EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS,* THURSDAY, MAY 8,1924 EDWARD SHEARER ■ /•x -v v -t-x -v :• “ i- x - x - x - v - i- H X N ow we offer you 12 dividends every year! HIS company now offers to its customers, patrons and the public what we 1 e- lieve to be one of the most attractive opportunities for putting their money to work at high wages in a great big T Estacada Feed Store GROCERIES SPECIALS Eastern Buckwheat Flour, 10 lb s .._____ 65c Rolled Oats . . . . . ______ 50c Head Rice, 3 lbs................. 25c Vegetable Seeds_________________________ 05c local industry. For the first time in the history o f the Northwest you are given a chance of earning regular and attractive d i v i d e n d s twelve times a- year —one dividend day each month. We get fresh every morning a line of very fine Pastry, Doughnuts, Snails, Etc. Carnation Oats Cup *nd Saucer in sack, 40c Delaware Sugar Corn 2 cens for______ . 25c Penic or Karo, dark,.......10 lb 75c, 5 lb 40c Penic or Karo, light,...... 10 lb 85c, 5 lb 45c 7.20 per cent in Oregon’s Greatest Public Utility! R epublican C an d id ate fo r R epu blican C an d id ate for nomination as State R ep re se n ta tive COMMISSIONER FOR CLACKAMAS COUNTY, S ixteen th D istrict 1 Your income will be regu­ lar and dependable. 2 Dividends paid by check on the first of each month or quarterly, as preferred. 6 Exempt from Oregon per­ sonal property tax. 7 Paid Adv. - -5-18-15 at the primaries May 16, 1924. “ Sixteen years as a County Road Supervisor.” RICHARD A. WRIGHT “ Strictest Economy in Countv Expenditures.” Paid Adv. I f you desire to subscribe for shares on our easy pay­ ment plan you may pay $10 per share down and $10 a month per share until paid for. We will pay you 7 per cent interest on all your payments until the shares W . B. C O O K OF O SW EGO R ep u b lica n C an d id ate fo r COUNTY COMMISSIONER We Buy, Sell or Trade most kinds of Farm Produce — Briefly, these are the reasons for the a t t r a c t i v e n e s s of this new 7.20 per cent accumulative First Preferred Stock: 4 U. S — Your savings will be safe. Business is firmly estab. fished, well managed and permanent. To yield 7.20 per c e n t . Price $100. are yours and then your dividends begin to accrue immediately. ARRY that Checking Account with us. W e will mail your statement to you promptly the first of each m o n t h.c^cSS)®® C Act on this opportunity to­ day. Inquire at our In­ vestment Department, 820 Electric Building, now! Portland Electric Power Company Experience, Efficiency Service. Portland, Salem, Oregon City, and Vancouver, Wash. CLACKAMAS COUNTY BANK Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Ericson, Mrs. Marion Slocum o f Seattle, Mr. and G. M. Ross of Portland, were visitors at ,J. It. Hughes’ home in Currinsville, last week’. Sandy, Oregon Commercial ------ Mr. W righ t is a prosperous I and well-known farmer of the ! Molalla valley. H e is a Good Roads enthusiast with a farm- j er’ s outlook. H e is public spir- Sunday and Monday ‘Slave of Desire’ j ited, progressive and able. | Adapted from the Immortal story, H is motto: “ 100 per cent ef- j ficiency in road money spent.” | Paid advertisement. 4-24tf “The Magic Skin” JOHN J. HATTAN by Balzac O f Carver Tuesday & Wednes. A goldmine of Romance and Thrill The Old Days, The Gold Days, The Days of ’49 ESTACADA HOTEL will never shine on tomrrow. T HE Do sun your part today, and come right in and give this Hotel a fair trial. Personal service in both ends of the Esta- tacada Hotel as usual. There is a high power chef and competent waitresses. --------- FRESH, CLEAN, AIRY ROOMS---------- Your patronage is earnestly solicited. Republican Candidate for ESTACADA HOTEL. COUNTY COMMISSIONER Clackamas County. Oregon P R I M A R I E S M A Y 16, 1924 v S 'V M frX X -X -X X X -X -X -X -X -S J ^ i-rX '-X -X -W -X -I-X -W -V X X -v -X -O £ Reliability Service HESSEL IMPLEMENT COMPANY Gresham, Oregon. A complete line of farm implements for the large farm, the diversified farm, the Dairyman and the Berryman. Myers Water System, for any type or depth o f well, Oliver plows with all repairs, Superior Drills, Stover gas engines, Rude spreaders, Silos, Blizzard ensilage cutters. AUTOMOBILES it evident that the money con­ tributed was well expended in The Hard Times Box social a most worthy cause. The va­ O VERLAND M AXW ELL STAR “ Business ability in handling the given May 1, by the Neighbors rious costumes appropriate for nternational I rucks; Used Automobiles with a large line affairs of said county.” of Woodcraft, was very well at­ hard times created a great deal of good used implementy. X It was for the benefit o f fun for all. A short musical I f 1 am nominated and elected tended. H o i ai s a »» so oc os m >« » o » I will, during my term o f office, o f the Wood Graft Old People’s program was given and dancing . . . finished up the evening’s enter- discharge the duties incumbent Home, and netted a t.°.ta : °T I tainment. Christian Church Services FOR S A LE —On account of on me, to the best of my ability, $30.50. Grand Manager Mardell failing eyesight I offer for sale, Bible School 10:00 a. m. D O V E R D O IN G S giving a just and efficient ser­ came out from Portland and gave Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 my Second Hand business, in­ vice to the people o f Clackamas an address on the Home ard cluding all my stoex o f goods, to­ p. m.; The Rev. Roy Shea of Port­ gether with the two story frame county. Paid Adv. 5-8-15 how it is progressing. He made Mid-week prayer meeting Wed­ land held preaching services in store building situated on Main nesday, 7:30 p. m. i the Dover church Sunday. street, V E RY REASO NABLE Choir practice Friday 7:00 p. m. Harry Morrison is visiting at for CASH. For further infor­ the home o f his father, James j Gospel sermon morning and mation, write or call and see the evening. Morrison. owner, JAMES PICKARD . i There is to be a box social a t ; The public is cordially invited 4-10tf Estacada, Oregon. the Dover church on Saturday i to attend these services. ¡evening May 10. The social ml B. K. O lay , MONEY TO L O A N — We have being given bv the school and; C A U L LAEMMLE PRESENTS Minister, Christian Church. plenty o f money to loan on farms the proceeds are to go for the re-1 at 6 ^ . No commission. Relia­ i c t o r H u g o s I m m o r t a l M a s t e r p i e c e I pairs on the church. Every one ! ble abstracts. Oregon City Ab- i is cordially invited to come. La- stract C o .____________ iM tf jdies please bring baskets. Joe DeShazer and family were FOR S A L E -S . C. R I. Red visiting their son Ralph and fam- i eggs for hatching, large healthy ily at the Douglass mill Sunday breed, matures early, good lay­ aftern oon.______________ N O T IC E - I am now prepared ers. $1.00 per setting o f 15. MRS. J. W. M OXLEY. See the Hunchback o f Notre to marcel9- facial massage. o-lo Morrow Station. Ore. Dame at the Gem. tonight. Fri- 8C?'P tr*»tment, etc. For ap- day and Saturday pomtment or furtherinformatton 10R S A L E —A team o f brown ------------------- call Mrs. Ames’ phone 13-11. I mares weighing 2800 lbs. price Methodist Episcopal Church ^.ave a'so * good line of toilet ar- l l i o . 00. Phone Redlands 1114, Sunday is M others'Day. Wear tlC,es’ LlfiNAUNDERWOOD. H M. W ILLIAM SON. 4 24-5 8 a flower for mother, red if she is _ _ _ _____________________ FOUND— At last meeting o f living, white if not. The morn- p h r s i i p n- d • on ing service at 11. will be in mem- F i e r i e r nn«Jii£ B?ston. Bulll the Community Club, a pocket and S A T U R D A Y N IG H T Owner can obtain the ory of her. u? a P O P P ««.-In qu ire of book. M A Y 8. 9 a n d 10 Sunday School at ten. ¡7 ’ J B A£ L * m,le east o f Ea- same by applving to A. G. Ames, Evening services dismissed be- ° ^-I’8 proving property and paying for ADMISSION. 25: and 50: this notice. 3-20tf ; cause o f baccalaureate service. bap - T Weekly activities as usual. u «; c» klA ^ ?n sw e •__n . ,____ . .. „ Main St. between 4th and 5th P L A IN SEW ING— Dressmak­ " VU1R God by servingfolka. Possession given May 15 ing and hemstitching, see Mrs H . W . M o m , P a stor.k It w . H . H old e r. Gua Wilcox. L2-6tf A Social Success GEM THEATRE PRESENTS ^ V WANT UND FOR SALE IDS Tonight, Friday Night V » n, A . Savings Cand idate for C ommission er, C la c k a ­ mas County, republican ticket, May : primaries. i GEM THEATRE “The Girl of the Golden West” Estacada, Oregon Dividends exempt f r o m normal federal income tax (N o w s e rv in g first te rm ) J. R. Hughes, Painter and pa- paper hanger. Phone 12-51 3-6-5 -9 S. M O R G A N , 3 K ' Q .