EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, rHURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1924. R A TS are dangerous p ests. T h e y w a s t e , destroy and poison things th a t a r e ELWOOD ITEMS STA TE M ARKET AGENT DEPARTM ENT OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST TYPEWRITERS C. Bittner and son Will came BY C. E. SPENCE, MARKET ACT. home from Oregon City where GOOD Probably but few people in they have been doing some work NEW AND REBUILT TO for the Bittner Plug Co. of Oregon know that 45 million E ffo rts of p red ato ry anim al h u n t­ Old machines taken in trade as part payment. pounds of clover, grass, millet, ers of th e U nited S ta te s biological Sandy. EAT Typewriters repaired-C om plete Rental and Supply Department. Stanley Turel is at home from rape, rye and vetch seeds were survey in O regon resu lted in the death B ut when you feed them R A T -S N A P — and they crave for it as a c a t does c a t­ his work on the Clackamas river imported into this country from of 536 anim als in th e m onth of F eb ru ­ THE REBUILT TYPEWRITER COMPANY ary, according to a re p o rt of Stanley n ip —it is absolutely G U A R A N TEED above Cazadero. for an indefinite July 1, 2923 to January 31, 1924, G. Jew ett, p red ato ry anim al Inspector. 304 Oak Street, Fort land, Oregon to rid you o f all ra ts and mice. A. F. JAKSHA, Mgr. Phone, Broadway 0270 stay, having received a slight a period of seven months. What Jam es H enderson M cFarland, one ol Wm. C O O K & Sons injury. is this country thinking about to th e founders of th e city of C ottage make markets for these products say " w e are pleased to s ta te we con­ I am particularly interested in the make of machine checked below: Emile Bittner was over from from other countries, when Grove, died th ere a t th e age of 79. He sider R A T -SN a P is, w ith o u t doubi, the w as a p ioneer of 1853, com ing from b e st R at and Mice e x te rm in a to r we Sandy. Saturday night. Woodstock---- Underwood___ Remingtom every pound of these forage M issouri, and took up a donation land have ever used. I t does A LL you claim —and more, to o .” T hree S izes—35c, Mrs. M. A. Henderson is suf­ plant seeds should be produced claim w here C ottage G rove now L, C. Smith---- Royal___ Oliver 65c, #1.25. RAT-SN AP will Kill fering from an attack of tonsil­ in this country? One of the sev­ stands. N am e_____________ ____________ ________ Mrs. M ary S tarm er, O regon pioneer, litis. THEM eral causes for the condition of died a t SUverton. She w as an aunt and leave no smell. Sold and g u a ra n ­ Walter Cep and friend, Sarah agriculture is in today is that of H om er D avenport and cousin ol Address teed by ESTACADA PH ARM A CY . Roe, were the Sunday guests of we let foreign countries grab too T. T. Geer. She w as born in 1851 In m m ----- ^ m . ^ 1 -------:----------------- ----- Mr. Cop’s sister, Mrs. Otis many of our markets—that we W aldo hills and lived all h er Ufa on Vallen. buy abroad what we can produce p a rt of th e old R. C. G eer donation The Sau F ran cisco cham ber of com Ed. Hodgkiss spent a few days here. Agricultural p r o d u c t s land claim . LOCAL B R E V I T I E S M ajor L u th e r F elker, U nited States m erce h as petitioned to in terv en e in last week over at the Bittner should have the same protection arm y, retire d and now a t H ill M ilitary support of a m ovem ent Initiated by th< that manufactured products en academ y, P ortland, has been cited bj public service com m ission of O regor AND NEWS I T E M S mill at Sandy. joy. th e w ar d e p artm en t for g allan try in to obtain con stru ctio n of a railroac Ernest Vallen of P o r t l a n d See me before you buy that. se t. I action ag ain st Spanish forces during line intended to lessen the distance The report of Basil Manley, came out for a call on relatives, sell the H a LLOW ATT Receiving betw een e a ste rn O regon points and Sar director of the People’s Legisla­ th e a tta c k on San Ju a n hill, Cuba, Mrs. A. E. Sparks visited in Snnday, returning Monday. Sets, th e kind th a t will please you Francisco by 400. m iles. T he petition July 1, 1898. Portland, Sunday. If you are in terested let me dem- was forw arded to th e In te rsta te com Deb Bonney of Colton bought tive Service of Washington, D. L ittle E va Ricks, 2 y ears old, was s tra te this fine se t to you. Mr. and Mrs. Vernie Duus a milk cow from E. G. Hodgkiss. C., says: “The present high burned to d eath in a barn fire on the m erce com m ission. T h e action will PR IC ES A RE RIG HT. price of bread is not only levying be heard a t P o rtla n d M arch 26. The spent Sunday in Salem. L. N. C onley ranch, four m iles from heavy tribute upon every man Cove, and L ew is M artin R icks, aged 4, railroad line Is requested from C rane CLYDE SCHOCK C am pfire N otes Paint your auto NOW. Autoen­ w estw ard to a Connection a t OdeL woman and child who eats the h er b ro th er, w as seriously burned Crawfords’ Garage, Estacada, Ore. amels at Pointer’s, Estacada. tf w ith the N atron cut-off of the South The Ta Ta Pochon Camp Fire baker’s ^product, but this inde­ about about th e arm s and neck. The ern Pacific, Or Phone 69-7 J. C. Duus is building a house Girls cf Eagle Creek had a very fensible high price is in large barn w as destroyed. interesting meeting last Sunday on his lot near the high school, measure responsible for the de­ The question of w h eth er g rad es ol Any girl in trouble may com­ Dr. W. W. Rhodes spent the at the home of Mrs. Cogswell. plorable condition of American w heat as fixed by th e fed eral au­ municate with Ensign Lee of the th o rities apply equitably to w heat con­ Salvation Army, at the White weeK end visiting P. S. Hurd at The executive, Miss Ethel Moore, farmers.” He declares that ditions in O regon will be considered Shield Home, 565 Mayfair Ave., I J A C K N O R T O N ’ S $ and the assistant executive, Mrs. English bread, made from Amer­ Camp 8. a t a h earin g held in P o rtlan d M arch Portland, Oregon. 9-20-tf BARBER SHOP i ------------------ ---------- X Some good Wall Papers left at Barry, came out from Portland ican wheat, retails for 3.9 cents 17. A sim ilar h earin g will be held at Broadway, opposite "F av o rite'’ Theatre to talk to the girls and their J Expert W atch and J e w e l r y P endleton M arch 18. 25c per double roll, at Pointer’s. a pound, in American currency, V Agent for Crystal Laundry mothers. Miss Moore gave a Ï R epairing The B aker county ch am b er of com ­ ll-29tf. and he says: “If any govern­ Tub and Shower Send your watch or jewelry Mrs. H. W. Morgan of Sell- very interesting talk explaining ment should levy taxes as op­ m erce, a fte r h earin g a re p o rt of a i special com m ittee a t Its w eekly m eet­ be repaird, to me by insured BATHS f wood visited Mrs. Upton H. Gibbs Camp Fire. She brought her pressive on the bread of the ing, w ent on record as favoring a to mail. It will be repaired prop­ ceremonial dress with her and on Saturday. American p e o p l e , revolution $1000 "prohibitive licen se” to be set erly at a reasonable cost, and re­ told its story. She gave some by city com m issioners a g a in st private turned by mail within ten days. See Mrs. J. E. Gates for piano much needed help on the matron would be inevitable.” All work absolutely guaranteed The Christian Science Monitor to u rist cam p grounds. instruction. Prices reasonable. songs and other things about of February 2 has a lengthy arti­ W ith th e a rr e s t a t P o rtla n d of C. B. or money refunded. Pack all ar­ I. 0. 0. F. building. tf Camp Fire. The meeting broke T esterm an and Mrs. H a rrie tt H ol­ ticles in paper. Mrs. W. W. Rhodes visited her up about six thirty as Mrs. Barry cle written by a staff writer brook, a lias Mrs. T esterm an , federal GUY D. JONES, Jeweler, sister, Miss Sadie Richards in and Miss Moore had to take the from Los Aageles, Cal., stating a u th o rities announced th e ap p reh en ­ 12-6tf Gresham, Oregon. PIPE and FITTINGS that an initiative movement is sion of th e en tire gang of alleged Oregon City Sunday. car back to Portland. Get our prices before you buy N OTICE bandits w ho robbed box cars of goods Ernest Rynning is taking an Those who were present were being consdered by that state to totaling Dryer Pipes Made to Order $15,000 during th e p a st sev­ In th e County C ourt of the S ta te of enforced lay off, as he is down Mrs. Cogswell, Mrs. Cahill, Mrs. help producers to better mar­ eral m onths. O regon fo r the C ounty o f C lackam as For Sheet Iron work, kets and elimination of the mid­ in probate. with the measles. B. F. Cogswell, Mrs. Munger, repairs, soldering and dle handlers by establishing a J. L. Clough, 79, one of th e best In the m a tte r of the E sta te of ) plumbing, call at the known c h a ra c te rs of D ouglas county, E lizabeth Araann, Deceased Karl E. Einarson was called to Mrs. Tullinger and Mrs. Warren. )’ chain of state markets in differ­ Portland Tuesday on account of All but three of the fourteen ent sections. The idea is that died at his hom e in C anyonville. Mr. | NOTICE is hereby given th a t W. J. A M E MAI S N STR S EET. HOP Clough w as one of th e Btage d riv ers 1 A m ann, ad m in istrato r of the e s ta te of | girls were present. Those who the death of a brother. E lizabeth Amann, D eceased, has filed the state market department shall who braved d an g er and h ard sh ip s on w ith the C ounty Clerk of C lackam as Mrs. Viola Douglass went to came were Ruth Glover, Doro­ act in place of the present mid­ th e O regon-C alifornia tra il in th e days | County, Oregon, his final account as before th e railroad. H e w ent through such adm inistrator, and th a t the Coun­ Damascus, Sunday to visit her thy Phillips, Corrinie Trullin- dle interests. W. E. Brown, ger, Opal Clester, Nala Clester, m any th rillin g experiences in th e \ ty C ourt of C lackam as County, O regon, sister, Mrs. Cook: former senator is handling the rough life of th a t day. has s e t the 17th day o f March, 1924, a t JOSEPH E. GATES-Y0UR HOME Zola Clester, Lenora Kingston, the hour of 10:00 o’clock a. m ., In the Just received a good line of movement. He declares that T he special city election a t Sil- County CourtRoom fo r Clackam as Coun­ Lula Kingston, Charlotte Mun­ Marswell Paints in the popular FUNERAL DIRECTOR state markets over the state verton F e b ru ary 25 h as been d ecla r­ ty O regon, as the tim e and place for AND E M B A L M E K shades, at Pointer’s, Estacada. tf ger, Clela Phillips and Geraldine would set a standard of quality ed illegal and th e m easu res carried hearing any and all objections to said final account. |A place where your loved ones will be cared fo Warren. have been se t aside. R ecordor Serv-1 with tender care.- Lady assistant. and service; would be distribu­ Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McWillis, W. J . A M ANN. A dm inistrator. NIGHT AND DAY TELEPH O N E ting centers where producers Ice w as said to have overlooked t h e ! A LB ERT T. ELO TT. E stacada, Ore. Miss Etta and Willie McWillis P riscillas M eet n ecessity of sending out pam phlets A ttorney fo r A dm inistrator. FLOW ERS AND TOMBSTONES could consign their products; were Portland visitors Tuesday. containing th e m easu res to be voted D ate of first publication F eb ru ary 14, Thursday, March sixth, a most Estacada. Oregon. 1924. would sell the products at the upon to all of th e v o ters before t h e : Rex Ludlow and John Blauth enjoyable day was spent at the D ate o f last publication M arch 13, 1924 best possible prices and return election, as req u ired by s ta te law. Jr. were passengers on the home of Mrs. Elva Hitching of morning train to Portland, Sun­ Currinsyille. At one o’clock an the grower all the proceeds, less the actual selling expense; would day. excellent tamale dinner was stabilize markets and be of Mrs. J. S. Putnam of Portland, served by the hostess, to which great benefit to both producer came Friday to visit her daugh­ all present did ample justice. consumer. Mr. Brown believes ter Mrs. H. W. Mort, for a few After dinner the club was call­ that if state markets are once days. ed to order and a very interest­ established by any state, that the Mrs. R. H. O’Neel of Buxton, ing business session was held movement will extend all over visited here Sunday with her with the new president, Mrs. the nation and finally result in a parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Har- Lydia McConnell in the chair. national marketing department kenrider. The remainder of the day was that will eliminate glutting and J. W. Dillinger, Harry Hitch­ spent in the usual way. The over-production. ing, W. A. Heylman, Ed. Bates, April meeting was undecided, The Dairy and Food commis­ and W. F. Cary were in Port­ so the members of the club will sioner’s office has put into effect land, Friday. be notified. new rules and regulations re­ Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duus en­ garding eggs, effective March 1. F A R M R E M IN D E R S joyed a visit last week from an All eggs sold or offered for old, friend Jerome Scholtz of Gypsum or landplaster applica­ sale must be graded and can- Crawfordsville, Indiana. tions for leguminous crops such died. The producer who sells H. C' Gohring has moved into as clover, alfalfa, peas and vetch directly to the retailer must can­ 12, only, 14-in D e e p Dish Pan* 12, only, 7-qt T e a K ettles his new residence corner of Main are being practiced at the Ore­ dle and grade his eggs before 12, only, 6-in D e e p B ake D ishes 12, only, 2-q t C o ffe e Pots and Third streets, which he pur­ gon agricultural experiment sta­ sold. Eggs sold to retailers 12, on ly, W ash Basins 12, only, 12-q t P reserve K ettle* chased of T. H. Morton. tion. This fertilizer is giving must be graded and before the 12, only, C ham bers retailer can sell them to the con­ 12, only, 6-q t D e e p Lip S au ce Pan* Dinty Moore has added a cash­ very marked results. ier’s booth to the Gem theatre, “ Gypsum serves a double pur­ sumer he must candle them. 1 2 , only, 10'4-in B utter Bow ls 12, only, 5-qt C on vex S a u ce Pan* with Mrs. Lena Underwood as pose for these crops,” says C. V. The purpose is to establish 12, only, 10-qt Oval, Deep Dish Pands 12, only, 6-qt C o n v ex K ettles cashier. He has also fixed up Ruzek, professor of soil fertility. standards and to guarantee to the balcony at the rear of the “ It not only supplies the plant the consumer that he shall get theatre. food elements, calcium and sul what and all he pays for, and The Rev. R. E. Close of Potr- phur for the crop and soil organ­ Commissioner Mickle believes land, who is assistant superinten­ isms, but acts as a soil stimu­ that it will result in better prices to the producers who take pains dent of the Anti-Saloon league of lant as well.” This fertilizer is applied at this to grade and put first class goods Oregon, was in town Tuesday, time of the year so that the on the market; will be of benefit and called at this office. He is spring rains will dissolve and car­ to the consumer and will put arranging for a lecture to be giv­ ry it down into the soil. It is Oregon eggs in the best markets en on the 28th under the auspices not being used as a corrector of of the country. Full explana­ of the churches and Community tions of the new rules and regu­ Club. Mr. Close was pastor of soil acidity. An application of from 40 to 80 lations are sent to all the news­ the Baptist church at La Grande, JOIN THE C R OU D A T when the editor of this paper pounds of landplaster is used. It papers in the state by the com­ is sown broadcast and is either mission. lived there. sown by hand or with a land- 5 0 0 Party Hall's Catarrh Medicine piaster spreader the spring that T h o se w h o a r s In a " ru n d ow n” condi­ the crop is to be harvested. The The United Artisans will give tion w ill n o tice t h a t C a ta rr h b o th e rs I fertilizer spreader is found to a 500 card party Wednesday eve­ th e m m u ch m o re th a n w hen th e y a r e In ro o d h e a lth T h is fa c t prove» th a t w hile ning. March 19, in the I. 0. 0. give a more even distribution of C a ta rr h la a local disease, it Is greaU y Influenced b y c o n s titu tio n a l conditions. Where your Dollar has more Cents F. hall at 8:15 o’clock. You and the fertilizer than sowing it by H A L L S C A T A R R H M E D IC IN E con­ your friend are invited. Admis­ sis ts of a n O in tm e n t w hich Q uickly by hand. V : R e liev e s by local ap p licatio n , a n d the H. sion 25 cents. _____ I n te rn a l M edicine, a Tonic, w hich a s s is ts In im p ro v in g th e G en eral H ealth . For Watch Work see A. N. Sold by d r u s c is ts fo r over *> Tears. Johnson. 6-10-tf’ Job printing at the N ews office V. J, Cheney * Co., Tslsdo, Ohio. R A D IO PLUMBING Bonnie Blue Deal Enamel Ware First Quality-Beautiful Light Blue With White Specks—Watch Our Window. Deal Contains: Regular Values up to $1.75 SALE 79 Cents Men' Women’s, Misses' and Chil­ drens new Pumps and Shoes THE PEOPLE’S STORE B. SNYDER, - - C.A. DYKEMAN.