EASTERN C LACK AM AS NEWS, TH URSDAY. M ARCH 27,1924 Ford Output Immense Swinging into its big Spring production program, the Ford Motor Company on Wednesdy, March 12, reached the highest mark in its history when its do­ mestic assembly plants produced a total o f 7,456 cars and trucks. This record-breaking f i g u r e does not include the daily output o f 500 cars and trucks for export, nor the production o f the Man­ chester, England, and Ford of Canada plants which manufac­ ture most o f their own products. The new production record is o f especial significance as it indi­ cates the enormous demand be­ ing made throughout the coun­ try for Ford cars and trucks and the company’ s endeavor to bring its output up to the point where it will attempt to fill all require­ ments so as to avoid repetition of the shortage which existed last spring when thousands of per­ sons were disappointed in not being able to secure delivery o f cars. GEM THEATRE TONIGHT AND FRIDAY Cecil B. DeMille’s P R O D U C T IO N “Adam’s Rib” With MILTON SILLS ELLIOTT DEXTER THEODORE C0SL0FF ANNA Q. NILSSON and PAULINE EATON A Paramount Picture You saw one side o f the mod­ ern girl in "Manslaughter;” you’ ll see the other in "A dam ’s R ib.” Saturday Night Only CARL LAEMMLE Presents WILLIAM DESMOND IN The BREATHLESS MOMENT Youv’c seen a good many thril­ lers on the screen, but you have not seen anything quite as ab­ sorbing and breath-taKing as William Desmond's latest star­ ring vehicle. "T h e Breathless Moment, a Universal picture. The detectives could cope with everyone except handsome and dashing Billy Carson, who out­ witted them at every turn with his daring and resource, and forced them to give him a light­ ing chance for a good name and a lovely girl. You’ ll enjoy the excitement, thrill, romance, heart- interest and l a u g h s in “ T h e Breathless Moment.” Com edy and New s Sunday and Monday To Save the Man She L o v es- The wife o f an English major offers to m arry the most n o to ri­ ous lover of the Orient. Thrills and Romance. IN THE Green Goddess WITH ALICE JOYCE DAVID POWELL and HARRY T. MOREY Distributed by Goki w y n-Coemopolitan Tuesday & Wednes. Crossroads of NEW YORK A First National Picture Third Serial of •THE STEEL TRAIL Tlw Serial Fall o f Art ion OREGON NEWS ITEMS R OF SPECIAL INTEREST TTie Jackson county sh eriff’s office has received word that Milam Jones, long sought by the authorities as a m em ber o f the Jonea brothers gang of Josephine and Jackson counties, has been arrested in Los Angeles. Jones w ill be brought back for trial. T w o large ehgles, which linemen b elieve had been engaged In an aerial figh t and failed to aee electric power llnea, resulted in power being cut off from Pendleton for a brief period. The birda w ere found dead entangled In the lines not far from Um atilla. STATE M ARKET A G EN T DEPARTM ENT BY C. E. SPENCE, MARKET ACT. This country raises too much. The newspapers and periodicals o f the land proclaim this. We raise too much wheat, too much of all dairy products, too much fruit, tco many vegetables, too much everything. We have “ over-production” and a great “ surplus” must be marketed abroad and the inexorable rule o f supply and demand fixes the low price of all agricultural pro­ ducts and puts the farmer in his present plight. So we should “ diversify” , the learned economists and editors tell us. We should c h a n g e about and raise more of what we do not raise, and less o f what we do raise. And all the other farmers should do the same. And then our statesmen at Washing­ ton get busy on legislation that will permit us to borrow more money to change our system— and run a little deeper into debt. And in the face of this great deluge o f “ over-production” the U. S. Department o f Agriculture broadcasts the facts that we bought $36,000,000 o f dairy pro­ ducts from other countries in one year—$9,000,000 more than we exported; that we bought six and a half million dollar’s worth of egga abroad; that in 1923 we imported a million and a half dollar’s worth o f hay; over a million dollars of potatoes, $1,- 700,000 o f tomatoes, almost a half million dollers of turnips; $118,000,000 o f hides and skins, and so on with lists o f imports of products that we have a “ sur­ plus” that would fill a newspa­ per column. With the wage scale and living standards of nearly all countries far below those o f this nation; with the market value o f the currencies of these nations drop­ ping Teach day, and with all na­ tions trying to sell to this coun­ try in order to get money with value in it, how can the Ameri­ can farmer hope to get produc­ tion costs from his products in competition? Why shouldn’ t we have a “ surplus” when we im­ port billions o f dollars worth of the same goods we raise? And why shouldn’ t we have European pi ices when the prices o f these imported products are used to fix the home market? c. x j s m w i WHILE THEY LAST YOUR DIVIDENDS COME REGULARLY Crown R O L L E D OATS SPECIAL, 45c f o r 9 lb s a c k Folger’s Vacuum Packed GOLDEN GATE COFFEE O U R 7% PR IO R PREFERENCE ¡ha. I lb can 45c. 2 ^ lb can $1.10 paid dividends regularly every t h r e e months since it was first issued. G O LD E N wmw It Is a Safe and Sound Investment This is a special offer to get you to try this high grade, good tasting Coffee. PURITAN FLOUR, fl»| I f ) Hard wheat bleached Hoar, You can buy it at $98.00 a share, par value $100, for cash or on easy terms. It will net you 7.14"« on every dollar you invest. skjJJ|, / (J Seeds, Feeds, Groceries Estacada Feed Store W rite for full information today. We Buy, Sell or Trade most kinds of Farm Produce Investment Department U. S. M O R G A N , PORTLAND RAILW AY, LIGHT & POWER Company. Estacada, Oregon Room 60S Electric Bldg., Portland, Oregon. SOUDAS THE SUTE ¡v;:fê O â V .,7 é \" « ' ARRY C th a t C h eck in g A c c o u n t w ith us. W e w ill m ail your statem en t HOTEL ESTACADA to you prom ptly the first Most of the rooms have been renovated recently and are second to none. The price is $1.00 and up. The Dining Room is being very well patronized, steadily in­ creasing daily, and we want to thank the good people for all the nice things they say about us, for if we don’t please you all we sure w ill be a failure. of each m o n t h.<253)G$3>«s> CLACKAMAS COUNTY BANK Sandy, Oregon HOTEL ESTACADA Commercial Savings p-v>«.-x~x~xK~x- Reliability Service HESSEL IMPLEMENT COMPANY i Gresham, Oregon. A complete line of farm implements for the large farm, the diversified farm, the Dairyman and the Berryman. Myers Water System, for any type or depth of well, Oliver plows with all repairs, Superior Drills, Stover gas engines, Rude spreaders, Silos, Blizzard ensilage cutters. MAXW ELL Phonograph». R. G . M A R C H B A N K , AUTOMOBILES OVERLAND Confectionery, STAR International Trucks; Used Automobiles with a large line X of good used implementy. X L iG H T ESTACADA, L unches . OREGON. •x~> •x-x-x-x-x-:-*-. J. E. Gates was a business FOR S A LE —15 weaned pigs visitor in Portland Saturday, on a’’^ *wo V°un? prood sops G. T. K ITC H IN G business connected with his new 1 3 . 9 9 .2 7 Estacada, Oregon second hand furniture store. ' . . , j- . r* • , ,| W IL L TRAD E good horse for M ethodist Episcopal Church cow—V. E. MADSON, one mile Sunday school at ten. east o f Eagle Creek Grange hall. __3-20-27 Morning service at 11, subject, "The Fool.” FOR SALE Good clean hay, Epworth League at 6:30. Spe­ baled. cial features. 4-17 W ARD DOUGLASS Evening service at 7:30 - “ Big Sarver place, Currinsville. Ore. Half-Hour Sing.” FOR S A L E —Guaranteed hem­ Tuesday evening—Boy Scouts stitching attachment; fits any at 4-00. Thursday—Study Class at 7:15 sewing machine, price $2.00. Ad­ dress Rebus Co.. Estacada, Ore., p. m. ___ 3 20-4-10 Junior League, Saturday at Rt. 3. 1-30 p, m. FOR S ALE Two Jersey cows. “ Serving God by serving folks.” Take your pick o f five, 4 to 8 yrs. H. W. M ort , Pastor. old. all good ones. Cigars and Tobaccco, International Clothes, F O R S A L E -A P a n t a so ter FOR S A LE — Seven year old leather couch. Inquire o f M rs.; mare. wt. about 1500 lbs., work Upton H. Gibbs, Main and 5th single or double, streets. E s t a c a d a ______ 3 6tf 4-6-10 LEE M cKENZIE, Rt. 1. W A N T E D —Cancelled postage! FOR S A L E -S . C. R. I. Red stamps are worth money, also eggs for hatching, large healthy old coins. Send lO cents for price breed, matures early, good lay­ list. Stamp and Coin Collectors ers. $1.00 per setting o f 15. Co., Estacada, Ore., Rt. 3. MRS. J. W. M OXLEY. Morrow Station, Ore. ______________________ 3-20-4-10 2-7tf. Between tariff schedules and combination strength the manu­ facturers. utility corporations and others maintain profit prices, and the financial statements of FARM LO A N S — For federal FOR S A LE — Italian P r u n e many large concerns show amaz­ loans, long time at 5 'A per cent. Trees, 1 year old. six to nine amortization payments, address feet high, for sale cheap. Phone ing earnings, while the soil pro­ LE A N D E R B A R TLE M A Y. No. 21-4. ducers get but production prices, 2-7-4-24 Boring, Ore. Rt. 2. 1-24 tf J. J. Marchhank. and less, and have to pay the high prices o f the protected. FOUND—A t last meeting o f M ONEY TO L O A N —We have _ E d w a r d S hearer a S ons Tnis condition makes two stan­ Christian Church Services 3-27-4-3 Springwater, Ore. the Community Club, a pocket plenty o f money to loan on farms hook. Owner can obtain the at 6 \ . No commission. Relia- Bible School 10:00 a. m. dards, two dollars an absolutely FOR S A L E —One H. O. Oliver same by applying to A. G. Ames, ble abstracts, Oregon City Ab- Preaching 11a.m. and 7:30 unfair and unjust system. plow and one ten-foot hayraxe. proving property and paying for stract Co. p. m.; 11-1 t f The farmer should be protect­ this notice. 3-20tf _ Morning sermon “ The Perfect! Inquire o f Harry Kitching, of _______ FOR S A LE — Italian P r u n e ed to the extent of other indus­ Church;” evening. “ An Old I can be seen at Albert Kitching’s. THE SLOGAN of the Clacka­ trees one and two years old. See 3 27-4-3 Estacada, Ore. tries. I f the deluge o f agricul- Fashioned Conversion.’ ’ mas County Savings & Loan As­ trees at Bacon’s garage. Write Young people’s Bible drill 6:45 ! tural imports had the same duty FOR S ALE or T R A D E —3 V sociation is. “ Build up Clacka­ or phone O. W. F A IL IN G farm wagon for cow. Also small mas County by investing your 1-31-3-27 as many manufactured articles, p. m. Estacada. Oregon. mid-week prayer meeting Wed­ teed cutter. P A U L L E IT N E R ! money at home and keep it work­ and if the farmers had the same nesday, 7:30 p. m. P L A IN SEW IN G — Dressmak­ 3-27-4-11 Eagle Creek, Ore. ing for you.” You can invest ¡ organization strength of other Choir practice Friday 7:00 p. m. ing and hemstitching, see Mrs. industries, there would then be The public is cordially invited FOR S A LE - Fine c a b b a g e tT.tu P'an- 38 ,Gus Wilcox. J2-6tf plants, also dahlia bulbs. Canter- J?’ 00 ^ 0nth or ,n a 'one standard dollar, and all in­ to attend these services. burv bells, pansies and other ThpSm T A a •- . NOTICE OF SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT B. F. C l a y , I dustries would be on an even Minister. Christian Church, plants. Tomato plants and head ' m «! N O T IC E ia hereby given that sealed footing. I f the millions of -------------------------------- -- lettuce in season. of »-lackamas ^ n i y business bids wilt be received by the C ity Coun­ it o n s o f farm p r o d u c t s now ---------------------------------- W. H. HOLDER. Estacada. our P|mn J.n cil o f the C ity o f Estacada. Oregon, for 3 20tf Phnn« n . i i 9 * > c h the investor receives his grading anal gravelin g sidewalks and Phrme VM12 ghare wb,ch o the imported, and produced under P hone 11-112 f the ,nvestor emrnin^ rt erectin g fencea and stepa in c o n r « . low wages and low living stan­ FOR SALE Eggs for setting; Under State Supervision and tion therewith, on either side o f M si t street, between Third ami Fourth dards, had the tariff protection Mammoth bronze turkey: Ply- Control. Write or call streets in said C ity, in accordance with — —— -------------------- mouth Rock, White Leghorn, Clackamas County Savings & the plans and specifications on file with o f manufactured articles, the FOR SALE or will trade for guinea and bantam. Mallard duck. Loan Association. Room 12. the C ity Recorder. Said bids wilt I •• deluge would be great’y lessened milk cow. a Hoover potato plant- ¡None related. A. H. FR A LE Y . Hogg Building Oregon City opened by the C ity Council on Monday. and the products now imported er as good as new. Ap ril 7th, at 8 o ’clock P. M. George W. mile east of P. O. Oregon. By order o f the C ity Council would be grown here, Turner, Barton, Or 3-21X27 Í 3-6 27 Estacada. Oregon. W. F. Cary. Local AgL 3-13tf *47 44 t. K. ELT, City Recorder. WANT AND FOR SALE ADS