EA STER N C LA C K A M A S N E W S, T H U R SD A Y , M A R C H 2 7 ,1 9 2 4 . E astern 1 C lackam as N ew s Entered at the postoffice in Estacada, Oregon, as second-class mail. Pulilished every Thursday at Estacada, Oregon _ Change now brand th at ch an ges and never change to the n ev er y o u ’ll again. DON’T FORGET UPTON H. GIBBS Editor and Manager. S u b s c r ip t io n R a t e s One year Six months . . . . . . W E do all kinds of haul­ ing to and from PORTLAND $1.50 .78 I IS IT CONSCIENCE? Grover Bergdoll, the escaped war slacker, evidently wishes to return to this country. Whether he is really homesick or whether he is only endeavoring to save his fortune from confiscation is not certain. But he is trying to negotiate, but the government replies in the terms of the late General Grant, “ unconditional surrender.” But it is remarka­ ble how many men who flee the ountry to escape arrest for their crimes, are seemingly forced back by an inward compulsion. In former years when bank cash­ iers absconded to Canada, when there was no extradition law to fear, most of them voluntarily returned after a few years, and faced the music. How many de­ serters from the services, army and navy, do the same thing? What is the reason? Governor Pierce is drawing up an anti-cigarette law to forbid the sale or possession of ciga' rettes or advertising them. Did not Oregon have such a law at one lime? It has been tried in other states, only to be repealed or fall into desuetude. We al­ ready have a law which forbids their sale, or any kind of tobacco to minors, and in our humble opinion, this, if properly en­ forced, is all that is necessary. Denby’« Successor The nomination of Chief Jus­ tice Curtis D. Wilbur of the Cali­ fornia Supreme court to the Sec­ retary of the Navy, succeeding E d w i n Denby, who resigned, has met with approval on all aides. Wilbur is a native of Boonesviile, Iowa, having been born there on may 10, 1867. He graduated from the U n i t e d States Naval Academy in 1888, afterwards entering the law. his first entrance into public life was as chief deputy district at­ torney of Los Angeles, serving in that capacity for four years. He was then elected Superior Judge, holding that office until 1918. when he was elected Asso­ ciate Justice of the California Supreme Court, entering that body in 1919 for a twelve year term. Last year he was elevated to the chief justiceship. Des­ pite the fact that he forsook the navy for the law he has al­ ways maintained a keen interest in naval affairs, more especiallv the mechanical side, and has ever been a keen student of the progress made in battleships during the past decade or so. In California they say that his very industriousness causes others to work while engaged upon any task with him. Mr. Wilbur is a man of deep religious feelings. He does not smoke or drink and for a num­ ber of years wrote what might be called a weekly sermon for the Los Angeles papers. He is a man who stands for those in­ stitutions on which this conutry is founded. He believes in church life and the sancity of the home. From a Former Estacadan In a letter to the editor renew­ ing his subscription, L. A. Chap­ man of Odell, Oregon, our for- J. E. GATES Get oar prices before you buy FURNITURE Dryer Pipes Made to Order BOUGHT AND SOLD PIPE and FITTINGS For Sheet Iron work, repairs,- soldering and plumbing. . call at the AM ES O r will tell your Household Good* on Commission SHO P Storage Room for Rent MAIN STREET. W E buy everything pro­ duced on the FARM; Thursday. M arch 27. 1924. HAPPY IS HE THAT CONDEWN- ETH NOT HIMSELF IN THAT THING WHICH HE ALLOWETH .— Romans 14:22. PLUMBING mer townsman, writes: “ Esta­ cada and its people will always have a warm spot in our hearts as we left many tried and true friends there, whose doings are a source of interest to us. We have sold out our mercan­ tile busines at Odell and are now looking for another location. We expect to again engage in the undertaking profession as soon as we find a suitable location for same, but in the meantime will continue to make our home at Odell.” W E think we have the Best Prices on MILL FEEDS according to quality. COME SEE FOR Y01RSELF Bartholomew & Lawrence Mrs. Pickard Who will give DAVIDSON BREAD DEMONSTRATIONS Friday and Saturday of this week at MORTON’S GROCERY Monday and Tuesday of next week at MONEY MI A i m WHOLE WMIAT ROUND N I A i m MUCKED RAISIN OF Eastman Kodaks and Supplies at my temporary location in L I N N ’S R E S T A U R A N T Leave Films there to be developed ED. BONER ESTACADA RADIO LAUNDRY See me before you buy that s«?t. I sell the H a LLOWATT Receiving Sets, the kind that will please you If you are interested let me dem- strate this fine set to you. PRICES ARE RIGHT. Under entirely new management Rough-Dry, I4lbs $1.00 Dry-Cleaning and Dyeing Satisfaction guaranteed Patronage Solicited Phone 70-1 CLYDE SCHOCK Crawfords’ Garage, Estacada, Ore. Or Phone 69-7 hM" I. O .O . F. EsUttda Lodge ; No. 175. Meets every Saturday evening in their lodge room, corner of Bioad- way and Third streets. Visiting brothers are always welcome. J. H. Tracy, N. G. J. K. Ely, Secretary, CITATION Expert W atch and J e w e l r y In the County Court for the State of Repairing Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, Send your watch or jewelry to be repaird, to me by insured mail. It will be repaired prop­ erly at a reasonable cost, and re­ turned by mail within ten days. All work absolutely guaranteed Auction Sale or money refunded. Pack all ar­ H. Swerver will have an auc­ ticles in paper. tion sale on his farm in Dodge, GUY D. JONES, Jeweler, Gresham, Oregon. Wednesday, April 2, beginning 12-6tf at 10 o’clock a. m. Lunch will be served at noon. Mr. Swer­ Any girl in trouble may com­ municate with Ensign Lee of the ver will offer for sale all his Salvation Army, at the White farm equipment and household Shield Home. 565 Mayfair Ave., furniture. Portland, Oregon. 9 20-tf ^MDEAL -nw -Ms * W A FULL LINE ESTACADA FEED STORE Everybody welcome. IN PROBATE. In the m atter of the Estate of Ade­ laide Baumgardner, Deceased. To Willis O. Baumgardnei, widowerof said deceased, Silas H. Obert, son of said deceased, Merton Obert, son of said deceased, Roy Obert, son of said deceased, Earl Obert, son of said de­ ceased, and to all other unknown heirs, if any such there be: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackams, Department of Probate, at Oregon City, Oregon, on Monday, the 5th day of May, 1924, at 9:30 o’clock in the forenoon of said day, then and there to show cause, if any exists, why an order of sale should not be made directing the sale of a contract of pur­ chase for the hereinafter described real property, said contract to be sold at private sale as in the petition prayed for, said property being situated in Clackamas County, Oregon, and de- i scribed as follows, to wit: Lots one I (1). two (2) and three (3), Block seven | (7), Zobrist Addition to E s t a c a d a , j Clackamas County. Oregon. This cita­ tion is served upon you by publication thereof in the Eastern C l a c k a m a s New, pursuant to an order made and entered in the above entitled Court and cause by the Hon. H E. Cross, judge of said Court, on the 22nd day of March, 1924, directing the publication of said citation in said Eastern Clackamas News a newspaper published in Clacka­ mas County, Oregon, once a week- for four consecutive weeks, and fixing the time of hearing of said petition to sell real property and the hearing of any objections thereto on the 5th day of May, 1924. at the hour of 9:30 o’clock a. m. before the above entitled court at Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon WITNESS my hand ami the seal of this Court the 22nd day of March, 1924. FRED A. MILLER, Clerk, (SE A L ) By A. McKINNON, Deputy. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN SAID “ The way to wealth; if you desire it, is as plain as the way to market. It depends chiefly on two words, Industry and Fru­ gality, that is, waste neither time nor money, but make the best use of both. An account with your Home Bank, regularly and systematically increased, will help you to follow this good advice. ESTACADA STATE BANK FOUR PerCcnt Interest on Time and Savings Deposits Date of first publication March 27, 1924. Date of last publication April 24, 1924. Job printing at theNEws office BREADS J t your grocer 's THE FIRST STEP to a successful career, no matter what your ambition may be, is a Bank Ac­ count— the foundation of many a man’s success. Open an account with us and see how fast it will grow. T H E U N IV E R S A L C A R M ake Delivery C ertain! CARVER STATE BANK T i/ T T H the entire factory output of Ford Cara being absorbed as rapidly as the cars can be produced, it is certain that plant capacity will be greatly over-sold when spring buying reaches it highest p oin t “ 1 he Bank T h a t’» G row ing” \ % paid on savings, compound twice a year W e advise that you place your order at once, taking advantage of your dealer’s first oppor­ tunity to make delivery. THE ESTACADA MEAT CO- H. C. GO FIRING Prop. ( ☆ ☆ See the Nearest Authorized Ford Dealer Saturday», open to 8 p. m. u se Estacada : t Oregon D etroit, M ichigan II you do not wish to pay cash for your car, con­ venient installment terms can be arranged. Or you can enroll under the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan. Beef, Mutton, Veal and Hogs Bought O pen from 7 a. i. to 6 p. m. V 3 4/ ^