ixasimt CClarkamaa Nrma Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County V olum e 17, N umber 32 E stacada , LOWER EAGLE CREEK PROFESSIONAL CARDS. O regon , ELWOOD ITEMS T h ursday , M ay 15. 1924. LOCAL ITEMS $1.50 P e r Y e a r BARTON. PARK BALI GROUND BEING LAID OUT "Dusty” Lake is loading a car Willie Bittner made a trip to Mrs. W. M. Yonce of Oregon Mrs. A. D. Barnett entertain­ ed Saturday afternoon in honor Portland, Monday, after a tomb­ City, was in Estacada Tuesday. of wood this week. of the primary teacher, Miss stone, which his father set up at There was a large crowd out J. E. Gates—Furniture at low ■p\U. W. W. RHODES Lillian Peterson, with about the grave of his brother, Harry prices. Estacada, Ore. 4-3tf to the ball game Sunday, which ^ O S T E O P A T H IC eighteen ladies present. A beau­ proved to be a lively one until Ed Hodgkiss made a trip to PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Mr. and Mrs. James Denning the last half of the game, the The P. E. P. Co. is proving its tiful silver bread-tray and salt Portland, Monday, to visit his Office in Lichthorn Bldg., Estacada, are enjoying a new Star touring Boring team winning. contracted appellation as it has and pepper shakers were pre­ wife, and also a dentist. car. started in. under the direction sented to Miss Peterson in ap­ T ^R . G. F. MIDFOKD Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wallace of Manager Moore of the Esta­ A family of the name of Cox preciation of her four years’ work Mrs. S. P. Peszneckerof Port "‘^ P H Y S IC IA N a n d S U R G E O N . from Oregon City, have tradec land, and son Leo drove through and relatives of Portland, en­ cada Hotel and Dinty Moore, to in the Eagle Creek school. X R ay E q u ipm e n t — G l a s s e s fit t e d joyed a picnic dinner in Gibson’s clearing a space of about 350 by for the W. H. Wilson place, anc town yesterday. OFFICE and Residence Second and Main Strsets ‘Mothers Day” was appropri­ have taken possession of it. park Sunday, there being fifteen 250 feet for a ball ground in the Estacaii. Oregon—Telephone Connections A fine line of jewelry and sta present. ately observed at the Eagle Creek park at the rear of its depot Mr. and Mrs. P. Cahill of tionery which makes nice gradu­ church with the Rev V. A. Weir T"\U CHAS. P. JOHNSON agent’s residence. The band Mr. and Mrs. Guy Clester and tacada, and the sister of the ation presents at Rose’s. preaching, and a program ren­ stand which was damaged last daughters and Mrs. George For­ ter, Miss Marian Maplethorpe of DENTIST dered. A. G. Hopkins and wife of Puyallup, Wash., called on Mrs, Oregon City, were here Sunday man and sons and Mrs. Louis winter by the falling of a tree EVENINC WORK BY APPOINTMENT Mrs. M. C. Glover entertained L. Park and family, Sunday. Rives and daughters were Esta­ will be repaired as well as other Phones: Office, 315; Residence 4712 to visit their mother. friends ftom Bull Run Sunday. cada business visitors Saturday. buildings. The grounds are to Mrs. Harry Bittner and two Estacada, Oregon. be cleaned up and everything Our traveling butcher, Mr. children of Oregon City, are vis­ Mrs. Elizabeth McMartin from Mrs. Mattie Stone gave a de­ put into ship shape for picnics Lauderback. who has a brand iting at the Chris Bittner home. Portland, visited her friend Mrs. lightful birthday party Saturday this season. On Sunday the ALBERT T. ELOTT new son, has a beaming smile Martha Tucker last Sunday. afternoon for her son Verle. A A T T O R N E Y A T LAW Mrs. Dave Stahlnecker is on Portland Dental College will hold for all. RESIDENT LAWYER See Mrs. J. E. Gates for piano delicious birthday cake was made its annual picnic, and a number the sick list, so her husband re­ Mrs. Iva Strange is visiting by Mrs. Stone with decorations instruction. Prices reasonable. ESTACADA, - - OREGON turned home from his work. of others are booked for the com­ her father, R. E. Munger. of 6 candles. Mrs. Ida Warner ing months. tf Miss Enla Park and Elbert I. O. 0 . F. building. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Trullinger Harris of Colton, were married made a delicious cake W M - G. DUNLAP The company deserves much Elmer Hannah is home assist­ also spent Sunday night at the home last Friday in Portland. They Those present enjoying the cakes credit A T T O R N E Y A T LAW ing his father in making the new for the way it tries to At Estacada, in the office of Woodle of Lloyd’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. are living with the groom’s fa­ walks on the Main street incline. icecream and candy were the make this place popular for sum­ Realty Co., on Saturdays—Portland of­ E. L. Trullinger. hostess and son Verle and daugh­ ther, Dr. Harris, in Colton. mer outings. The town receives fice 1524 Yeon Building. Chester Womer came home Elorna, Mrs. Maude Odel, not only benefit from the influx Mrs. Mae Munger and children George Bittner and L. Vallen from Portland Sunday to remind ter Leo and Ethel Guffnutt, Willie of visitors, but the park is al­ took dinner Sunday, with Mrs. sold a couple of loads of potatoes Q D. EBY, Munger’s sister. Mrs. Waller to one of the camps above Esta­ his mother that it was “her” Lehman, Jean and Maude Warn­ ways available to the townpeople A T T O R N E Y A T LA W . day. er, Mrs. Ida Warner, Till Foi- for any occasion without money Glover. cada. General Practice. Confidential Ad­ J. R. Hughes, Painter and pa- man and Mrs. Minnie Forman. Several of our young folks at­ viser. Oregon City. Oregon. and without price. It is not every Mrs. N. Ginther and daughter tended the C. E. rally at Barton Gertrude, and Mr. and Mrs. Er paper hanger.—Phone 12-51 Frank Tiffany, Leslie Wallace place that is thus favored by 3-6-5-9 and A. Warner are hauling grav­ nature and a corporation. Friday evening. Those attend­ nest Vallen of Portland, spent, a 5 E. WOOSTER ing were the Misses Clara and few days at the home of A. Val­ S. N. Kilgore of Springwater, el on the side road by Gibson’s Alice Bell, Lenore Kingston, len last week. Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Candidates Endorsed shipped this week to Walla Wal­ Store, to the top of the hill, which Opal Chester, Alagonda Rahbein was a needed improvement. la, Wn., one of his full blooded Rentals, Miss Sarah Roe of Portland, Attention is called to the ad of and Violet Huggins. A very large crowd attended the Good Government League was a guest at the 0 . W. Vallen English bull dog pups. Farm Loans a Specialty. The joint missionary meeting home last week. Mrs. J. F. Walker arrived last the dance at Peterson’s hall Sat­ which gives the names of those Telephone Estacada, Ore. will be held at the Eagle Creek Wednesday from Los Angeles, urday night. $32.00 was cleared candidates, national state and Otis Vallen was quite unfortu­ church, Wednesday, the 31st. California, to visit her sister, above expenses from the sale of county who meet with its ap- Several ladies from Portland will nate, having lost a horse. refreshments and contributions. prorval. Mrs. H. R. Fanton. attend, as well as those coming The proceeds were to go to help BISSELL ITEMS There was a special meeting pay for the baseball boys’ suits. from Springwater and George. Attention Voters of the Christian Ladies’ Aid, All are invited and it will be an The Wm. P. Ferrel family, Ray Miller of Portland, spent Tuesday afternoon at the home all day meeting, lunch being To the Voters of Clackamas Co.: who have been having scarlatina London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. Saturday and Sunday with his of Mrs Julius Krieger. served at noon. “ In behalf of our County Su­ are able to be about, but Hugh parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mrs. H. C. Glover and Mrs. Miller. Keep your policy in our Fire L. S. Schnack of Portland, showed symptons of coming perintendent of Schools. Brenton Proof Vault, free of charge. Thorpe were sent as delegates Vedder, we the undersigned, ask representative of the Mergen- down last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Johnson thaler Linotype Co. of San Fran­ to the Parent-Teachers Associa­ your consideration of the follow­ Mrs. Amy Rivers entertained H. C. S T E P H E N S tion at Lake Grove, Wednesday. were calling on Mr. and Mrs. cisco was in town Monday and the Good Will club last Thursday, ing facts: Hachaney Sunday evening. called at this office. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Glover at­ During his term of office as there being eleven ladies and A gent . Mr. Viles came home from tended the Benson Polytechnic See J. E. Gates and get that nine children present. Two new County Superintendent we have exhibition in Portland, Thursday. eastern Oregon last week. found him to be kind, courteous, wuit cleaned and pressed. I. 0 . members were taken in, Mrs. just, and thoroughly efficient. John Hoffmeiscer from Da­ Ida Warner and Mrs. Case. The Miss Dorothy Phillips attended 10-lltf. next meeting will be an all day The welfare of the schools of the Baccalaureate exercises in mascus. was in this community 0 . F. Building. D. E. Christiansen of Oswego, meeting at the Forman bunga­ Clackamas county has been his Estacada, Sunday evening, she on Sunday to renew old acquaint­ first consideration, and no sacri­ who is running for the republi­ low. A quilt will be tied. being a graduate this year. She ances. fice of personal convenience, time also won the ten dollar prize for Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rath drove can nomination for sheriff, was Merle Nelson, while riding a or effort has ever been too great the best short story written by over to Sandy Ridge on Sunday in town yesterday, in the inter­ ests of his campaign. motorcycle one day last week, for him to make, in order that the students of the high school. to visit relatives and friends. the best interests of the schools Mrs. lone Anderson attended Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maxwell The 8:25 train from Portland collided with a tie loader near should be maintained. PLACE Y O U R IN­ the railroad track, nearly tearing the Senior Class Day in Estaca­ came out from Portland Satur­ was over an hour late Sunday SURANCE THROUGH Under his able leadership, our day and entertained on their morning, owing to a breakdown one of his ears off. YOUR HOME AGENT WHO da, Monday. schools have steadily advanced ranch on Sunday. en route, which necesitated the WILL P R OT E CT Miss Alice Hansen came out until Clackamas County stands sending out of a new train from YOUR INTEREST from Portland Wednesday and The Weiderhold brothers be­ GARFIELD ITEMS g a v e the state examinations high in the educational ranks of gan operating their sawmill this Jortland. Thursday and Friday, returning our State. week. Messrs. Ed L. Johnson and Mrs. Roberta Reid McBrown We feel that the very best in­ and baby girl are visiting at the A. H. Miller has begun road Glenn R. Jack were in Estacada Friday night. terests of children, parents, pa­ Tuesday, from the county seat. home of Mrs. McBrown’s father, work and is trying to rush it Fred Glenn, a financial agent trons and instructors will be se­ The former is running for coro­ and Sam Hoffman, a building W. R. Reid. through. ner and the other for district at­ contractor, both of Portland, met cured by the retention of Super­ Mrs. Steve Roberts of Damas­ intendent Vedder as our County torney. with the school board Monday Superinteddent and we gladly A Calumny Exploded cus spent the week end with her The Oregon City high school night. relatives Mr. and Mrs. R. Davis. and of our free will write this In some way, from some un­ baseball team crossed bats with letter of endorsement giving to O L IC IE S Betty Christensen has recov­ known source, a rumor spread Ed Lowden and wife from the Estacada high team here Mr. Vedder our whole hearted ROVI DING Portland are visiting friends and through the town Tuesday eve­ Monday afternoon. The visitors ered from her injuries. support.” ning, to the effect that the school relatives before leaving for New ERFECT Wm. Christensen and George were defeated by a score of 7 board had forbidden the use of to 5. Tracy of Logan, brought their Signed by fifty-one names in­ R O T E C T I O N York and other states. the high school for the com­ Mrs. Minnie Eash who was ill mencement exercises. To refute If you are looking for comfort boat home from Oregon City cluding Mrs. Ethel Lansdowne, Monday, where they and their county school supervisor, Supt. is now out again. A re W ritten by this malignant calumny, the un­ these warm days get your head friends have enjoyed a number of schools Milwaukie, the princi­ into one of those straw or crash Mesdames H. B. Davis and Ida dersigned school directors went of fishing trips and caught some pals of Canby, Gladstone, Jen­ PACIFIC STATES FIRE Palmateer visited the Columbia to the high school on Wednesday lats and keep cool. We have fine salmon. nings Lodge, Oak Grove, Con­ them for men, women and chil­ county Pomona grange at Yank­ morning and addressed the stu­ cord, Ardenwald, Wichita, Da­ INSURANCE COMPANY M. A. Nelson hauled sand from ton, May 3rd. dent body, and assured the young dren at Rose’s. mascus, Willamette, Battin, Mil­ the river for the foundation of a A special train is now running SEE waukie, Park Place, Union High Earl Gunter and family spent folks that it was their wish that as far as the line goes above silo he expects to build soon. the exercises be held as always, West Linn, Sunset, and Barclay Tuesday in Garfield, looking af­ JOS. P. WOODLE JR in the high school auditorium, ’ araday, on Saturday nights to in Oregon City. Besides these ter their farm. Council Meeting and further that the board was accommodate the men working there are a number of school offi­ Your Hom e A gent Earl Wagner returned to Fish anxious to supply music and any­ up there, to get home over Sun­ The council meeting Tuesday cials, teachers and taxpayers, in­ Creek mountain, Tuesday. thing else which was needed for day. night aroused more than ordina­ cluding 2 directors, clerk, jani­ Mrs. C. B. Lawrence of Port­ ry interest, as about forty citi­ tor, a teacher and 3 taxpayers of On being called Glen and Lenard Davis, Billie the occasion. Pinkly. Earl Lynch, Kenneth upon by Mr. Ames to vote on land arrived in Estacada on the zens attended. A Portland en­ the Oswego school and district. NOTICE TO CREDITORS noon car, Monday, to visit her gineering firm submitted a pro­ In the County Court for the State of Dart, Irene Davis and Elaine Bat- whether the student body would Coolidge will without doubt Oregon, for the County of Multno­ tin took the 8th grade examina­ rather have the speaker secured grandson, Sylvester Lawrence, posal to make a water survey for mah. tions. Much credit is due their by the board or the one engaged and wife at Springwater. She the city, which was taken under carry Oregon by a large major­ by the principal without the is the mother of G. E. Lawrence. advisement. In the matter of the estate of I 1356 teacher, Mrs. Eva Shaffer. Objections were ity. A few votes may be given Mary Lawleas. deceased. ) knowledge of the board, the vote made against placing the side- to H. J., which in comparison Mr. and Mrs. Russel Betts and NOTICE is hereby given that the The Skip-a-week club meets at was in favor of the latter. wa.ks on Main street hill, be­ will make him look like A. J. children drove over from Glad­ undersigned has been appointed by the the home of Mrs. Johnson, Wed­ A. G. A mes , stone, where they now reside, to tween 3rd and 4th, so close to County Court of the State of Oregon, A. D e M oy . visit at the home of Mrs. Betts’ the pavement, instead of on the FOR SHERIFF for the county of Clackamas, as execu­ nesday, May 21. All ladies in­ trix of the estate of Mary Lawless, de­ vited, visitors welcome. parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Rea­ line. The council will try to D. E. Christiansen of Oswego, High School Commencement ceased, and has qualified. All persons Mrs. J. B. Robertson, meet the objections, if the prop­ asks the support of the republi­ gan, last Sunday. having claims against said estate are Secretary-Treasu rer. The Senior class of the Esta­ hereby notified to present the ssme du­ The luncheon to be given by erty owners will meet the extra can voters for his nomination for cada High School, has issued in­ the May birthday group of the expense. Residents bv the ball sheriff. ly verified as by law required at the He is a farmer who office of McGuirk a Schneider, 2i>3-5 THE PEOPLE S C. & C. STORE vitations for its graduation exer­ ,adies’ Aid of the M. E. church, ground protested against the owns and works his farm, and is Withrow building, Gresham, Oregon, cises in the auditorium, tomor­ will be given May 28, instead of high board fence which shut off also a student at the Pacific Chi­ within six months from the date hereof. Standard size package Garden row evening. May 16, beginning May 21, at the home of Mrs. H. the view from their houses. The ropractic College in Portland. Dated and fiist published May 8, 1P74. Seeds a t ............................. 5c at council referred the protest to His slogan is “The cleanest and 8 o’clock. The class’numbers C. Gohring. Date of last publication, June 5, 11*24. Committee. ELLEN P. RADFORD, Executrix. Sauerkraut, 2% size cans, 2 for twelve girls and eight boys. Its the school board. It was also ............................................. 25c motto is ‘‘Be Square,” and Us McGuirk & SCHNEIDER, The 0 . C. Saling family has decided to install toilets and pipe best county in the state.” Attorneys for Executrix. 4-24tf residence water to the auto camp ground. Paid Adv. Navy small White Beans 5 lbs flower, a red carnation. The leased the Somer in the east part of the city. Mrs. f o r ...................................... 47c members of the class are: Girls, No Place Like Home Keer’s best Patent Flour. $1.69 sk Retha I. Ames, Evelyn Bacon, Saling and the hoys Neal and Christian Church Services Cash & Carry Specials tor Saturday Fred, will return home from 3 large cans Pineapple...... $1.00 Bible School 10:00 a. m. So say Mr. and Mrs. H. C. ! Tuxedo Tobacco, 3 cans...... 25c Martha L. Christiansen. Verlie Corvallis as soon as the 0 . A. 3 large ra s Tomatoes, Solid Preaching 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Gohring. who returned from a R o ,„ P o-d er...... 40c can K S n .‘W f S t C. closes. Pack...........................................50 Morning sermon The Great trip to Sand Point Idaho, Bon-' Raisins, 5 Ib3 for.................. 49c len, Jessie H. Odell, Dorothy E. Misses Audry and Helen Miller Apostacy; evening The Devil as 25 Itsb?st Seedless Raisins 2.50 rer’s Ferry and Libby, Montana. The country through which they | Sugar Cured Bacon.............. 24c Philips, Minerva A. Ritchey, of Sellwood, were week end vis­ a Preacher. 2 pkgs best Seedless or Seeded passed was very dry, and the Chipso—Quick Suds for the wash , 1 E. Walzak, Ethel Young. , itors in Estacada. Their father, Mid-week prayer meeting Wed- Raisins...................................... 25 Boys, Clyde I. Bowman, Rov C. J. Miller, brought them out in nesday, 7:30 p. m. fresh verdure of western Oregon , boiler, for the dish pan. for. 3 lbs Rose’s Special Coffee. 1.00 the washing machine and for C. Miller, William B. Ross, Ben­ ; his machine and came for them 1 Choir practice Friday 7:30 p. m. looked good to them on their 3 cans Corn.................................. 50 ton Sarver, Lyle G. Smith, Rob­ soaking clothes over night, in again Sunday evening. T h e return. Thev made the trip in | B. F .C lay , galvanized ten quart pail, filled ert Stone. Ralph M. Wade, Ken- Miller family resided here a few mi can tuy goods their car and covered about 1,400 Minister, Christian Church. Rose'a. with P. St G. S o a p .......... 99C|neth N. Woods. iyeaijago. miles. FIRE INSURANCE. For Fire Insurance Cary Real Estate Co. p Y cheaper at i