EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, M AY 1,1924. r Eastern Clackamas News Published every Thursday at Estacada. Oregon One year Six months . . * R ates . - BARBER SHOP $1.50 - .75 Thursday. May 1. 1924. MAIN STREET A FULL LINE W E buy everything pro­ duced on the FARM ; Patronage Solicited Phone 70-1 OF Eastman Kodaks and Supplies at my temporary location in LINN’S RESTAURANT COME SEE FOR Y01RSELF Lord shall they they 40:31 Rough-Dry, I4lbs $1.00 Satisfaction guaranteed Leave Films there to be developed THEY THAT W AIT upon the ahull renew their strength; they mount up with wings as eagles; shall run and not he weary; and ahull walk and not faint. — Isaiah Under entirely new management Dry-Cleaning and Dyeing W E do all kinds of haul­ ing to and from PORTLAND Best Prices on MILL FEEDS according to quality. Bible Thought* memorized, will prove • priceless heritage in after yean. LAUNDRY Successor to IV. P, Dean W E think we have the BIBLE THOUGHT — FOR TODAY — ESTACADA Earl La Forge, Proprietor FORGET UPTON H. GIBBS Editor and Manager. S u b s c r ip t io n DON’T THE SQ U A R E D EAL Bartholomew & Lawrence ED. BONER “All the wealth of the nation ought to con­ tribute its fair share to the expenses of the nation.” REMEDY WORSE THAN DISEASE California is feeling the e f­ The more we see of the work­ fects of the hoof and mouth dis­ ing of the direct primary the less ease, and the consequent embar- we like it. The longer it exists as it is at present, the harder it gos placed on its products by will be to get good men to neighboring states. The South­ Speaking o f tax- run for office. The convention ern Pacific company’s receipts exempt securities. system had its abuses, but, in for the last quarter are over a this case the medicine has almost million les3 than they were a killed the patient. It does not appeal to us to year ago and it is discharging have a large part of the voters thousands of its employes. Ore­ disfranchised so far as the selec­ gon will also suffer from it as tion of county officials is con­ the California fruit and vegeta­ cerned. Nomination on the re- ble men are threatening repri­ Prim aries M ay 16 publean ticket in this county is sals if the embargo laid on their equivalent to election in most cases, yet a democrat has no products is not relaxed. Paid advertisement. Paid by I. L. Patterson voice in that nomination. The theory, like many other M anager Coolidge Campaign In spite of the almost unpre­ fanciful social and political reme­ dies, supposes an ideal human cedented number of candidates element to deal with. When put there is very little political ad­ Either in practice there is disappoint­ vertising being done. ment in results obtained. they are suffering from financial School T each ers E n gaged Candidates W ill S peak Probably the worst feature in stringency or do not care wheth­ connection with the working of Last Saturday at a special j On Tuesday evening May 6, at the primary is the indifference er they win or not, or perhaps school meeting, the hoard en­ they are .afraid of the corrupt l the Springwater Grange hall of the average voter. Just as good results would be obtained practices act and of a subse­ gaged the full list of teachers in , there will be a meeting for the on the average if the names of quent investigation, which seems the local schools for the coming purpose of getting acquainted the candidates were put in year. Their names will be an­ to be the fashion nowadays. ' with the different candidate for box and a sweet little girl, blind nounced later. nomination at the primaries. folded, would draw out names While the N ews is independ­ o f the lucky office seekers and Today is the first day o f May, There will be at least two candi­ they would be declared elected ent as a paper, its editor is a re­ which has been kept for centu­ dates for sheriff, two for county As it is, the majority vote publican who supports Coolidge ries as a holiday. In olden times commissioner and four for repre­ blindly, without knowing one for president. “ We love him the apprentices and chimney sentatives to the legislature. thing about the man voted for for his taciturnity.” The most serious thing is that sweeps of London held nigh car­ State Senator F. J. Tooze, while the average voter does not eare nival, and May time revels took not a candidate, will be the prin­ D efy the P rayer Chain to know anything about candi­ | place in the country. Tenny­ cipal speaker o f the evening. dates but prefers to curse the We have received one o f those son’s well known poem, ‘ ‘The There should be a large delega­ after election results. abominable prayer chain letters, May Queen,” gives a good de­ tion from Estacada, as this will Monday night the eommereia club gave the voters in this sec­ threatening us with severe mis­ scription of its observance At be an exceptional opportunity tion an opportunity to meet the fortune if we break the chain, i present throughout Europe it is different county candidates. But We believe in prayer but not | used by the labor element for votes. few were interested enough to in an enforced prayer. A prayer! political demonstrations, which come. A crazy man on the cor­ with a penalty attached is not 0ften cause the governments ner had more voters listening to inspired from above but from grave concern. him than did the candidates. To assume a superior air of in­ below. If any of our readers telligence and to abuse the can­ receive one. burn it and let it J. E. Gates—Furniture at low didates gets nowhere. These return whence it came. 4-3tf prices. Estacada, Ore. are the men who are going to levy the taxes and spend the money. If the people who pay the taxes are too indifferent to pay any attention to who are se­ lected they have no right to kick at results. In the old system you could hold the party responsible for to a successful career, no matter what the quality o f the candidates furnished and the results of their your ambition may be, is a Bank Ac­ work. No party is held respon­ count— the foundation of many a man’s sible now. The only responsible person is Mr. Average Voter and success. Open an account with us he don’t give a d----- . and see how fast it will grow. We are substantially in accord with the above able editorial from the M o l a l l a P io n e e r . In theory the primary is ideal, but like many ideals fails to properly “ The Bank T h at’ » G ro w in g " function in practice, owing to the uncertainty of the personal equation represented by Mr. \ % paid on savings, compound twice a year Average Voter. However the primary should not yet be dis­ carded, but greater efforts made to rouse the voters to a sense of their responsibility. We had great hopes that woman suffrage wou.d bring about a great im­ provement, but the women in politics are falling the same way H. C. G O H R IN G Prop. as the men. 1.0 . 0 . F . Estacada Lodge No. I7S. Meets every Saturday evening in their lodge room, corner o f Bi oad- way and Third streets. Visiting brothers are always welcome. J. H. Tracy, N. G. J. K. Ely, Secretary, — Calvin Coolidge Vote for Coolidge L J THE FIRST STEP CARVER STATE BANK r THE ESTACADA MEAT CO. It was suggested at the com­ munity club meeting to have a general clean up day. and call on all people to co-operate. This is decidedly in order and we hope it will speedily be accomplished. The Jrv weather of the last few days has already started the forest fires, which have been raging in Oregon and Washing­ ton. ☆ Beef, Mutton, Veal and Hogs Bought ☆ O pen from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. Estacada : : Saturday*, open to 8 p. m. Oregon TH E FACTORY ON THE FARM T H E manufacture of grains and grasses into ■ milk and butter comes nearer than anything else to bringing the benefits of a regular pay roll to a rural commuity and is a source of profit if proper care is given to the selection and handling of the machine. T H I S B A N K is ready at all times to help * the right man, properly situated, in secur­ ing the right cows for profitable dairying. ESTACADA STATE BANK FOUR Per Cent Interest on Time and Savings Deposits ♦ »♦ »♦ »»W W W E'itere