­ 3 large cans Pineapple...... $1.00 Send your watch or jewelry j Royal Baking Pow der........ 40c tained this month and with the were agreeably surprised last took such action is ignorant of 5 " " Salmon......... 1.00 Sunday morning when Mr. and the facts in the case. to be repaird, to me by insured ■ 1 Galv. Pail of Chipso and P. & present outlook for business, the 3 " " Appricots...... 1.00 mail. It will be repaired prop­ G. White Naptha Soap.... 99c Mrs. J. C. Mitcheltree and Mr. | The minutes are on file with erly at a reasonable cost, and re­ Tip Top Bread, double loaf, 2 company anticipates a new high and Mrs. I/>rin Levalley of Port- j the clerk and we ask the public 5 lbs Best Seedless Raisins .45 turned by mail within ten days. Mothers Premium Oats .. .45 land, drove into their yard. La­ to investigate them. pounds, a t........................ 15c sales figure in May. All work absolutely guaranteed 3 lb can Great American Coffee ter they all enjoyed a picnic A. G. AMES, or money refunded. Pack all ar­ Tuxedo Tobacco, 3 cans-..- 25c The N e w s is s o r r y to h e a r of and 3 larg sticks Candy.. 1.40 A D e MOY, All Spices a t.................10c a can the illness o f Mrs. G e o r g e His- dinner across the river. The ticles in paper. 4 lb Fig Bars....................... 1.00 visitors were old time Nebraska School directors. lop, at the home o f h e r d a u g h t e r Carnation Wheat Flakes with GUY D. JONES. Jeweler, At Rose’s, the Place to Buy. 12-6tf Gresham, Oregon. | cup and saucer, at 37c package M rs. W . J . S v m s. i friends of Mr. and Mrs. Sparks. ■ Estacada, May 20, 1924.