lEaaimt (Elarkamaa N turn Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County V olume 17, $1.50 P er Y ear E s t a c a d a , O r e g o n , T h u r s d a y , M a r c h 20. 1924. N umber 24 GARFIELD ITEMS SPRING WATER NEWS LOCAL ITEMS U PPER EAGLE CREEK Y F. G. Robley of Faraday was a The basket social and enter- j Portland visitor Friday. tainment given for the benefit of | J. R. Hughes, Painter ar.d pa- the Sunday school at the Doug­ T~\R. W. W. RHODES O STE O PA T H IC paper hanger.—Phone 12-51 lass Ridge school house last Fri­ The candidates who are filing PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 3-6- 5-9 day evening was well attended. their names for various political Office in Lichthorn BM r ., Estacada, Mrs. J. W. Carson, who was The program was very good and offices in this county, are said to quite ill with lagrippe, has about was highly appreciated by all. "T)R. G. F. M1DFOKD be more numerous than ever be­ recovered. Fred Hoffmeister auctioned off fore. So the political pot prom­ ‘‘" 'P H Y S IC IA N a n d S U R G E O N . Some good Wall Papers left at X R a v E q u ip m e n t — G l a s s e s f i t t e d the baskets and he did excel­ ises to boil merrily as election 25c per double roll, at Pointer’s. OFFICE and Rosidence Second and Main Strset# lently. The net proceeds from draws near. Estacada, Oregon—Telephone Connections ll-29tf. seventeen baskets and a few Miss Irene Saling came home M. J. Lee, Phil Hammond, M. CHAS. P. JOHNSON plates sold were $56.00. yesterday from the 0. A. C. for S. Shrock, Geo. Randall and Ed­ DENTIST the spring recess. Eagle Creek grange held its ward Shearer are out for repre­ EVENING WORK BY APPOINTMENT Mr. and Mrs. T. Ahlberg en­ regular session at the grange Phones: Office, 315; Residence 4712 tertained the “500” card club hall last Saturday, about thirty sentative to the state legislature. All are republicans. For sheriff, one evening last week. Estacada, Oregon. Mrs. George C. Currin of being present. An instructive W. J. Wilson, the present incum­ ALBERT t . e l o t t Gresham, visited her daughter and interesting meeting was bent, seeks renomination on the A T T O R N E Y A T LAW Mrs. W. A. Wilcox, yesterday. held. One candidate, Mrs. Ed. republican ticket; opposed to him RESIDENT LAWYER Mrs. N. L. Kirsham and Steinman, was initiated in the are Simon MacDonald, a world ESTACADA, - - OREGON daughter of Oregon City, spent first and second degrees. war veteran, W. B. May, former Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mr. Horner of Springwater chief of the police in Oregon W M . G. DUNLAP Duus. A T T O R N E Y A T LAW The Rev. B. F. Clay has been was a grange visitor last Satur­ City. The democratic candidates At Estacada, in the office of Woodle are W. I'. Strack of Sandy, and under the weather with a severe day. Realty Co., on Saturdays—Portland of­ fice 1524 Yeon Building. cold for some days, but is now Mr. and Mrs. Doc Hannah E. T. Mass, who was sheriff much improved. were guests of the latter’s par­ 1911-1914 and ran sheriff Wilson D. EBY, Mrs Wilda Lindsey and her ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Doug­ a close race at the last election, A T T O R N E Y A T LA W . mother, Mrs. Tucker, returned lass, on Sunday. County commissioners office is General Practice. Confidential Ad­ on Friday from a visit of a few John H. Holmes of Portland sought by E. D. Olds, Oak viser. Oregon City. Oregon. days at The Dalles. attended the basket social last Grove; Geo. T. Parry, Milwau- lWToGUlRK & SCHNEIDER Miss Pauline Rose is home Friday evening. kie; J. J. Hattan, Carver; Ward AVA A T T O R N E Y S A T LAW. frrm Corvallis on a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Rose drove to Port­ Mr. and Mrs. Virgil May and Lawton, Mt. Pleasant and Rich­ At Gresham office—Tuesdays, Thurs­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Millard land to meet her. BISSELL ITEMS days ana Saturdays, 203-5j Withrow daughter Evelyn, and John ard Wright, Canby, all republi­ building. Portland office, 721 Corbett and June Marchbank called on Mrs. Esther Githens of Cur- Moekr.ke were guests at the cans. building. Gus. Haugen of Livingston, Mr. and Mrs. Moger, on Suncay. rinsville, has returned from a home of Roy Douglass, Sunday. For county school superintend­ Montana, spent a few days here Mr. and Mrs. Earl Zurcher, visit with friends over on the ent, Mrs. Agnes Buckley, Os­ Miss Naomi Paddison, accom­ § E. WOOSTER on his ranch last week. Miss Ruth Zurcher and Chris Tiilamook coast. wego; Robert Ginther, Oregon panied by her mother, went to Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Mrs. W. H. Grabeel and chil­ Victor, the son of Mr. and Zurcher of Portland, Miss Adele City and Brenton Vedder, Glad­ Gresham, Sunday, and had her went to Portland last Fri­ Rentals, Mrs. C. A. Johnson has the Schenk of Gresham, were Sun­ dren day to visit relatives, returning tonsils removed. She is getting stone, are in the running. measles. Farm Loans a Specialty. day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Monday evening. 0. A. Pace and Ed. L. John­ along nicely. Telephone Estacada, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. C. Decker left Guttridge and family. Little Ellen Keith, the daugh­ Henry and John Hoffmeister son are out for the coronership. last Friday for Portland and the ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Keith, of Damascus, Mr. and Mrs. Er­ State Treasurer Passes has been very sick with the nest Hoffmeister and children, following day for McMinnville to Deserved Recognition visit Mr. Decker’s folks, remain­ 0. P. Hoff state treasurer, died measles, but is improving now. and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Haley Postmaster W. A. Heylman has ing until Monday. at the Emanuel hospital in Port­ L. M. Henthorn has handed in were dinner quests at the home received word that his son, Har­ resignation as city marshall. Leo Rath is having a radio set land, Tuesday morning after a his His successor has not yet been of Fred Hoffmeister on Sunday. ry Heylman of Spokane has been i n s t a l l e d in his home. Mr. prolonged illness. He was a na­ appointed. commissioned a lieutenant colo­ Who wants the job? Matthew is helping to do the tive of Norway and came to Am­ A Dainty Repast nel in the quartermaster’s di­ Soren Ostergaard has accepted work. erica when a boy. He would The St. Patrick’s luncheon at vision of the officers’ reserve Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson were have been sixty-one next May. a position with the New York Life, as a local representative. the Dillon home yesterday, was corps. the guests of Mr. Klinker’s fam­ Jefferson Myers of Portland, has The N e w s wishes him well in very well attended. The rooms Colonel Heylman was in the ily, Sunday. The farmers are very busy been appointed his successor by this enterprise. and tables were decorated appro­ motor transport section in France this fine weather trying to get Governor Pierce. Immediate ac­ Mrs. W. A. Heylman left for priately in honor of the saint. for two years during the war their seeding done. tion was necessary to protect the Portland Friday and later went Each guest was presented with a and had charge of 4000 men in state funds on which the surety to Spokane to be absent for a CURRINSVILLE ITEMS ceased on the death of Mr. Hoff. few days looking after business shamrock leaf for a boutonniere. the shops at Dijon. He was matters and visiting her son The menu consisted of scalloped commissioned a major while on Mesdames Lester Hale and J. Will Discontinue Bissell P. O. Harry and family. “ murphies,” salad with mayon­ active duty in 1919. H. Looney who have been ill are naise dressing, delicious hot rolls, He is now president of Harry Carl Douglass Post, American Postmaster Heylman has re­ improving. Legion, and its auxiliary, had a coffee, shamrock shaped cookies, Heylman. Inc., agents for the Straw dye Miss Ruth Hale is at home tak­ ceived word from Washington, very pleasant meeting last Mon­ and jelio of creme de menthe fla­ Packard automobile. Jet black (gloss) D. C., that the postoffke at Bis­ day night. They had as guests ing care of her mother. vor and tint, topped off with Dull black C. W. Fuller is improving and sell will be discontinued after the state adjutant, Harry Nel­ For Girls’ Home Cardinal will soon return home. March 31st. Beginning April 1, son, who gave a talk, and also a whipped cream. Mr. Lang, representing the offic­ Navy blue Both Messrs. J. H. Kitching all mail for that territory will go Band Serenades Newlyweds An entertainment and pie so­ Brown and Lindsey Hale are improving. out from the Estacada by carrier ial Legion paper. cial will be given by the Rebek- Ralph Ahnert, machinist for ahs, next Saturday, March 22nd, Violet R. H. Currin was home for a on Route 4. He suggests that The young people of Spring- water had charge of the Ep- the Cascade garage, was married for the benefit of the Odd Fel­ day or two last week. Yellow the patrons along thi3 route put worth League at the Methodist last Saturday at Oregon City, to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Tunnell of up boxes in readiness for the Burnt Straw church last Sunday evening, and Miss Lavena A. Marshall daugh­ lows Home for girls. Come and Tennessee are visiting here with Etc. Etc. Etc. have a good time with them. then the large chorus of singers carrier, before April 1st. their father J. 0. Tunnell. ter of John Marshall of George. Free coffee will be served. led the musical program for the Albert Kitching. wife and son Will Preach Sunday preaching service which fol­ They have rented the former Harold, visited their father Sun­ lowed, which was very interest­ Gohring residence owned by Ed The School Principalship Mrs. Clara G. Esson, state sec­ day evening. ing. Bates on Upper Main street, and retary of Bible sehools for the Last Saturday’s Oregonian A Mr. Wells working for Mr. Mrs. Delia Bailey and her gone to housekeeping. Tuesday published a story emanating V Swanson is laid up with a crushed Christian church, will occupy the cousin, Mrs. Johnston, drove foot. pulpit of the local church, next i over from Salem Tuesday to vis­ night the Estacada band went up from Oregon City, that Soren K. Ruth Kitching and Ruth Mc­ Sunday morning. Mr3. Esson is it friends at Faraday, and to and serenaded them, playing a Ostergaard had been elected Connell have the measles. an interesting speaker and those attend the Eastern Star meeting number of pieces, which were principal of the Estacada High who come to hear her will enjoy ¡that same evening. Mrs. Bailey greatly appreciated. This mode School for the ensuing year. Mrs. C. J. Pimm of Portland, For Fire Insurance formerly resided at Faraday and of congratulation is vastly super­ This is not strictly correct. The was here yesterday to attend the her address. is still a member of the Estacada ior to a charivari. school board had arrived at a Ladies’ Aid luncheon at the chapter Darktown Minstrel» Dillon home. Walter Lemon has installed a verbal agreement to elect him, Up-to-date the candidates for PLACE Y O U R IN­ Tomorrow night in the audi­ the Estacada postoffice which radio set at his home on Zobrist but it was qualified to remain SURANCE THROUGH torium of the high school the will be vacant June 4, are A. De- TH E P EO P LE S C. & C. STORE open for further investigation YOUR HOME AGENT WHO splendid aggregation of colored Moy and A. N. Johnson, who will street. and no contract had been signed. WI LL P R O T E C T Specials for Friday and Satur­ talent known as the Darktown take the civil service examina­ The Egg and Its Care YOUR INTEREST Mr. Ostergaard later withdrew day: Minstrels will appear for that tion at Oregon City on March 29. The egg is one of our best foods his application so that the posi­ 14 oz. can Preferred Stock Tuna Rumor has it, that Albert Han­ evening only. Their reputation nah who worked some months as if properly cared for. The price tion is still unfilled. Fish, the chicken of the sea, as amusement providers is un­ assistant in the postoffice, Ray­ is a3 the farmer and poultryman all white meat, at.... 37c a can mond Lovelace and one or two I make it. Old or held, dirty, Mrs. U. S. Morgan ha3 been Cary Real Estate Co. Solid Pack DelMonte Tomatoes surpassed for josh, jazz and pep. others whose names are unknown small and cracked eggs are the confined to the house this week If you are feeling blue and have a t............................13c per can that tired feeling go and he:tr may also try for the position. Kerr’s Rolled Oats, nine pound them and laugh your troubles The Student Body put on a main causes for most low prices. with a severe cold. sack at ............................. 49c away. You will find them a more play Monday night entitled “ His Eggs should be gathered at least OLICIES Royal Highness.” Those taking twice, and it is best to gather Notice to Skip-a-Week Club At all times: ROVI DING effective and much cheaper cure part were Martha Christiansen, | them four times daily. The nests Members of the Garfield Skip- . Cream of Wheat.............24c pkg for your ailments than the Gold­ ERFECT Evelyn Bacon, Julia McAuley, should never be allowed to get or a-Week Club take notice that an Mother’s Oats..................38c pkg ROTECTI ON Seeded Raisins ............10c pkg en Medical Discovery of Dr. , Clyde and Victor Bowman, How­ to remain dirty. Change the all-day meeting will be held at Pierce, or Lydia Pinkham’s Com­ ard Davis, George Rose, Ted Sa­ nest material often or whenever the home of Mrs. Richard Davis, Seedless Raisins in bulk, 5 lbs Are Written by pound. In regard to the general ling and Lyle Smith. We are Wednesday, March 26th. for........................................ 49c attenuated financial condition due informed that they did them­ it gets dirty. If eggs get soiled, clean them PACIFIC STATES FIRE M rs . J. B. R obertson , Sec’y. Royal Baking Powder-at 40c can j to over taxation, admission will selves credit, showing they had worked hard in rehearsals. with a dry or damp cloth if ne­ P. and G. White Naptha Soap INSURANCE COMPANY I be only 35 cents, grammar school The double number at the Gem cessary, and when gathering a t.....................................5c bar ! theatre last Saturday night for keep them separated so when j children 15 cents. Currinsville Store Prices SEE Two large loaves of Bread -- 25c the Firemen’s benefit drew a Special Notice JOS. P WOODLE JR Garden Seeds, standard package large crowd. The dancing by marketed they are not all mixed Raisins, in bulk............... 10c lb j little Estelle Hanson and Agnes up, white, soiled, brown and lit- Red Top 14oz canvas gloves, 25c a t........................................... 5c There will be an all day meet­ Your Home Agent Mill Run, per sack ............ $1.17 ing at the Viola M. E. -church, Boland, was very graceful and I tie ones, together. Don’t ever Red clover s e e d ............. 27c lb won much applause for these He.lb Kerr’s Best Patent Flour at 1.69 Sunday, March 23. Dr. D. H. | youthful stars. The boxing bout take a doubtful egg to market. Timothv se ed I Leech. District Superintendent, Oats and Vetch.. $3.50 per 1001b Remember the market is what See J. E. Gates and get that Eastern Kiln Dried Buckwheat | will be present Come and hear between Young Gunboat Smith Baker Girl Flour........... $1.60 sk j ou make it. and the Unknown Montana per sack...............................29c ¡him. Everybody ia welcome. suit cleaned and pressed. I. 0. j Princess Flour . ..........$1.69 ak 1 J. 0 . T unnell . 1 champion resulted in a tie. T. B. YOUNG, Pastor. 0. F. Building. 10-lltf. i One lot of Real Brooms a t. . 49c The Skip-a-week club will Mrs. Emery Ciosner 13 sick meet with Mrs. R. E. Davis on with the measles. March 26. Neal and Bettie Weir were H. B. Davis went to Portland home over Sunday. on business this week. Floyd Cook and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Corbin is on the sick Mann of The Dalles visited, Sat­ list this week. urday, with their daughter, Mrs. F. E. Erickson, and on Sunday The Skip-a-week club was held Mr. and Mrs. Mann, aceompa- at Mrs. T. Carpenter’s on March 12. A very pleasant time was pamed by Mr. and Mrs. F. E. enjoyed by all. A quilt was Erickson, drove to Mount Angel finished and dainty refreshments to visit their son, Orville Mann. | Mrs. W. A. Bard went to the were served. Rev. B. F. Clay will preach at Good Samaritan hospital at Port­ Nora Memorial church Sunday, land, Monday and.on Wednesday A birth day party was held at was operated upon for goiter. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Erickson the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. were in Portland on Thursday Davis on Saturday evening. A and Friday. very pleasant time was enjoyed Chairman Peter Erickson of by all. Games and a taffy pull the Springwater Community Fair was the order of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Colt of (September 12) called a meeting Vancouver, Wash., spent Satur­ of the various committees on day and Sunday with Mr. and Monday evening and it was de­ cided to give cash and ribbon Mrs. J. F. Reeher. Mrs. Floyd Davis and daugh­ prizes for Juvenile entries in cooking, baking, canning, sew­ ter are sick. ing and fancy work; also poultry Mrs. R. G. Palmateer is sick livestock and growing vege­ with the measles. tables. C olorite | The P Rexall Store FILE FOU OFFICES